Combining Webdympro app with BSP- HELP WILL BE REWARDED!!!

Hello all,
i have a situation. I have to call a webdympro app from bsp application, without refreshing the current page (the job is done internally), i mean without using the method call_application. The thing is that i have to use a Web services but the WSDL's structure doesn't work for sap, and when i try to create a proxy object for a enterprise services that help me to get the WS in BSP, occurs an error. So i consume the WS from a WD application (perfectly) and now i have to comunicate that application in WD with the BSP App. Any ideas...Please help !!!!

1. Is the connection to the backend is based on SAPlogonticket based or user mapping based?
2. if its logonticket based, you should not have this problem at all, as portals DSM terminator would have killed the backend session ( whats the cach property set in BSP iview?) - sometimes the DSM may not be working - (popup blocker, etc)
3. get_server cookie - i am not sure about this, and i doubt that this is the cause of the problem,  but a good practice is to delete the serverside cookies as soon as you finished using it - check in the BSP whether they are deleting.

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  • Combining a WD App with BSP - HELP WILL BE REWARDED

    Hello all,
    i have a situation. I have to call a webdympro app from bsp application, without refreshing the current page (the job is done internally), i mean without using the method call_application. The thing is that i have to use a Web services but the WSDL's structure doesn't work for sap, and when i try to create a proxy object for a enterprise services that help me to get the WS in BSP, occurs an error. So i consume the WS from a WD application (perfectly) and now i have to comunicate that application in WD with the BSP App. Any ideas...Please help !!!!
    PS: the wd app is Webdynpro with Java App

    1. Is the connection to the backend is based on SAPlogonticket based or user mapping based?
    2. if its logonticket based, you should not have this problem at all, as portals DSM terminator would have killed the backend session ( whats the cach property set in BSP iview?) - sometimes the DSM may not be working - (popup blocker, etc)
    3. get_server cookie - i am not sure about this, and i doubt that this is the cause of the problem,  but a good practice is to delete the serverside cookies as soon as you finished using it - check in the BSP whether they are deleting.

  • Metadata rejected ("3.2 Apps with placeholder text will be rejected")

    Hi everybody,
    I have a problem with Apple but I hope that I can find someone here who has faced the same matter and can help me!
    Some weeks ago I sent my first app (the publication is a single-app catalogue) to iTunes Connect and everything was smooth (it has been accepted and placed in the App Store in 5 days).
    Instead last week I sent another similar publication (a single-app catalogue created in the same way as the first one) but the app has been rejeceted for this reason:
    3.2: Apps with placeholder text will be rejected
    Oct 21, 2011 03:38 PM. From Apple.
    We found that your app and/or its metadata does not appear to include final content, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
    Specifically, we noticed that the app metadata does not include a description of the app's features.
    While your iTunes Connect Application State will show as Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary if you only need to change your metadata. (A new binary is required only when you have to also make changes within the app.)
    If you only need to change your metadata, please visit iTunes Connect, Manage Your Applications, and revise the appropriate metadata values or settings, then click Save. After saving, click "Save," then click "Submit New Metadata" in the top right.
    Actually I do not understand what they mean with "placeholder text" but above all I would like to ask to someone expert - I rely on BOB! -  (I am a newby to DPS and Apple) if this means that I have to re-create from the start the app from the Folio Builder changing something in Indesign or if they just mean I have to modify something in iTunes Connect without touching the binary file.
    I am in a great confusion because they say the "app metadata" does not include a description of the app's features but I do not know how can I change the "metadata" within the app (in fact I believe that when they refer to the "app metadata" the mean the "metadata" inside the app and not the metadata that I add in iTunes Connect).
    The doubt that I have now is that maybe the last update of the Viewer Builder or of the Folio Builder has changed something that now generates this issue?
    Of course I am contacting also Apple for this issue, but in the meanwhile it would be a relief for me to hear a suggestion from here!
    Thank you to anyone for any reply!

    app metadata is the description text you enter while adding your app into
    iTunes connect.
    as is in the statement, for doing metadata changes, you don't need to submit
    a new binary (aka .zip file containing your folio)
    add more details of the feature of you app into the description in iTunes
    connect aand you should be fine.
    there is no 'metadata' inside tje binary of your app that you can change.
    but Bob can add sth. to this eventually.
    (mobil gesendet)
    Am 22.10.2011 11:40 schrieb "Pierluis" <[email protected]>:
       Metadata rejected ("3.2 Apps with placeholder text will be rejected") created by
    Pierluis <> in *Digital Publishing
    Suite* - View the full discussion<>

