CommPortIdentifier and JRE1.6

I have built an applet,signed all the jars it uses and when i print out a debug line in the CommPortIdentifier class, the part where it lists the available ports, it returns false. This leads me to believe that for some reason the CommPortIdentifier class can't find any ports.
Just for development reasons i have set the permission in the java.policy file to this,
grant {
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
  permission "*","read";
  permission java.awt.AWTPermission "accessEventQueue";
};and in my applet right int he begining i have
      ...........So my question is:
"Am i missing a step (Security or Code wise) in getting the CommPortIdentifier class to get a list of my available ports?"

Ok my problem anywayz, :)
i googled , since i couldn't find the file anywhere else and it came up with this
Thats the actual file. So just make a file called and stick that file in the
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_01\lib (or wherever you JRE is installed)
directory u might have to copy the win32com.dll somehwere in there too, i dunno, i'm too excited to find out teh exact workings of it so far, lol.
As soon as i have it all figured out i will post back here. But now i have an applet that can read a serial port
Thanks to all who have helped me get to this point, from the signing applet part to here, :)
Any questions, i'll be glad to help i know how frustreating it can get, :)
Smilies all round
:) :) :) :)

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    Hi sabraha:
    AFAIK the JDK included into JVM is:
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    Moderator Action and Comment:
    This post was originally posted to the Generic Linux.
    It is now relocated to the JRE forum, hopefully for closer topic alignment.
    Just a guess, but you installed a JRE, when (maybe) you needed to install a JDK.
    ... again, that's just a guess.

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    <web-resource-name>Entire Application</web-resource-name>
    <!-- NOTE: This role is not present in the default users file -->
    <realm-name>Tomcat Manager Application</realm-name>
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    URGENT HELP NEEDED ... I need to get back to my client on this.
    Help would be v. much appreciated.

    In the config file, you 're essentially saying that you want Tomcat to prompt for usr/passw on every request (url-pattern = /*) made by a 'webviewer', and that's exactly what Tomcat is doing.
    Consider using specific url-patterns & roles for resources to be protected. If for now, all you need is to protect the first page, use a more specific url-pattern.
    Just an advice : if you'll be using LDAP in production, do not waste time with Tomcat's Security Realm and the BASIC authentication type, since the two have not much in common. Start reading doc on LDAP, and code a prototype, or even better, a vertical slice of the app (i.e a proof of concept).

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    You may want to ask in the correct forum.
    Correction - should be
    In general with Java, if the last 2 digits (_nn) are higher than required, they are considered compatible. So the implication is 'yes' - but this is still the wrong place to ask.
    <Ignore mode=on forum=this/>
    Edited by: Hans Forbrich on Sep 10, 2009 7:23 AM

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    It has never been tested and you can do so at your own risk.  I know some people are running it and have not noticed any problems but everyone is different.  If you do try it out please give a update if you had any problems.

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    I also learned that the READMEs for the following patches in My Oracle Support also describe the downgrave process:
    -- Alan

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    To set the PATH permanently, add the full path of the jdk1.6.0_<version>\bin directory to the PATH variable. Typically this full path looks something like C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_<version>\bin. Set the PATH as follows on Microsoft Windows:
    1. Click Start > Control Panel > System on Windows XP or Start > Settings > Control Panel > System on Windows 2000.
    2. Click Advanced > Environment Variables.
    3. Add the location of bin folder of JDK installation for PATH in User Variables and System Variables. A typical value for PATH is:
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_<version>\bin

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    I tried to use thin drivers in JDK 1.4 and Oracle 9i. The Oracle 9i has got a jar file named classes12.jar.
    i usually compile my .java files with the command:
    javac -classpath D:\oracle\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar <>
    the same is run in the console by the command
    java -classpath D:\oracle\jdbc\classes12.jar; <nameOfClassFile>
    I am giving the entire code that I want to compile and run below.
    The problem thing I am facing is ..... When even I try to start TOMCAT v5.0 I have to close the TSNListener of Oracle 9i and let the Oracle database only running. But when I request for a execution of a servlet that uses the class file, it gives an error. Telling ClassNotFound. If I add up the classes12.jar file in the classpath then tom cat does not run properly.
    So may anyone help me out of the situation of how to use the thin drivers, compile and run servlets and jsp's in TomCat v5.0.
    If not the solution of my above problem, then I want to know how can I use the Thin Drivers and implement a MVC architechture using TOMCAT and JDK1.5 and JRE1.5

    Where did you add the classes12.jar file reference in Tomcat?
    You need not add it to classpath. Just drop the jar file into the path":
    Tomcat loads all Jars inside this folder and then uses it for Runtime. It does not look at your machine's Classpath attribute

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