Compiling with ant.

Hello all,
I wonder why I´m having always this error:
Error: Unable to locate specified base class
when i compile my application via ant by using an exec task:
<exec executable="${flex.mxmlc}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="${src.dir}/Matsplayer.mxml" />
<arg line="-output ${bin.dir}/${locale}/Matsplayer.swf"
<arg line="-actionscript-file-encoding UTF-8" />
<arg line="-locale ${locale}"/>
<arg line="-allow-source-path-overlap=true"/>
<arg line="-library-path
{locale}" />
In the other hand, If i use mxmlc task, the app compiles
<mxmlc file="${src.dir}/matsplayer.mxml"
<compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"
<include name="${locale.dir}/{locale}" />
<default-size width="1024" height="768" />
The problem is that I have to use a exec task, since I will
have to
add some RSL dynamically, and the directive
is not implemented for mxmlc task, so I will make it via exec
from a
custom ant task.
Any idea???

I have the same problem. Even If I have something like this.
<javac debug="on" debuglevel="lines,vars,source" ... />

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    C:/>ant build
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    can any one help me to solve this problem


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    On forums of slackware there was a reference towards the program "free" which is being executed from /usr/bin/free whereas the program on slcakware resides in /bin/free or vice versa. Creating a ymlink should solve the problem. Dunnow (yet) if that works
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Heather Connery ([email protected]):
    I have installed Oracle 8.1.7 on Red Hat 6.2.
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  • Compiling with ant--getting 'Unknown Source' in my exceptions

    I am compiling using this ant stanza:
         <property name="src" value="src"/>
         <property name="resources" value="src/resources"/>
         <property name="target" value="target"/>
        <target name="compile">
               <javac sourcepath="" srcdir="${src}"
                      destdir="${target}"  compiler="javac1.5" debuglevel="lines,source">
                    <include name="**/*.java"/>
             <copy todir="${target}/resources">
                 <fileset dir="${resources}"/>
        </target> Note the debuglevel="lines,source" specification. But I'm still getting 'Unknown Source' in exceptions in this code. Yes, I've done a clean compile. Yes, I checked, and it's recreating the files and the jars. I'm reasonably sure there aren't any other build.xml files I could be running.
    I don't see why this wouldn't work.

    I have the same problem. Even If I have something like this.
    <javac debug="on" debuglevel="lines,vars,source" ... />

  • Compile with ant...

    Hi guys,
    i'm a newbie user of java...
    i'm a question for you.
    Can you explain me simply how configure apache ant and how build a web.xml in the directory prog?
    Thanks very much,i've read documentation but i'm bit confused...

    get the ant package from either a binary distribution or source code distribution.
    add <apacheantfolder>/bin in your classpath.
    write a build.xml in your prog directory and in the command prompt
    change the directory to your prog directory and give the command ant <target-name>
    you can use IDE say netbeans or eclipse for web.xml
    The format for web.xml is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns=""
    Place this web.xml in your <progdirectory>/WEB-INF/

  • Help with Compiling with ant

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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Build file for our first application -->
    <project name="Ant test project" default="build" basedir=".">
    <target name="build" >
    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="build/src" debug="true"
    There are a ".\src\" and a ".\build\src\".
    When I type
    I got this message:
    Buildfile: build.xml
    Total time 0 seconds
    But no test1.class was generated in the destination dir.
    What is wrong? Please help. Thank you in advance.

    Delete the original *.class, stupid!

  • How to compile swf with ANT en ASC 2.0?

    He All,
    I used to compile a swf in Flash builder with this antscript below. But mxmlc in not supported anymore. Any idea how to compile the swf with ASC 2.0?
    <target name="" depends="">
      <echo message="Compiling swf"/>
      <mxmlc file="${app.projectfile}" output="${app.rootfile}" optimize="true" configname="airmobile" debug="false">
      <load-config filename="${app.rootdir}/resources/ant/build.config"/>
      <source-path path-element="${flex.sdkPath}/frameworks"/>
      <source-path path-element="${app.sourcedir}"/>
      <source-path path-element="${app.rootdir}/libs"/>
      <compiler.library-path dir="${flex.sdkPath}/frameworks" append="true">
      <include name="libs/*" />
      <arg line="-swf-version=17" />
      <arg line="-define=CONFIG::debug,false" />
      <arg line="-define=CONFIG::device,true" />
      <arg line="-define=CONFIG::local.false" />
      <compiler.library-path dir="${app.rootdir}" append="true">
      <include name="libs/*" />

    He Peter,
    Thanks for your reply. I've made some steps, but still no perfect solution. I've managed to compile a swf with ant using only the AIR SDK.
    But, check these results
    - Compiled using Flash Builder release : 455 kb
    - Compiled with ant using mxmlc : 104 kb
    - Compiled with ant using compc : 139 kb
    Can you provide us an example, how to compile a swf using ant. For example, with an AIR mobile project.
    Thanks Peter.

