Setting up FMS on a remote server with Linux platform

Can anybody help me with setting up FMS on a remote server
that runs linux?

First of all you must download linux distribution of fms with
wget url.
tar -zxvf FlashMediaServer2.tar.gz
This will create a directory which contains the installation
cd into newly created directory something like
cd FMS_2_0_3_r68_linux
you will see an executable file named installFMS in the dir
if you list the files with ls.
just type ./installFMS and press enter.
You should be able to set it up without problem if you
officially set it up on linux platforms which are described on its
help page but you must use -platformWarnOnly parameter to start if
you want to set it up on a platform orther than support list.
it will ask you some questions which you must answer
it will install itself into /opt/macromedia/fms and you will
be able to manage the service by /etc/init.d/fms.
you can check the service if it has started succesfully by
ps aux|grep fms
netstat -aln|grep 1935
there should be a running process named fms
the port 1935 should be listenning on some interfaces
if you don't see any of them than service might not be
started succesfully.
You may try to start the service manually by typing
/etc/init.d/fms start
if you can't start it again
cd /opt/macromedia/fms/
and run
./server start
you should see some complaints about some packages needed
such as netscape libraries or ulimit problem
if you see problem about ulimit than change your ulimit to
ulimit -u 32768
Please do all of the aboves with your attention.

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    Is there a way to do this ?
    Thanks in advance

    The script that I want to run is to install the windows updates.  I get an access denied on the download of the updates.
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    Thanks in advance for your help.
    #=== start script ====
    Function Show-Help
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "SCRIPT: $scriptName <installOption> <RebootOption>"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "DESCRIPTION: Installatie van WSUS updates op de lokale server"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "PARAMETERS"
    Write-Host " -installOption <[INSTALL|TESTINSTALL]>"
    Write-Host " -rebootOption <[REBOOT|NOREBOOT|REBOOT_IF_UPDATED]>"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "EXAMPLE:"
    Write-Host "$ScriptName -installOption INSTALL -rebootOption REBOOT_IF_UPDATED"
    Write-Host "$ScriptNAme INSTALL NOREBOOT"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Indien beide parameter weggelaten worden zijn de defaultwaarden :"
    Write-Host " installOption=TESTINSTALL "
    Write-Host " RebootOption=NOREBOOT"
    Write-Host ""
    #Include alle globale variablen
    $CEIF_WIN_PATH = (get-content env:CEIF_WIN_PATH)
    $includeFile=$CEIF_WIN_PATH + "\Scripts\include_win.ps1"
    . $includeFile
    #initialiseer error count
    #argumenten controleren
    $arrInstallOption= "TESTINSTALL", "INSTALL" # Mandatory variable with predefined values
    If (!($arrInstallOption –contains $installOption)){ Show-Help }
    $arrRebootOption = "REBOOT", "NOREBOOT","REBOOT_IF_UPDATED" # Mandatory variable with predefined values
    If (!($arrRebootOption –contains $rebootOption)){ Show-Help }
    #Logfile opbouwen
    $logfile = get-logfileName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
    Log-scriptStart $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $logfile
    function Get-WIAStatusValue($value)
    switch -exact ($value)
    0 {"NotStarted"}
    1 {"InProgress"}
    2 {"Succeeded"}
    3 {"SucceededWithErrors"}
    4 {"Failed"}
    5 {"Aborted"}
    function boot-server()
    if ($installOption -eq "TESTINSTALL")
    logger "TESTINSTALL : - Reboot local Server" $logfile
    logger " - Reboot local Server" $logfile
    $thisServer = gwmi win32_operatingsystem
    $thisServer.psbase.Scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = $true
    $logmsg="Install option = " + $installOption + ", RebootOption = $rebootOption"
    logger "$logmsg" $logfile
    logger "" $logfile
    logger " - Creating WU COM object" $logfile
    $UpdateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
    $UpdateSearcher = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
    logger " - Searching for Updates" $logfile
    $SearchResult = $UpdateSearcher.Search("IsAssigned=1 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0")
    logger " - Found [$($SearchResult.Updates.count)] Updates to Download and install" $logfile
    logger "" $logfile
    foreach($Update in $SearchResult.Updates)
    if ($Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0)
    # Add Update to Collection
    $UpdatesCollection = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
    $UpdatesCollection.Add($Update) | out-null
    if ($installOption -eq "TESTINSTALL")
    # Download
    logger " + Downloading Update $($Update.Title)" $logfile
    $UpdatesDownloader = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
    $UpdatesDownloader.Updates = $UpdatesCollection
    $DownloadResult = $UpdatesDownloader.Download()
    $Message = " - Download {0}" -f (Get-WIAStatusValue $DownloadResult.ResultCode)
    if ($DownloadResult.ResultCode -eq 4 )
    { $errcnt = 1 }
    logger $message $logfile
    # Install
    logger " - Installing Update" $logfile
    $UpdatesInstaller = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
    $UpdatesInstaller.Updates = $UpdatesCollection
    $InstallResult = $UpdatesInstaller.Install()
    $Message = " - Install {0}" -f (Get-WIAStatusValue $InstallResult.ResultCode)
    if ($InstallResult.ResultCode -eq 4 )
    { $errcnt = 1 }
    logger $message $logfile
    logger "" $logfile
    #Indien er een fout gebeurde tijdens download/installatie -> stuur mail naar windowsteam
    if ( $errcnt -gt 0 )
    logger " - Fout tijdens de uitvoering van script -> send mail" $logfile
    $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($logfile)
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $msg.From = $mailFrom
    $msg.Subject = $mailSubject
    $msg.Body = “Meer details in attachement”
    #Moet de server herstart worden ?
    if ($rebootOption -eq "REBOOT_IF_UPDATED" )
    if ($Updates -gt 0)
    #Reboot the server when updates are installed
    elseif ($rebootOption -eq "REBOOT")
    #reboot the server always
    #Do not reboot the server
    logger "Do not reboot the server" $logfile
    Log-scriptEnd $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $logfile
    exit 0

