Comparing columns within cfgrid

I have 2 queries that populate a third query using cfloop and
querynew. The third query, "table1", works just fine. But I am
using a java format cfgrid to output "table1". I want to highlight,
change color, or something, when the value in one column's row does
not match another column's row. Is that possible? How?

Here's my code:
<cfquery name="qrytl2000" datasource="libl">
SELECT #choose2# FROM tldb70.drmst WHERE dracpy = 05 AND
drasts IN (#preservesinglequotes(status2)#) AND (DRASID = '100' OR
DRASID = '300')
AND dradsp IN (99981,99982,99991,99992,99993,99994)
<cfset table1 =
querynew("tl2000drivercode,tl2000drivername,tl2000fleet,tl2000status,sqldrivercode,sqldri vername,sqlfleet,sqlstatus","varchar,varchar,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,varch ar")>
<cfloop query="qrytl2000">
<cfset addrow = queryaddrow(table1,1)>
<cfset driverset =
<cfset nameset =
<cfquery name="qrysql" datasource="timeoff">
SELECT #choose# FROM dbo.log_status WHERE drivercode =
<cfset driverset2 =
<cfset nameset2 =
<!---This section is for the Fleet number from TL2000.
<cfif isDefined("qrytl2000.dradsp") AND
#qrytl2000.dradsp# NEQ "">
<cfset fleetset =
<cfset fleetset2 =
<cfset fleetset =
<cfset fleetset2 = querysetcell(table1,"sqlfleet","")>
<!---This section is for the Driving Status from TL2000.
<cfif isDefined("qrytl2000.drasts") AND
#qrytl2000.drasts# NEQ "">
<cfset statusset =
<cfset statusset2 =
<cfset statusset =
<cfset statusset2 =
<cfformgroup type="horizontal">
<cfgrid name="details" query="table1" format="applet"
colheaderbold="yes" colheaderalign="center" rowheaders="no"
griddataalign="center" height="650" width="1200">
<cfif #table1.sqlstatus# NEQ #table1.tl2000status#>
<cfgridcolumn header="TL2000 PTO Code"
name="tl2000drivercode" bgcolor="##FF3333" dataalign="left"
<cfgridcolumn header="Database PTO Code"
name="sqldrivercode" bgcolor="##FF3333" dataalign="left"
<cfif isDefined("URL.drivername") AND #URL.drivername# EQ
<cfgridcolumn header="TL2000 PTO Name"
name="tl2000drivername" bgcolor="##FF3333" dataalign="left"
<cfgridcolumn header="Database PTO Name"
name="sqldrivername" bgcolor="##FF3333" dataalign="left"
<cfif isDefined("URL.fleet") AND #URL.fleet# EQ
<cfgridcolumn header="TL2000 Fleet" name="tl2000fleet"
bgcolor="##FF3333" width="100">
<cfgridcolumn header="Database Fleet" name="sqlfleet"
bgcolor="##FF3333" width="100">
<cfif isDefined("URL.status") AND #URL.status# EQ
<cfgridcolumn header="TL2000 PTO Status"
name="tl2000status" bgcolor="##FF3333" width="140">
<cfgridcolumn header="Database PTO Status"
name="sqlstatus" bgcolor="##FF3333" width="140">
<cfgridcolumn header="TL2000 PTO Code"
name="tl2000drivercode" dataalign="left" width="120">
<cfgridcolumn header="Database PTO Code"
name="sqldrivercode" dataalign="left" width="140">
<cfif isDefined("URL.drivername") AND #URL.drivername# EQ
<cfgridcolumn header="TL2000 PTO Name"
name="tl2000drivername" dataalign="left" width="200">
<cfgridcolumn header="Database PTO Name"
name="sqldrivername" dataalign="left" width="200">
<cfif isDefined("URL.fleet") AND #URL.fleet# EQ
<cfgridcolumn header="TL2000 Fleet" name="tl2000fleet"
<cfgridcolumn header="Database Fleet" name="sqlfleet"
<cfif isDefined("URL.status") AND #URL.status# EQ
<cfgridcolumn header="TL2000 PTO Status"
name="tl2000status" width="140">
<cfgridcolumn header="Database PTO Status"
name="sqlstatus" width="140">
How can I compare the individual rows of data between the
columns; ie, tl2000drivercode compared with sqldrivercode to see if
they match or not?

