Compiling java card with Eclipse

I compiled and converted Java card code both from the command prompt and Eclipse in Windows XP and it worked just fine.
However, while doing the same in Eclipse set up on a Linux(Ubuntu) machine, I am getting the following error:
error: export file framework.exp of package javacard.framework not found.
I have been searching around for answers to why this might be happening. However, I haven't found any. If anyone knows why, please help me out with this.
Thanks a lot in advance.

Are you converting with an Eclipse plugin? If so what are you using?
That error is because the converter can't find the EXP files from the JCDK. You may need to update a setting in the plugin to point to the JCDK.

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    I have been able install JCWDE (Java card development Kit) successfully on eclipse.Basically all I need to do is verify user pin on a smart card.As in first set a pin and then verify it.
    To begin with I have referred many tutorials (here: and implemented the wallet code in eclipse.I have the cap file generated and the scripts generated.I am not sure how to load it on the smart card with eclipse.
    I tried to deploy the cap file but it keeps saying connected.Also when we initiate the applet I get the same result.
    Java Card 2.2.2 APDU Tool, Version 1.3
    Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
    Opening connection to localhost on port 9032.
    I have also tried : ........ but no luck.
    I have the wallet.cap ,wallet.exp ,wallet.jca ,wallet.opt create.script, select,cap-download.scripts files already generated in eclipse.
    How does a successfully implemented applet code on a smart card work?How does this wallet code work if it is successfully implemented ? Does it have like some GUI which prompts the user to enter the pin?
    Wallet code for reference :
    package com.sun.javacard.samples.wallet;
    import javacard.framework.*;
    public class Wallet extends Applet {
    /* constants declaration */
    // code of CLA byte in the command APDU header
    final static byte Wallet_CLA =(byte)0x80;
    // codes of INS byte in the command APDU header
    final static byte VERIFY = (byte) 0x20;
    final static byte CREDIT = (byte) 0x30;
    final static byte DEBIT = (byte) 0x40;
    final static byte GET_BALANCE = (byte) 0x50;
    // maximum balance
    final static short MAX_BALANCE = 0x7FFF;
    // maximum transaction amount
    final static byte MAX_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT = 127;
    // maximum number of incorrect tries before the
    // PIN is blockedd
    final static byte PIN_TRY_LIMIT =(byte)0x03;
    // maximum size PIN
    final static byte MAX_PIN_SIZE =(byte)0x08;
    // signal that the PIN verification failed
    final static short SW_VERIFICATION_FAILED =
    // signal the the PIN validation is required
    // for a credit or a debit transaction
    final static short SW_PIN_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED =
    // signal invalid transaction amount
    // amount > MAX_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT or amount < 0
    final static short SW_INVALID_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT = 0x6A83;
    // signal that the balance exceed the maximum
    final static short SW_EXCEED_MAXIMUM_BALANCE = 0x6A84;
    // signal the the balance becomes negative
    final static short SW_NEGATIVE_BALANCE = 0x6A85;
    /* instance variables declaration */
    OwnerPIN pin;
    short balance;
    private Wallet (byte[] bArray,short bOffset,byte bLength) {
    // It is good programming practice to allocate
    // all the memory that an applet needs during
    // its lifetime inside the constructor
    pin = new OwnerPIN(PIN_TRY_LIMIT, MAX_PIN_SIZE);
    byte iLen = bArray[bOffset]; // aid length
    bOffset = (short) (bOffset+iLen+1);
    byte cLen = bArray[bOffset]; // info length
    bOffset = (short) (bOffset+cLen+1);
    byte aLen = bArray[bOffset]; // applet data length
    // The installation parameters contain the PIN
    // initialization value
    pin.update(bArray, (short)(bOffset+1), aLen);
    } // end of the constructor
    public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
    // create a Wallet applet instance
    new Wallet(bArray, bOffset, bLength);
    } // end of install method
    public boolean select() {
    // The applet declines to be selected
    // if the pin is blocked.
    if ( pin.getTriesRemaining() == 0 )
    return false;
    return true;
    }// end of select method
    public void deselect() {
    // reset the pin value
    public void process(APDU apdu) {
    // APDU object carries a byte array (buffer) to
    // transfer incoming and outgoing APDU header
    // and data bytes between card and CAD
    // At this point, only the first header bytes
    // [CLA, INS, P1, P2, P3] are available in
    // the APDU buffer.
    // The interface javacard.framework.ISO7816
    // declares constants to denote the offset of
    // these bytes in the APDU buffer
    byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
    // check SELECT APDU command
    if (apdu.isISOInterindustryCLA()) {
    if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS] == (byte)(0xA4)) {
    } else {
    ISOException.throwIt (ISO7816.SW_CLA_NOT_SUPPORTED);
    // verify the reset of commands have the
    // correct CLA byte, which specifies the
    // command structure
    if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] != Wallet_CLA)
    switch (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS]) {
    case GET_BALANCE:
    case DEBIT:
    case CREDIT:
    case VERIFY:
    } // end of process method
    private void credit(APDU apdu) {
    // access authentication
    if ( ! pin.isValidated() )
    byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
    // Lc byte denotes the number of bytes in the
    // data field of the command APDU
    byte numBytes = buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_LC];
    // indicate that this APDU has incoming data
    // and receive data starting from the offset
    // ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA following the 5 header
    // bytes.
    byte byteRead =
    // it is an error if the number of data bytes
    // read does not match the number in Lc byte
    if ( ( numBytes != 1 ) || (byteRead != 1) )
    // get the credit amount
    byte creditAmount = buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA];
    // check the credit amount
    if ( ( creditAmount > MAX_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT)
    || ( creditAmount < 0 ) )
    // check the new balance
    if ( (short)( balance + creditAmount) > MAX_BALANCE )
    // credit the amount
    balance = (short)(balance + creditAmount);
    } // end of deposit method
    private void debit(APDU apdu) {
    // access authentication
    if ( ! pin.isValidated() )
    byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
    byte numBytes =
    byte byteRead =
    if ( ( numBytes != 1 ) || (byteRead != 1) )
    // get debit amount
    byte debitAmount = buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA];
    // check debit amount
    if ( ( debitAmount > MAX_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT)
    || ( debitAmount < 0 ) )
    // check the new balance
    if ( (short)( balance - debitAmount ) < (short)0 )
    balance = (short) (balance - debitAmount);
    } // end of debit method
    private void getBalance(APDU apdu) {
    byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
    // inform system that the applet has finished
    // processing the command and the system should
    // now prepare to construct a response APDU
    // which contains data field
    short le = apdu.setOutgoing();
    if ( le < 2 )
    //informs the CAD the actual number of bytes
    // move the balance data into the APDU buffer
    // starting at the offset 0
    buffer[0] = (byte)(balance >> 8);
    buffer[1] = (byte)(balance & 0xFF);
    // send the 2-byte balance at the offset
    // 0 in the apdu buffer
    apdu.sendBytes((short)0, (short)2);
    } // end of getBalance method
    private void verify(APDU apdu) {
    byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
    // retrieve the PIN data for validation.
    byte byteRead = (byte)(apdu.setIncomingAndReceive());
    // check pin
    // the PIN data is read into the APDU buffer
    // at the offset ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA
    // the PIN data length = byteRead
    if ( pin.check(buffer, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA,
    byteRead) == false )
    } // end of validate method
    } // end of class Wallet
    Any help on this would highly appreciated !! :)

