Compilation errors on CommandLine works ok in JDeveloper!

I am trying to run the application on a commandline. I am able to run it fine in JDeveloper as the application is created in JDeveloper. But I need to run it on a commandline. I need some help how to make it work. Here is the scenario:
I have two packages i.e.
I have four classes in each of the package.
My main class is in package com.test1.test2.all
When I try to compile the program, gets errors that say can't find the classes from package
com.test1.test2.util. As I have added import com.test1.test2.util.*; in classes of com.test1.test2.all. So can anyone help me what is the right way to do. Thanks for the help.

please make life easy for everyone and post what you
are entering at the command line.
your: javac -classpath etc......
Cant help you without that.
The big problem with IDE's is you end up automating
your perception of the build process, so you don't
actually know whats going on within the compiler.
If you want my advice stay away from JBuilder (or any
IDE) until you understand the fundamentals. It may
seem easier now, but you aren't doing yourself any
I'm a jEdit + javac man myself.

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    public List<String> autoCompleteFindUniqueNames(String searchString){
    UniqueEmployeeNamesImpl hits = this.getUniqueEmployeeNames1();
    hits.setNamedWhereClauseParam("searchPrefix",searchString.toUpperCase()+ "%");
    ArrayList resultset = new ArrayList((int)hits.getEstimatedRowCount());
    for (Row row:hits.getAllRowsInRange()){
    return resultset;
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    Row row:hits.getAllRowsInRange()

  • JDT compilation error!

    Dear All,
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    JDT compilation error!
    My working environment :
    Eclipse with Weblogic server 10.3 / XP
    Please help me to solve these issue.

    Maybe your EJB have static methods. Remove the 'static' modifier and retry.

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    var esrc = event.getSource();
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    ... from BB ...
    public void onClick(ClientEvent clientEvent) {
    String message = (String) clientEvent.getParameters().get("fvalue");

    Try like this
    <trh:script>clientListenerMethoName= function(event) {
    var source = event.getSource();
    AdfCustomEvent.queue( source, "serVerListenerType", {}, false); }
    Next :
    <af:clientListener method="clientListenerMethoName" type="click"/>
    <af:serverListener type="serVerListenerType" method="#{beanName.methodName}"/>
    Edited by: Raj Gopal K on May 4, 2011 4:05 PM

  • No Compiling Error but doesn't work NEW

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class javacw extends Applet implements KeyListener, Runnable
         Area pandaArea;
         Graphics2D g2d;
         // Providing coordinate control for the Panda
         int pandax=20, panday=50;
         // Animation condition. True = animate, False = static.
         boolean pandabool=false, laidOut=false;
         boolean left;
         boolean right;
         boolean up;
         boolean down;
    Thread animThread;
    Dimension offDimension;          // Defines an offscreen Dimension
    Image offImage;                    // Defines an offscreen Image
    Graphics offGraphics;          // Defines an offscreen Graphics
         Image panda;                    // Defines an Image object for panda
         public void init()
              // Set the layout of the applet to null
              panda = getImage(getCodeBase(), "panda.gif");
              public void Move ()
                   if (left) {
                        pandax = pandax - 10;
                   if (right) {
                        pandax = pandax + 10;
                   if (up){
                        panday = panday + 10;
                   if (down){
                        panday = panday - 10;
              public void keyTyped(KeyEvent event){}
              public void keyPressed(KeyEvent event)
                   if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) left = true;
                   if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) right = true;
                   if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) down = true;
                   if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) up = true;
              public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) left = false;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) right = false;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) up = false;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) down = false;
    public void start()
              // Make sure the thread hasn already been created
         if (animThread == null) {
         animThread = new Thread(this, "anim");
    public void run() {
              // Create a current thread.
              Thread myThread = Thread.currentThread();
         // As long as the thread is created, keep redrawing the
         // canvas and then pausing for 10 miliseconds.
         while (animThread == myThread) {
         try {
         } catch (InterruptedException e){}
    public void paint(Graphics g)
              if (offImage != null) {
              g2.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, null);
         // Overide the update() method
    public void update(Graphics g) {
              Dimension d = getSize();
              // Create the offscreen graphics context
              if ((offGraphics == null)
              || (d.width != offDimension.width)
              || (d.height != offDimension.height)) {
              offDimension = d;
              offImage = createImage(d.width, d.height);
              offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics();
              // Erase the previous image
              offGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
              paintFrame(offGraphics);               // Paint the frame into the image
              g.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, null);     // Paint the image onto the screen
    public void paintFrame(Graphics g) {
              Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
              g2d.drawImage(panda, pandax, panday, this);
              if (pandabool) {               // If pandabool==true, animate the panda =)
                   if (pandax>400) pandax=0;
    public void stop()
         animThread = null;
              offImage = null;
              offGraphics = null;
    public void destroy(){}
    hi everyone, i'm new to java and i'm trying to wirte a keyListener to makes my image move. btw there are no compiling errors but the key is not working. hope that someone can help me. appreciate

