Compile and debug to a remote server with ssh access

How can i compile and debug from my Mac to a remote server that has ssh access only?

Besides Microsof's Remote Desktop Connection
Applications -> Remote Desktop Connection
Computer:  windows.pc.address
Computer:  windows.pc.address/console
There is also CoRD (Microsoft RDC Screen Sharing)

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  • How to connect to remote server with jmx from jvisualvm

    I have a WL 10.3.2 domain running on a single box. The adminserver and managed server are running on the same box, on different ports (7001 and 8001, respectively).
    I have a Spring application deployed to the managed server and I've configured it to register a Spring bean as a JMX mbean.
    When I run this entire configuration on my laptop, I can run jvisualvm and connect to my server and see and manipulate my registered mbean.
    I'm having trouble figuring out how to get a remote connection working, however. I want to run jvisualvm on my laptop and connect to the remote server.
    I first did "Add Remote Host", where I specified the IP address. It appears that this was created successfully, and it apparently was able to determine the DNS name for it.
    I then tried to add a JMX connection. In the "Connection" field, I just entered the IP address followed by a colon and 8001 (managed server port number).
    In the "Use security credentials" section, I entered the weblogic admin principal and credentials.
    When I click OK, it chugs for a while and eventually gives up, saying:
    Cannot connect to [email protected]:8001 using
    What might I be missing?

    I've resolved this. At least I was able to configure an authenticated connection. It doesn't use SSL yet, but I'm ok with that for a while.
    Resolving this only required changing the command line parameters for the managed server, and being aware of the "jmxremote.access" and jmxremote.password" files. The following blog article helped a lot: [] .
    I'm now passing the following command-line parameters:
    The default "role" configured in "jmxremote.access" is "controlRole", and the "jmxremote.password" file specifies the credentials for that principal. I simply used that principal and credential in JVisualVM, and the connection succeeded.
    And I just used the "host:port" form, not the protocol form.
    Edited by: david.karr on Feb 4, 2011 12:47 PM

  • How can you run a command with elevated rights on a remote server with invoke-command ?

    I am trying to run a script on a remote server with invoke-command.  The script is starting and is running fine, but the problem is that it should be running with elevated rights on the remote server.  On the server where I start the invoke-command, my account has the necessary rights.
    The server were I launch the invoke-command is a W2K8 R2.  The remote box is a W2K3 with powershell v2.0 installed.
    When I launch the script on the remote-box from the command line, I don't get the access denied's.
    Is there a way to do this ?
    Thanks in advance