  • Compile AIR application with Ant (WindowedApplication could not be found)

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    Class mx.core::WindowedApplication could not be found.
         <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/air-config.xml" />
         <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs" append="true">
              <include name="*.swc" />
         <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/air" append="true">
              <include name="*.swc" />
         <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale" append="true">
              <include name="{locale}" />
         <source-path path-element="${SRC_DIR}" />
    Any idea why this is happening? I've tried not including the load-config section and not including the library paths, but it's always the same result - it can't find WindowedApplication.

    Hi, Guys!
    I ran into the same problem when i tried to write an ant-script to compile the asDocs for my project.
    After reading shades post i added the air-config (This resolved the WindowApplication couldn't be found error, because it adds all the air libs i guess)
    but lead to the problem that the flex vector-class wasn't found. As Vector is flashplayer 10.0.0 i also
    used the target-player parameter (This fixed that nicely).
    But now i got the problem that i get lots of this error msgs:
    Error: The private attribute may be used only on class property definitions.
    I guess the problem now is that ant doesn't understand that the AS-Classes producing that errors are not used as
    standalone-classes. To divide my mxml and AS-Code i import external AS-Classes to my MXML
    like that <mx:Script source="" />
    Is there a solution allowing me to use this pattern and still compile my asDoc with ant?
    It confuses me a little, because Ant-Scripts worked to compile the project.
    Thanks in advance!
    My Ant-Script producing that error:
    <project name="Red bull BPT 2.0: Generate ASDoc" basedir=".">
           Creates the ASDoc for Red Bull BPT 2.0
        <property file="" />
        <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
        <target name="cleanAndCreateASDoc"
                depends="cleanASDoc, compileASDoc"
                description="Cleans and creates Actionscript-Documentation"
            <!-- Delete the existing output folder and files and then regenerate the output folder -->
                <target name="cleanASDoc">
                    <echo>Deleting ASDoc Directory...</echo>
                        <!--Delete the folder specified for the Asdoc.dir variable-->
                        <delete dir="${Asdoc.dir}" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" />
                        <echo>Deleted ASDoc Directory</echo>
                        <echo>Creating ASDoc Directory...</echo>
                        <!--Creates the folder specified for the Asdoc.dir variable-->
                        <mkdir dir="${Asdoc.dir}" />
                    <echo>Created ASDoc Directory</echo>
            <!-- Run the ASDoc executable and generate the ASDocs to the new output folder -->
                <target name="compileASDoc">
                    <echo>ASDoc Compiling...</echo>
                        <exec executable="${AsDocs.executable}" failonerror="true">
                            <arg line="-load-config ${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/air-config.xml" />
                            <arg line="-target-player 10.0.0" />
                        <!--Main title for the top of all ASDoc pages-->
                            <arg line="-main-title '${Main.title}'" />
                        <!--Prefix Title of the window-->
                            <arg line="-window-title '${Window.title}'" />
                        <!--Defines the output directory for the ASDoc-Files-->
                            <arg line="-output '${Asdoc.dir}'" />
                        <!--Footer added to each ASDoc page-->
                            <arg line="-footer '${Footer.text}'" />
                        <!--Adding the source folders the ASDoc should be created from (Start)-->
                            <arg line="-doc-sources '${ModuleBaseDir}/source'" />
                        <!--Adding the source folders the ASDoc should be created from (End)-->
                        <!--Adding the folders for external Libraries needed to compile the application(Start)-->
                            <arg line="-external-library-path '${ModuleBaseDir}/libs'" />
                        <!--Adding the folders for external Libraries needed to compile the application(End)-->
                    <echo>ASDoc Compile Complete!</echo>

  • Compiling Flash Builder Projects with ant - error

    I'm fairly new to FlashBuilder as well as using ant to build projects.
    I'm working on a project in FlashBuilder 4.5. I'm using a 3rd party SWC that contains an alchemy-compiled C application in the SWC. Building my entire project within FlashBuilder is working fine. However, due to other parts of the project (not imported into FlashBuilder) I need to build with ant on occasion.
    The Class specific to the C app within the SWC is throwing errors when building with ant - it says it can not find the source. I had one recommendation to look into adding/editing something within the build.xml file, but I don't know what that addition/edit would be.
    Any help appreciated.

    Apparently related to switching workspaces... the error log identifies a path to an old workspace I changed out of weeks ago. I created a new workspace and moved the project (just the source, etc, not the settings) into it. been running fine for a while now... though funny how this problem didn't show up until yesterday.

