Como reparar el error 403

este es un amaneser en mi bello ECUADOR
como reparar el error 403

Cuantas veces hemos visto este problema... lo que pasa es que cuando utilizas la funccion "this VI's path" en un ejecutable lo que te da es diferente de lo que te da cuando ejecutas el VI sin estar en un ejecutable.
Sin estar en un ejectuable te dara por ejemplo : C:\proyecto\
Y despues de generar el ejecutable te dara : C:\projecto\Ejecutable.exe\
Y en el caso de tu application no puedes generar una tabla en cuyo "path" sera "C:\projecto\Ejecutable.exe\TABLA DE AFORO.csv" por eso vez el error 7.
Para que funccion en ambos casos tienes que asegurarte de que el "path" de la tabla sea posible.
Mira la modification que he hecho en tu VI.
Espero que te ayude.
When my feet touch the ground each morning the devil thinks "bloody hell... He's up again!"

Similar Messages

  • Error message when trying to sign in to HP ePrint "ajax submit failed: error = 403, forbidden"

    HP Photosmart 7525
    Windows 7
    Ajax submit failed: error = 403, Forbidden
    Installed new printer: Photosmart 7525
    I am trying to set up my ePrint account and add my printer and it won't let me sign in or create a new account.
    Thanks for your help!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    One can also restart the computer.After it shuts down leave it off for at least a minute and then reattempt access the site once computer is back on and running. I would also check to make sure that Java is up to date and that Adobe Flash is up to date. 
    I am a former employee of HP...
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  • Website on Mac Mini Server not accessible. Error 403 index document not available.

    Dear all,
    I'm trying to host a website on my Mac Mini Server. As far as I can see, my DNS is working correctly. Also my firewall is setup correctly. (I'm hosting another website which works OK). But I setup a new site. Basically a copy of the working site. But this site doesn't reflect an index.htm page. I receive an Error 403 with further information that there is no index document or that the site is secured. There is a contact link on this page directing to my webmaster. So I conclude that something is working, but no index.htm page. Has anyone similar experience? And offcourse a solution?
    Many thanks.

    Launch and issue the commands:
    cd /Library/Webserver/Documents/
    ls -al
    And see if the files are readable by the web server.   Here's an example index file listing that's owned by root and with group access for admin folks, and this file is marked as readable and writable for the owner and the group, and is readable for everybody else:
    -rw-rw-r--    1 root  admin   5094 Jul 25  2009 index.html
    In this configuration, the web server would be using the other access; the web server can read this file, but not write to it.  Here is how to duplicate these ownership and access settings on your own index.html file, assuming that you have that file present in the ls listing above, and assuming that you have issued the cd (change default directory) command shown above:
    sudo chown root:admin index.html
    sudo chmod ug=rw,o=r index.html
    You will need to enter your administrative password for the sudo command.
    I would very strongly suggest that you start learning some basics of bash and of Apache, because you're going to be needing those skills very soon.

  • Server Error  403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

    I`d like to get your advice on Server Error 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. I use to visit a webpage with no issues so far but now i getting this error each time i`m trying to get into. Any ideas in how to solve it? A step to step process will be highly appreciated.
    PS, I`m using the latest safari 8.0.3 and OS X 10.10.2.

    It's an error message from the web server, not from Safari. There's a slight chance that you might be able to clear it as follows.
    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data...
    and confirm. Test.

  • I tried to access my website, but Firefox threw the error: 403 Forbidden, you don't have the permissions to view.

    My website - - is under construction w/Dreamweaver + Flash.
    I uploaded my files to my server.
    I opened Firefox and entered the URL:
    The error "403 Forbidden" appeared, and ...
    You do not have the permissions to access.
    I have tried to upload my site countless times, but never successfully - it is a huge headache. That said, I have never gotten the "403 Forbidden - no permissions" before.
    All other failures threw the error "404, can not locate the URL "/" on this server.
    Any help will be enormously appreciated.
    P.S. : Are there permissions preferences on Firefox? I found one under Tools Menu, but it didn't seem to address my problem.

    I get the same thing with Firefox, IE8, Opera, and Safari. It isn't a Firefox only problem.
    Are you new to that webhosting service? <br /> Have you ever uploaded web pages to that same web hosting service previously, pages that worked after an upload? <br /> Are those pages listed as ''' "public" ''' pages in your web hosts control panel?
    My suggestion is to "download" your homepage and associated files & images from your PC, up to the server, using your web hosts control panel and see how that works.
    Beyond that, I suspect that you might have missed an important setting in Dreanweaver for uploading to the web host's server. You might try asking about this issue at a Dreamweaver support forum.