    The script that I want to run is to install the windows updates.  I get an access denied on the download of the updates.
    When I execute the script on an W2K8 box, (not remotely) and I run it with non-elevated rights, I get the same error.
    The script is running fine when it is launched on W2K3 box locally with a domain account that has local admin rights, or on a W2K8 R2 server with a domain account that has local admin rights, but with elevated rights.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    #=== start script ====
    Function Show-Help
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "SCRIPT: $scriptName <installOption> <RebootOption>"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "DESCRIPTION: Installatie van WSUS updates op de lokale server"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "PARAMETERS"
    Write-Host " -installOption <[INSTALL|TESTINSTALL]>"
    Write-Host " -rebootOption <[REBOOT|NOREBOOT|REBOOT_IF_UPDATED]>"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "EXAMPLE:"
    Write-Host "$ScriptName -installOption INSTALL -rebootOption REBOOT_IF_UPDATED"
    Write-Host "$ScriptNAme INSTALL NOREBOOT"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Indien beide parameter weggelaten worden zijn de defaultwaarden :"
    Write-Host " installOption=TESTINSTALL "
    Write-Host " RebootOption=NOREBOOT"
    Write-Host ""
    #Include alle globale variablen
    $CEIF_WIN_PATH = (get-content env:CEIF_WIN_PATH)
    $includeFile=$CEIF_WIN_PATH + "\Scripts\include_win.ps1"
    . $includeFile
    #initialiseer error count
    #argumenten controleren
    $arrInstallOption= "TESTINSTALL", "INSTALL" # Mandatory variable with predefined values
    If (!($arrInstallOption –contains $installOption)){ Show-Help }
    $arrRebootOption = "REBOOT", "NOREBOOT","REBOOT_IF_UPDATED" # Mandatory variable with predefined values
    If (!($arrRebootOption –contains $rebootOption)){ Show-Help }
    #Logfile opbouwen
    $logfile = get-logfileName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
    Log-scriptStart $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $logfile
    function Get-WIAStatusValue($value)
    switch -exact ($value)
    0 {"NotStarted"}
    1 {"InProgress"}
    2 {"Succeeded"}
    3 {"SucceededWithErrors"}
    4 {"Failed"}
    5 {"Aborted"}
    function boot-server()
    if ($installOption -eq "TESTINSTALL")
    logger "TESTINSTALL : - Reboot local Server" $logfile
    logger " - Reboot local Server" $logfile
    $thisServer = gwmi win32_operatingsystem
    $thisServer.psbase.Scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = $true
    $logmsg="Install option = " + $installOption + ", RebootOption = $rebootOption"
    logger "$logmsg" $logfile
    logger "" $logfile
    logger " - Creating WU COM object" $logfile
    $UpdateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
    $UpdateSearcher = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
    logger " - Searching for Updates" $logfile
    $SearchResult = $UpdateSearcher.Search("IsAssigned=1 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0")
    logger " - Found [$($SearchResult.Updates.count)] Updates to Download and install" $logfile
    logger "" $logfile
    foreach($Update in $SearchResult.Updates)
    if ($Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0)
    # Add Update to Collection
    $UpdatesCollection = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
    $UpdatesCollection.Add($Update) | out-null
    if ($installOption -eq "TESTINSTALL")
    # Download
    logger " + Downloading Update $($Update.Title)" $logfile
    $UpdatesDownloader = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
    $UpdatesDownloader.Updates = $UpdatesCollection
    $DownloadResult = $UpdatesDownloader.Download()
    $Message = " - Download {0}" -f (Get-WIAStatusValue $DownloadResult.ResultCode)
    if ($DownloadResult.ResultCode -eq 4 )
    { $errcnt = 1 }
    logger $message $logfile
    # Install
    logger " - Installing Update" $logfile
    $UpdatesInstaller = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
    $UpdatesInstaller.Updates = $UpdatesCollection
    $InstallResult = $UpdatesInstaller.Install()
    $Message = " - Install {0}" -f (Get-WIAStatusValue $InstallResult.ResultCode)
    if ($InstallResult.ResultCode -eq 4 )
    { $errcnt = 1 }
    logger $message $logfile
    logger "" $logfile
    #Indien er een fout gebeurde tijdens download/installatie -> stuur mail naar windowsteam
    if ( $errcnt -gt 0 )
    logger " - Fout tijdens de uitvoering van script -> send mail" $logfile
    $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($logfile)
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $msg.From = $mailFrom
    $msg.Subject = $mailSubject
    $msg.Body = “Meer details in attachement”
    #Moet de server herstart worden ?
    if ($rebootOption -eq "REBOOT_IF_UPDATED" )
    if ($Updates -gt 0)
    #Reboot the server when updates are installed
    elseif ($rebootOption -eq "REBOOT")
    #reboot the server always
    #Do not reboot the server
    logger "Do not reboot the server" $logfile
    Log-scriptEnd $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $logfile
    exit 0

  • Provider-hosted Apps debug error: The remote server returned an error: (401) unauthorised

