Commodity codes not populating

Commodity codes that i have added to the material master for GB are not loading in the delivery.
Can some give reason as to why that is happening?

Check in t.code OVE1, the commodity code is created under the departure country. You have not mentioned from which country the shipment is sent to GB. I would suggest to check whether the commodity code is created from both departure coutnry and destination country.
Also check in OVE1, for the commodity code, there is a field at the bottom where in user can select for export only or import only or for both. You need to select appropriate value in that field.
After this, you will need to create the delivery again after deleting the existing delivery for auto population of the commodity code or in the existing delivery itself, you can add the commodity code at the item level -> foreign trade tab.

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    dataroot.#subform[0].Table1.Row1[1].sfrmProjNo.proj3dig::exit - (JavaScript, client)
    switch (this.rawValue)
        case "ABC":
        SiteMgr.rawValue = "Name 1";
        SiteLoc.rawValue = "Location 1";
        case "DEF":
        SiteMgr.rawValue = "Name 2";
        SiteLoc.rawValue = "Location 2";
        case "GHI":
        SiteMgr.rawValue = "Name 3";
        SiteLoc.rawValue = "Location 3";
        case "JKL":
        SiteMgr.rawValue = "Name 4";
        SiteLoc.rawValue = "Location 4";

    Its may be because of wrong path for the fields.
    SiteMgr ,SiteLoc fields are under the sfrmProjNo subform ? If they are not then
    Try to give complete path for the fields.If it doesnt work As Malcolm told share the file so that we can have a look ..

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    Our compliance team is concerned about beginning to populate the unit of measure commodity code in ECC.  I know this field is only visible when a supplementary unit is on the tariff number and is different than the base unit of measure on the material master.  These additional units of measure must be configured in order for the XML tariff files to load properly.  
    One concern that has come up is the conversion of the base UoM to the new unit of measure from the tariff files.  Are there other issues/risks I need to be aware of?  My understanding is this unit is used only when reporting the products to the customs authorities.
    I appreciate any guidance you can give me. 

    Hello Alison,
    We implemented this, however, made an enhancement not to transfer the UOM to ECC. Our consultants are unable to clearly articulate the use of UOM in classification. I still have not have a complete grasp of UOM with classification. One thing we constantly run into, is job fails when external/internal UOM is not maintained during transfer of classification from GTS to ECC. Since we are not transferring UOM to ECC, we are now considering enhancement, so we do not have to maintain internal/external UOM from the files we receive from Customs Info. We have had a number of issues trying to figure out what to maintain as internal UOM for UOM sent by Customs Info. There is no ISO code to cross reference and makes it very difficult to figure this out.
    Another thing that you need to be aware off - if you have products that is not classified in GTS and you have classification maintained in ECC, you can overwrite ECC values with blanks- the product master change/update date (for anything - not just classification) is picked up by the re-transfer job. We are currently making enhancements in the commodity code retransfer program, only to transfer when there is a value in GTS for classification.
    I see Dave's message above " UoM is necessary for the calculation that supports your sourcing decisions as well as for your declarations to the authorities". I am really interested to understand the function of UOM in classification.

  • Commodity code & does not exist

    Hi Experts,
    We modify the length of your commodity codes (from 11 to 8). So I decided to add all new commodity codes (length 8) in the T604 / T604t, and to keep all existing commodity codes (length 11) until we modify all Master Data with new commodity codes.
    In the MM02 when I try to modify the commodity code for a material, I have the following message:
    Entry 12345678 does not exist in T604 (check entry)
    This entry is available in the T604 / T604t and I can see it in the dropdown-list when pressing F4 on the field.
    Any idea ?

    Never asked yourself why thousand other SAP customers can use VE94?
    you did not answer whether you are on a retail system and if you can see the commodity code numbers in F4 help
    When did you the last time enter a commodity code number without error?
    I think there was a customizing change in the meantime.

  • Batch characteristic value not populated!

    Hello guys,
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    Batches on material level. In Customizing (Classify batches within goods mvt), for mvt 101 setting is 4 (Classification always in foreground (all batches)) - but bug remains even if i try with other options. Check with developer shows not much help from EXIT_SAPMM07M_004 or EXIT_SAPMM07M_004 or EXIT_SAPLV01Z_012.
    Any idea how to populate these chars in batch?
    Alternatively, what else I could use in order to enable FIFO batch determination for batches in delivery?
    Thanks for prompt replies!
    Br, Jan

    SAP reply -standard behaviour. After save in MSC2n values read from MCH1, after that in MSC3N value read from AUSP.
    Issue solved using non reference charactereristic and adding code into ZXMBCU04.
    Br, Jan