  • HTTP Error 403.16 - Forbidden, Your client certificate is either not trusted or is invalid.

    Dear Experts,
    I have tried mutual authentication with sample website as per below link:
    1. Created a Root certificate, client and server certificate based on this root certificate by using Makecert command as per below link:
    2. Import these certificates in Trusted Root Certification authority of both the stores (Local and Current user)
    3. Created a sample website with HTML page
    4.Hosted this website in IIS with HTTPS binding and selected the above server certifcate
    5. Enabled "Require SSL" and selected "Require" under SSL settings of website
    6. Exported the client certificate in base64 format --> Edited in notepad --> made the key into single line
    7. Placed the above key under Configuration editor --> system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication --> one to one mapping with user credentials.
    8. I tried to access the website
    But, I ended with below error :(
    HTTP Error 403.16 - Forbidden
    Your client certificate is either not trusted or is invalid.
    Detailed Error Information:
    Module    IIS Web Core
    Notification    BeginRequest
    Handler    ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0
    Error Code    0x800b0109
    Requested URL    https://localhost:443/
    Physical Path    E:\SampleRoot
    Logon Method    Not yet determined
    Logon User    Not yet determined
    Could you please let me know what I missed here.
    I am using windows8, IIS8.0.
    Thanks in advance.
    M. Prasad Reddy.

    Hi Prasad,
      As per this case, I have been shared the corresponding details below
      1.First of all,make sure that you import the certificate whether it belongs to Trusted RootCertification or not .
        If that is the case ,Goto Microsoft Management Console (MMC), open the Certificates snap-in. 
        For instance, the certificate store that WCF is configured to retrieve X.509 certificates from, select the Trusted RootCertification Authoritiesfolder. Under the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder, right-click the Certificatesfolder,
    point to All Tasks, and then click Import. configured the server certificate as well, But check the client certificate whether have root certificate or not by following command?
    makecert -pe -n "CN=SSLClientAuthClient"
             -eku -is root -ir localmachine -in WebSSLTestRoot
             -ss my -sr currentuser -len 2048
      3. Also check the Service Certificate whether its configured on the WCF Service side
      4.Make sure that you followed all the steps are done correctly from your given referred link below
      5.Besides, please try to set the require SSL as ignore to see if you can access the website.
    If the above details cannot able to resolve this issue, please post your config file here.

  • Error 403 when I try to connect to iCloud

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    They told me that my Iphone has reached the maximum number of iCloud accounts creations, 3 as you wrote. But I spoke to a very kind guy from the Apple assistance and after two long calls for trying to find wherefrom my problem was, he contacted Apple engineers and they allowed me to create one more icloud account with my iphone.
    So, for others who got this 403 error, it means that your ID is an Apple ID but not An iCloud ID and that you cannot create a iCloud account ... unless if you phone them maybe.
    Many thanks to Apple assistance.

  • Can't sign up for eprintcenter-I get this error ---Ajax submit failed: error = 403, Forbidden

    Bought my 6700 printer yesterday.  Set it all up, prints fine.  Got the print out that tells me to go to the and "sign up and enter your printer code." 
    Every time I enter any information, I get this error code:  Ajax submit failed: error = 403, Forbidden
    I've tried entering my personal email, the eprint email--in short I've tried everything and can't register for an account so I can customize my printer email address, etc.  Can some one help?

    I do apologize that you are having this issue. If you are still having this issue, I would suggest using a different web browser (i.e. internet explorer, google chrome, mozilla firefox). There are more that are available but those are just a few examples. I sure hope you can get everything worked out. Thanks again!!!!
    Feel free to repost if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns.
    If I have SOLVED your issue, please feel free to provide KUDOS and make sure you mark this thread as SOLUTION PROVIDED!
    Although I work for HP, my posts and replies are my own opinion and not those of HP.

