Compiz Standalone won't start

Hi, I'd like to run Compiz as a standalone desktop manager. The Arch wiki has a very short section on this, … ow_Manager, which suggests all that's needed is to edit ~/.xinitrc to start compiz.
This doesn't work for me, and I simply end up at the CLI prompt with no on-screen error message or anything to indicate why compiz won't start. I'm not even 100% sure it is trying to start!?
If I try to start compiz from the CLI prompt, I get the following error:
compiz (core) - Fatal: Cannot open display
If I start with startx, X will start, but compiz will not.
Last edited by lightstream (2011-12-16 01:24:11)

By display manager, do you mean something like KDE, XFCE etc?
If so, then I would really like to just run compiz without any of these. I have got Compiz running OK under KDE, but it takes forever to boot up (ok 1 minute) and I just find KDE to be somewhat .. Kludgy (it has a dated feel IMO). Also there are some weird behaviours in Compiz under KDE. I'm currently using XFCE which is altogether nicer than KDE, but I can't get compiz to work with it at all.
Here's my rc.conf:
# /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux
# LOCALE: available languages can be listed with the 'locale -a' command
# LANG in /etc/locale.conf takes precedence
# DAEMON_LOCALE: If set to 'yes', use $LOCALE as the locale during daemon
# startup and during the boot process. If set to 'no', the C locale is used.
# HARDWARECLOCK: set to "", "UTC" or "localtime", any other value will result
# in the hardware clock being left untouched (useful for virtualization)
# Note: Using "localtime" is discouraged, using "" makes hwclock fall back
# to the value in /var/lib/hwclock/adjfile
# TIMEZONE: timezones are found in /usr/share/zoneinfo
# Note: if unset, the value in /etc/localtime is used unchanged
# KEYMAP: keymaps are found in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
# CONSOLEFONT: found in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts (only needed for non-US)
# CONSOLEMAP: found in /usr/share/kbd/consoletrans
# USECOLOR: use ANSI color sequences in startup messages
# MODULES: Modules to load at boot-up. Blacklisting is no longer supported.
# Replace every !module by an entry as on the following line in a file in
# /etc/modprobe.d:
# blacklist module
# See "man modprobe.conf" for details.
# Udev settle timeout (default to 30)
# Scan for FakeRAID (dmraid) Volumes at startup
# Scan for BTRFS volumes at startup
# Scan for LVM volume groups at startup, required if you use LVM
# HOSTNAME: Hostname of machine. Should also be put in /etc/hosts
# Use 'ip addr' or 'ls /sys/class/net/' to see all available interfaces.
# Wired network setup
# - interface: name of device (required)
# - address: IP address (leave blank for DHCP)
# - netmask: subnet mask (ignored for DHCP) (optional, defaults to
# - broadcast: broadcast address (ignored for DHCP) (optional)
# - gateway: default route (ignored for DHCP)
# Static IP example
# interface=eth0
# address=
# netmask=
# broadcast=
# gateway=
# DHCP example
# interface=eth0
# address=
# netmask=
# gateway=
# Setting this to "yes" will skip network shutdown.
# This is required if your root device is on NFS.
# Enable these netcfg profiles at boot-up. These are useful if you happen to
# need more advanced network features than the simple network service
# supports, such as multiple network configurations (ie, laptop users)
# - set to 'menu' to present a menu during boot-up (dialog package required)
# - prefix an entry with a ! to disable it
# Network profiles are found in /etc/network.d
# This requires the netcfg package
# Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
# - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
# - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
# If you are sure nothing else touches your hardware clock (such as ntpd or
# a dual-boot), you might want to enable 'hwclock'. Note that this will only
# make a difference if the hwclock program has been calibrated correctly.
# If you use a network filesystem you should enable 'netfs'.
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng sshd network crond dbus httpd mysqld)
I'd appreciate any suggestions at this point, as I'm at a dead end, and Google is not helping.

