Hi, I'm looking to resize and place 2 indesign CS3 pages (front and back of post cards-can be sized at 5.625" x 3.625" or 6.125" x 4.375") onto a 3rd 8.5" x 11" indesign page that contains the front and the back of the cards with additional copy. It is the way we currently submit proofs to our clients for approval as a single page that they in turn fax back to us. Thanks for any help on this.

Hi I tried something. Let me know if it helped.
//Get Postcard doc attributes
var doc= app.documents[0].getElements()[0];
var docFile = File(doc.fullName);
var docName =".indd")[0];
var docFolder = Folder(docFile.parent);
//Add a temporary document & set dimensions
var tempdoc = app.documents.add();
//Create the imported document first's recipient & place the page 1 of the postcard document
var r1 = tempdoc.rectangles.add({geometricBounds:[0.75,1.1875,5.125,7.3125]});
app.importedPageAttributes.pageNumber = 1;,false);
//Create the imported document second's recipient & place the page 2 of the postcard document
var r2 = tempdoc.rectangles.add({geometricBounds:[5.2525,1.1875,9.6345,7.3125]});
app.importedPageAttributes.pageNumber = 2;,false);
//Create a text frame for other infos
var r3 = tempdoc.textFrames.add({contents:"Please Fax us back your approval as soon as possible at 555-8000-210",geometricBounds:[9.8325,1.1875,10.5,7.3125]});
//Export to PDF and display the created file
var myPDFfile = docFolder+"/"+docName+".pdf";
app.pdfExportPreferences.viewPDF = true;
//Close the temporary document without saving it.
tempdoc.close (SaveOptions.NO, undefined, undefined, false);
//In case of a error...
alert("You don't have any Indesign documents open !");
//Quite obvious function
function exportPDF(myPdfFile,myPdfPreset,doc)
doc.exportFile (ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, myPdfFile, false, myPdfPreset, undefined, undefined, false);
//Fit placed documents into the recipients
function fitMe(monObjet);;;

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    This script is actually pretty straightforward, so it's a good first
    challenge I think.
    I would script this in InDesign -- probably because I'm more familiar
    with InDesign scripting.
    To start learning the InDesign scripting basics, open the ExtendScript
    Toolkit (ESTK) which is almost certainly installed on your computer
    already. Go to the Help menu, and you'll find an entry there called
    Adobe Intro to Scripting. Read that. I think that's the best place to start.
    For the script in question, you would want to:
    1. make sure both InDesign documents are open. They would both have the
    same number of pages. (No scripting involved here, just make sure
    they're open before running the script.)
    2. loop backwards through the collection of document pages of one of the
    documents. (document.pages is the collection you're looking for)
    3. use the move() method of a document page to move it. (myPage.move())
    4. Learn about the LocationOptions enumerator so that when you move the
    page you can tell InDesign if you want to move it before, or after
    another page. (LocationOptions.AFTER or LocationOptions.BEFORE)
    5. Get a reference to the page in the second document before (or after)
    which you want to move the page in the first document.
    5. that's basically it
    I suggest that as you work your way through this (if you decide to take
    up the challenge), you post any questions you may have on the InDesign
    Scripting forum here.

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    PDF is the better bet (although you might as well save a copy of your document). Snippets have all kinds of problems for this because of master items and the fact that from a script you can only export individual items as snippets (although you can group them and export that).