    You have a Move() function that you're not calling! Not much use unless you place a call to it in your run() function, eh?
    Next time you post code, use the  tags.

  • JDeveloper compile error without detailed message

    Hi all.
    When compiling my application i get compiler error on one EO without detailed message. When i check and validate source in xml everything seems to be ok. Are there any settings to further investigate the problem. I'm using jDeveloper developing ADF application.
    Suggestions welcome.
    Edited by: user5866800 on 20.12.2011 13:49

    If i open xml file, everything is colored with green.i cant comment on this statement. because am not using release2.
    did you change anything .xml which you mentioned.?
    how did you generated EntityImpl for the EO?

  • Working with generics generates a compilation error

    hi again,
    i?m trying to work with generics but when i try to compile my work i get a "generics are not supported in -source 1.4" error, i am working with BlueJ, and i have jdk1.5.0_06 installed in my computer, why am i getting this error? is there any parameter I need to change in blueJ, if ti is so, Which one?
    thanks again...

    I actually think that the OP is compiling with Java 5, but he has set source compability to 1.4 on the project (or default settings). The error message "generics are not supported in -source 1.4" indicates the the compiler knows about generics.
    @OP. Look for something like source compability. I have never used BlueJ, but I would guess that you can find it under building/compiling, probably in some project settings.

  • Compilation errors with JDeveloper

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    private List<String> lString;
    and now I have a compilation error with the same code
    ' Error(43,14): <identifier> expected '
    I think it's a compiler version problem but I'm not sure and I don't know how to change the compiler version.
    If someone have any idea, I will be happy to receive response.

    JDeveloper doesn't support neither JDK 1.6 nor JDK 1.5.

  • Compilation error when deploying EAR file on standalone OC4J...

    Hi All,
    I am getting the following error when trying to deploy an EAR File describing a web service from the Jdeveloper IDE to the stanalone OC4J server instance.
    Uploading file JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear ...
    Application Deployer for JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS STARTS.
    Copy the archive to C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear
    Initialize C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear begins...
    Unpacking JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear
    Done unpacking JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear
    Unpacking WebServices.war
    Done unpacking WebServices.war
    Initialize C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear ends...
    Starting application : JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS
    Initializing ClassLoader(s)
    Initializing EJB container
    Loading connector(s)
    Starting up resource adapters
    Initializing EJB sessions
    Committing ClassLoader(s)
    Initialize WebServices begins...
    Initialize WebServices ends...
    Started application : JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS
    Binding web application(s) to site default-web-site begins...
    Binding WebServices web-module for application JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS to site default-web-site under context root JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-context-root
    Operation failed with error:
    Error compiling :C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS\WebServices: compilation error occurred
    Deployment failed
    Elapsed time for deployment: 1 minute, 50 seconds
    Please could somebody help me out with this? Basically I am not able to understand how to deploy the EAR file created under the MyWork folder under jdeveloper\jdev to the applications folder of j2ee\home. I am new to both EAR deployment as well as web services and would like to get a good understanding of the working of a web service which includes SOAP components and the like.
    Any help with regards to building and deploying a web service on standalone OC4J would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    Initially I followed the following steps to start up OC4J:-
    Settings :-
    1) Jdeveloper is setup under C:\Lester\Testing as Jdev10.1.3 folder
    2) I downloaded the extended oc4j zip folder and unzipped it under a new folder oc4j at the location C:\Lester\Testing\Jdev10.1.3
    Steps followed to run oc4j and deploy application
    1) Setup a standalone oc4j from the jdeveloper ide giving C:\Lester\Testing\Jdev10.1.3\oc4j as the root folder for oc4j.
    2) While doing step 1 added password and deployed it. Changed server.xml under C:\Lester/Testing/JDev10.1.3/oc4j/j2ee/home/config
    to include the following:-
    <shared-library name="global.libraries" version="1.0" library-compatible="true">
    <code-source path="C:\Lester/Testing/JDev10.1.3/oc4j/j2ee/home/applib"/>
    <java-compiler name="javac" in-process="false" options="-J-Xmx1024m -encoding UTF8" bindir="C:\Jdeveloper\jdk" extdirs="C:\Jdeveloper/jdk" />
    3) Opened a command prompt and went to the location C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home and ran the following command:-
    --> java -jar oc4j.jar
    4) Deployment: Then I deployed my primewebservice application from command prompt at C:\Lester\Smart Cylinder\Example code\prime\PrimeNumberService>
    --> java -jar C:\Lester/Testing/JDev10.1.3/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin.jar ormi:// oc4jadmin welcome -deploy -file PrimeNumberService.ear -deploymentName DocStyleWebService
    5) Web Binding: Then I bound my primewebservice application from command prompt at C:\Lester\Smart Cylinder\Example code\prime\PrimeNumberService>
    --> java -jar C:\Lester/Testing/JDev10.1.3/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin.jar ormi:// oc4jadmin welcome -bindWebApp DocStyleWebService PrimeNumberService_web http-web-site /docws
    6) Steps 4 and 5 went through without error.
    7) However when trying to access the web service using the following link I get the standard HTTP 404 (Page not found) error:-
    This was before I tried deploying the web service through jdeveloper IDE.
    I had tried the document web service given at the following link:-
    from the web services how to links
    Please could somebody help me out? Also periodically I recieve the ojc.exe not found error when trying to deploy an application using jdeveloper ide. There are two conflicting jdeveloper versions one comes with this exe and one without.
    Message was edited by:
    Lester N