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    orwell% sudo systemctl status xbmc -l
    xbmc.service - Starts instance of XBMC using xinit
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/xbmc.service; enabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Mon 2014-03-03 19:00:23 PST; 3s ago
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    Main PID: 2012 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
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    Mar 03 19:00:20 orwell xinit[2012]: Loading extension GLX
    Mar 03 19:00:20 orwell xinit[2012]: (II) [KMS] Kernel modesetting enabled.
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    Mar 03 19:00:22 orwell xinit[2012]: XBMC has exited uncleanly 3 times in the last 1 seconds.
    Mar 03 19:00:22 orwell xinit[2012]: Something is probably wrong
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    Mar 03 19:00:22 orwell xinit[2012]: waiting for X server to shut down (EE) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.
    I've looked through : and it seems to be a similar issue.
    Last edited by eyeemaye (2014-03-05 03:45:13)

    After today's update (version 12.3-11), I get a new error. For the record I've changed PAMName from 'login' to 'su' for debugging purposes.
    xbmc.service - Starts instance of XBMC using xinit
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/xbmc.service; enabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2014-03-07 20:58:52 PST; 2min 33s ago
    Process: 3381 ExecStart=/usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/dbus-launch /usr/bin/xbmc-standalone -l /run/lirc/lircd -- :0 -nolisten tcp vt7 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 3381 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Mar 07 20:58:51 orwell pulseaudio[3443]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-device-restore" (argument: ""): initialization failed.
    Mar 07 20:58:51 orwell xinit[3381]: ERROR: Unable to create application. Exiting
    Mar 07 20:58:51 orwell pulseaudio[3469]: [pulseaudio] module-device-restore.c: Failed to open volume database '/var/lib/xbmc/.config/pulse/739ce619b49f4eb797280beb523b50fd-device-volumes': No space left on device
    Mar 07 20:58:51 orwell pulseaudio[3469]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-device-restore" (argument: ""): initialization failed.
    Mar 07 20:58:51 orwell xinit[3381]: ERROR: Unable to create application. Exiting
    Mar 07 20:58:51 orwell xinit[3381]: XBMC has exited uncleanly 3 times in the last 1 seconds.
    Mar 07 20:58:51 orwell xinit[3381]: Something is probably wrong
    Mar 07 20:58:51 orwell xinit[3381]: /usr/bin/xinit: connection to X server lost
    Mar 07 20:58:51 orwell xinit[3381]: waiting for X server to shut down (EE) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.
    Mar 07 20:58:52 orwell systemd[3382]: pam_unix(su:session): session closed for user xbmc
    Last edited by eyeemaye (2014-03-08 05:19:34)

  • Selenium-server-standalone won't start firefox - a bug?