  • Data not populating after DS enhancement

    HI pros,
    i have made Data source enhancement.
    i wrote the code in include program.
    when '0FI_GL_40'.
      CHECK NOT c_t_data[] IS INITIAL.
      LOOP AT c_t_data ASSIGNING <fs_data5>.
      SELECT SINGLE matnr FROM bseg INTO <fs_data5>-ZZMATNR
                             where BUKRS eq <fs_data5>-BUKRS and
                                   BELNR eq <fs_data5>-BELNR and
                                   GJAHR eq <fs_data5>-GJAHR and
                                   BUZEI eq <fs_data5>-BUZEI.
    but the data not populating into the report, the Multi provider is real time

    ASSIGN mem_area TO <fs> casting_spec range_spec.
    This statement assigns the memory area specified using mem_area to the field symbol <fs>. You can assign a data object or a memory area calculated from the address of a data object. After the assignment, the field symbol refers to the assigned memory area and can be used in operand positions. When used in a statement, it behaves like a dereferenced data reference, meaning that the statement works with the content of the memory area.
    The data type with which the assgigned memory area is treated, depends on the specifications in casting_spec. You can either execute an explicit casting or the field symbol takes on the data type of the data object specified in the assignment. A field symbol to which a memory area is assigned, has this data type after the assignment and behaves like a data object of this type.
    The assigned memory area mem_area must be at least as long as the data type specified in casting_spec and must have the same alignment. If the data type determined in casting_spec is deep, the deep components with their type and position must appear in the assigned memory area exactly like this.
    Use the specifications in range_spec to restrict the memory area that can be assigned to the field symbol.
    You have to assign it back to internal table to modify the content.
    Check in debug mode if you have still doubt.

  • Line Item Field "Assignment" not populating

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    Please let me know what controls this and how can I make this field populate.

    Th Sory key for the GL for that company code should have the document date as the sort key.... check in FS00

  • Sale Order Item Quantity Not Populating When Create A Sale Order Using BAPI

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    Problem is that sale order item quantity field is not populating
    code is as follows
    ORDER_ITEMS_IN-MATERIAL = '000000000010000262'.

    Try populating ORDER_SCHEDULES_IN table in the bapi field REQ_QTY.

  • Virtual Characteristic value not populating in the query output

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to BAPI and I am using this to populate the values of virtual characteristics.
    I wrote the below code to populate if an order status got some status value then i need to populate the flag y if not n.
    I got the order value in the reprot. I need to go to order master data and should get the status and then i have to do the comparision and populate the flag zww_teco in the report.
    The below is the compute method of my implementation class.
    <fs_0cs_order> TYPE ANY,
    <fs_zww_teco> TYPE ANY,
    <fs_status>  TYPE ANY.
    if p_cha_0cs_order > 0.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT p_cha_0cs_order OF STRUCTURE C_S_DATA to <fs_0cs_order>.
    if p_cha_zww_teco > 0.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT p_cha_zww_teco OF STRUCTURE C_S_DATA to <fs_zww_teco>.
    Select single /BIC/ZSYSTATUS
        from /BI0/PCS_ORDER into <fs_status>
       where CS_ORDER = <fs_cs_order>.
    if <fs_status> CP 'TECO'.
      <fs_zww_teco> = 'Y'.
        <fs_zww_teco> = 'N'.
    But I am not sure why the values are not populated. But when i debug , i could see the values for
    P_cha_0cs_order = 35
    p_cha_zww_teco = 54
    But i could get the values of <fs_0cs_order>, <fs_zww_teco> after assign component statement.
    And it is firing me a dump in select statement. Also when I click c_s_data i am getting S____274, S____505 fields like that in the structure but i could see p_cha_0cs_order
    Can you please guide where i am missing ...
    Edited by: vamsi talluri on Nov 9, 2011 6:14 PM

    Hi Sushant,
      RSRT --> Enter Query Name
    Click on Technical Information --> If " Virtual Char./Key Figures " = Y
    In my case , even then i clciked generate report,
    even after that P_CHA_0CS_ORDER = 35
    and after assign component P_CHA_0CS_ORDER of structure c_s_data to <FS_0CS_ORDER>.
    the <FS_0CS_ORDER> is nothing , here i should get the value of cs_order value of that record but it is coming empty which i am not able to rectify. How should i change or i need to put any other setting to get the value populated into my <FS_0CS_ORDER>.
    Can you please guide me .