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    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
    import com.latchiya.Constants;
    import com.latchiya.model.Staffinfo;
    import com.latchiya.service.Manager;
    import com.latchiya.webapp.form.StaffinfoForm;
    * Action class to handle CRUD on a Staffinfo object
    * @struts.action name="staffinfoForm" path="/staffinfos" scope="request"
    * validate="false" parameter="method" input="mainMenu"
    * @struts.action name="staffinfoForm" path="/editStaffinfo" scope="request"
    * validate="false" parameter="method" input="list"
    * @struts.action name="staffinfoForm" path="/saveStaffinfo" scope="request"
    * validate="true" parameter="method" input="edit"
    * @struts.action-forward name="edit" path="/WEB-INF/pages/staffinfoForm.jsp"
    * @struts.action-forward name="list" path="/WEB-INF/pages/staffinfoList.jsp"
    * @struts.action-forward name="search" path="/staffinfos.html" redirect="true"
    public final class StaffinfoAction extends BaseAction {
    public ActionForward cancel(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    return mapping.findForward("search");
    public ActionForward delete(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("Entering 'delete' method");
    ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
    StaffinfoForm staffinfoForm = (StaffinfoForm) form;
    // Exceptions are caught by ActionExceptionHandler
    Manager mgr = (Manager) getBean("manager");
    Staffinfo staffinfo = (Staffinfo) convert(staffinfoForm);
    mgr.removeObject(Staffinfo.class, staffinfo.getStaffId());
    new ActionMessage("staffinfo.deleted"));
    // save messages in session, so they'll survive the redirect
    saveMessages(request.getSession(), messages);
    return mapping.findForward("search");
    public ActionForward edit(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("Entering 'edit' method");
    StaffinfoForm staffinfoForm = (StaffinfoForm) form;
    // if an id is passed in, look up the user - otherwise
    // don't do anything - user is doing an add
    if (staffinfoForm.getStaffId() != null) {
    Manager mgr = (Manager) getBean("manager");
    Staffinfo staffinfo = (Staffinfo) convert(staffinfoForm);
    staffinfo = (Staffinfo) mgr.getObject(Staffinfo.class, staffinfo.getStaffId());
    staffinfoForm = (StaffinfoForm) convert(staffinfo);
    updateFormBean(mapping, request, staffinfoForm);
    return mapping.findForward("edit");
    public ActionForward save(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("Entering 'save' method");
    // Extract attributes and parameters we will need
    ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
    StaffinfoForm staffinfoForm = (StaffinfoForm) form;
    boolean isNew = ("".equals(staffinfoForm.getStaffId()) || staffinfoForm.getStaffId() == null);
    Manager mgr = (Manager) getBean("manager");
    Staffinfo staffinfo = (Staffinfo) convert(staffinfoForm);
    // add success messages
    if (isNew) {
    new ActionMessage("staffinfo.added"));
    // save messages in session to survive a redirect
    saveMessages(request.getSession(), messages);
    return mapping.findForward("search");
    } else {
    new ActionMessage("staffinfo.updated"));
    saveMessages(request, messages);
    return mapping.findForward("edit");
    public ActionForward search(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("Entering 'search' method");
    Manager mgr = (Manager) getBean("manager");
    request.setAttribute(Constants.STAFFINFO_LIST, mgr.getObjects(Staffinfo.class));
    return mapping.findForward("list");
    public ActionForward unspecified(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    return search(mapping, form, request, response);
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;
    import com.latchiya.Constants;
    import com.latchiya.webapp.form.UploadForm;
    * This class handles the uploading of a resume (or any file) and writing it to
    * the filesystem. Eventually, it will also add support for persisting the
    * files information into the database.
    * <p>
    * <i>View Source</i>
    * </p>
    * @author Matt Raible
    * @struts.action name="uploadForm" path="/uploadFile" scope="request"
    * validate="true" input="failure"
    * @struts.action-forward name="failure" path="/WEB-INF/pages/uploadForm.jsp"
    * @struts.action-forward name="success" path="/WEB-INF/pages/uploadDisplay.jsp"
    public class UploadAction extends Action {
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    // Did the user click the cancel button?
    if (isCancelled(request)) {   
    return (mapping.findForward("mainMenu"));
    //this line is here for when the input page is upload-utf8.jsp,
    //it sets the correct character encoding for the response
    String encoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();
    if ((encoding != null) && (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("utf-8"))) {
    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
    UploadForm theForm = (UploadForm) form;
    //retrieve the name
    String name = theForm.getName();
    //retrieve the file representation
    FormFile file = theForm.getFile();
    //retrieve the file name
    String fileName = file.getFileName();
    //retrieve the content type
    String contentType = file.getContentType();
    //retrieve the file size
    String size = (file.getFileSize() + " bytes");
    String data = null;
    String location = null;
    // the directory to upload to
    String uploadDir =
    servlet.getServletContext().getRealPath("/resources") + "/"
    + request.getRemoteUser() + "/";
    //write the file to the file specified
    File dirPath = new File(uploadDir);
    if (!dirPath.exists()) {
    //retrieve the file data
    InputStream stream = file.getInputStream();
    //write the file to the file specified
    OutputStream bos = new FileOutputStream(uploadDir + fileName);
    int bytesRead = 0;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
    while ((bytesRead =, 0, 8192)) != -1) {
    bos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
    location = dirPath.getAbsolutePath()
    + Constants.FILE_SEP + file.getFileName();
    //close the stream
    // place the data into the request for retrieval on next page
    request.setAttribute("friendlyName", name);
    request.setAttribute("fileName", fileName);
    request.setAttribute("contentType", contentType);
    request.setAttribute("size", size);
    request.setAttribute("data", data);
    request.setAttribute("location", location);
    //destroy the temporary file created
    //return a forward to display.jsp
    return mapping.findForward("success");
    i want to get second jsp file ie upload file to student file
    if anybody know please tell i am new to java side