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    $ java -jar /usr/share/selenium-server/selenium-server-standalone.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate /home/x/.mozilla/firefox/asdfas.selenium/ -log /home/x/selenium-sh.log
    And then launching a little test using
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
    use Test::WWW::Selenium;
    use Test::More "no_plan";
    use Test::Exception;
    my $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new( host => "localhost",
    port => 4444,
    browser => "*chrome",
    browser_url => "" );
    WAIT: {
    for (1..60) {
    if (eval { $sel->is_element_present("heythere") }) { pass; last WAIT }
    then firefox gets started and everyone is happy. However, when I start selenium server as a daemon, firefox simply won't start up and I don't know why. Here is the scenario:
    # rc.d start selenium-server
    My /etc/conf.d/selenium-server.conf:
    SELENIUM_SERVER_ARGS="-firefoxProfileTemplate /home/x/.mozilla/firefox/ennhqwww.selenium -log /home/x/selenium-rc.log"
    Now launching the above perl script:
    $ perl
    Nothing happens, it just keeps idling at "starting firefox..."
    Here is the logfile selenium-rc.log:
    14:29:09.245 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.browserlaunchers.locators.BrowserLocator - Discovering Firefox 3...
    14:29:09.299 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.browserlaunchers.locators.BrowserLocator - Checking whether Firefox 3 launcher at :'/usr/lib/firefox-5.0/firefox-bin' is valid...
    14:29:09.299 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.browserlaunchers.locators.BrowserLocator - Discovered valid Firefox 3 launcher : '/usr/lib/firefox-5.0/firefox-bin'
    14:29:09.301 INFO [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.BrowserSessionFactory - Allocated session 7a16510f87e24b269c72fb679be16071 for, launching...
    14:29:09.556 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.ResourceExtractor - Extracting /customProfileDirCUSTFFCHROME to /tmp/customProfileDir7a16510f87e24b269c72fb679be16071
    14:29:09.659 INFO [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.FirefoxChromeLauncher - Preparing Firefox profile...
    14:29:11.213 INFO [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.FirefoxChromeLauncher - Launching Firefox...
    14:29:11.226 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for window 'null' local frame 'null' for 1800 more secs
    14:29:11.226 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for condition for 1000 more ms
    14:29:12.238 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - got condition? : false
    14:29:12.238 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for window 'null' local frame 'null' for 1799 more secs
    14:29:12.238 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for condition for 1000 more ms
    14:32:04.704 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - got condition? : false
    14:32:04.704 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for window 'null' local frame 'null' for 1777 more secs
    14:32:04.704 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for condition for 1000 more ms
    It just keeps waiting for firefox. Notice I truncated the file in the middle, marked by (...) there is a good 20 seconds in there where the log just keeps showing waits. However, using the start-from-shell method above, I get the following selenium-sh.log:
    14:32:18.484 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.browserlaunchers.locators.BrowserLocator - Discovering Firefox 3...
    14:32:18.527 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.browserlaunchers.locators.BrowserLocator - Checking whether Firefox 3 launcher at :'/usr/lib/firefox-5.0/firefox-bin' is valid...
    14:32:18.527 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.browserlaunchers.locators.BrowserLocator - Discovered valid Firefox 3 launcher : '/usr/lib/firefox-5.0/firefox-bin'
    14:32:18.528 INFO [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.BrowserSessionFactory - Allocated session 57ac24f40c0f46bd9f1166c7f81f26f5 for, launching...
    14:32:18.797 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.ResourceExtractor - Extracting /customProfileDirCUSTFFCHROME to /tmp/customProfileDir57ac24f40c0f46bd9f1166c7f81f26f5
    14:32:18.867 INFO [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.FirefoxChromeLauncher - Preparing Firefox profile...
    14:32:22.719 INFO [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.FirefoxChromeLauncher - Launching Firefox...
    14:32:22.723 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for window 'null' local frame 'null' for 1800 more secs
    14:32:22.724 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for condition for 1000 more ms
    14:32:23.727 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - got condition? : false
    14:32:23.727 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for window 'null' local frame 'null' for 1799 more secs
    14:32:23.727 DEBUG [12] org.openqa.selenium.server.FrameGroupCommandQueueSet - waiting for condition for 1000 more ms
    14:32:23.786 DEBUG [13] org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpConnection - new HttpConnection: Socket[addr=/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,port=44275,localport=4444]
    14:32:23.787 DEBUG [13] org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpConnection - REQUEST from [email protected]:4444:
    GET /selenium-server/core/selenium.css HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost
    Anyone got an idea why firefox won't start if selenium is started via the rc.d script, or can someone at least help me find a way to troubleshoot why this is happening (i.e. logs, strace, etc.)?
    I am pretty sure it is not an upstream issue, but if you tell me it is, then I will have to file a bug there.
    Last edited by awayand (2011-07-02 06:18:58)

    Under which user does the daemon run? If it is the same user under which you are able to manually start the test, it is most likely a environment problem. Otherwise it is probably permission related.
    To fix a environment problem, try copying all `set` variables to the daemon's environment. For permission related, try `sudo -u daemonuser java -jar /usr/s...` and then debugging that.