  • Apps with placeholder text will be rejected. What does this mean

    so i published an app and it got denied for this reason how do i fix it:
    3.2: Apps with placeholder text will be rejected
    Thank you for your submission.
    However, we found that your app and/or its metadata still does not appear to include final content, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
    Specifically, your app contains a placeholder ad banner.
    Please see the attached screenshot for more information.
    It would be appropriate to revise your Application Description to ensure it describes your app and its usage, and provides specific details about its functionality.If your iTunes Connect Application State is Rejected, a new binary will be required. Make the desired metadata changes when you upload the new binary.
    If your iTunes Connect Application State is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary. In iTunes Connect > Manage Your Applications, select your app and click View Details.
    - Click Edit in the Metadata section
    - Revise the desired metadata values
    - Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen
    - Once you click Save, you will see the "Submit New Metadata" button in the top right. Click "Submit New Metadata"
    NOTE: Please be sure to make any metadata changes to all App Localizations by clicking the Edit button next to each localization.

    "Specifically, your app contains a placeholder ad banner."
    Fix this.

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    i did it

  • Banner (rotative)...ANY HELP WILL BE REWARDED!!!!

    Hello you guys,
    I’m working on the development of a rotative banner, for someone that doesn’t know what it is…is a banner (in several web pages you can find one) that change the image present in it once on a while (every certain time), and each one of those image represent a point of entry for accessing to an specific place…in almost all of the cases, different web pages… in my case a specific portal’s role, user profile. The images that I want to present in the banner are store in the km repository. I found a solution that serves me well for my purpose, but I need to find another solution for achieve my goal and now I going to explain why:
    I’m using a JSPDynpage PAR, as a parameters of this *.PAR , I get the all the paths where the images are physically store on the server, the names of those images and the paths of the roles (in the PCD) associated to each one of those image. In the before output method, I get the complete path where the image is store, and put it (render it) on my iview, then is executed a wait method and finally with the SUBMIT method, I send again the information (some variables that I need to change the image in the banner) to the browser and that result in the continuing refresh (request – response cycle) of my browser. Its important to know that only the iview’s *.PAR is refreshing when the submit method is execute, not all the page. Know, like I said before all works fine, but the problem is that I want to do this but I don’t want that my browser refresh every certain time…so the question is: is there another way to do this using EPCM API and avoiding the use of the submit method (no refresh the browser)?
    Here is the source code if someone need to look it for give me some answers. Any help will be rewarded. Thanx a lot!!!
    <%@ page pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
    <%@ page import="java.util.List"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="tagLib" prefix="hbj" %>
    <%@ page language="java" %>
         String RefreshTime = (String) componentRequest.getValue("RefreshTime");
         String imgURL = (String) componentRequest.getValue("imgURL");
         String name = (String) componentRequest.getValue("name");
         String URL = (String) componentRequest.getValue("URL");
    <hbj:content id="myContext" >
      <hbj:page title="PageTitle">
       <hbj:form id="myFormId" >
               visible = "FALSE"
               visible = "FALSE"
                        <% link1.setOnClientClick("javascript:EPCM.doNavigate('"URL"')"); %>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    var tid = window.setTimeout("changeMessage()",<%=RefreshTime%>000);
    function changeMessage(){
         var myFormId = document.getElementById(htmlb_formid);
    function stopMessageBanner(){
         if (typeof tid != "undefined"){
    Anexo la clase java
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.Image;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.InputField;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.Link;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentProfile;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentRequest;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentURI;
    public class ZbannersRotatives extends PageProcessorComponent {
      public DynPage getPage(){
        return new ZbannersRotativesDynPage();
      public static class ZbannersRotativesDynPage extends JSPDynPage{
         private IPortalComponentRequest request;
         private IPortalComponentProfile profile;
         private String RefreshTime ="";
         private String path = "";
         private String name1 = "";
         private String name2 = "";
         private String name3 = "";
         private String url1 = "";
         private String url2 = "";
         private String url3 = "";
         private String name = "";
         private String URL = "";
        public void doInitialization(){
              request = (IPortalComponentRequest) this.getRequest();                         
              profile = request.getComponentContext().getProfile();     
              RefreshTime = profile.getProperty("RefreshTime");
              path = profile.getProperty("path");
              name3 = profile.getProperty("name3");
              url3 = profile.getProperty("url3");
             name = name3;
             URL  = url3;
        public void doProcessAfterInput() throws PageException {
              request = (IPortalComponentRequest) getRequest();
              profile = request.getComponentContext().getProfile();     
              path = profile.getProperty("path");
              name1 = profile.getProperty("name1");
              name2 = profile.getProperty("name2");
              name3 = profile.getProperty("name3");
              url1 = profile.getProperty("url1");
              url2 = profile.getProperty("url2");
              url3 = profile.getProperty("url3");
              InputField currentInputName = (InputField) this.getComponentByName("InputName");
              InputField currentInputURL = (InputField) this.getComponentByName("InputURL");
              String name_var = "";
              String url_var = "" ;
              if (currentInputName != null) {
              name_var = currentInputName.getString().getValue();                    
              url_var = currentInputURL.getString().getValue();
                   name = name1;
                   URL  = url1;
                   name = name2;
                   URL  = url2;
                   name = name3;
                   URL  = url3;
        public void doProcessBeforeOutput() throws PageException {
              request = (IPortalComponentRequest) this.getRequest();                         
              profile = request.getComponentContext().getProfile();     
              RefreshTime = profile.getProperty("RefreshTime");
              IPortalComponentURI componentURI = request.createPortalComponentURI();                         
              String docsURI = componentURI.toString();
              String imgURL = docsURI + path + "/" + name;     
              Link linkBanner = new Link("lnkBanner");
                   Image oImgBanner = new Image(name,"Banner");