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    There are many things that you need to consider before you think of installaling SAP on Linux
    1. version of Linux- SAP does not support every version lf Linux
    2. Hardware- again SAP does not support every hardware
    there are supported: Bull,Dell,Fujitsu Siemens,HP,IBM,IBM POWER,IBM zSeries,SGI,SUN,Unisys
    3. RAM -SAP recommends swap memory to be 2*RAM,so you require a lot of RAM for installing SAP
    Now with the config. u have mentioned it looks you want to install in u pc or laptop,but I am afraid this will not be enough!!
    you will not be able to install SAP with this config.Let me know if you need any other info.

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    I use Dreamweaver CS4 to work on remote WordPress themes/sites all the time and it works very well.
    I never bother setting up a testserver on my local machine since I work from different locations, so I work directly on the remote server from wherever I am.
    I will try to give you step by step directions:
    (I am on CS4 so it may be a little different for you but the basics will be the same),
    Set up your site with site/manage sites/advanced
    For the Local root folder you give the folder on your hard drive where you keep your files
    Set links relative to document.
    For Remote info set access to FTP
    FTP host will be
    Host directory is the path to your theme folder, in my case that is httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/themes/mytheme/
    Then give your login and password and check "use passive FTP"
    check "maintain synchronization information" and "automatically upload files to server on save".
    For testing server check "none"
    For version control click "none"
    (it could be a good idea to use version control through subversion but for a one-man operation it may be a little overkill, we leave that for now to keep things simple)
    For cloaking check "enable cloaking", check "cloak files ending with" and give the file extensions of the files you keep in your local folder for building your website but don't want to be uploaded to your remote server, like .fla .psd .set .rtf .doc  etcetera.
    Now you are ready to start working on your theme.
    In your files panel you can switch from local view to remote view. You can use the "get" and "put" commands (the arrows) to move files from local to remote and vice versa. I always work with child themes*. So in my theme folder there will be only a style.css file, a functions.php file, maybe some template files and an images folder. I use my local style.css file to make changes. On save, they are automatically uploaded and Dreamweaver also handles the "dependent" files, like images. No need to bother about that, really easy. Use the browsers on your machine to check your site.
    The downside of working on a remote server is off course that if you make a mistake you will mess up your site. Luckily, in this setup you can just use "undo", save the file and you are back to were you were, as long as you work on your local files (and let DW upload those automatically after you save)
    For safety and convenience, I keep all my local files in a Dropbox** folder. Everytime I save the file, a version is saved. So I can always go back to versions I  made hours, days or weeks ago. If you're on a mac you could also use timemachine for this, but timemachine only backups every hour, where Dropbox keeps every copy you save(as long as you have enough free space in your Dropbox that is)
    To sum it up:
    • Setup your site with Site/manage sites
    • work locally and let DW automatically upload the files you edited to the remote server
    • setup your local machine so that versions are kept with Dropbox
    • work on child themes instead of making changes to the original theme
    • use a browser to view your work
    * child themes are the easy and clever way of working with themes.
    see: Working with Child Themes
    ** Dropbox is a free backup, file sync and filesharing utility.
    Get a free 2Gb plus 250MB bonus account here:Dropbox Invite

  • How to set synchronise to test or remote server

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    Is there a way to set or see which remote will be used to synchronise?