  • Acrobat X Pro (standalone) Won't Start

    I'm running Win 7 ultimate w/ 8G mem., plenty of disk space, just bought Acrobat X Pro to replace VIII Pro.
    I uninstalled VIII, installed X. Seemed to work but when I clicked on the Acrobat X icon nothing happened. I was running Avira anti-virus. It identified hosts.exe as having malware, but I found out from a search that that was a false positive. Turned off the AV, disconnected from the Web, reinstalled, restarted computer. Same no-start problem. Tried several variations of all this, including using a new download, several clean re-installs, and twice choosing "repair installation" instead of new installation. None of which helped.
    Used AdbeArCleaner_v2.exe, got "successful" message, rebooted. Acrobat wtill wont start won't start. It asppears to have installed the printer driver OK and if I click on acrodist.exe, I get a flash screen. If I right click on a PDF and then on Open With and choose Adobe Acrobat, nothing happens. Try it with Adobe Reader, the PDF opens.
    What do I need to do to get Acrobat working?

    Got it at <Adobe Acrobat X Professional – Best Wholesale Software PC & More>. They sent me a registration code that was accepted.
    Adobe LiveCycle ES2, which was apparently part of the installation process, works, but throws an error message when I try to preview the form as a PDF (There was a problem with Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please exit and try again (1:1).

  • [SOLVED] CCSM won't start after updating compiz

    I just updated compiz, compil-plugins-main, ccsm etc. and ccsm (Compizconfig settings manager) just dont start.
    [broi@broi-Archlinux ~]$ ccsm
    Info: No sexy-python package found, don't worry it's optional.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/bin/ccsm", line 99, in <module>
    import compizconfig
    ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ undefined symbol: ccsImportFromFile
    [broi@broi-Archlinux ~]$
    I tried with "python2" or "python3" before I type a .py command (which worked in some issues) but in this one it dont help.
    When I try with python 3 -> "python3 /usr/bin/ccsm" I get:
    [broi@broi-Archlinux ~]$ python3 /usr/bin/ccsm
    File "/usr/bin/ccsm", line 45
    if dbus.version < (0, 80, 0):
    TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
    [broi@broi-Archlinux ~]$
    Solution: Rebuilt the compizconfig-python
    UPDATE: Just run update and you will get fixed compizconfig-python.
    Last edited by broi (2012-03-23 16:26:25)

    Same problem after pacman -Syu (using XFCE).
    Not only compiz won't start, my mouse cursor is gone until I open some windows.  The window decorations have disappeared (minimize, maximize, close).  This is even after removing the fusion-icon from autostart in XFCE and rebooting (afaict, compiz is not running as a process when I list running processes with ps -ef).  Also having difficulty switching focus between open windows.
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded bash (4.2.024-1 -> 4.2.024-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded libcompizconfig (0.8.8-1 -> 0.8.8-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded compizconfig-python (0.8.4-2 -> 0.8.4-3)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded ccsm (0.8.4-2 -> 0.8.4-3)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded compiz-bcop (0.8.8-1 -> 0.8.8-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded compiz-fusion-plugins-main (0.8.8-1 -> 0.8.8-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (0.8.8-1 -> 0.8.8-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded compizconfig-backend-gconf (0.8.8-1 -> 0.8.8-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded device-mapper (2.02.90-1 -> 2.02.95-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded emerald-themes (0.6.0-3 -> 0.6.0-4)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded ffmpeg (20120127-3 -> 20120317-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded fusion-icon (20101021-1 -> 20120321-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded libtasn1 (2.9-2 -> 2.12-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded gnutls (3.0.15-1 -> 3.0.17-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded grub2-common (1:1.99-6 -> 1:2.00beta2-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded grub2-bios (1:1.99-6 -> 1:2.00beta2-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded iproute2 (3.2.0-2 -> 3.2.0-3)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded libdrm (2.4.31-1 -> 2.4.32-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libdrm (2.4.31-1 -> 2.4.32-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libice (1.0.7-2 -> 1.0.8-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libxdmcp (1.1.0-2 -> 1.1.1-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libxcb (1.8.1-1 -> 1.8.1-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libx11 ( ->
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libxcomposite (0.4.3-2 -> 0.4.3-3)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libxext (1.3.0-1 -> 1.3.1-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libxinerama (1.1.1-2 -> 1.1.2-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libxrandr (1.3.2-1 -> 1.3.2-2)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libxtst (1.2.0-2 -> 1.2.1-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-libxxf86vm (1.1.1-2 -> 1.1.2-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lib32-util-linux (2.20.1-1 -> 2.21-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded libftdi (0.19-1 -> 0.20-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded linux (3.2.11-1 -> 3.2.12-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded live-media (2012.02.29-2 -> 2012.03.20-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded lvm2 (2.02.90-1 -> 2.02.95-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded mpg123 (1.13.4-2 -> 1.13.6-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:27] upgraded neon (0.29.6-3 -> 0.29.6-4)
    [2012-03-21 14:28] upgraded openssl (1.0.0.h-1 -> 1.0.1-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:28] upgraded psmisc (22.15-1 -> 22.16-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:28] upgraded systemd-arch-units (20120311-1 -> 20120317-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:28] upgraded vlc (2.0.0-8 -> 2.0.1-1)
    [2012-03-21 14:28] upgraded xf86-input-evdev (2.7.0-1 -> 2.7.0-2)
    Last edited by David Batson (2012-03-21 21:10:35)