    there is a possibility to make a request to the server without refresh. You can use the XMLHttpRequest object.
    1. create an AbstractPortalComponent component, that will return the desired output into the response (image with link). Let's call this component DataComponent.
    2. create a component, that will output a DIV object with ID for example "myDivId" and a Javascript, that will periodically call a JS function (some JS <i>setTimeout(JsFunctionToCall(), waitTimeInMiliseconds)</i>). In this function you will create a XMLHttpRequest object (different for Mozilla and MSIE):
    var xmlhttp = null;
    // not MSIE
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
      xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
    //  MSIE
    else if (window.ActiveXObject)
      xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    now prepare the JS function that handles the output (takes the output from XMLHttpRequest object and puts it as is into the DIV contents):
    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {stateXMLDocChanged();}
    then set up (dataURL is the URL to DataComponent):"POST",dataUrl,true);
    ...and get the data:
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
    Now create the function that fetches the data and puts it into the DIV contents (get the DIV object with id 'myDivId' == myDiv)
    This is just a draft of a possible solution. You can see the concept working in our "EFP portal" <a href=""></a> (there is only one HTML for the output - no frames, no IFrames, but the 'iviews' are refreshed only 'locally').
    Hope this helps you a bit,
    PS: and yes, <a href=""></a> is a real SAP Portal

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    who can answer how to get list of permissions (list of roles or users) for iview or other application with the help of API (UME API ?)

    if anybody whant to know


    Hello all,
    i want to make a WD app that reproduces a sound (audio file store in the same directory of the app). Any ideas??? HELP WILL BE REWARDED

    Hai Mariana,
    Create a Dummy Class in The Application.
    Save the Audio file in the Same package.
    Create object for that class,
    you can get the file from the Same directory,
    I dont know how to produce sound from audio file..
    Naga Raju

  • If I sync apps with migration assistant, will it over-write the newer iLife apps on my new MacBook Pro?

    I purchased a new MacBook Pro (Mountain Lion) and connected it to my existing iMac (Lion) to transfer over my user account, music and applications.  It did not occur to me that the process might over-write the iLife apps already factory installed on the MBP.  I am having trouble checking if that happened, but getting info on both iPhoto and iMovie shows that they are 32-bit applications (Calendar, Contacts and iMessage just show as "applications" without saying if they are 32- or 64-bit).
    What version numbers should all those iLife apps be? If I have over-written them, what would I have to do to restore the factory installed versions at this point since the MBP does not come with install disks anymore?

    MacJack: I did the migration when started up the computer for the first time.
    As for suggestion from Mende1, it sounds like a great idea, but if I did over-write what was already there, will the App Store charge me for the apps if I did not buy them through the App Store (since they came pre-installed on the MBP)?  If so, I would prefer to take the MBP to an Apple store with the receipt and offer an explanation.
    Would knowing the version numbers of the software I now have installed be enough information to know if they were the versions that came pre-installed on the MBP under Mountain Lion?