    Thanks a lot for reply.But I am not sure as to how can I delete the simulator.
    All I want to do is write a pin on the smart card and verify it.But I am not being able to deploy the cap file or initiate the applet.
    Also for passing the pin correct me if I am wrong........ according to what you said and what I have understood
    If the code is like this :
    public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
    // create a Wallet applet instance
    new Wallet(bArray, bOffset, bLength);
    } // end of install method
    byte aLen = bArray[bOffset]; // applet data length
    // The installation parameters contain the PIN
    // initialization value
    pin.update(bArray, (short)(bOffset+1), aLen);
    Lets say my pin is : 1234
    then I would pass it here.....
    new Wallet(bArray, 1234, bLength);

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    Hi everyone,
    I want to generate DES key in my applet . my card supports GP 2.0.1 and JCRE 2.1.2 .
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    So I'll appreciate your help on this matter too.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Vivian,
    I don't seem to have any problem with the code you posted. What is the error you are getting? Is it with the compiler or with the CAP file converter? If it is a compiler error, you will need to ensure that the Java Card API jar is in your build path.
    Here is a simple class that works with JC 2.1.1 (which will work with JC 2.1.2 as well). I have confirmed that this applet compiles and will return encrypted data to the caller.
    package test;
    import javacard.framework.APDU;
    import javacard.framework.Applet;
    import javacard.framework.ISO7816;
    import javacard.framework.ISOException;
    import javacard.framework.JCSystem;
    import javacardx.crypto.Cipher;
    * Test JC2.1.1 applet for random DES key.
    * @author safarmer - 1.0
    * @created 24/11/2009
    * @version 1.0 %PRT%
    public class TestApplet extends Applet {
        private DESKey key;
        private Cipher cipher;
         * Default constructor that sets up key and cipher.
        public TestApplet() {
            RandomData rand = RandomData.getInstance(RandomData.ALG_SECURE_RANDOM);
            short lenBytes = (short) (KeyBuilder.LENGTH_DES / 8);
            byte[] buffer = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray(lenBytes, JCSystem.CLEAR_ON_DESELECT);
            key = (DESKey) KeyBuilder.buildKey(KeyBuilder.TYPE_DES, KeyBuilder.LENGTH_DES, false);
            rand.generateData(buffer, (short) 0, lenBytes);
            key.setKey(buffer, (short) 0);
            cipher = Cipher.getInstance(Cipher.ALG_DES_CBC_ISO9797_M1, false);
        public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
            // GP-compliant JavaCard applet registration
            new TestApplet().register(bArray, (short) (bOffset + 1), bArray[bOffset]);
        public void process(APDU apdu) {
            // Good practice: Return 9000 on SELECT
            if (selectingApplet()) {
            byte[] buf = apdu.getBuffer();
            switch (buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS]) {
                case (byte) 0x00:
                    cipher.init(key, Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT);
                    short len = cipher.doFinal(buf, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_LC], buf, (short) 0);
                    apdu.setOutgoingAndSend((short) 0, len);
                    // good practice: If you don't know the INStruction, say so:

  • I dont install the wallet sample to java card with gpshell . help please .?

    I use Gemalto pc twin Reader.
    I try jdks(1.3.5 , 1.5 , 1.6 versions) for compile
    I use java card kit (2.1.1 , 2..1.2 , 2.2.1 ,2.2.2 versions) for create cap files
    For loadin used gpshell (1.4.2 , 1.4.1 , 1.3.1 versions)
    select -AID a0000000030000
    open_sc -security 1 -keyind 0 -keyver 0 -mac_key 404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f -enc_key 404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f // Open secure channel
    install_for_load -pkgAID a00000006203010C06 -nvCodeLimit 500 -sdAID A000000003000000
    load -file wallet.cap
    install_for_install -priv 02 -AID a00000006203010C0601 -pkgAID a00000006203010C06 -instAID a00000006203010C0601 -nvDataLimit 500
    get_status -element 20                                   
    I didnt load wallet applet to card. Some time I take install_for_load error , some time install_for_install_and_make_selectable()
    Please help me.
    With jdk 1.3_5 , java card dev kit 2.1.2 and gpshell , I load applet to card but dont install and I take install_for_install_and_make_selectable returns 0x80206A80 (6A80 : Wrong data / incorrect values in command data) error.
    I dont understand why dont loaded the applet to card. Actually I load and install HelloWorld.cap file as this way.
    Additionally , In the wallet applet , the register method used as resigter(bArray , ..... .

    Anybody help me please. It very important. :(

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    I have a Java code with some Japanese characters. My compiler doesn't recognise these characters and gives me error messages.
    Please help me.

    Obviously it's not the copmiler's fault. You need to fix your code.
    Here is a link to the Java Language Specification.
    The link is to section 3.8 - Identifiers.
    It describes the acceptable naming:
    Perhaps your editor is not saving the text file in an appropriate format.
    What editor are you using?
    Try vim
    or SciTE

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    Thank you,

    The best thing to do would be compile your code with the -depreciated option to find which methods have been depreciated and the refactor your code to remove them.
    The next best thing is to ignore the messages (they are warnings not errors) and your code should still work

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    I am willing offer 3000 USD reward to the person can give me the right contact where i can get those cards (at least 1000 pices) till 25-th of September. I got allready one offer from sagem orga for jcop, but their delivery time is 4-6 weeks, so it must be some one have such qtty of cards fizicaly on hand ready to ship.
    Please contact me by PM or phone (+852-6723-9999) or post here your contact details and i am calling you back.
    Thanks and best regards,

    i also have offer from sagem orga, delivery time 4-6 weeks, the point is that my customer does not understand that it is just a question of luck to find some one with cards on stock, he wants his goods fast. I have told him from begining not to stick on one specific card, but he preferred using jcop. I got some jcop from an analphabet, 10K pcs, jcop41 and this analphabet promised us to deliver us version 2.3.1, but the cards he delivered to us were 2.2.1 and those do not have AES !!!
    This is the reason why i am offering this reward. Maybe some one knows some one who have stock of 1000-2000 pcs. Now my customer does not mind to use ANY JAVA CARD which have AES. He don't mind if those cards are from Oberthur, Nxp, Gemalto, Giesecke & Devrient, or other manufacturer. His requirements are: a) must be java card b)must have AES other features are not important.

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    Have anyone come across such a device that is with a USB interface. If so please provide me with links.
    Thanks in advance.

    ID-1 Format:
    NXP (Philips) JCOP 41 V2.2.1/72K USB
    OMNIKEY CardMan 1109 USB Connector
    ID-0 Format:
    NXP JCOP 41 V2.2.1/72K USB SIM format
    Gemalto Reflex 531 USB SIM Token Connector
    SIM card retainer/Surface mount type

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    Are there any other vendors of 2.2.2 cards that I could contact?