    ur not able to give solution
    insted giving comment mind ur words being in software fied
    commentting like bad words not good i warn u mind ur words

  • Best way to get InDesign pages into AE?

    I am doing an ad for a book, and I need to animate specific contents from the book, which I have as an InDesign file.  It is about 300 pages long, and I need to use maybe 20 or 30 of those pages in the spot.  I have been using a PDF version of the book, opening individual pages in PS or AI and then breaking the elements out into different layers, but it is pretty labor intensive and the images are highly compressed.
    I'd like to get each of the discreet elements from a specific page into a layered PSD or AI file that I can import as a comp to AE so I can start animating right away.  Any ideas for a less painful way to accomplish this?

    Thanks for the help guys!
    This seems to be working ok, but I have run into 1 small snag:  the page size is specified in picas and points in ID, and as a result it ends up being too small (531x657 in this case) when I finally bring it into AE, which is fine for the vectors, but causes the raster images to be downsampled a lot from their original resolution.  Also, I have to convert each image to RGB.
    For anyone else who might be helped by this thread, my workaround for the resolution issue has been to make a custom PDF preset from ID that is high-res, converts color to RGB, and includes crop marks.  Then after opening the .pdf in AI, resize the artboard 400% (so its over 2k horizontal), then select all and resize 400%.  Things can get nudged off center a bit at this point, but it's not too hard to line it up on the artboard using the crop marks before breaking it all out into layers.  When I bring it into AE as a composition, I'm using "Document Size," and the images are coming in at a high enough resolution to be useful.
    In a pinch I could bring in the original .tif images linked to the ID document, but that means re-doing a lot of the layout in AE manually, which is really too painful to do more than a handfull of times.
    If anyone has a better way of preserving the resolution of the images all the way from ID through to AE, I'd love to hear it, but for now this seems like the best solution I can come up with.

