Combining two .iba files -- can I get glossaries to combine?

Based on everything I've read, looks like the answer is no, but hoping someone might have additional insight.
Here's the issue: split a large book into two working files while creating the book. Now need to combine into a single .iba file. Templates are identical. When I copy-paste the chapters from one file into the other, everything works great -- e.g., figures and links re-number, all formatting maintained -- EXCEPT the glossary. The glossary entries for the chapters I am pasting into my master file are not retained.
Is there any solution other than to manually re-enter all of the glossary terms in the chapter I'm pasting in?

Terrific -- thank you! Exactly what I was looking for. (Editing the XML may end up being too complex, but it's the right option to compare to our manual work-around.)

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