Communicating Quanser DAQs via Labview RealTime

I am using a data acquisition card made by quanser (Q8-USB) in my robotic application and I have the following questions:
1- Is it possible to read/write this DAQ in labview? I know that there is a special add-on for quanser DAQs, but I have not bought it.
2- Is it possible to communicate with a USB devise in RT-Target ?

I checked our third-party intstrument driver site and did not see anything listed for the Quanser device.
You may want to contact the original distributor of the device to validate the claim that it can interface with LabVIEW. Theoretically, you should be able to. However, the first step would be to verify if the device appears in Measurement and Automation Explorer. 
The following links may help address your questions regarding communication with the device in real-time. 
LabVIEW Real-Time and USB Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -
Can I Control a USB Device with NI-VISA on a Real-Time Controller? -
Will M.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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    There are two different drivers sets for the 34970, but they're not from Agilent. They're available from the NI Instrument Driver Network. Since you said you had it working under 7.1 you're probably using the older "hp34970" drivers. The error codes you indicated are -138, which is "Suffix not allowed", and -113, which is "Undefined header". Both of these basically mean a syntax error, which is likely incorrect code with the drivers. There are numerous configuration VIs. Which one are you using, and how are you calling it? Can you use the updated project-style drivers available from the link I posted?
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    Microwave Design Office 2002, Cadence, OrCAD, Protel, FPGA, VHDL,
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    Which driver have you on your computer ? You can see them in MAX >> Software. Which is version of ni-visa, ni-488.2 ?
    What kind of protocol do you want to use : gpib, serial, parallel ?
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    Ingénieur d'applications
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    Message Edited by mepausle on 12-20-2006 12:38 PM
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    ben64 wrote:
    If all channels perform the same type of measurements you can just add the channels of the second daq board in the same daq assistant. The daqmx read will output an array of 32 values (assuming you use the 32 available channels).
    You should provide us with more details.
    That may not work with M series cards (unless NI changed something on me).  Last I checked, M series and older needed to have seperate tasks to run, meaning you would need two DAQ Assistants.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    You asked the same question here under a different user ID. 
    Asking for someone to email you something that you must purchase is called software piracy. Nobody on this forum will help you with that.

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    Go to Solution.

    amirsaman wrote:
    hello everyone,
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    Hey Andy,
    With the PXI-8109RT you can only use LabVIEW Real Time 2010 or later. You can see this on the product page of the NI PXI-8109RT. The second bullet on the product page talks about this.
    David A.
    National Instruments
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    Même un petit morceau de code me serait profitable histoire de savoir par où commencer
    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses,
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    Bonjour Lykaa,
    Avez-vous consulté le forum suivant ? : Arduino and Dallas DS1820 (one-wire)
    et posté sur la communauté en question ? : LabVIEW Interface for Arduino
    Voici également un lien qui pourrait vous être utile : How to use the DS18S20 and DS18B20 temperature sensors with Arduino
    Jérémy C.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
    Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France

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    Merci d'avance
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Pour ceux qui aurais le même problème, voici le lien qui m'a aidé

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    Codial Saludo,
    Ir a solución.

    Hola Arturo,
    Gracias por responder y por su tiempo,
    Mira si yo realizo la aplicación utilizando Labview para monitorear y controlar el programa cFieldpoint no tendría problemas porque el intercambio de los datos es fácil y directo.
    Yo también puedo monitorear y controlar la misma aplicación desde lookout a través de el protocolo Datasock, pero tengo que tener abierto  labview como interfase entre los dos Scada, necesito solamente que lookout coloque  los setpoint del proceso.
    Lo que busco es sí se puede a través de este protocolo y otro medio poder controlar el programa que esta corriendo  compilado dentro del cFielpoint directamente desde lookout sin la necesidad de tener corriendo Labview.
    Cordial Saludo,

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    Hi e_Rik,
    Could you explain what you are trying to do a little further?  Currently the only real-time targets that can have a keyboard or mouse plugged into them is a PXI chassis or a desktop ETS system. 
    The following links also touch on the subject as well.
    I double checked and currently there are no keyboard or mouse VIs that work on real-time targets.  You may be able to get around this by finding a serial keyboard and mouse and using VISA calls.  Hope that helps clarify, and have a good day.
    Brian K.

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