Similar Messages

  • Comparing rows within cfgrid

    I have 2 queries that populate a third query using cfloop and
    querynew. The third query, "table1", works just fine. But I am
    using a java format cfgrid to output "table1". I want to highlight,
    change color, or something, when the value in one column's row does
    not match another column's row. Is that possible? How?

    I have 2 queries that populate a third query using cfloop and
    querynew. The third query, "table1", works just fine. But I am
    using a java format cfgrid to output "table1". I want to highlight,
    change color, or something, when the value in one column's row does
    not match another column's row. Is that possible? How?

  • Comparing columns in table and triggers

    hi masters,
    i have oracle 10g in Linux and us PL/SQL developer to access database, ia m not a developer, but am assigned task to compare columns in table and associated trigger.
    let me explain, we have 800 tables, and each table essentially have a trigger created on it. the condition is that each trigger on table should include each column in table, that is columns in table and trigger should be same.
    now i don't understand how to compare them, rather can you suggest any query for the same?? and comparing 800 tables manually will be tedious job...
    i am unable to compare trigger columns with that of tables..
    how can we achieve this???
    any suggestions??
    thanks and regards

    A good starting point could be consult user_triggers view. Example:
    Connected to Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
    Connected as hr
    SQL> desc user_triggers
    Name              Type           Nullable Default Comments                                                                   
    TRIGGER_NAME      VARCHAR2(30)   Y                Name of the trigger                                                        
    TRIGGER_TYPE      VARCHAR2(16)   Y                Type of the trigger (when it fires) - BEFORE/AFTER and STATEMENT/ROW       
    TRIGGERING_EVENT  VARCHAR2(227)  Y                Statement that will fire the trigger - INSERT, UPDATE and/or DELETE        
    TABLE_OWNER       VARCHAR2(30)   Y                Owner of the table that this trigger is associated with                    
    BASE_OBJECT_TYPE  VARCHAR2(16)   Y                                                                                           
    TABLE_NAME        VARCHAR2(30)   Y                Name of the table that this trigger is associated with                     
    COLUMN_NAME       VARCHAR2(4000) Y                The name of the column on which the trigger is defined over                
    REFERENCING_NAMES VARCHAR2(128)  Y                Names used for referencing to OLD, NEW and PARENT values within the trigger
    WHEN_CLAUSE       VARCHAR2(4000) Y                WHEN clause must evaluate to true in order for triggering body to execute  
    STATUS            VARCHAR2(8)    Y                If DISABLED then trigger will not fire                                     
    DESCRIPTION       VARCHAR2(4000) Y                Trigger description, useful for re-creating trigger creation statement     
    ACTION_TYPE       VARCHAR2(11)   Y                                                                                           
    TRIGGER_BODY      LONG           Y                Action taken by this trigger when it fires                                 
    SQL> select * from user_triggers;
    TRIGGER_NAME                   TRIGGER_TYPE     TRIGGERING_EVENT                                                                 TABLE_OWNER                    BASE_OBJECT_TYPE TABLE_NAME                     COLUMN_NAME                                                                      REFERENCING_NAMES                                                                WHEN_CLAUSE                                                                      STATUS   DESCRIPTION                                                                      ACTION_TYPE TRIGGER_BODY
    TRGTEST                        BEFORE STATEMENT INSERT                                                                           HR                             TABLE            DEPARTMENTS                                                                                                     REFERENCING NEW AS NEW OLD AS OLD                                                                                                                                 ENABLED  trgTest                                                                          PL/SQL      DECLARE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  before insert on departments                                                                   -- local variables here
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             END trgTest;
    UPDATE_JOB_HISTORY             AFTER EACH ROW   UPDATE                                                                           HR                             TABLE            EMPLOYEES                                                                                                       REFERENCING NEW AS NEW OLD AS OLD                                                                                                                                 ENABLED  update_job_history                                                               PL/SQL      BEGIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  AFTER UPDATE OF job_id, department_id ON employees                                           add_job_history(:old.employee_id, :old.hire_date, sysdate,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FOR EACH ROW                                                                              
    SECURE_EMPLOYEES               BEFORE STATEMENT INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE                                                       HR                             TABLE            EMPLOYEES                                                                                                       REFERENCING NEW AS NEW OLD AS OLD                                                                                                                                 ENABLED  secure_employees                                                                 PL/SQL      BEGIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON employees                                               secure_dml;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             END secure_employees;
    RK_ALT_BEF_TRG                 AFTER EVENT      ALTER                                                                            HR                             SCHEMA                                                                                                                           REFERENCING NEW AS NEW OLD AS OLD                                                                                                                                 ENABLED  rk_alt_bef_trg                                                                   PL/SQL      BEGIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AFTER ALTER ON HR.SCHEMA                                                                         dbms_output.put_line('AFTER Schema trigger fired');
    SQL> Regards,