  • All free/busy requests get error 403 in iCal with MobileMe

    I'm playing for the first time with looking with my availability in iCal / Lion / MobileMe CalDAV accounts.
    Everything else is working well with my calendars and Mobile Me.
    I can add events, remove them, edit them, the sync is working well between the web interface and iCal on my Mac (10.7)
    The only thing amiss is the availability window just logs an error to the console after a short time out.
    It's error 403 which seems to be a permission denied error.
    Do I need to grant permission for MobileMe to publish my free/busy status anywhere?
    It it locked down until I allow sharing?
    Is it tied to sharing a calendar some how?
    Just sending a call out to others in case I'm missing something obvious. There are instances of this error on the boards with iCal and 10.6.6. so I presume it's more a server setup / service interruption than something I can change.
    Thanks for any input - even if it's a "it works for me right now" or "I too can't get mobile me status in iCal"
    (p.s. Mobile Me support says they can't help - talk with iCal people.)
    (p.s. After two hours on the phone with iCal - it's back to the MobileMe people to try again. I figured I'd give a shout here before I try them again...)
    Here's the error message from /private/var/log/system.log
    7/27/11 12:48:30.780 PM          iCal          Error Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=403 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain error 403.)" UserInfo=0x7fd30cbbe3d0 {CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x10300c1e0 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{type = immutable dict, count = 7,
    entries =>
              0 : <CFString 0x7fff7c240c18 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "Server"} = <CFString 0x7fd30cabf370 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "MobileMeCalendarServer 1C97"}
              2 : <CFString 0x7fd30cd8acb0 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "DAV"} = <CFString 0x7fd30cb97840 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "1, access-control, calendar-access, calendar-schedule, calendar-auto-schedule, calendarserver-sharing, calendarserver-subscribed, calendarserver-principal-property-search"}
              3 : <CFString 0x7fff7c240780 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "Content-Type"} = <CFString 0x7fff7dbf1640 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "text/xml"}
              4 : <CFString 0x7fff7c2407b8 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "Date"} = <CFString 0x7fd30cbd9810 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "Wed, 27 Jul 2011 17:48:30 GMT"}
              6 : <CFString 0x7fff7c240710 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "Content-Length"} = <CFString 0x7fff7dbebe80 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "280"}
              8 : <CFString 0x7fd30cd636e0 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "X-Transaction-Id"} = <CFString 0x7fd30cbd7060 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "nk11r10me-calsvr003-10-1311293226-3551930"}
              9 : <CFString 0x7fd30cab2b10 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "X-Responding-Server"} = <CFString 0x7fd30cdeda10 [0x7fff7dbf7ea0]>{contents = "nk11r10me-calsvr003 10"}
    } getting free-busy information for (
        "mailto:[email protected]",
        "mailto:[email protected]"

    I have a similar issue. My girlfriend is using a yahoo address and for the life of me I cannot send her an iCal invite from my or address. It never shows up in her email, not in inbox, not in junk, not deleted. I get an exclamation point on her name in the iCal invite. I can send her invites from Gmail. I created a test account on yahoo and I can send invites to that test account.
    Of course I can email her just fine. I can open the invite in iCal, select the down arrow on her name and select "send email" that works just fine. I try to "invite again" and nothing... this is maddening
    I've deleted iCal cache, deleted her contact, tried just using her smtp yahoo address, i don't have this issue with anyone else that I know of...

  • Power BI analysis services connector - the remote server returned an error (403)

    Hi all, does any one have any suggestions what to try to identify the configuration problem I have?
    I have, a SSAS 2012 tabular instance with SP2, there is a database on the instance with a read role with everyone assigned permissions. 
    When configuring the Power BI analysis services connector, at the point where you enter Friendly Name, Description and Friendly error message, when you click next I receive the error "The remote server returned an error (403)." 
    I've tested connecting to the database from Excel on a desktop and connect fine.
    I don't use a "onmicrosoft" account so don't have that problem to deal with.
    We use Power BI Pro with our Office 365. As far as I can tell that part is working ok as I pass that stage of the configuration with a message saying connected to Power BI.
    The connector is installed on the same server as tabular services, its a Win2012 Standard server. The tabular instance is running a domain account that is the admin account for the instance (this is a dev environment) that account is what I've used in the
    connector configuration. It's also a local admin account. There is no gateway installed on the server.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks, Brian
    Brian Searle

    One other common issue I've seen is the UPN not quite matching. Log onto the SSAS server as the user who's logged into Power BI. Then open a command prompt and run:
    whoami /upn
    Hopefully the UPN it says will match your EffectiveUserName test and will match exactly how you're signing into the Power BI site.
    If that doesn't work, your best bet is to go to and click Contact Support and describe this situation and someone from the Power BI support team should get in touch with you to troubleshoot.