    Any help appreciated!!
    I'm getting this error: "The remote server returned an error: (401) unauthorised when I debug a provider-hosted app.  I get the error on this line:  
    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    See code below
    I created a high trust development environment following the instructions provided here: and
    I created a provider-hosted app with the intent to:
    create a SharePoint list in the appweb
    Use self-signed certificate, tokenhepler.cs and sharepointcontext.cs to retrieve current user context and access on SharePoint.  (No changes were made to tokenhelper.cs and sharepointcontext.cs)
    retrieve list items from the SharePoint list in a button click event handler on a default.aspx of the remote web
    What happens:
    The app is deployed successfully to the Dev site
    The SharePoint feature is deployed and activated
    The default.aspx page of the remote web loads
    The error (see image) is returned on clicking of the button
    My environment is an on-premise SharePoint 2013 with AD and my dev box is standalone windows 8.1 running Visual Studio Professional 2013 Update 3.
    The code block below is a copy of the default.aspx code-behind
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
    using Microsoft.IdentityModel.S2S.Tokens;
    using System.Net;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using System.Xml.XPath;
    namespace Idea.GeneratorWeb
    public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    SharePointContextToken contextToken;
    string accessToken;
    Uri sharepointUrl;
    protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Uri redirectUrl;
    switch (SharePointContextProvider.CheckRedirectionStatus(Context, out redirectUrl))
    case RedirectionStatus.Ok:
    case RedirectionStatus.ShouldRedirect:
    Response.Redirect(redirectUrl.AbsoluteUri, endResponse: true);
    case RedirectionStatus.CanNotRedirect:
    Response.Write("An error occurred while processing your request.");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //// The following code gets the client context and Title property by using TokenHelper.
    //// To access other properties, the app may need to request permissions on the host web.
    var spContext = SharePointContextProvider.Current.GetSharePointContext(Context);
    //var spContext = new ClientContext("MySPDevInstance");
    //spContext.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
    //using (var clientContext = spContext.CreateUserClientContextForSPHost())
    // clientContext.Load(clientContext.Web, web => web.Title);
    // clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
    // Response.Write(clientContext.Web.Title);
    string contextTokenString = TokenHelper.GetContextTokenFromRequest(Request);
    if (contextTokenString != null)
    // Get context token
    contextToken = TokenHelper.ReadAndValidateContextToken(contextTokenString, Request.Url.Authority);
    // Get access token
    sharepointUrl = new Uri(Request.QueryString["SPAppWebUrl"]);
    accessToken = TokenHelper.GetAccessToken(contextToken, sharepointUrl.Authority).AccessToken;
    // Pass the access token to the button event handler.
    Button1.CommandArgument = accessToken;
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Retrieve the access token that the Page_Load method stored
    // in the button's command argument.
    string accessToken = ((Button)sender).CommandArgument;
    if (IsPostBack)
    sharepointUrl = new Uri(Request.QueryString["SPAppWebUrl"]);
    // REST/OData URL section
    string oDataUrl = "/_api/Web/lists/getbytitle('Diagrams In Idea Generator')/items?$select=Title,Diagram,SharingStatus";
    // HTTP Request and Response construction section
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(sharepointUrl.ToString() + oDataUrl);
    request.Method = "GET";
    request.Accept = "application/atom+xml";
    request.ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=entry";
    request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    // Response markup parsing section
    XDocument oDataXML = XDocument.Load(response.GetResponseStream(), LoadOptions.None);
    XNamespace atom = "";
    XNamespace d = "";
    XNamespace m = "";
    List<XElement> entries = oDataXML.Descendants(atom + "entry")
    .Elements(atom + "content")
    .Elements(m + "properties")
    var entryFieldValues = from entry in entries
    select new
    Character = entry.Element(d + "Title").Value,
    Actor = entry.Element(d + "Diagram").Value,
    CastingStatus = entry.Element(d + "SharingStatus").Value
    GridView1.DataSource = entryFieldValues;
    Any ideas what I might be doing wrong

    Hi ,
    Use the below code
    Public string GetAccessToken(){
    string sharePointSiteUrlHost =  Page.Request["SPHostUrl"].Tostring();
    string AccessToken = tokenHelper.GetS2SAccessTokenWithWindowsIdentity(sharePointSiteUrlHost, Request.LogonUserIdentity);
    return accessToken;
    Than initialize the ClientCOntext with the below Method
     private static ClientContext GetClientContextWithAccessTokenString(string targetUrl, object accessToken)
                ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(targetUrl);
                clientContext.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.Anonymous;
                clientContext.FormDigestHandlingEnabled = false;
                clientContext.ExecutingWebRequest +=
                    delegate(object oSender, WebRequestEventArgs webRequestEventArgs)
                        webRequestEventArgs.WebRequestExecutor.WebRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)";
                        webRequestEventArgs.WebRequestExecutor.RequestHeaders["Authorization"] =
                            "Bearer " + accessToken;
                return clientContext;
    use this clientCOntext and it will work.
    Do not use
    Whenever you see a reply and if you think is helpful,Vote As Helpful! And whenever you see a reply being an answer to the question of the thread, click Mark As Answer