  • Itunes Won't all.

    I've been through many of the bigger posts here looking for a solution ot my problem but sadly haven't found one.
    I had iTunes 4.9 and installed 5.0 ontop of it. When I went to start 5.0 it would not start. At all. I get a hourglass for about half a second and then nothing. No error message. No nothing. I don't run any firewall or antivirus currently. I've tried disabling the bonjour services. I've tried installing quicktime standalone and the bonjour services then installing itunes. I've made sure I have a current version of the dll. I'm not sure what else I am supposed to try. Wondering if I missed any posts that might help me.
    Thanks for your time.

    well here you have my story
    Whenever I use iTunes, it seems to only want to open upon the very first time after installation. It's very irritating - the only way I can get it to work again is to totally uninstall it (repair doesn't work), then reinstall it. Then it works - only for the first time again. Doh! :happy:
    Everytime I try to open it up, the hourglass/arrow combo cursor appears for about 2 seconds and then nothing happens. In task manager, the iTunes exe appears for that same amount of time and then disappears.
    After trying three clean XP installs and re-installing both quicktime and iTunes numerous times, I still can't figure out why it won't start! Has anyone else had this problem?

  • Flash Builder 4 Installed, But Won't Start

    I installed Flash Builder 4. The installation completed without a hitch, but the application won't start. Here are the log files from \Local Settings\Temp and Adobe Flash Builder 4\.metadata.
    amt3.log -
    \metadata\.log -
    Any idea regarding what I am doing wrong? I have Eclipse on my comp, but I have installed the standalone version of FB 4 trial.

    > Even if the trial has expired shouldn't the screen with buy now appear?
    Yes, that's what I would expect too. Sometimes there are situations where previously installed Prerelease versions (beta versions from Adobe Labs) can interfere with that though, especially with multiple users on a given machine in a Lab setting.
    > I can requisition a full license from the sysadmin.
    Good idea - that's probably your best shot at getting FB4 activated on that machine, without needing to re-image it. After you obtain an FB4 serial number, you should be able to enter it at install-time to activate the license.

  • Macbook Pro won't start after upgrade to 10.5.2

    I just updated my Macbook Pro 1.Generation to 10.5.2 via software update. After a double boot, the apple logo and the loading wheel appeard as expected. After several minutes of loading, i had to login. After login, the leopard wallpaper appears and then nothing happens. I cannot do anything. It seems that the finder and the dock won't start up.
    I have several apps installed, which may cause this issue. For example DockDoctor.
    What can i do? Do i have to reinstall leopard and try again to install 10.5.2 via CombiPackage?
    Thanks for help