  • Trouble getting InDesign pages into iPhoto

    For years I have been designing iPhoto book pages in Adobe InDesign CS3 and using the "Save PDF to iPhoto" option in the printer dialog box to export them to iPhoto. I might add that as an interim step, once I select that option, the page goes through an automator work flow that first changes the PDF to a JPEG image and then exports it to iPhoto. In changing the PDF to a JPEG, I maximize the resolution to 300dpi in the Automator settings and I get really good results. However, that was when I used OS10.4. I now have OS10.6 and because of some security enhancements, the "Save PDF to iPhoto" option is no longer supported with InDesign. Adobe recommends a workaround as follows: Export the InDesign page to the desktop as a PDF and open that up using Preview. Then, you can access the "Save PDF to iPhoto" option in Preview's print dialog box. This works fine with one big exception. The PDF bypasses the Automator workflow and goes directly to iPhoto minus the important resolution enhancements that Automator previously provided. I have no idea why it would do this. Any suggestions as to how I can assure the PDF accesses the Automator workflow before en Thanks.

    Make an Automator workflow to do the transition to Jpeg yourself?

  • Adding multiple indesign pages into one manual

    HELP, I am trying to make one big manual out of 60 different indesign files. How do I do this? I have been trying to find help on it without success. Can someone help me?
    THANK you!

    There are time one might need to actually combine documents, rather than use the book feature. To do this:
    Open up the first and second documents (or as many as your computer will handle)
    Make the second doc the active one.
    Go to the Move menu on the Pages panel.
    Choose all pages and select the first doc from the pop-up destination menu.
    Click OK/Move.
    Close second doc.
    Save the first.
    Repeat as needed in document order.

  • Combining multiple pdf pages into a single document

    I realize this is probably an inappropriate request -- probably? almost certainly -- for this forum, but perhaps someone can refer me to another source for a solution.
    I would like to combine several pages individually scanned to pdf format into a single pdf document. How do I do that? (I have only Adobe Reader. I do not have any applications for creating and editing pdf pages.)
    Hope you'll forgive the inappropriate request, and thanks to anyone who can refer me to a more appropriate source.
    Eric Weir

    I would like to combine several pages individually scanned to pdf format into a single pdf document. How do I do that?
    You already have the application installed -- Preview. Whether the source files are single page or multipage documents, whether they are all on size/orientation or come in multiple dimensions/orientations, simply ...
    1) Open each in a separate Preview window,
    2) Open the "sidebar" for each window,
    3) Drag one or more icon pages from any of the source Preview sidebar windows to your target Preview sidebar window,
    4) Arrange the order of the pages in the target sidebar window as desired, and
    5) Save resulting document under a new name using the "Save As..." File menu option.
    ADDED: Oops! Too slow. Someone else beat me to it...

  • How can you combine multiple PDF pages into one searchable PDF page?

    I have scanned multiple business cards and now have a PDF  file with over 500 pages (or cards). I would like to be able and create a  page with 8 cards to a page and is still searchable for text. Right now, the text is searchable. Basically have 63 pages and not 500.
    If I wanted to find Joe Smith's card, I could search for  "Joe Smith" and it would search all of the text and bring me to the  page(s). Right now, it will bring me to that page. Is there a way to create  a page where I can have multiple cards and the text is still searchable?
    I tried to create a page in Photoshop, made 8 different layers with 8  different cards, but when saved, not only was the file way too large, but no text, or font, was detected  and there was nothing to  search for.
    Is there an option to create a page in Acrobat Professional and put 8 cards to a page?
    I have InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat Professional Pro.

    That sounds great, but I'm lost.
    I followed these steps:
    1) Open your PDF (in Adobe Acrobat Pro)
    2) Chose print
    The print/printer options pop-up will show.
    3) In the printer section, do not use your normal printer, a printer named Adobe PDF should be an option. Chose it.
    4) Under the "Page handling" section, change the Page Scaling drop-down menu to "Multiple pages per sheet".
    It works fine, but it looses all of the font information and the search no longer works. How can you do it and save the font info, so the search tool continues to operate.
    Am I missing anything?

  • Reformatting problems combining multiple indesign docs

    My daughter's school newspaper has 24 pages.   Each page is laid out using InDesign and is a separate document.   When all the pages are done, they combine all 24 pages into one big InDesign doc.    But when they do this, some pages will randomly reformat the text, adding spaces, changing line breaks, etc.   They then have to go through the whole thing and re-do all the changes that occurred when the pages were combined.   Does anyone know what settings should be in place so that this random reformating problem does not happen?
    Thanks for your help and feedback!