  • How to create a fixed-width column within an APEX 4 interactive report?

    This thread is a follow-up to {message:id=9191195}. Thanks fac586.
    Partial success: The following code provided by fac586 limits the column width of the Apex 4 interactive report column as long as the column data contains whitespace within a Firefox 3.6 browser:
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    <style type="text/css">
    width: 300px;
    td[headers="T_DESCRIPTION"] {
    width: 300px;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    1. The code above is put into the HTML header section for the page.
    2. T_DESCRIPTION is defined as VARCHAR2(2000).
    3. The code above works within the Firefox 3.6.12 browser but does not work within the Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13 browser.
    I tried adding "float: left;":
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    <style type="text/css">
    width: 300px;
    td[headers="T_DESCRIPTION"] {
    width: 300px;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    <font color="red"> float: left;</font>
    1. "float: left;" does not require whitespace and successfully splits the column between characters in lieu of whitespace.
    2. "float: left;" shrinks the cell height and allows the page background to show through... couldn't determine how to fix this.
    3. The code above works within the Firefox 3.6.12 browser but does not work within the Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13 browser.
    I've done some more research, but I still haven't discovered how to create a fixed-width column within an APEX 4 interactive report that displays properly within an Internet Explorer 7 browser.
    Any ideas and help will be appreciated.

    Thanks for your help with this!
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    what theme are you using?
    A customized version of theme 15.
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    Floating a table cell makes no sense (to me anyway).
    You are correct. I was just trying a different approach ... trying to think out of the box.
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    Think you'll need to create an example on with sample data
    if there are any further problems.
    Great suggestion! The code your provided works in the Firefox 3.6.12 browser, but still doesn't work within my Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13 browser.
    I have recreated the problem at, you can use the following information to check it out:
    Workspace: IR_FIXED_WIDTH_COLS
    Username: GUEST
    Password: Thx4help
    Application: 43543 - CM_RANDY_SD
    Note: Table name is TEST_DATA
    The following code provided by fac586 works in both Firefox 3.6 and IE7 using default theme "21. Scarlet" at; however, it doesn't work when I use a copy of our customized theme "101. Light Blue":
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    <style type="text/css">
    .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA {
    width: 300px;
    max-width: 300px;
    td[headers="T_DESCRIPTION"] {
    max-width: 300px;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    <!--[if lt IE 8]>
    <style type="text/css">
    /* IE is broken */
    td[headers="T_DESCRIPTION"] {
    width: 300px;
    Any idea what in the theme could be causing the fixed width column to be ignored in IE 7?
    Edited by: CM Randy SD on Dec 7, 2010 11:22 AM