  • 10.1.3 Internal compilation error after unistalling extension cwd4all

    I installed the cwd4all extension from the "check for updates" wizard.
    Then i decided that I didn't need it so I uncheck it from the Tools>Preferences>Extensions but when I tried to compile apreviously working class I got an "Internal compilation error, terminated with a fatal exception" error.
    Rechecking (i.e. reinstalling) the extension solved the problem, so then I removed both the jar and the relative folder from the extensions directory and I got the same error.
    I don't want to reinstall the extension.
    Any suggestions?

    Extensions that are provided on the "Open Source and Partner Extensions" extension center are written by third parties and come with absolutely no warranty or guarantees whatsoever.
    If you want to make sure you're running JDeveloper in a completely supported mode, you should uncheck the "Open Source and Partner Extensions" update center on the "Source" page of Check for Updates before checking for updates (or if you're installing updates via the automatic check balloon, only select extensions which are marked as being from the "Official Oracle Extensions" update center).

  • How do I add an included jsp to my project and not get a compile error?

    I have a project with some included jsp's however if I add them to the project, when I build I get a compile error as the jsp uses variables from the calling jsp.
    Any ideas on how to get round this.

    There are two main ways that I deal with this problem (yeah, it sucks, but it sort of makes sense that it happens...) (I presume you're talking static include here...)
    #1 - name the included file with an extension that JDev will not try to compile (.jspf - for JSP Fragment - is common) Then it will be compiled in with the including page, but won't gag the project compilation. Advantage - it works, and you find out at compile time if you hosed up the variable reference. Disadvantage: JDev tries really, really, really hard to keep you from naming a JSP file with an extension of .jspf I normally create the .jsp file in JDev, remove it from the project, rename the file outside of JDeveloper, then add it back to the project - pain in the butt, but it works (and you probably aren't building scads of these included files...)
    #2 - add the variable to be referenced to the pageContext implicit object as an attribute in your including page (ex, <% pageContext.setAttribute("myVar", myVar); %>), then reference that attribute in your included JSP (ex, <%= pageContext.getAttribute("myVar") %>) . It will compile fine (as the compiler has no way of knowing if the pageContext attribute actually exists, it just sees that the syntax is good and motors along merrily. Advantage: don't have to have differently named JSP files (which isn't actually a big deal). Disadvantage: You hvae to add the variable to the pageContext (and you have to always add Object derivatives, as primitives won't go into a hash) and you don't find out if you screwed the variable up until runtime (when it tries the getAttribute, which could return null if you didn't properly set it to start with) vs at compile-time w/ the direct reference.