    There's nothing random about it. When you move a page from one ID doc to
    another if you have identically named styles the definition in the ID doc
    that is being added to takes over.
    Use the book feature to avoid this.

  • Combining single Indesign files to make one file

    Rather than using the "book" feature in Indesign CS2, I combine single Indesign files into one large (editable) Indesign file this way:
    1. Create a NEW Indesign file and SAVE as a new name
    2. Open my first existing Indesign file
    3. Minimize both files and resize so they are side by side
    4. Bring up the PAGES pallette on the first file you want to place
    5. In the PAGES pallette, highlight (click on) page 1, hold down shift and click on the last page. This should select all pages.
    6. Click and hold, drag these pages to the NEW file.
    7. Open each file you wish to include, and repeat the process in the order you would like, until all files are added.
    8. I keep the individual files rather than deleting (in this case it is a yearbook which individual students will be working on the following year). The only problem with this is to make sure if last-minute revisions are made to the final (all-inclusive) Indesign file, the same changes need to be made to the individual files.
    The main reason I do it this way instead of creating a PDF using the book feature, is for purposes of automatic page numbering within the Indesign file, as well as having the final project in one editable Indesign file.

    So, you're combining all the files at the end just for the sake of page numbering (page numbering that you can do in the book files anyway), and you keep the separate files for future revision? Seems incredibly inefficient to me and offers no advantages.

  • How do i combine single pages into documents with Adobe?

    How do i combine single pages into documents with Adobe?

    Hi zebideeplus,
    Using Reader, you need to purchase subscription for Adobe PDF Pack  to combine PDF files into single document.
    Refer: Help | Adobe PDF Pack FAQ
    But, if you need to combine single pages, then it can be done with Adobe Acrobat only.
    Let me know if you have further queries.

  • How can I combine separate pdf documents into one document with several pages

    I have been using Preview to separate pdf pages into separate pdf documents. How might I do the reverse. Preview appears to have combined the documents in the thumbnail, but will not allow saving this. It just saves the highlighted page.

    Open all the documents. Choose View > Contact Sheet. All the pages will be shown as thumbnails, separated by document. Select the pages you want in the final document and drag them into the desired order, in one document space.

  • Hello Apple community... I am trying to combine multiple pdf's into one, using preview, but when I drag the additional pages they show up as separate documents.

    I am trying to combine multiple pdf's into one, using preview, but when I drag the additional pages they show up as separate documents.  When I drag the doc in a line would show up in the past, and if I went above th eline all was good.  It doesn't have a line, and no matter what I try I am having no success.
    Please help!

    According to an Apple Support article, unless there are unforeseen issues
    in file ownership or permissions, the combining of .PDFs should be simple.
    •OS X: Combining PDF documents using Preview - Apple Support
    There are a few variable and similar methods, some change with version
    of OS X in use; some vintage OS X may vary a little in the process...
    A variety of similar topics appear in search results, with terms:
    " mac os x combine pdf into one " such as this page shows...
    If the system is older than Mavericks there may be other methods to try.
    Suggestions are among linked results in the search. I see a few fair ones.
    •Here's another that offers generally similar suggestions...*  this info looks OK, extra links, do not: document-in-mac-os-x/
    { note: avoid clicking on links to products in * this ^ page, since they likely will not help & may be adware prone }
    If you have a problem after trying other methods, based on an OS X
    your computer is running, post back with more exact information...
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • How can I import text produced in Pages into Adobe inDesign?

    How can I import text produced in Pages into Adobe inDesign?

    Menu > File > Export > Word .doc/x
    I doubt it will do graphics and layout, but maybe, depending on your version of Indesign you may hit lucky (but probably not).

Maybe you are looking for

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