    It is true that this is VERY badly documented, if at all.
    To summarize what many want to do (and for good reason):
    1) Developers PC. Running Dreamweaver and has the local site defined on it. No database, no server.
    2) Testing PC/Server. Running web and database servers on the local network. Typically Apache, MySQL and PHP
    3) Production Server. Out on the net somewhere.
    After this is all set up, here are the problems that one encounters:
    - When editing "normal" HTML it is fine. You edit, click test, and it saves and copies it to the test server and displays it. When done, do a "put" or "sync" and it goes to your remote site.
    - If you are editing some PHP or CSS that is not directly in the HTML page, you are screwed. Hit test, and it saves and displays your HTML page, but your new PHP or CSS code is STILL ON YOUR LOCAL MACHINE ONLY!
    - If you are constantly fine tuning PHP or CSS code, you might as well just keep a file manager window open and manually copy things around. DW just seems unable to do it.
    Of course if you want to put everything on your development PC (LAMP, XAMPP whatever), you don't hit these problems. But who wants all that crap running on your day to day machine? The testing server is a much more professional setup. And it gives you yet another free backup of your stuff. Trash an important HTML file? Just pull it back from testing server. No need to dig through backups.
    You can really never be sure what DW is going to synchronize. I only use it to PUT things to the remote production server, which seems to normally work fine. How to best keep the testing server in sync with your PC is not clear at all.
    I've seen a few suggestions, but Adobe really needs to document how to run DW in a professional fashion, not like a toy tool!

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    I first did "Add Remote Host", where I specified the IP address. It appears that this was created successfully, and it apparently was able to determine the DNS name for it.
    I then tried to add a JMX connection. In the "Connection" field, I just entered the IP address followed by a colon and 8001 (managed server port number).
    In the "Use security credentials" section, I entered the weblogic admin principal and credentials.
    When I click OK, it chugs for a while and eventually gives up, saying:
    Cannot connect to [email protected]:8001 using
    What might I be missing?

    I've resolved this. At least I was able to configure an authenticated connection. It doesn't use SSL yet, but I'm ok with that for a while.
    Resolving this only required changing the command line parameters for the managed server, and being aware of the "jmxremote.access" and jmxremote.password" files. The following blog article helped a lot: [] .
    I'm now passing the following command-line parameters:
    The default "role" configured in "jmxremote.access" is "controlRole", and the "jmxremote.password" file specifies the credentials for that principal. I simply used that principal and credential in JVisualVM, and the connection succeeded.
    And I just used the "host:port" form, not the protocol form.
    Edited by: david.karr on Feb 4, 2011 12:47 PM

  • Remote access files on remote server with KM iview

    Hello experts,
    We want that user can upload and download files via a KM iview which point to a remote server folder.
    I know some about webdav.
    Could you please tell which method is the best way?
    Jianguo Chen

    first of all you would have to make the files from the remote server available in the portal. Depending on what your remote server supports you can integrate it via WebDAV or FileSystem Repository Manager (see for further details).
    When this is done you can simply use KM Navigation iViews to allow your users to upload/download files.

  • Compile and debug to a remote server with ssh access

    How can i compile and debug from my Mac to a remote server that has ssh access only?

    Besides Microsof's Remote Desktop Connection
    Applications -> Remote Desktop Connection
    Computer:  windows.pc.address
    Computer:  windows.pc.address/console
    There is also CoRD (Microsoft RDC Screen Sharing)

  • Howto install SAP NW Windows Server with Linux Oracle 11g?

    Hi !!!
    In this moment i want to install a SAP Netweaver PI, but the client already has a linux database server with oracle.
    I read the MasterGuide but i cannot find the section or similar situation.
    Admin y passwd
    port: 3355
    user y passwd
    how to install SAP NW?

    i read the instruction with Distribution System, and continue the steps, but the time to choose SAP System Database i cannot write the linux server always show me the Windows Server, and i can write the unique field is the instance. After push the next button and send me error, not install oracle database.
    Levy Gonzalez

  • Registering the mobile device on mobile server for linux platforms

    Dear all,
    My scenario fits like dis.........
    I m using oracle 9i and oraclelite 10g on redhat linux 9 platform.I m using a handheld EPOS device activated with GPRS.It is basically a swiper machine which is used for bank transactions.The port which I m using are Serial port and device is not getting detected in WEBTOGO.I heard that I should register my device with the mobile server.but i dont know how to register on linux platforms....I've got a MAC Id for my EPOS device.....cud i do anything with MAC Id?.....and where I have to see whether the device has been detected?
    if any body used oracle lite 10g on linux platforms,plz make me a call.
    I dont know how to use msql in linux platforms? to create a database using msql?
    my mobile no. is +91-98433-32738.