  • Compiling with JRockit using ant

    I am considering switching to JRockit.
    Our java code is compiled using ant, with the 'javac' task.
    The javac task has an option to invoke different compilers:
    - classic (the standard compiler of JDK 1.1/1.2) – javac1.1 and javac1.2 can be used as aliases.
    - modern (the standard compiler of JDK 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6) – javac1.3 and javac1.4 and javac1.5 and javac1.6 can be used as aliases.
    - jikes (the Jikes compiler).
    The Jrockit compiler is not on this list.
    I have found a suggestion ( to use an exec call as a workaround,
    but are there any alternatives? I could perhaps persuade ant to use JRockit by deinstalling any other JDK's and pointing JAVA_HOME to JRockit;
    what I want however is to keep the option to use different compilers.
    Has anyone got any suggestions?

    The javac compiler bundled with JRockit is the exact same one that you get with the Sun JDK. Oracle licenses the JDK (class libraries, tools, etc) from Sun. So I would just set JAVA_HOME to point at JRockit as you suggest.

  • Wlcompile - nested javac elements not working with ant 1.6.1

    I have a problem with Ant 1.6.1 and wlcompile.
    I get the following error: The <wlcompile> type doesn’t support the nested “javac”
    Heres the error msg I get in debug mode:
    C:\P2Development\dev\testing\test.xml:3: The <wlcompile> type doesn't support
    the nested "javac" element.
    I’m using windows 2000. I’ve tried with weblogic.jar from Weblogic Server 8.1
    SP1 and SP2. I’ve tried with JDK 1.4.1_02 and 1.4.2_04. If I’m using Ant 1.5.3
    then everything works perfectly.
    I’ve tried to remove the WLS included Ant version to avoid conflicts with Ant
    1.6.1 and Ant 1.5.3 (that comes with Weblogic server). I’ve tried to uninstall
    Weblogic Server and just keep weblogic.jar, but I still get the same error. I’ve
    tried to put weblogic.jar on the classpath, still not working. I’ve tried to remove
    all jar files from $ANT_HOME/lib except those jar files needed to run my test
    project - ant.jar and ant-launcher.jar, but still doesn’t work. If I change $ANT_HOME
    to Ant 1.5.3 and run Ant 1.5.3 then everything works. So it seems to have something
    to do with Ant 1.6.1.
    Here’s my example code:
    <project name="wlcompile_test" default="test" basedir=".">
         <target name="test" depends="init">
    <wlcompile srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}">
    <javac debug="${build.debuginfo}" debuglevel="${build.debuglevel}"
    nowarn="${build.nowarn}" deprecation="${build.deprecated}" source="${build.source.version}"/>
    <target name="clean" depends="init">
    <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
    <target name="init">
    <taskdef name="wlcompile" classname=""
    <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>
    <property name="build.dir" value="classes"/>
    <property name="build.compiler" value="modern"/>
    <property name="build.compiler.pedantic" value="true"/>
    <property name="build.debuginfo" value="true"/>
    <property name="build.debuglevel" value="lines,vars,source"/>
    <property name="build.deprecated" value="false"/>
    <property name="build.nowarn" value="off"/>
    <property name="build.source.version" value="1.4"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
    And I try to run “ant test”
    It doesn’t work with Ant 1.6.1 and weblogic.jar from WLS 8.1 SP1 and SP2. But
    it works perfectly if I change to Ant 1.5.3.
    Here’s a link to the Ant wlcompile task documentation from BEA:
    Tobias Wallter

    Yes, this one is fixed in 8.1 SP3. If you need a patch before then,
    contact [email protected] and reference CR136493.
    -- Rob
    Tobias Wallter wrote:
    I have a problem with Ant 1.6.1 and wlcompile.
    I get the following error: The <wlcompile> type doesn?t support the nested ?javac?
    Heres the error msg I get in debug mode:
    C:\P2Development\dev\testing\test.xml:3: The <wlcompile> type doesn't support
    the nested "javac" element.
    I?m using windows 2000. I?ve tried with weblogic.jar from Weblogic Server 8.1
    SP1 and SP2. I?ve tried with JDK 1.4.1_02 and 1.4.2_04. If I?m using Ant 1.5.3
    then everything works perfectly.
    I?ve tried to remove the WLS included Ant version to avoid conflicts with Ant
    1.6.1 and Ant 1.5.3 (that comes with Weblogic server). I?ve tried to uninstall
    Weblogic Server and just keep weblogic.jar, but I still get the same error. I?ve
    tried to put weblogic.jar on the classpath, still not working. I?ve tried to remove
    all jar files from $ANT_HOME/lib except those jar files needed to run my test
    project - ant.jar and ant-launcher.jar, but still doesn?t work. If I change $ANT_HOME
    to Ant 1.5.3 and run Ant 1.5.3 then everything works. So it seems to have something
    to do with Ant 1.6.1.
    Here?s my example code:
    <project name="wlcompile_test" default="test" basedir=".">
         <target name="test" depends="init">
    <wlcompile srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}">
    <javac debug="${build.debuginfo}" debuglevel="${build.debuglevel}"
    nowarn="${build.nowarn}" deprecation="${build.deprecated}" source="${build.source.version}"/>
    <target name="clean" depends="init">
    <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
    <target name="init">
    <taskdef name="wlcompile" classname=""
    <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>
    <property name="build.dir" value="classes"/>
    <property name="build.compiler" value="modern"/>
    <property name="build.compiler.pedantic" value="true"/>
    <property name="build.debuginfo" value="true"/>
    <property name="build.debuglevel" value="lines,vars,source"/>
    <property name="build.deprecated" value="false"/>
    <property name="build.nowarn" value="off"/>
    <property name="build.source.version" value="1.4"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
    And I try to run ?ant test?
    It doesn?t work with Ant 1.6.1 and weblogic.jar from WLS 8.1 SP1 and SP2. But
    it works perfectly if I change to Ant 1.5.3.
    Here?s a link to the Ant wlcompile task documentation from BEA:
    Tobias Wallter