  • Internal compilation error, terminated with a fatal exception

    Hi there,
    I am getting the following error when I try to rebuild my application:
    Internal compilation error, terminated with a fatal exception
    It was working fine till yesterday. I tried to reinstall the Jdevelolper wihout any success. Any help will be appreciated. I am using jdeveloper build 1913

    I am also facing the same problem..
    My whole project was working fine..and when I was just about to deploy in Server , I am getting this error.
    "Internal compilation error, terminated with a fatal exception"
    If anyone knows how to resolve it, please let us know..
    Thanks in Advance,

  • Compiler error "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement" not found in class com.ora

    Compiler error "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement" not found in class
    I am currently testing a simple sample application with a java code similar to the one shown at
    the bottom of this post.
    However during deployment/compilation the compiler gives an error:
    Error(26,23): XMLElement not found in class
    Additionally similar other errors appear:
    Error(23,66): JAXBException not found in class
    Error(51,58): UnmarshalException not found in class
    Error(9,92): Element not found in interface
    What's wrong?
    It seems to me that I have to add some (more) *.jar files/libraries to the project?
    Which *.jars and where should I add them in JDeveloper?
    source code:
    public class ApproveImpl extends implements
    public ApproveImpl(oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement node)

    Hai James this the response I am getting can you please tell what should I write inside ora:getNodeValue() to get the value of node <genReturnText>
    The drag and dropping the variable name is not working, I have to write the path manually but I dont know how.
    <ns1:getRoutingAndFrameJumpersResponse xmlns:ns1="com.NetworkInstallations">
    Transaction successfully completed.

  • Class javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext compilation error

    During Rebuild/compilation of the JSP files inside JDeveloper, I am encountering the compilation error "Error(548,78): method handlepageException (java.lang.Throwable) not found in class javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext. When I developed the same application under IBM WSAD, I included the library and will take care of it. Which Oracle Jdeveloper lib I need to include? Since it is a servlet library error, I tried to include the Oracle "Servlet APIC Classes" but it didn't fix the problem. Thanks in advance!

    hmmm... i had a look and it seems that what you are trying to "import" is actually in a package... instead of import try:
    package javax.servlet.jsp;you may need to go download this "package" and complile it in the directory you are working in.
    my advice: try the above statement (which does compile for me), if it doesn't work, you will need to find the source code for this package and compile it just like you do any other source code.
    hope this helps.

  • Compilation error:  Failed to read wsdl

    Dear Experts,
    I am getting issue during deployment of BPEL process. I have created a BPEL process with schema named TD_Init.xsd and I get deployed. Later I have changed my xsd content in the sense I have added some more elements on the same xsd and update my process. getting compilation error as
    Error: [Error ORABPEL-10903]: failed to read wsdl
    [Description]: in "bpel.xml", Global element declaration/definition of name '{}ProcessRequestElement' are duplicated at the following locations:
    file:/F:/JDeveloper/jdev/mywork/TDRequest/TDIntegration/bpel/TD_Init.xsd [line#: 14]
    http://eway:8889/orabpel/default/RecommendProcess/TD_Init.xsd [line#: 14]
    http://eway:8889/orabpel/default/AdvanceIssue/TD_Init.xsd [line#: 14]
    There are at least two of them looking different:
    file:/F:/JDeveloper/jdev/mywork/TDRequest/TDIntegration/bpel/TD_Init.xsd [difference starting at line#:23]
    http://eway:8889/orabpel/default/RecommendProcess/TD_Init.xsd [difference starting at line#:23]
    [Potential fix]: If your site has a proxy server, then you may need to configure your BPEL Server, designer and browser with your proxy server configuration settings (see tech note on for instructions).

    Hi Rajesh,
    Thanks. You are having this issue because you are referencing the same xsd at a time with more than one process. Ensure that you reference the schema with its logical reference and use it within you local project directly. Even, if that does not work, then make it global and so all processes can use it .
    Example :
    You need to copy all your schemas into <ORACLE_SOA_HOME>/bpel/system/xmllib folder and access them using the following URL:
    http://<HOST NAME>:<PORT>/orabpel/xmllib/<XSD_PATH>
    For Example:

Maybe you are looking for

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