  • Error inserting a row into a table with identity column using cfgrid on change

    I got an error on trying to insert a row into a table with identity column using cfgrid on change see below
    also i would like to use cfstoreproc instead of cfquery but which argument i need to pass and how to use it usually i use stored procedure
    update table (xxx,xxx,xxx)
    values (uu,uuu,uu)
         My component
    <!--- Edit a Media Type  --->
        <cffunction name="cfn_MediaType_Update" access="remote">
            <cfargument name="gridaction" type="string" required="yes">
            <cfargument name="gridrow" type="struct" required="yes">
            <cfargument name="gridchanged" type="struct" required="yes">
            <!--- Local variables --->
            <cfset var colname="">
            <cfset var value="">
            <!--- Process gridaction --->
            <cfswitch expression="#ARGUMENTS.gridaction#">
                <!--- Process updates --->
                <cfcase value="U">
                    <!--- Get column name and value --->
                    <cfset colname=StructKeyList(ARGUMENTS.gridchanged)>
                    <cfset value=ARGUMENTS.gridchanged[colname]>
                    <!--- Perform actual update --->
                    <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
                    UPDATE SP.MediaType
                    SET #colname# = '#value#'
                    WHERE MediaTypeID = #ARGUMENTS.gridrow.MediaTypeID#
                <!--- Process deletes --->
                <cfcase value="D">
                    <!--- Perform actual delete --->
                    <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
                    update SP.MediaType
                    set Deleted=1
                    WHERE MediaTypeID = #ARGUMENTS.gridrow.MediaTypeID#
                <cfcase value="I">
                    <!--- Get column name and value --->
                    <cfset colname=StructKeyList(ARGUMENTS.gridchanged)>
                    <cfset value=ARGUMENTS.gridchanged[colname]>
                    <!--- Perform actual update --->
                   <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
                    insert into  SP.MediaType (#colname#)
                    Values ('#value#')              
    my table
    mediatypeid primary key,identity
    my code is
    <cfform method="post" name="GridExampleForm">
            <cfgrid format="html" name="grid_Tables2" pagesize="3"  selectmode="edit" width="800px" 
                <cfgridcolumn name="MediaTypeID" header="ID"  display="no"/>
                <cfgridcolumn name="MediaTypeName" header="Media Type" />
    on insert I get the following error message ajax logging error message
    http: Error invoking xxxxxxx/MediaType.cfc : Element '' is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression.
    {"gridaction":"I","gridrow":{"MEDIATYPEID":"","MEDIATYPENAME":"uuuuuu","CFGRIDROWINDEX":4} ,"gridchanged":{}}

    Is this with the Travel database or another database?
    If it's another database then make sure your columns
    allow nulls. To check this in the Server Navigator, expand
    your DataSource down to the column.
    Select the column and view the Is Nullable property
    in the Property Sheet
    If still no luck, check out a tutorial, like Performing Inserts, ...

  • How do i change the number of columns within a text box?  I need to go from three columns to one.

    How do I change the number of columns within a text box?  I need to go from 3 columns to 1.  The insert column is highlighted and column break does not work for this.

    Pages '09 does not seem to allow layout breaks in Textboxes.
    Pages 5.2 has the same limitation.
    Use multiple linked Textboxes in Pages '09 to get the layout you want or create your layout in a Word Processing template in the document layer.

  • How do you widen a column within a view

    Farm is SP 2010, upgraded from MOSS (and in some cases, pages upgraded from SP 2003 to MOSS years ago). The pages in question below are using the SP 2010 visual interface.
    I have a site admin who has been asked to widen a column within one of the AllItems.aspx views. Right now, the column is wrapping after about 13 or 14 characters.
    The users asked the admin to widen it so it "never" wraps.
    1. Is that possible?
    2. If so, how would he do that?
    3. If not, then how would he change it so that more characters are shown?
    Additional info:
    He tried to open the list in SharePoint Designer where he figured he might be able to figure out some way to modify things, but instead gets an error saying that the web part or control on the page could not be displayed because it is not registered
    as safe. It goes on to tell him to contact the site admin (which is him) to have the web part or control configured as safe.
    He has no idea how to do that - nor do I. In particular, as far as we are aware, this is a standard list web part. Seems like it should already be registered as safe.
    Perhaps someone out there has already ran into this?