    Start by:
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger and Leopard.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now shutdown the computer for a couple of minutes and then restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.1 for Leopard) and/or TechTool Pro (4.6.1 for Leopard) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    Then download the standalone updater and reinstall 10.5.2. If that doesn't solve your problem then you will have to do an Archive and Install.
    How to Perform an Archive and Install
    1. Do not proceed with an Archive and Install if DU reports errors it cannot fix. In that case use Disk Warrior and/or TechTool Pro to repair the hard drive. If neither can repair the drive, then you will have to erase the drive and reinstall from scratch.
    2. Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When you reach the screen to select a destination drive click once on the destination drive then click on the Option button. Select the Archive and Install option. You have an option to preserve users and network preferences. Only select this option if you are sure you have no corrupted files in your user accounts. Otherwise leave this option unchecked. Click on the OK button and continue with the OS X Installation.
    3. Upon completion of the Archive and Install you will have a Previous System Folder in the root directory. You should retain the PSF until you are sure you do not need to manually transfer any items from the PSF to your newly installed system.
    4. After moving any items you want to keep from the PSF you should delete it. You can back it up if you prefer, but you must delete it from the hard drive.
    5. You can now download a Combo Updater directly from Apple's download site to update your new system to the desired version as well as install any security or other updates. You can also do this using Software Update.

  • Install CC&B V2.2 on OAS - OC4J won't start after configuring for CC&B

    I'm trying to setup an OC4J instance according to the CC&B install guide. After following the steps, the OC4J instance won't start. Any ideas?

    i haVe the same issue, when I modify the next value -Xbootclasspath/a:<$SPLEBASE>/splapp/standalone/lib/xalan-2.7.0.jar:<$SPLEBASE>/splapp/standalone/lib/serializer-2.7.0.jar. The instance delay a log time and after several minutes doesn't start-
    Anybody has any idea?

  • Quicktime won't start - have tried re-installing

    I have installed itunes and quicktime but quicktime won't start. I tried un-installing both and re-installing but still quicktime will not start. When I click open quick time player I get an hourglass for 30 seconds and then nothing happens. I tried installing quicktime without itunes and have the same problem. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    ahhhh. that's suggestive.
    a few more questions aimed at narrowing in on possible culprits.
    by any chance, when you attempt to uninstall QuickTime do you get a standalone "fatal error" message?
    try launching your QuickTime Control panel. does it launch, or do you get an error message? if you get an error message, what does it say?
    have you ever installed an ACE or K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, QT Alternative, or Storm Codec on your PC? if so, which version?

  • Bridge CS5 won't start.....but it does for a 'new' user

    Newly installed CS5.
    Bridge doesn't start. Error message: "You can't open the application Adobe Bridge CS5 because it is not supported on this type of Mac."
    It won't open standalone, won't open from within Photoshop. The 'mini-bridge' in Photoshop starts to work until it needs to access Bridge and then....spins forever.
    Created new user and....Bridge opens fine.

    Created new user and....Bridge opens fine.
    Usually we advised an Archive and install for OSX but there is a shortcut
    that is described in this KB document:
    Also check on this thread the post from Adobe employee David_B:

  • Problem on adobe reader X, it won't start

    Hallo guys.
    I've a problem on 3 pc in my company.
    When you double-click on the adobe reader X icon, the program won't start, no error message, no events in windows, absolutely nothing at all.
    The systems affected are windows 7 64bit, the user is a local administrator.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Please let me know the following:
    1. The exact version of Adobe Reade on your system. You can get the same by clicking on Help > About Adobe Reader.
    2. Do you get a process in the task manager by the name of AcroRd32.exe when you double click on a PDF on these machines?
    3. Are you able to launch Adobe Reader as a standalone application without trying to view any PDFs?

