Comment bubble suddenly huge

I am not sure why, but when I open a PDF with comments, the comments bubble is enormous—at least twice, possibly 3 times, the size it was yesterday. Attached is a sample. This happens for all PDFs now. I can't remember changing any settings. Can anyone help me get them back to the smaller size? On PDFs with multiple comments on the same page, they overlap and it is hard to read.
I am using Adobe Acrobat X v10.1.7 on MacBook Pro OSX v10.8.4.

Double-tap the screen with 3 fingers. You've got zoom turned on.
Turn it off permanently in Settings > General > Accessibility

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    Hi Deepak.
    I assume you're running APEX 4.2
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    Back to life**
    Oh I know there are many other vocabulary mistakes but never mind them I was just too excited when I wrote all of that while typing very quickly
    P.S: if you have any question then ask and please do tell me if it works or not with u but I'm definitely sure it'll work so tell me this and we'll get excited together
    Also if you have an experience to share then do share it as well please.

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    Hi Sabian
    The top image shows the document when I open it in Acrobat on my desktop. As you can see it says there are no comments.
    The bottom image shows that a comment bubble appears once it is saved, attached to our website and downloaded.

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    Application Express
    Internet Explorer - 8
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    Theme - Productivity - 26
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      d                     date;
      l_status              varchar2(30);
      d := sysdate;
      sys.htp.p('<ul class="detailedStatusList">');
      for c1 in (
        SELECT ...
        FROM ...
      ) loop
        sys.htp.p(' <a h...ref="'||apex_util.prepare_url('f?p='||:app_id||':61:'||:app_session||'::NO:61,RP:Pn_item_ID:'||sys.htf.escape_sc(||'">');
        --sys.htp.p('     <img src="'||sys.htf.escape_sc(replace('#IMAGE_PREFIX#e2.gif','#IMAGE_PREFIX#',:image_prefix))||'" alt="" />');   
        sys.htp.p('     <span>'||sys.htf.escape_sc(substr(c1.description,1,150))||'</span>');
        sys.htp.p(' <section class="detailedListTooltip">');
        sys.htp.p('   <h4>Callup List: '||sys.htf.escape_sc(c1.description)||'</h4>');
        sys.htp.p('       <ul>');
        sys.htp.p('     <li>');
        sys.htp.p('       <label>Created by</label>');
        sys.htp.p('       <span>'||sys.htf.escape_sc(c1.created_by)||'</span>');
        sys.htp.p('     </li>');
        sys.htp.p('     <li>');
        sys.htp.p('       <label>Created</label>');
        sys.htp.p('       <span>'||sys.htf.escape_sc(apex_util.get_since(c1.created_date))||'</span>');
        sys.htp.p('     </li>');
        sys.htp.p('     <li>');
        sys.htp.p('       <label>Created date</label>');
        sys.htp.p('       <span>'||sys.htf.escape_sc(c1.created_date)||'</span>');
        sys.htp.p('     </li>');
        sys.htp.p('     <li>');
        sys.htp.p('       <label>(Group)</label>');
        sys.htp.p('       <span>(distribution)</span>');
        sys.htp.p('     </li>');
        for r_rec in  (
    select cg.group_name
          ,listagg((select  from )||' ('||cnt||')','<br>') within group (order by cnt desc) la
    from  cg
        ,(select count(*) cnt,
          from  ci
          group by ) ci
    group by cg.
    order by cg.order_seq
        ) loop
        end loop;
        sys.htp.p('       </ul>');
        sys.htp.p(' </section>');
      end loop;
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    Nope, Updates.html:
    var entryURLs = {
    '003A8C95-991A-48F8-B22C-EB76DC680761.html' : { 'order' : 0 },
    '869ABF58-59C0-4F08-9130-82A372DA7A3B.html' : { 'order' : 1 },
    'B8339EE3-CB0F-4D40-8F24-F3B7F1455D18.html' : { 'order' : 2 }
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    The IM itself is spread over two lines as the Chat window is narrow.
    It is possible to recreate this using the ALT key.
    This key when used as a modifier for the Enter key adds a new line to the IM before it is sent.
    However I don't think this is someone doing that.
    There are two places to change the Font, its colour (text) and one for the Balloon colour.
    IN the  iChat Menu > Preferences > Messages you can choose the Font. (you can also chose the colour of the text.)
    This tends to be something that looks easy to read at 12 and 14 point.
    The default is Helvetica at 12 point.  If for some reason your Helvetica is turned Off iChat and other app will not launch.
    However once you have set the Font Size there you can resize the IM in the Format Menu and "re-chose" the Font (And it's size) and you can colour the Font here as well.
    You would tend to use this to highlight part of the text you were sending.
    However when you do this the Balloon retains the size of the Preferences Font.
    i.e. if the Format menu thinks the IM is 40 point in size it will Line break the text at 40 point even if you have  selected a 12 point Font size.
    However when I test this a natural Line break (The text wrapping itself at the end of the Line base in Width of Chat window) does not do this.
    The Prefs were set to 48 point.
    The Format menu was used to Set 12 point.
    The "Format Size" balloon ended with several ALT + enter Line breaks
    The last IM is an attempt to see if the Text would do it automatically.
    Is it just the Incoming Message that has the oversized balloon ?
    Are you Overriding incoming Messages as far a size and Font are concerned ?
    The Pic appears to show Helvetica which your end could have defaulted to if you don' have the Font your Buddy is using.
    However as the Buddy is asking to See the Big Balloon I take it they are not send it like that.
    In iChat 5 which I have I have to deliberately set it to Override Incoming Messages
    In Messages that I am working with this is Automatic and resizes it to the stated default size.
    I am not sure about iChat 6 in this area.
    8:38 PM      Wednesday; November 14, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Scared to make any more changes to it now, it will be at 1GB in no time.
    This is not including audio files or anything - just the project (song) file itself.
    Anyone else encountering this?

    Are you maybe recording your Automation in "write" mode? Try latch/touch mode instead where only the automation is written which you are actually using on your tracks. Check your Automation event lists for redundant automation data.

  • Songs deleted, "other space" suddenly huge

    I manually manage my music on my 5S 32gb because I can't fit all my music on my iPhone. Yesterday, I noticed I had only 900 songs on my phone, I typically have about 3800. I click the snyc button, and sometimes I get a few more songs, sometimes I get a few less.
    Additionally, I now have 17gn of "other" storage on my phone.
    How can I get my old songs back and clean up my other storage, which is presumably my older songs?

    Yes hun if you restore as new the phone will be wiped, but thats why i suggested transfering purchases and importing photos and syncing with the computer first. you will be able to get your things back.  Importing photos Transfering purchases

Maybe you are looking for