  • Getting "Error 403--Forbidden" while accessing ADF bookmarked URL

    Here am trying to work with an ADF application to suport bookmarking.
    Following are the steps I did to create a sample application.
    Created a bounded task-flow (user-details.xml), which has the "Method call" as default activity along with an another view activity(userData.jsff page).
    This task-flow takes an input parameter "Id" to display user details. In the method call activity user data will be initialized using the given input parameter and then the data will be displayed using userData.jsff page.
    Created a view activity (details.jspx page) in adfc-config.xml file.
    Marked the "details.jspx" file as bookmark-able by changing "Bookmark property to true" and given a Bookmark URL Parameter "Name is Id and Value is #{pageFlowScope.user_id}".
    Dropped the bounded task-flow user-details.xml as a region into the details.jspx file.
    Now the user_id which is coming as URL Parameter will be passed to user-details.xml task-flows input parameter value.
    Created users.jspx page which lists all the users as home page. In the users.jspx page we'll have a link to user details page with a parameter Id.
    By running the application will get users page. When I click on the user details link in the users page, the app showing user details page as expected.
    Now I bookmarked the user details page. If I open the bookmarked page in the same tab, it is working fine. But when I open this bookmark in a new tab getting the "Error 403--Forbidden" response.
    Bookmarked URL: localhost:7101/BookmarkTestApp-ViewController-context-root/faces/user_details?id=123&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrLoop=4884151149818&_adf.ctrl-state=35yghmx4f_18
    When I click the above bookmark in another tab the url is processing for few seconds ( 2 to 3 seconds) and converts to localhost:7101/BookmarkTestApp-ViewController-context-root/ and giving 403 response. At this time it is not touching my beans at all (verified this by running the server in debug mode).
    Web.xml looks like:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <web-app xmlns:xsi=""
             version="2.5" xmlns="">
        <description>If this parameter is true, there will be an automatic check of the modification date of your JSPs, and saved state will be discarded when JSP's change. It will also automatically check if your skinning css files have changed without you having to restart the server. This makes development easier, but adds overhead. For this reason this parameter should be set to false when your application is deployed.</description>
        <description>Whether the 'Generated by...' comment at the bottom of ADF Faces HTML pages should contain version number information.</description>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    Am I missing any thing here.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Error 403 Reported when trying to access web page through a program.

    I was writing a program for fun, to try to download a web page, pdf or anything from the web. The program works fine when given local file system path in URL and also works well when i tried to access a page from the tomcat installed on my machine but gives a error 403 when tried to access URL's outside the system. Tried to read about 403, seems that many sites does not allow to access a particular URL directly using the directory structure, you have to pass thru different hyperlinks before reaching resource.
    class TestDownload
         public static void main(String[] args)
                   URL url = new URL("");
              //     URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/index.html");
              //     URL url = new URL("file:\\C:\\web_2.pdf");
                   URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                   InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream();
                   BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(stream);
                   FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream("x.html");
                   BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(file);
                   int i;
                   while ((i = != -1) {
              catch(IOException e)
              System.out.println("Hello World!");

    I was writing a program for fun, to try to download a web page, pdf or anything from the web. The program works fine when given local file system path in URL and also works well when i tried to access a page from the tomcat installed on my machine but gives a error 403 when tried to access URL's outside the system. Tried to read about 403, seems that many sites does not allow to access a particular URL directly using the directory structure, you have to pass thru different hyperlinks before reaching resource.
    class TestDownload
         public static void main(String[] args)
                   URL url = new URL("");
              //     URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/index.html");
              //     URL url = new URL("file:\\C:\\web_2.pdf");
                   URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                   InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream();
                   BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(stream);
                   FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream("x.html");
                   BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(file);
                   int i;
                   while ((i = != -1) {
              catch(IOException e)
              System.out.println("Hello World!");

  • TS4036 cannot sign in the operation couldn't becompleted.( error 403) showing in icloud i need a sloution

    dear sir
    i can't sing in to my icloud. showing the message as above
    cannot sign in the operation couldn't becompleted.( error 403)
    i need a sloution fo it as soon as i am waiting to you ar replay
    thank you
    mohamed haseef

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    Are you trying to create a new ID, how many ID's have you created already on that device.

  • HT5621 i have this error, cannot sign in the operation couldn't be compleated.( error 403.)

    i have I phone 4s facing this error, cannot sign in the operation couldn't be compleated.( error 403.)

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    Are you trying to create a new ID, how many ID's have you created already on that device.