  • Value is not populating in field through search help f4

    Hello Expert,
    I have made one field as a search help but data is not populating from popup.
    Data is coming from BP_search_help. Here i did not create any search help in se11. not required here.
    i used Code in get_p method.
    Method GET_P_BP_NUMBER.
    CASE iv_property.
        WHEN if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_fieldtype.
          IF iv_display_mode EQ abap_true.
            rv_value = cl_bsp_dlc_view_descriptor=>field_type_event_link.
            rv_value = cl_bsp_dlc_view_descriptor=>field_type_input.
        WHEN if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_onclick.
          rv_value = ' '.  "EC NOTEXT
    GET_V Method.
    DATA: ls_map TYPE if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>gtype_param_mapping,
            lt_inmap TYPE if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>gtype_param_mapping_tab,
            lt_outmap TYPE if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>gtype_param_mapping_tab.
      ls_map-context_attr = 'STRUCT.BP_NUMBER'.
      ls_map-f4_attr = 'PARTNER'.
      APPEND ls_map TO: lt_inmap,lt_outmap.
      CREATE OBJECT rv_valuehelp_descriptor TYPE cl_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr
              iv_help_id        = 'BP_HEAD_SEARCH'                            "#EC NOTEXT
              iv_help_id_kind  = if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>help_id_kind_dtel
              iv_trigger_submit = 'X'
              iv_input_mapping  = lt_inmap
              iv_output_mapping = lt_outmap
    But when i activate get_v method .i am getting 1 error.
    Error is
    Please help me how to rectify this error and any other way to populate data in field through f4 help.
    If u want more detail. Please follow attachment.

    Hi Madhuri,
    You can refer the below code for search help for partner. The code has to be written on GET_V_XXX method.
    DATA: ls_map TYPE if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>gtype_param_mapping,
             lt_outmap TYPE if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>gtype_param_mapping_tab.
       ls_map-context_attr = 'STRUCT.BP_NUMBER'.
       ls_map-f4_attr = 'PARTNER'.
       APPEND ls_map TO lt_outmap.
       CREATE OBJECT rv_valuehelp_descriptor TYPE cl_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr
           iv_help_id        = 'UIF_BUPAP_WIDE_COL'    ""Search help name
           iv_help_id_kind   = if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>help_id_kind_comp
           iv_trigger_submit = abap_true
           iv_input_mapping  = lt_inmap
           iv_output_mapping = lt_outmap.

  • Report Painter values are not populating for a particular cost center

    Report Painter(GR55) values are not populating for a particular cost center for the months of April 1 2011 where as for May onwards values are displaying correctly..We have check the transaction code KSB1 for this cost center there are some values posted for the period of April..
    Can any one help me to find out where exactly the issue is and how to resolve the same..

    Please check your variables in your report.

  • Set Commodity Code in Purchase order

    I have implemented a BADi for purchase order for updating the commodity code/weight and Volume from material configuration.
    It works fine with updating for weight and volume. But when trying to update the Commodity code I got a "time out" because it stops just before the call "CALL Method->Set_foreign_trade".
    Do I miss something???
    See the codes below.
    METHOD if_ex_me_process_po_cust~process_item .
      DATA: ls_mepoitem TYPE mepoitem.
      DATA: it_conf TYPE TABLE OF conf_out.
      DATA: wa_conf TYPE conf_out.
      DATA: gs_zvcsd_conf TYPE zvcsd_conf.
      DATA: im_data TYPE mepoitem.
      DATA: l_data_new  TYPE mepoitem.
      DATA: lv_mtart TYPE mtart.
      DATA: len TYPE i.
      DATA: ls_mepo_eipo TYPE mepo_eipo.
      DATA: ls_mepo_eipo_new TYPE mepo_eipo.
    Get data
      ls_mepoitem = im_item->get_data( ).
    check entry from control table zvcsd_conf
      SELECT SINGLE * FROM zvcsd_conf INTO gs_zvcsd_conf
      WHERE matnr EQ ls_mepoitem-matnr.
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      SELECT SINGLE mtart
      FROM mara
      INTO lv_mtart
      WHERE matnr EQ ls_mepoitem-matnr.
      CHECK lv_mtart EQ  'KMAT'.
          instance           = ls_mepoitem-cuobj
          language           = sy-langu
          configuration      = it_conf
          instance_not_found = 1
          OTHERS             = 2.
      CHECK sy-subrc =  0.
    check weight is set from control table
      IF NOT gs_zvcsd_conf-zweight IS INITIAL.
        READ TABLE it_conf INTO wa_conf WITH KEY atnam = 'VCSD_ZNTGEW'.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          len = STRLEN( wa_conf-atwrt ).
          IF len LE 7.
            REPLACE ',' WITH '.' INTO wa_conf-atwrt.
            REPLACE '.' WITH ' ' INTO wa_conf-atwrt.
            REPLACE ',' WITH '.' INTO wa_conf-atwrt.
            CONDENSE wa_conf-atwrt NO-GAPS.
          ls_mepoitem-ntgew = wa_conf-atwrt.
          ls_mepoitem-brgew = wa_conf-atwrt.
    check volume is set from control table
      IF NOT gs_zvcsd_conf-zvolum IS INITIAL.
        READ TABLE it_conf INTO wa_conf WITH KEY atnam = 'VCSD_ZVOLUM'.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          len = STRLEN( wa_conf-atwrt ).
          IF len LE 7.
            REPLACE ',' WITH '.' INTO wa_conf-atwrt.
            REPLACE '.' WITH ' ' INTO wa_conf-atwrt.
            REPLACE ',' WITH '.' INTO wa_conf-atwrt.
            CONDENSE wa_conf-atwrt NO-GAPS.
          ls_mepoitem-volum =  wa_conf-atwrt.
          ls_mepoitem-voleh = gs_zvcsd_conf-voleh.
    Set weight and volume
      l_data_new = ls_mepoitem.
      CALL METHOD im_item->set_data( im_data = l_data_new ).
    End of get data
    Get commodity code from configuration
      IF NOT gs_zvcsd_conf-zstawn IS INITIAL.
        READ TABLE it_conf INTO wa_conf WITH KEY atnam = 'VCSD_STAWN'.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          ls_mepo_eipo_new-stawn = wa_conf-atwrt.
    Get foreign trade data
      CALL METHOD im_item->get_foreign_trade
            re_data = ls_mepo_eipo.
      ls_mepo_eipo-po_item = ls_mepoitem-ebelp.
      ls_mepo_eipo-stawn = ls_mepo_eipo_new-stawn.
    set foreign trade
      CALL METHOD im_item->set_foreign_trade
          im_data = ls_mepo_eipo.