  • Cursor and black screen on XFree86 server with DirectFb backend

    Hi all.
    I need to bring up lightweight XFree86 server with DirectFB as video backend on CE Linux (Intel Set Top Box). For now I've done following:
    1.    Compiled and tested DirectFB with multi application support (fusion library).
    2.    Compiled XFree86 with DirectFB as backend.
    3.    X based applications (xclock, for example) can be drawn from device on remote display after exporting DISPLAY variable.
    4.    XDirectFB server can be started successfully without errors.
    I faced with following X server problems:
    1.    I can see only black display with active graphic mouse cursor once I started X server and any X application (xclock, for example). Its looks like application windows are drawn but invisible on a screen. When I moving mouse, cursor changes from arrow to resize or others icons.
    2.    When I try to use XFree86 as remote X server for drawing, client program issue XRandr command is not supported. Again I can see blank black screen and valid mouse cursor, which seems manage invisible windows.
    3.    XFree86 manuals points that X server uses configuration files /etc/X11/xorg.conf  or /etc/X11/XF86Config for video/input devices settings. Does XFree86 with DirectFB video backend use such configuration files? Which one? What video driver should I define there? I have tried both of configuration files without success. It seems X server ingoring them.
    Appreciate advices, suggestions and visions.
    Please note me if additional information requires.

    I have discovered solutions for my problems (unfortunaly not causes). Hope this helps someone.
    1. I can see only black display with active graphic mouse cursor once I started X server
    I have found that XDirectFB binary accepts 'defaultOpacity' (default opacity for created top level windows)argument which can vary in <1-255> range. Value 1 corresponds to full invisibility windows state and 255 to zero opacity. It seems 255 is default value for opacity, but in my case screen still black/blank. I set 254 opacity and wow! Its a miracle - I can see windows!!!
    2. When I try to use XFree86 as remote X server for drawing ... I can see blank black screen and valid mouse cursor
    Now I can use my X server for rendering remote client's graphic applications.
    3. ... Does XFree86 with DirectFB video backend use such configuration files? Which one? What video driver should I define there?
    It seems indeed XDirectFB server doesn't use any configuration files. For my case X server normally starts without configuration files.
    If you have any questions or need some clarifications, please contact me.
    Regards, Medvic.
    Last edited by medvic (2009-12-30 22:24:32)

  • Can I edit a WordPress theme on a remote server with DW CS5?

    I'm sure this isn't that difficult, but I'm going nuts trying to figure it out.
    How do I tell DW CS5 to open my WordPress theme on a remote server so I can edit it using all the great new features?  I'm not using my "real" blog/site for this.
    I have gone through the tutorials to set up a local testing server, but I'd really like to be able to edit on my host too.  It's got to be possible, but I'm just not finding the answer.  Please help!

    I use Dreamweaver CS4 to work on remote WordPress themes/sites all the time and it works very well.
    I never bother setting up a testserver on my local machine since I work from different locations, so I work directly on the remote server from wherever I am.
    I will try to give you step by step directions:
    (I am on CS4 so it may be a little different for you but the basics will be the same),
    Set up your site with site/manage sites/advanced
    For the Local root folder you give the folder on your hard drive where you keep your files
    Set links relative to document.
    For Remote info set access to FTP
    FTP host will be
    Host directory is the path to your theme folder, in my case that is httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/themes/mytheme/
    Then give your login and password and check "use passive FTP"
    check "maintain synchronization information" and "automatically upload files to server on save".
    For testing server check "none"
    For version control click "none"
    (it could be a good idea to use version control through subversion but for a one-man operation it may be a little overkill, we leave that for now to keep things simple)
    For cloaking check "enable cloaking", check "cloak files ending with" and give the file extensions of the files you keep in your local folder for building your website but don't want to be uploaded to your remote server, like .fla .psd .set .rtf .doc  etcetera.
    Now you are ready to start working on your theme.
    In your files panel you can switch from local view to remote view. You can use the "get" and "put" commands (the arrows) to move files from local to remote and vice versa. I always work with child themes*. So in my theme folder there will be only a style.css file, a functions.php file, maybe some template files and an images folder. I use my local style.css file to make changes. On save, they are automatically uploaded and Dreamweaver also handles the "dependent" files, like images. No need to bother about that, really easy. Use the browsers on your machine to check your site.
    The downside of working on a remote server is off course that if you make a mistake you will mess up your site. Luckily, in this setup you can just use "undo", save the file and you are back to were you were, as long as you work on your local files (and let DW upload those automatically after you save)
    For safety and convenience, I keep all my local files in a Dropbox** folder. Everytime I save the file, a version is saved. So I can always go back to versions I  made hours, days or weeks ago. If you're on a mac you could also use timemachine for this, but timemachine only backups every hour, where Dropbox keeps every copy you save(as long as you have enough free space in your Dropbox that is)
    To sum it up:
    • Setup your site with Site/manage sites
    • work locally and let DW automatically upload the files you edited to the remote server
    • setup your local machine so that versions are kept with Dropbox
    • work on child themes instead of making changes to the original theme
    • use a browser to view your work
    * child themes are the easy and clever way of working with themes.
    see: Working with Child Themes
    ** Dropbox is a free backup, file sync and filesharing utility.
    Get a free 2Gb plus 250MB bonus account here:Dropbox Invite