  • Error 403-forbidden from IE5 while authenticating a user through NT Realm

    Before posting this request, I checked the forum until Sep.18 to see if nobody
    else experienced my problem, but in vain.
    I am using WLS6.1Sp1 under NT4
    I would like that NT users for defined NT Primary Domain Controller authenticate
    themselves before accessing a web app. For that, I followed thoroughly the BEA
    Doc to get the config.xml, web.xml, weblogic.xml and correctly
    The <auth-method> is set to FORM. The <security-role> and <security-role-assignment>
    are also set with business roles and principals from the NT PDC. the <security-constraint>
    with all the sub-tags are also defined. etc.etc. When I use the WL console, to
    check users and groups lists, it works fine although it takes a lot of time before
    being displayed (15 to 20 minutes !!!).
    Through a Login.jsp, the user enters his/her login name and password. The result
    is that I get the following message :
    "Error 403--Forbidden
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.4 403 Forbidden
    The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization
    will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was
    not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled,
    it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. This status code
    is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request
    has been refused, or when no other response is applicable."
    No trace in the log files. No warning . Nothing.
    My questions are:
    1- Has somebody already experienced this?
    2- Could you then help me ?
    By advance , thank you very much.
    Athmani H.
    Note : I can provide you through email the config.xml, web.xml, weblogic.xml and and the concerned .jsp files on demand

    Hi Jerry,
    Many thanks for your interest and your help. file for WLS 6.1 SP1? There is none... I do have a I didn't state that I was using a
    I checked the URL you proposed. I changed the <Auth-method> from FORM into BASIC.
    A pop-up window is displayed requesting the user to enter username and password.
    The result is that I get a web page displaying an Error 404 --not found.
    Here is the complete error message :"Error 404--Not Found
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.5 404 Not Found
    The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given
    of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.If the server does not wish
    to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden)
    can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows,
    through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently
    unavailable and has no forwarding address."
    The message is displayed when the browser tries to resolve the following URL :http://localhost:7001/examplesWebApp/j_security_check
    Having said that, I had already configured the <security-role-assignement> with
    role-name and principals in weblogic.xml, as well as the <security-role> tag in
    Thanks for your help
    Jerry <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Athmani, file for WLS 6.1 SP1? There is none...
    is in WebLogic
    5.1 and lower -- it was changed to config.xml for WLS 6.0 .. what are
    you using your file for?
    I have gotten NTRealms to successfully work with WLS 6.1, with security
    on a web app, allowing
    NT users to access certain resources. This stuff works.
    Since you can see your users and groups through the console (even though
    it takes a while) I
    think that your NTRealm setup is okay.
    I would guess that you have a problem with your deployment descriptors
    in your web
    There are quite a few posts in this newsgroup that illustrate how to
    set up security
    constraints on resources in your web app with the deployment descriptors.
    For example, check out
    Let me know how it goes, okay?
    Joe Jerry
    "Athmani H." wrote:
    Before posting this request, I checked the forum until Sep.18 to seeif nobody
    else experienced my problem, but in vain.
    I am using WLS6.1Sp1 under NT4
    I would like that NT users for defined NT Primary Domain Controllerauthenticate
    themselves before accessing a web app. For that, I followed thoroughlythe BEA
    Doc to get the config.xml, web.xml, weblogic.xml and filerealm.propertiescorrectly
    The <auth-method> is set to FORM. The <security-role> and <security-role-assignment>
    are also set with business roles and principals from the NT PDC. the<security-constraint>
    with all the sub-tags are also defined. etc.etc. When I use the WLconsole, to
    check users and groups lists, it works fine although it takes a lotof time before
    being displayed (15 to 20 minutes !!!).
    Through a Login.jsp, the user enters his/her login name and password.The result
    is that I get the following message :
    "Error 403--Forbidden
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.4 403 Forbidden
    The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization
    will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the requestmethod was
    not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has notbeen fulfilled,
    it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. This statuscode
    is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly whythe request
    has been refused, or when no other response is applicable."
    No trace in the log files. No warning . Nothing.
    My questions are:
    1- Has somebody already experienced this?
    2- Could you then help me ?
    By advance , thank you very much.
    Athmani H.
    Note : I can provide you through email the config.xml, web.xml, weblogic.xmland and the concerned .jsp files on demand

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  • Idiot needs help increasing speed of motion template "blizzard".

    I need to overlay some snow over an existing shot done on exterior location with snow machines. I've found the "blizzard" setup in motion and, since I really don't know motion at all, I want to ask if a kind expert out there can help me simply on how