    Did you install anything from Oracle Lite on that EPOS device of yours ? If so, how did you install and what did you install ?
    Usually, when you install a Oracle Lite client on the device, the device should get registered during installation.
    Do let us know what you have done.

  • Dreamweaver help with site set up. Local and remote server

    I've just got dreamweaver cs6 and i'm having issues with managing the site.
    Up until now I was using dreamweaver cs3 and when setting up a new site, the site definition had the category Local info and Remote info separated.
    Now on CS6 I cannot set up both individually for the same site, it doesn't give the option, it's one or the other which it doesnt work for me if I want to test a page locally, via preview on browser, otherwise it will upload it to the server if I choose FTP. If I choose only local then I lose all the ftp settings and once I've done the testing it won't upload to the server.
    Surely it has to be a work around this or something Im doing wrong but I can't see what it is

    There is no need to uncheck remote and testing. Previewing locally should work exactly the same as it did in CS3.
    Are you using a server-side language? If so, expand the Files panel by clicking this icon:
    Then make sure that the Testing Server icon is selected.

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    I have a dell xps laptop and a son that is hooked on minecraft. I have promised him that I would let him set up a server so he and his buddies can play together. I would really appreciate some assistance on doing this on my time capsual. I have been searching for the solution but could only find references to doing this with a Mac, not a PC.
    Could anyone point in the right direction? I afraid I am in a little over my head. Thanks in advance!!

    >Does that mean that the range on the IPV4 local network page should  be modified to exclude the IP address that I want to use for the static  IP....
    e.g. change the range from 1-255 to 1-200 and then use an  IP of XXX.XXX.X.201 for instance
    That's right.
    You want to reserve static IP addresses in a range that does not overlap with the range that is allocated for generic DHCP clients. For example, you can define the DHCP pool to be 50~149, and reserved IP addresses to be 2~49 (for servers).

  • Can't Connect to Remote Server with DW CS6?

    In the last couple of days I'm having trouble connecting to my website host server (IPower) via Dreamweaver CS6.
    I've been using this program and setup for several years but this weekend it takes 4 times longer to try and connect and ends up cancelling the operation usually.
    Sometimes it connects for a few seconds then I get an error message: "the connection to the remote host has been lost."
    Just wondering if this issue is Hughes ISP related. I tried disabling web acceleration with the same result. All other web and email operations are working fine.
    A colleague with cable internet connects to my host with Dreamweaver with no problems.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance, John

    It could also be a local hardware issue.
    I had a wireless router that went belly up once in a very odd manner. I could connect and see the files on my FTP server, but uploads wouldn't work. I connected the computer directly to the modem, bypassing the router all together, and everything worked fine.
    It's something to check before you call your ISP and start sending them off on a possible wild goose chase.

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    I have a regular Mac Mini (Mid 2011) with Lion OS.  I would like to change the hard disk to 2 1TB drives and use RAID1 to add some reliability to my data.  Is this possible in the non-server Mac mini?  Do I need to remove all my data to convert the system to RAID1 (assuming I can)?

    Yes- Colin Jeukens posted step by step instructions back a couple of months ago. Here it is again...
    Out of the box the mini comes without Raid. You have two identical HDs of 500Gb.
    I have just set it up as Raid1. You can't do this when you use the startup disk from the mini. And as you don't have a Superdrive ... you need to be creative. You need another Mac with Firewire.
    Step 1: Start the Mini in Target Mode. Press the T during start. In a few seconds the firewire logo will appear on your screen.
    Step 2: Go to your second Mac. Connect the firewire cable between second Mac and Mini.
    Step 3: On the second Mac start the disc utility. The two identical drives on your mini will show. Create a new Raid set (mirrored = Raid 1). Include both drives. Confirm the warning that all data on the mini will be lost.
    Step 4: Make sure your second Mac has CD/ DVD sharing option installed. This is tou use the superdrive to install OS X Server on the mini.
    Step 5: Shutdown both Macs
    Step 6: Start your second Mac in target mode. Make sure the firewire cable is still connected.
    Step 7: Start the Mini with the option key pressed.
    Step 8: Insert the OS X Server install disc in your second Mac.
    Step 9: wait till the drive logo apears om the Mini. Continue the install. Will take about an hour.
    Here is a link to the original post...

  • How to set the snc name to abap server with IDM?

    HI all:
         I want to set the snc name from IDM , but I didn't konw  which attribute that I would be set.
    I there anyone konw this?

    Hi Shi,
    I'm guessing you don't know which attribute in the MX_PERSON class contains it?
    If this is what you meant, then there isn't a default attribute for that, you can either create one manually or let the synch process create it by enabling "automatic attribute creation" setting for the Identity Store.

Maybe you are looking for