  • Setting up FMS on a remote server with Linux platform

    Can anybody help me with setting up FMS on a remote server
    that runs linux?

    First of all you must download linux distribution of fms with
    wget url.
    tar -zxvf FlashMediaServer2.tar.gz
    This will create a directory which contains the installation
    cd into newly created directory something like
    cd FMS_2_0_3_r68_linux
    you will see an executable file named installFMS in the dir
    if you list the files with ls.
    just type ./installFMS and press enter.
    You should be able to set it up without problem if you
    officially set it up on linux platforms which are described on its
    help page but you must use -platformWarnOnly parameter to start if
    you want to set it up on a platform orther than support list.
    it will ask you some questions which you must answer
    it will install itself into /opt/macromedia/fms and you will
    be able to manage the service by /etc/init.d/fms.
    you can check the service if it has started succesfully by
    ps aux|grep fms
    netstat -aln|grep 1935
    there should be a running process named fms
    the port 1935 should be listenning on some interfaces
    if you don't see any of them than service might not be
    started succesfully.
    You may try to start the service manually by typing
    /etc/init.d/fms start
    if you can't start it again
    cd /opt/macromedia/fms/
    and run
    ./server start
    you should see some complaints about some packages needed
    such as netscape libraries or ulimit problem
    if you see problem about ulimit than change your ulimit to
    ulimit -u 32768
    Please do all of the aboves with your attention.

  • CFB 2.0.1 and CF 10 Enterprise remote server

    I have a remote server (Windows 2012 64 bit with CF10 and sp 11) and CFB 2.0.1 on windows 7 32 bit.
    In the CFB Servers Tab - I can open the server moniter and admin screens... I also can see the RDS DataView data sources and also under Services Browser I see my CFC and CFIDE etc objects...
    What I can't do is to in the Servers tab - right click on the server object and stop,restart etc the Servers...
    I can find instructions for installing on the CF server and other files for versions cf7 > CF9 but nothing on CF 10.
    Do I need to install additional files or does CF 10 have these files included.
    Jay Bietz is a set of patches to that fix a lot of things in the database.
    The documentation (largely the list of bugs that are fixed) is available in the patch library on Metalink.

  • I can't figure out how to use coldfusion debugging on a remote server

    I can't figure out how to use coldfusion debugging on a CF
    installation on a remote server. Has anyone got experiance, I can't
    find any step by step instructions on how to do this using FLEX

    Look at Chapter 13 of the iPad iOS4.3 User Guide

  • Remote access files on remote server with KM iview

    Hello experts,
    We want that user can upload and download files via a KM iview which point to a remote server folder.
    I know some about webdav.
    Could you please tell which method is the best way?
    Jianguo Chen

    first of all you would have to make the files from the remote server available in the portal. Depending on what your remote server supports you can integrate it via WebDAV or FileSystem Repository Manager (see for further details).
    When this is done you can simply use KM Navigation iViews to allow your users to upload/download files.

  • Secured server with SSH and VPN?