  • Building J2EE examples with Ant 1.3 on WinXP

    I just installed J2EE 1.3.1 and set all environment variables according to J2EE/Ant documentation. I am trying to build the examples with Ant 1.3 and just before it tries to compile the first example, I get a "NTVDM.EXE Error while setting up environment" error window. This occurs every time I try this examples build. After I close this error window, the compiles fail mostly because the javax.ejb package classes cannot be found.
    Have I overlooked something here? Can anyone shed some insight on this problem?

    Didn't think I'd be replying to so many of my own messages :-) ..., but anyway the problem with the NTVDM.EXE error message does not go away. I found that it's happens when Ant reads the system environment in the "property" task in build.xml under examples directory:
    <property environment="myenv" />
    references to ${myenv.J2EE_HOME} and so on
    So I replaced occurences of ${myenv.<J2EE_HOME>} with the literal value, in my case, "C:\j2sdkee1.3.1" and now it works. Hope this helps.

  • Javadoc with Ant

    I need to generate javadoc with Ant, however I'm just learning to use both. I am compiling with a root build.xml that antcalls to other build.xmls in child directories and so on until the lowest level is tasked to compile the source in its directory. Is there a way to handle this for javadoc? If I use the same methodology for javadoc, javadoc ends up generating the api docs multiple times bit by bit, but the result is that the output is just overwritten as many times as it's generated.
    Is there a better way to do this? I can't seem to get all the api into one document.

    Hi there,
    I'm not totally sure your requirements here, but it sound like each separate build.xml generates a javadoc task. I would be inclined to remove these tasks from each of those builds, and only have one target from the main build.xml.
    I have posted some information in a previous thread about how I use Ant to generate JavaDoc.
    Now, in the root buid.xml file, either call the ant task seperately using the commandline:
    ant.bat -f build.xml BuildJavaDocor, call the ant task internally at the end of the original task using:
    <antcall target="BuildJavaDoc" />I hope this helps a bit? If not, please re-post here and we'll help your further.

  • Building the ADF 11g project with ANT or MAVEN

    I want to automate the build process of my project using ant or maven. Is there already some build scripts for ant / maven. which can compile and package it using the structure which JDeveloper follows?

    You probably can. However, since I wrote the original article, I have changed my way of thinking on this; at the time I wrote the article, ojdeploy was not working - now it is. Installing JDev on a build machine takes a bit of space, but it's not a big deal; it doesn't require a license or anything. If I were doing this today, there is no way I would consider anything but ojdeploy for doing the build - it guarantees that what I set up in JDev is what gets built. The one thing that could make me change my mind is if and when JDeveloper gets fully-baked Maven support, including keeping a POM in synch with any libraries added to a project, but that's neither here today nor a certainty, since Oracle hasn't made any specific announcements that I am aware of about the direction of Maven support in JDev.
    We did have a discussion about this on the [url]ADF Enterprise Methodology Group a while back, and I recall quite a discussion in the forums as well about ojdeploy vs ANT/Maven. I used to be more of a "purist" mindset (i.e. don't make me install an IDE on the build server), but if you like, don't think of it as an IDE in this function - it doesn't require a user to operate it, it's just another build tool that you'd install on the server. That build tool can be integrated with ANT using the ojdeploy tasks.

  • Compiling with two CPU cores

    Is it possible to compile with two or more CPU cores or just with one?
    As it seems, javac uses only one core when I compile with the Ant tasc "javac".

    I don't know of a way to do this, but I've never seen a need to do this either, since java compilation is never too slow for me (even for huge projects).
    If you seriously need faster compilation, you could switch to a faster compiler (jikes is seriously fast, ecj (the eclipse compiler) is even faster, sometimes).
    You might also try compiling seperate (independent) parts of your sourcecode with explicit parallel constructs in ant ('though I don't know if it's worth the overhead).

Maybe you are looking for