  • HT204266 My iPad (version 1, IOS 5.1) has quit connecting with the store. I am unable to update or buy any app. I did a reboot and a reset with deleting the data. I can not find anything in support for this problem. Any help will be appreciated.

    My iPad (version 1, IOS 5.1) has quit connecting with the store. I am unable to update or buy any app. I did a reboot and a reset with deleting the data. I can not find anything in support for this problem. Any help will be appreciated.

    My iPad (version 1, IOS 5.1) has quit connecting with the store. I am unable to update or buy any app. I did a reboot and a reset with deleting the data. I can not find anything in support for this problem. Any help will be appreciated.

  • I am unable to update my apps... in my purchases page it appears as "update", then a message tells me to log on with the Apple ID I purchased the app with... Well I have tried my two different accounts and neither one will work, can someone help ??

    I am unable to update my apps... in my purchases page it appears as "update", then a message tells me to log on with the Apple ID I purchased the app with... Well I have tried my two different accounts and neither one will work, can someone help ??
    And is there any way to sync all my purchases and accounts to just have one... It is a bit stupid that you dont even get a list of something of what account you may of used, or some kind of hint, so you could log on to the right account. I am really stuck ...
    Please Advise......

    You can't merge accounts. But you can check your purchase history:
    iTunes Store & Mac App Store: Seeing your purchase history and order numbers
    Also, what may seem stupid to you... may be a protection of privacy to others.

  • Looking for a reading App.  iPad (iOS 7.1.2) - Kindle.  I am looking for a good app that can help a college student with reading books that cannot be found on audio book. Voice over works, but monotone!

    Looking for a reading App.
    iPad (iOS 7.1.2) - Kindle.
    I am looking for a good app that can help a college student with reading books that cannot be found on audio book.  I have tried voice over and it works but it's very monotone and it really strings things together. 
    - I'm willing to pay for a good app but I can't seem to sort though the many that are out there. Any suggestions.

    Ah. I'm surprised, but there we go.
    Have a look here ...
    (courtesy of googling 'OSX free multitrack recording software')
    Didn't have time to do more than skim, but 'Ardour' looked promising. Protools is the only one I've used, the full product is one of the industry standards, but the free 'lite' version listed here seems to be limited to 2 in/out as well.
    Referring to your original post, I'd think trying to write or 'script' something would be a nightmare ... synchronisation of streams within something like Applescript would be a major issue, quite apart from anything else.
    G5 Dual 2.7, MacMini, iMac 700; P4/XP Desk & Lap.   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   mLan:01x/i88x; DP 5.1, Cubase SX3, NI Komplete, Melodyne.

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    Really sorry to hear about this, particularly when you're putting your life on the line. But Apple cannot track your iPhone in any way unless you had set up Find My iPhone prior to it being lifted.
    It's possible that AT&T might be able to do something, but it's probably that they cannot track it, or will not without a request from an authorized law enforcement agency, but rather would only disable the device. You'll have to try and find a way to contact AT&T directly and ask if they can do anything to help you; the chances of any AT&T employee in a position to help you spotting this thread it pretty small.
    Good luck, stay safe, and come home soon.

  • My account was deleted for security issues. I made a new account, but I can't syncronise my apps with this new account. I bought a new Iphone and would like to transfer the apps ans music on this new one. Can somebody help me?

    My account was deleted for security issues. I made a new account, but I can't syncronise my apps with this new account. I bought a new Iphone and would like to transfer the apps ans music on this new one. Can somebody help me?

    Why would you make a new account?  This will likely cause many problems.  Just get you old account enabled.
    Apple ID: "This Apple ID has been disabled for security reasons" alert appears
    Frequently Asked Questions About Apple ID
    Everything you purchased with the old account will always be tied to that account.  You will have to authorize the computer for that account and you will have to update the apps from that account.

  • I can't download the apps with big size like need for spees, but in apps with normal size(less than 100KB)there is no problem,is there any body who can help me?

    I can't download the apps with big size like need for spees

    Have a little patience. 4 minutes is only a short time for someone to find your post and reply to it. Also clicking on "This Solved My Problem" marks your problem as solved so many folks that may otherwise help will pass the question by since it is "solved."
    I suggest you start a new question that gives a good title to a specific problem. Then in the body of the thread describe the problem in detail, tell us what steps you have tried so far to correct the problem, what happened, and what error messages you received.

Maybe you are looking for