    Have an Archbox at home and when I'm traveling I would like to connect to my Archlinux box at home to grab files and such things.
    Using ADSL with a static IP and a D-Link router.
    If I create a portfowarding rule of port 443 to my Archlinux box and user it to connect with SSH and VPN is that secured enought?
    I have family photos and stuff on the server that I don't want to be hacked or spread. Not a high target for hackers but for scriptkiddies!
    So, will a portforwarding rule and a use of SSH daemon and a VPN Server software make me secure all the way, the VPN and SSH is encrypted right?
    Any suggestions of a good VPN application?
    Server daemon for the "archserver" and clients for my laptop with dualboot, vista and archlinux.

    Yeah, SSH or OpenVPN should be perfectly fine.
    However, why port 443? If someone is scanning a large range of IP-addresses for commonly open ports to find active servers, they will most likely scan port 21, 22, 25, 80, 110, 443, etc. as these ports usually run the most interesting services.
    Since it has no impact on the usability, choose a high port, between 10000-65000, which is not commonly used. That way your system will not be identified as active by a simple portscan searching for active servers.
    You don't have to be worried about attacks targeted directly against you, if you don't have anything interesting on your system, a cracker wouldn't spend time on manually breaking into your system. Just mask yourself from worms etc. by using uncommon ports. Using SSH or OpenVPN will handle encryption, which ensures data integrity, even when you're connected to an unencrypted hotspot somewhere in the world on your vacation
    If you setup OpenVPN, you'll also have the possibility of routing all your Internet traffic throught your home system, which can be very handy in terms of surfing and checking mail from unencrypted hotspots around the world.

  • Lync 2013 Edge and Reverse proxy on same server with SNI

    I cannot find information if it is possible to create a single Lync 2013 Edge server with a Reverse proxy on the same server?
    Would it not be possible to share port 443 with SNI support? That way we could use only one public IP?

    Sorry, it doesn't work.  Remember that 443 isn't HTTPS for the Edge.  If you went with the single IP model for the edge, 443 would be used for the A/V role which would be STUN/TURN. 
    The edge will always want to listen on 443, it just doesn't work to collocate a reverse proxy.
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer".
    SWC Unified Communications
    This forum post is based upon my personal experience and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • How to compile and register a Java CFX tag with multiple class files?

    If this is the wrong forum for CFX questions, please let me
    I need to determine how to compile and register a Java CFX
    tag that contains multiple class files. One class file implements
    the CustomTag interface and the other class files implement various
    supporting classes. All of the documentation that I have found
    talks about using a single class file. I am assuming that a JAR
    file will be involved, but I am not sure of the specifics.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Yes, it will involve a jar. Use your java IDE (eclipse,
    etcetera ..) to create a jar containing all of the classes. Check
    your ide's documentation for how to create jar files. After you
    have created the jar, place the jar in the CF class path so CF will
    recognize it. For example the {cf_root}/WEB-INF/lib directory. CF
    must be restarted before it will detect the new jar. After
    restarting CF, register the CFX tag in the ColdFusion Administrator
    using the name of the class that implements the CustomTag
    Though it is worth noting you can also instantiate java
    classes directly from ColdFusion (ie without using a CFX

  • How to access web server with SSH client

    I need to access my web server via SSH. I do not have clue how to go about. I have transmit for ftp but looks like I cannot use SSH with Tranmit.
    I guess I need to know:
    - What ssh client to I need to get?
    - If not detailed instruction provided How do I go about? I know I need the port # and my ip address and I have both of those but not sure what else I am to do.
    TIA for the help!

    Open up Terminal. It's in the Utilities folder.ssh -p <port#> <ipaddress> or, if you need to log on with a different user namessh -p <port#> <username>@<ipaddress>

  • How to logout remote server via SSH

    I have a server running flux, I just want to log it out (it auto-logs back in, no GDM screen). How do I do this if I'm connected to it via SSH? Again, I want to log out the server as though I would do ctrl+alt+backspace locally, but through SSH.

    I just realised how you start your session by auto login, so my above answer was pretty useless. The way I manage my server with an occasional gui session is to just use gdm and start/stop the daemon as needed via ssh then switch to a vnc  or xdmcp session.

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