    I think you can modify the width of the column using Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007.
    The steps below:
    1.    Open the view in Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007.
    2.    In the "Design" window, right click anywhere on the body of the view.
    3.    Select "Convert to XSLT Data View".
    4.    Click once on the column title you wish to adjust.
    5.    You should now be able to drag the column to the desired width.
    You can also edit
    web part's css class style:".ms-vb", but the style is used in multiple places and its properties are grouped with other styles. So we should change the style carefully (obviously
    I saved a backup first in case it all went very badly).

  • MDS persistence for column within a loop

    I am trying out basic setup of MDS. I was able to make it work for most of my columns except for a column within a loop. I also tried using the ADF Read Only Dynamic table and it is not persisting any of the columns of the table, since it is inside the loop.
    I would like to know if this is a bug when you apply MDS to component that has id that is dynamically incremented/generated.
    mds customization file - c18 i s missing which should correspond to the dynamic column
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <mds:customization version="" xmlns:mds="">
    <mds:modify element="c17">
    <mds:attribute name="displayIndex" value="1"/>
    <mds:modify element="c21">
    <mds:attribute name="displayIndex" value="2"/>
    <mds:modify element="c16">
    <mds:attribute name="displayIndex" value="3"/>
    <mds:modify element="c20">
    <mds:attribute name="displayIndex" value="4"/>
    <mds:modify element="c19">
    <mds:attribute name="displayIndex" value="5"/>
    <mds:modify element="c28">
    <mds:attribute name="displayIndex" value="6"/>
    <mds:modify element="c27">
    <mds:attribute name="displayIndex" value="11"/>
    <mds:modify element="c22">
    <mds:attribute name="displayIndex" value="12"/>
    <mds:modify element="c15">
    <mds:attribute name="displayIndex" value="0"/>
    jspx related to the display, just to show the component id. In blue is the logic/code for dynamically displaying a column and the dropdown and contents of the dropdown
    items="#{pageFlowScope.SearchRules.filterBeans}" varStatus="index" var="def">
    *<af:column id="c18" headerText="#{def.parameterDisplayName}">*
    <af:selectOneChoice value="#{row.dataProvider.ruleColumns[index.index].attributeId}"
    disabled="#{!(sessionScope.usersession.ruleAuth.isRoleForCreateEditRule and row.dataProvider.ruleColumns[index.index].isEdit)}"
    autoSubmit="true" shortDesc="#{row.message}"
    id="soc4445" valuePassThru="true"
    <af:forEach items="#{bindings.Rule.rangeSet}" varStatus="att" >
    <af:selectItem label="#{row.dataProvider.ruleColumns[index.index].attributes[att.index].assignedAttributeValue}"
    rendered="#{row.dataProvider.ruleColumns[index.index].attributeSize > att.index}"
    <!--f:selectItems value="#{row.dataProvider.ruleColumns[index.index].attributes}"

    the problem actually is that the id is the same for all of the occurences. So the forEach loop should create unique IDs for each occurence of a component.

  • Function Module to Compare Date within date Range

    Hi All,
            Does anyone know Function Module to Compare Date within date Range...For example i need to find whether 08/02/2006 falls in between 07/15/2006 and 09/15/2006......

    data: datum type sy-datum value '20070802',
          datum_low type sy-datum  value '20070730',
          datum_high type sy-datum value '20070930'.
    If datum between datum_low and datum_high.
    Rich Heilman

  • Required UDF for comparing values within same context

    I have to compare values within the same context.I am getting boolean values for that field.If all the values in the same context are true,then the result should be true .Otherwise false  should be passed.
    If input is-
    Output should be as-
    Please suggest how to acheive this?..its urgent

    Check with this UDF
    public void context1(String[] a,ResultList result,Container container)
        int k = 0;
        int arrayLength = a.length;
        if (arrayLength > 0)
            String firstElement = a[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < arrayLength; ++i)
                     k = 0;
                     k = 1;
    if(k == 1)