    hello Christian,
    Thank you for your comments and the quick response.
    I have solved my problem now. I found two sap notes regarding this situation.
    841803 -
    803749 -
    ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST - Endless Loop
    I also have found out an other thing. When I'm using the SAP Notes Search and type the key word "SET_FOREIGN_TRADE" and "ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST" I found nothing. Then I try to create a Customer Message and as you already knew that you have to enter a some words in the "Search term*"  before you are allowed to create a customer message. The system shows the note 841803. Strange, rite?
    So my conclusion is, if I can't find any note from SAP Notes Search then I will try to create an customer message.
    Best regards
    Linh Nguyen

  • Fund Value is not populated in Vendor payment

    Hi All
    We have created new balance sheet account and we are trying to post the document. Fund value is not automatically populated.  Normally during posting commitment item related fund value is automatically populated.
    If you have any idea how to populate the fund value automatically for newly created GL Account.
    Note: Transaction code FMDERIVE we have mentioned the FUND and commitment item still the problem persist.
    Edited by: KGUNASEKAR on Aug 30, 2010 12:29 PM
    Edited by: KGUNASEKAR on Aug 30, 2010 12:44 PM

    When i am trying to post the document by manually simulation itself i am getting the fund value automatically but during manual posting without simulation i am trying to post the document at that time fund value is not populated automatically. Please help.

  • Spend Analysis for Commodity Code in ECC6

    I wonder if there is any way for spend analysis references to commodity code in SAP R3 as we are not using SAP SRM?
    If there is any option in ECC6 then;
    a) Which field/view maintained for Commodity code at Material Master?
    b) Which field maintained for Commodity code at /PO/Contract/RFQ/Purchase Requisition (Header level or item level)?
    c) How spend analysis can be reported based on commodity code? (Standard report, Z custom report, BI report)

    These are the reports available in ECC for Commodity wise reporting. Regarding once maintained in material master, how far these serve your purpose you can test.
    MC.3 This report will help you in getting the information on the inventory turn over ratio by Commodity.
    MC45 This report identifies the share of the usage value to the total usage. You can also see the report graphically for a selected material in detail screen.
    MCE5 This program will give you information on purchase value, invoice value during a selected period. However for these reports it is necessary to update the relevant LIS structure.
    MCEC This report can be used for Purchase budget requirement. However for this report to work, long term planning functionality should be put in use.

  • BSIS/BSAS tables not populated

    Dear Experts,
    I have a GL/account having too many items but FAGLL03 returns no items.
    I have found that the reason is that tables BSIS and BSAS are not being populated with line items. however tables BKPF and BSEG in addition to FAGLFLEXA are all populated.
    can you please assist why BSIS/BSAS are not populated thus FAGLL03 is not working? what is wrong with this GL account?
    Thanks for your assistance.

    Hmmm... Is it normal FI document or it's posted through some interface? If it's normal document and the following is right:
    a) G/L account of the document is defined with 'line item' flag in this company code (SKB1 table)
    b) the document exists in BSEG
    c) BSEG-XKRES flag is 'X' on the line for this account
    Then, if all mentioned above is correct, I'd open OSS note.

Maybe you are looking for