    I am student working on a smart card project
    i am totally new to this field i have a lot of doughs to be cleared ..can you help me in this section
    my email id [email protected]
    i have return my doughs under the title : What is Client-Side API for RMI on the Java Card Platform
    : java card virtual machine

  • Running a java program with eclipse

    I'm trying to run this java program(below) in eclipse..when i go to the 'run' icon inorder to choose the option 'run as' then 'java application' , i have 'none applicable' as the only option available. is it possibly because the program uses threads?
    could someone using eclipse please try to execute this program and let me know if you succeed and how exactly you do it.
    package reseaux;
    import java.util.*;
         public class LeServeur extends Thread{
         Socket socket;
         BufferedReader in;
         PrintWriter out;
         Vector FlowList=new Vector(10);
         public LeServeur(Socket socket)throws IOException{
              in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
              out= new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream()));
         public void run(){
              String s;
                   while(!(s = in.readLine()).equalsIgnoreCase("/quit")){
                        for(int i=0;i<FlowList.size();i++){
                                  LeServeur monServeur=(LeServeur)FlowList.elementAt(i);
                                  monServeur.out.println(s + "\r");
              catch(IOException e){
         finally {
         try {
         } catch(IOException ioe) {
         } finally {
              synchronized(FlowList) {

    Infact, i wanted to run the main program called 'Serveur' but it uses 'LeServeur'( the code i sent before') and apparently it gives me an error msg that it doesnot recognise the 'LeServeur'...that's why i was thinking that i should probably first compile the 'LeServeur' so that it can be recognised in the 'Serveur' program.
    here is the 'Serveur' code that uses an instantiation of the LeServeur...
    package reseaux;
    public class Serveur {
              public int port;
              public ServerSocket skt;
              public Socket socket;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              int port=8975;
              ServerSocket skt=null;
              Socket socket=null;
              catch(NumberFormatException n){
                   System.out.println("This port is used uniquely for listening");
                   skt= new ServerSocket(port);
              while (true){
                   socket =skt.accept();
                   LeServeur flow=new LeServeur();
         catch(IOException e){
              catch(IOException e){
    do you know have any idea why it doesnt recognise the 'LeServeur'?
    ps:they're in the same package

  • Utility for compiling java files with options.

    i want to create a utility application in java which can compile a java source file with options like -d , -classpath,-help etc.
    there is a java.lang.Compiler class which can be used to compile a source file but how can i supply compile time options?

    Welcome to the forum!
    i want to create a utility application in java which can compile a java source file with options like -d , -classpath,-help etc.
    there is a java.lang.Compiler class which can be used to compile a source file but how can i supply compile time options?
    Is this an interview question? An intellectual exercise to see if you can do it?
    Why do you want to do this when there is already a freely available utility, javac, that can already do all of that?
    Please provide more information and a sample user session that shows what you are really trying to accomplish.
    And the class you mentioned is not really for the purpose you say you want
    The Compiler class is provided to support Java-to-native-code compilers and related services. By design, the Compiler class does nothing; it serves as a placeholder for a JIT compiler implementation.

  • Compiling server-client with eclipse

    hi. i'm new to java programming and i'm using eclipse. i have 2 simple programmes, one for a server and another for a client and would like to use them to communicate with each other. i have an error message with both programs.. i think that there is a prblem with my server there anything i need to add to get it running or is there anything in particular needed when using eclipse to run server/client programs? here is the code:
    public class Serveur {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              ServerSocket ss= new ServerSocket(1500);
              Socket sc= ss.accept();
              System.out.println("connection etablie");
              PrintWriter flux_sortant = new PrintWriter(sc.getOutputStream());
              flux_sortant.println("coucou j'ecris");
              catch (IOException e){
                   System.out.println("Connection non etablie");
    and for the client:
    public class Client {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
                   Socket s= new Socket("local host",1500);
                   BufferedReader flux_entrant= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
                   System.out.println("J'ai lu:" + flux_entrant.readLine());
              catch (IOException e){
                   System.out.println("probleme de connection");

    if you want your server programm to listen for incoming connections all the time, then you shouldn't close your ServerSocket because it is accepting the connections.
    I would try something like this:
    public class Serveur implements Runnable{
           private boolean running = true;
           private ServerSocket ss;
           public Serveur(){
                   ss = new ServerSocket(1500);
          public static void main(String[] args){
                  new Thread(new Serveur()).start();
        public void run(){
                        Socket sc = ss.accept();
                        System.out.println("Connection established");
                       PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(sc.getOutputStream());    
    }This server would accept a connection send back "Blah" and close the connection to the client.
    hope that helps...
    Message was edited by:

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