  • Varying number of columns within same text box

    I am reposting this here as suggested. This has been submitted to the feature request. If you are also interested in this feature, please also submit it there.
    here is original posting with replies:[email protected]
    One feature still missing (correct me if I am wrong) is to have number of columns applied to paragraphs not text boxes.
    This is a constant hassal having to interupt the text box with a new text box and then another one after that just because you want a paragraph to be in muliple columns to save space for instance, or using some other work around like inline text boxes.
    This is useful when trying to save space on a page, if you have short bullets, such as a list of items which if just left in a single column would leave a lot of white space to the right side of the column. Use this paragraph as an example. Pretend this is the lead in paragraph referring to the followng list. Include these items in your recycling:
    -plastic bottles
    -paper cups
    -glass jars
    -drink boxes
    -dairy products
    -pet hair
    As you can see the list can get very long, and so breaking the list across a number of columns would really save space, as the bullets are just single words.
    I have this situation everyday in the work I do and it is a real pain to have to redraw a new text box for each instance, and then another one to follow it.
    And of course there is the whole headings that span multiple columns issue too.
    I could forsee a feature where you would simply select the number of paragraphs and then change the number of columns. If it went to another page, then the number of comumns would still be applied as it is applied now to a text box.

    Thanks for your suggestions, Eugene. That's what users helping users is all
    However, we build the document (a book with hundreds of pages)
    automatically, importing and autoflowing tagged text. Manual intervention
    doesn't meet the need.
    It's silly that a title or introduction should have to be in a different
    frame from the rest of the text, just because the title/intro is
    single-column and the text is multi-column. Ventura Publisher supported
    paragraphs spanning columns 20 years ago. Adobe, get with the times!
    Darrel Eppler
    Global Publishing Services
    SIL International
                                                                                    Eugene Tyson                                             
                 <[email protected]                                        
                 >                                                          To
                                           DARREL EPPLER                  
                 05/21/2009 03:18          <[email protected]>        
                 AM                                                         cc
                 Please respond to         varying
                 clearspace-118700         number of columns within same text
                 4112-1NVP-2-8iM2@         box                            
    If you need to make it go from 1 column into multiple columns in a layout
    then it stands to reason that you also need the content to remain in the
    multiple columns.
    There are various ways to do this.
    1. Using Tables: You can have as many columns and rows as you like. The con
    about this is that tables cannot break over pages, so you have to manually
    split the cell so that the content fits.
    2. Use Tabs: This can be awkward if your text is already in a list format,
    it involves cut and paste and isn't "that" easy to implement. If the text
    is already in a layout format that suits then putting in tabs would work
    fine. The advantage is that this can break easily over pages/columns etc.
    It's flexible to adjust the spacing etc. But it can be awkward to setup,
    especially if there is a long list that needs to be in 2 or columns...
    so then you have this option:
    3. Use an anchored text frame: If you cut the content from your text frame
    and paste it into a new text frame: Then anchor the new text frame into the
    layout. You can specify the amount of columns in the anchored text frame.
    The frame will move with the text, but just like tables, they won't split
    over pages.
    I've used all 3 on many occasions depending on what scenario came up -
    different layouts need different workarounds.
    But they shouldn't be work arounds, it should be just select this text and
    put it into x amount of columns, and it should all flow without having to
    do much else.

  • Multiple Columns within tableview column

    Hi All,
    I need to display a tableview which will have multiple columns within a column. It is much like using 'fixedColumn' attribute in tableviewcolumn for rows.
    Can a similar functionality be implemented for multiple columns?
    Thanks in advance,

