Commercial use of iWeb

Can I use iWeb for commercial uses, such as providing services and products payable by credit card? For example, if I made pottery items, posted pictures of them on iWeb and sold them using PayPal credit card services (where I would need to include a shopping cart feature)? This would not be for big business purposes, more of a "mom and pop" type deal.

Hi tennart,
I'm not selling any items on my iWeb site but I can't see any reasons for not doing so.
Chack this link for PayPal in iWeb:

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    Based on your description, several possibilities come to my mind.
    1. You mentioned your husband bought the Office Suite for you, did he purchase one product key or two? We need to confirm if the product key can be installed on multiple machines, if a product key can be only installed once and he installed it
    on his computer first, you should purchase a new product key to activate your Office.
    Since the policy differs in different areas, to confirm how many machines the product key can be installed on, let your husband ask the retailer or contact the local customer service to get the answer:
    2. Please confirm your Office version. Based on the message "non-commercial use", I found this kb:
    But it's for Office Home and Student instead of Office Home and Business, we can perform the steps below to find the Microsoft Software License Terms:
    1. Start and Office program.
    2. On the File (Backstage) tab, click Account.
    3. Click About (Product name: Word, Excel etc..), in the window that opens, click
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    3. If your Office is a trial version or the product key is not for the version that you are using, consider to uninstall it first, and install the appropriate version. You can probably get the installation media from your husband.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
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    The option to package a font file is there to make sure that the one who receives the file will use the same version of the font as you did when you created the file.
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    But this has nothing to do with the question if you can use a font for a commercial poster.
    Of course you can, if you bought the font license, you can use it in your design, but Illustrator cannot tell you if you bought the font.
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    COntact support by web chat if you have serial number issues.

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    Hi Jörg,
    yes, commercial use is definitely possible. For that you (or your company) would need to purchase the SAP Cloud Appliance Library subscription which will unlock all currently available 29 solutions of the subscription package. For the majority of the Trials for which commercial use is not allowed there are matching solutions in the subscription package. Please remember that the CAL subscription does not provide any product licenses - you need to own the SAP licenses upfront.
    In regards to the user question, I not really understand the question so if this answer is not what you were looking for, let me know. So if you like, you can create a new SCN user which you then add as an additional user to your CAL tenant. If you provide the logon credentials of that user to all our employees they can all access CAL too. However, they will all have the possibility to manage the same instances - which could create confusion. Our suggestion is, that each of your employees has their own SAP ID User (can be S-User or P-User) and all of those are added to the CAL tenant of the S-User who purchased CAL and who is the master admin of the CAL tenant.
    Here is a document that will explain the model is a broader perspective:
    Thanks and Regards,
    Best Regards / Freundliche Grüße / 敬具 / 此致敬礼 / Поздрави
    Hannes Kuehnemund | Product Owner - SAP Cloud Appliance Library
    Vote in our latest poll here: - Information on Instance Popup

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    It loads very fast for me. A nicely designed site by the way. If the site is loading slow for you on a Mac it could be your connection. If the problem lies with Internet Explorer on PCs then there is some optimizing you can do to speed it up. See Roddy's post in this thread: He has a site,, which has many good tips dealing with IE.

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    Wasn't being condescending, this is a new thead that continues one he already started asking if he could get iWeb on the iPad. Two people explained to him that iWeb was being discontinued (along with MobileMe) and suggested Rapidweaver and two other apps as replacements. It was also explained to him that there were no web creation apps on the iPad because you need to run a local web server, such as Apache, on your computer in order to use them. This is why they work on the Mac because it does have such a server. The iPad does not have one and cannot run one. And I suggested using HTML code if he wanted to develop on his iPad.
    You were aware that is how web creation software works?
    Here is the other thread:
    Do you know a good book on HTML web creation you could recomment to him?
    Message was edited by: deggie
    Message was edited by: deggie

  • IWeb & Dropbox - way to use Dropbox iWeb info to fix one iWeb page?

    Many thanks in advance for your attention.
    Mac OS X Lion, iWeb 3.0.4
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    At the moment it seem probably not, so you had better look for alternative hosting with GoDaddy or HostExcellence.
    Also, remember that iWeb is a package that is used for building websites, no more and no less, so if you still have iWeb on your Mac then you can still use it whether or not you have MobileMe or not - iWeb can still be used - if it exists then you can use it but rather look for an alternative host.

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    Any ideas???

    Perhaps the application you are using (Word?) is generating the watermark; or perhaps a watermark setting in the printer driver settings?
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    Does anybody know which character set is used in iWeb?
    Can it be changed in iWeb. Ootherwise I can change the character set of the server - but I have to know where to!
    Thanks for your help!

    Does anybody know which character set is used in iWeb?
    Can it be changed in iWeb.
    All iWeb pages are in UTF-8 and this cannot be changed. If your server is really using utf-8, you should not have a problem. It is quite common for servers to force ISO-8859-1 and thus botch iWeb pages. Some fixes for that can be found in the Server Settings section of
    Also some servers cannot handle special characters in page names, even though having them in the text is OK. That requires different fixes.
    Another possible problem is when you use an old ftp app for uploading that doesn't do utf-8 right.
    If you will provide the url of your page so I can see what is happening, I can perhaps provide better advice.

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