  • Jdeveloper debugger won't start  **** URGENT ****

    I posted this in an older thread at the end:
    Re: jdev 10 ( debugger won't start
    I can't run the debugger using the runner: jvm option of ojvm, hotspot, or client, and can't debug a simple standalone java class w/o an error window within the same project:
    When I try to debug a standalone class (
    Status line showed connection problem.
    got errors:
    (can't gab the command line since JDEveloper is locked up - I have an hourglass and the only thing I can do is minimize, maximize, or close it)
    c:\jdev10121\jdk\bin\]javaw.exe -ojvm -XXdebug,quiet,port2651 -classpath C:\Projects\jdev10121\MSI\MSI\
    Debugger connected to local process.
    Debugger connection to debugee process has been lost.
    Debugger disconnected from local process.
    Process exited.
    Debugger unable to connect to local processIf I try to debug using client or hotspot, the application will start, but it does not recognize any of the breakpoints at all, so the debugger never kicks in. It does on a windows xp workstation running the same version of jdeveloper. Also, I can't recompile classes and replace on the fly.
    I am able to run the web application regular (w/o debug) using ojvm.
    My J2EE settings are 1.4.2_06. This is what resides in c:\jdev10121\jdk\bin. That same path is in my system path. The java_home env var is set to: c:\jdev10121\jdk.
    I run the JDEV.exe rather than JDEVw.exe and nothing appears in the console window.
    I can't recall anything about the machine that caused this to stop working as it was working less than 1 week ago. The machine is a Windows 2000 Dell workstation. I thought the problem might be caused by adding the Oracle XML Parser to the project, but I removed that library and commented out the code.
    The only way the debugger works is to do REMOTE DEBUGGING (I'm connecting to my embedded oc4j via localhost though):
    1. Start the application using hotspot in debug mode. Note the port that is sent to oc4j.
    2. Create another project for remote debugging, and set the tools->project properties->remote debugging on for that project. right click and select remote debug, and type in the port from the other window. Once connected, I can set breakpoints and examine code, etc.
    This is really troubling as putting system.debug messages for debugging is like going back to the early days of cobol on the vax for me -- no wait, the debugger under motif in 1994 worked... well, maybe before cobol then....
    Anyway, please let me know if there's a solution to this.

    THESE similar threads did not have a solution:
    no response:
    Debugger not working
    no answer:
    Debugger unable to connect to remote process
    no answer
    Debugger connection to debugee process has been lost
    Debugger connection to debugee process has been lost
    no response:
    Debugger unable to connect to local process
    Posted: Apr 13, 2006 12:27 PM
    Debugger unable to connect to local process
    I tried reinstalling JDeveloper but the debug function still does not work.
    I just found this to be funny:
    No search results for "debugger AND ojvm AND "won't start"". You should try a
    less restrictive search.
    Did you mean: debugger AND ovum AND "won't start"  Again, thanks for reading this? (Am I talking to myself?)

  • Itunes won't start after upgrading

    I just upgraded to itunes for windows 6.0.5 and now it won't start. The windows error report box comes up. Please help!

    don't be silly, zenbeer. let's wait until the original poster tells us explicitly what message s/he's getting. there are at least two different error messages that miracon could be getting that fit the information that we've received so far.
    why on earth did you reinstall Windows in response to that error message?
    Itunes has encountered a problem and needs to close
    the first thing that i check for when people report getting that message when they try to launch their itunes is a broken QuickTime.
    try to open your QuickTime. does it launch properly, or do you get an error message?
    if you get an error message, the first thing we'll try is a careful standalone QT 7.1 reinstall.
    download and save a copy of the QT 7.1 standalone installer to your hard drive. (we'll run the install from there rather than online.) switch off antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the install.
    Quicktime 7.1 Standalone Installer
    if that install goes through okay, does your itunes launch properly again?
    (if you get an error message on the QT standalone reinstall, let us know what it says. include error message numbers if you're getting any.)

  • Coldfusion Builder won't start on Vista

    Recently I had to upgrade to Vista.  Now Coldfusion builder won't start.  Attached is the configuration log file.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling CF Builder with no luck.  This is the standalone version.  Any help appreciated.

    I think I've figured it out.  It had to do with permissions on the Coldfusion Builder folder in Program Files.  Coldfusion Builder would run as administrator, but not as a User.  I had to allow write permissions on that directory.  I don't know if this is an eclipse thing or a Coldfusion Builder thing, but in windows a program should not require write permissions on it's install folder in order to run.  If it needs to write something, it should do it under the users profile.  I would consider this a bug.

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