    One method is already told you here is another method of doing this:
    let say you want your third column to be another table do it like this with out using iterator
    even you can control its display by embedding if... endif on layout
    simply write this:
    <htmlb:tableView id                  = "tbl"
                               table               = "<%= itab %>"
                               selectionMode       = "LINEEDIT"
                               columnHeaderVisible = "TRUE"
                               allRowsEditable     = "FALSE" >
    <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "PERNR" title="Personnal No"/>
    <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "REQID" title="Request id"/>
    <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "user" type= "USER" title="another table">
                  <htmlb:tableView id                  = "tbl"
                                   table               = "<%= itab2 %>"
                                   selectionMode       = "LINEEDIT"
                                   columnHeaderVisible = "TRUE"
                                   allRowsEditable     = "FALSE" />
    where itab1 is main table and itab2 is another table displayed at column3.
    itab1 and itab2 both are filled up internal tables.
    if you want itab2(column3) to be displayed on some condition put if... endif condition prior to it.
    remember giving type attribute of a tableviewcolumn = "USER" embeds next htmlb to that column as per defined.
    Revert back for any problem or help,

  • Columns within table cells

    Is it possible to have more than one column within a table cell?

    You can create tabular columns within a table cell. You can type a tab character either by choosing Type > Insert Special Character > Other > Tab, or pressing Option+Tab (Mac). (I can't test this on Windows, but I think Alt-Tab is used to switch between applications, so you could set up a different keystroke in Edit  > Keyboard Shortcuts.) Then you can use the Tab panel to set tab stops within the cell, as if it were a text frame.

  • How to move a column within a table?

    Hi All!
    Is it possible in Oracle 9i to move a column within a table? For instance, I have a table
    and I want to add one more column ID4. So, I can do it like this:
    ADD ID4 NUMBER(18);
    In this case, the column will be added to end of the table but I want to move the column on the position after ID3. So, my question is, is it possible to move a column within a table? And if yes, how I can do it?.
    Any help will be appreciate.
    With best regards,
    Andrej Litowka.

    Actually speaking it makes no difference where a column is placed in the table. The select clause is the one that decides on how to display the data. But still if you want to store it next to a particular column then there are 2 options...
    1. Rename &lt;tname&gt; to &lt;tname_1&gt;;
    Create view &lt;tname&gt; as select &lt;cols&gt; from &lt;tname_1&gt;;
    The above option is useful in case of selects. In case of DMLs it will have to do a little more work by going and firing the same on the actual underlying table.
    2. Rename &lt;tname&gt; to &lt;tname_1&gt;;
    Create table &lt;tname&gt; (&lt;new col order with the new col&gt;);
    Insert into &lt;tname&gt; (select &lt;col order&gt; from &lt;tname_1&gt;);
    This option seems to be better than the first one.
    Hope this helps you.

  • Split Columns Within a List

    I'm currently working on the questions page for a math textbook and have run into an impasse.
    I'm trying to place a numbered list (which is a 3-split column) within another numbered list. However, I don't know how to do this. I'm attaching a screenshot.
    Please note Questions 1-6. I am aiming to have the alphabetically numbered list sit on the same line as the numbered list. Both use paragraph styles which contain a list element, and not manual formatting with tabs, spaces, etc.
    I appreciate any help.
    Thank you.

    There could be other techiniques as well but this how I did :-
    Define 2 paragraph style :-
    Paraghraph style 1 :- Under the "Bullet and numbering" section, have the Numerir Numbering at Level 1.
                                   Define the formatting you want for the Question 7, 8 and 9.
                                   Also, under "Indent and spacing" define "Space After" value.  --- This will bring the gap in the Numeric and Alphabetical section also gap between the paragraph.
    Paragraph style 2 :-  Under the "Bullet and numbering" section to have the Numeric Numbering at Level 2 , change the format to have "a,b,c,d"
                                   Define the formatting of text as you want to appear for the number in these options.
                                   Under "Span Column" , Define "Split column" , Sub Column" value to be 3 and specify the gutter space and other settings as required.
    When you want to use the Numeric numbering , say for Question 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 and 9 use the Paragraph style 1.
    Then Switch to Paragraph Style 2 and type the numbers, (no need to type the alphabet for bulleting, they will be automatically added)
    After you have typed the Third number set Ex:- C) 23,235 , press "Num Enter"(Enter key on Num Pad) for Column break , this will move the content to the next split column.

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