Complete setup with openbox. Do I need more apps?

I'm doing some research on openbox just to be as ready as possible when I try it out. Going from ubuntu
to arch with xfce wasn't too big of a deal, but openbox is another story (as far as I can see ). I'm used
to having a complete DE so I've got a couple of questions concerning using a WM. I'm also aiming for a
lightweight system that looks good.
This is the list of apps I'm planning to use. I know openbox doesn't have a session manager, but some
kind of autostart thingy. Is there any session manager apps or will the autostart script be enough?
Anything else that is critical when I'm using openbox?
* mpd/sonata
* hellanzb
* flyback
* Conky
* mplayer
* abiword
* gnumeric
* moblock
* deluge
* adesklets - yab
* Nero Linux
* sakura
* openbox
* pypanel
* mousepad
* orage
* squeeze
* thunar archive plugin
* thunar-thumbnailers
* volWheel
* thunar
* feh
* ePDFView
* scrot
* zim
* linuxdc++
* opera
* nano
* smplayer
* freevo
* galculator
* tracker
* obconf
* obmenu
* volman-plugin

Here is my favourite progs: maybe you find there something usefull
Fluxbox + wmctrl (to handle drop down console)
Firefox3b4/Elinks (have used opera on my P3 note but change to F3beta)
Abiword, Gnumeric, Lyx, (also have installed OO but dont use it so much)
fbnews (rss in menu)
graveman (have installed but dont use it so much in favour of mc)
bluefish (web edit)
now console: (the most important)
rxvt-unicode (urxvtd, urxvtc)
mpd + mpc + ncmpc (in one of the dd-console) (moc on notebook)
mcabber (jabber, icq) (another dd-console)
mc (nearly for everything: file, ftp, ssh browser, cdburner, (un)packer, editor.....)
mplayer (also use oggplay, mpg123 on note with mc)
calc (have also galculator)
mutt (have installed but I never learnt it so much to start using it in real life)
and lot other in console (I dont mention a lot of common system tools)
Anything I seek for is some good lightweight GUI editor, with highliting (fluxbox, xml, sh, ...), because console editors are sometimes not so good (for me) while editing files with longer lines, paste from for example browser etc. I meen mcedit is not good in this way, and I think its still good enough for me to swich to some nano/vi etc.

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    Hi, that's how it works. photos in Photo Stream are these ones that actually exist on your Camera Roll. Photo Stream is an iClous service that helps you to share photos. Just think about Dropbox or any other cloud services, isn't it that you delete a file on your computer, then found the file no longer exist on your other devices?
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    Just to inform you that Apple claims that it does not read these forums and definitely does not respond to posts in these forums. The responses that you see here are from users such as you and I and not from Apple.
    Apple has provided a place to present all feedback on its products. Please [*_Click Here_*|> to get to the product feedback page and then post your concerns as you list them above.
    Axel F.

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    xorg-server 1.5.3-3
    xcompmgr 1.1.4-1
    kdelibs3 3.5.10-2
    conky 1.6.1-2
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    this behavior started immediately after the recent xorg update (i saved that for last because i know were all sick of _that_).  i changed nothing, but for the -Syu when this happened.
    anyways, your thoughts and help is much appreciated.

    so i'm resurrecting this thread because i hoped, and  prayed, that xorg 1.6 in testing would fix this problem.  i've been working my ass off to keep my system back in xorg 1.4.  my desktop just looks so oldfashioned w/o shadows and transparency. 
    ok so to re-outline, i'm running:
    pacman -Q stuff
    xorg-server 1.6.0-1
    nvidia 180.29-3
    xcompmgr 1.1.4-1
    with this gpu:
    hwd -s | grep video
    Video : GeForce 7150 / nForce 630i server: XFree86 (vesa)
    i created a minimal xorg.conf via nvidia-xconfig an added a few suggested options (although they _really_ don't seem to affect this bug...):
    cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    # nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
    # nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder62) Thu Feb 5 00:08:50 PST 2009
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "Layout0"
    Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor0"
    VendorName "Unknown"
    ModelName "Unknown"
    HorizSync 28.0 - 33.0
    VertRefresh 43.0 - 72.0
    Option "DPMS"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Device0"
    Driver "nvidia"
    VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
    Option "NoLogo" "True"
    Option "RenderAccel" "True"
    Option "TripleBuffer" "True"
    Option "BackingStore" "False"
    Option "DamageEvents" "True"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device "Device0"
    Monitor "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 24
    now, here's what happens:
    i startx, .xinitrc or bring up xcompmgr, bmpanel, and conky
    if i open amarok or k3b, conky and bmpanel (both using transparency) vanish while the splash screen(s) show.
    when i burn something with k3b (and new windows appear) i see similar behavior
    sometimes it's just for a sec and then it's back, sometimes conky comes back with part of itself missing
    also, if you execute `pkill conky` from an xterm, all windows are 'destroyed' until you [blindly] grab that xterm window and move it about your desktop 'revealing' the desktops contents.  please see this screenshot for this in action.
    killing xcompmgr fixes all this... but it's so ugly.  the problems go away if i downgrade to xorg-server 1.4 (and also adjust any related/dependant packages to match).
    please please, tell me i'm not alone!  a fix would be nice too .
    thanks in advance... again
    Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-03-05 01:30:10)

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    Tell Apple, you are only talking to other users here:
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    Apple Care Level one responders are very Script Led.
    This means they try to fit what you are saying into a Software or Hardware issue and into a Apple Care Period or  not.
    If you are having problems convincing them it is an Account/Apple ID problem (even though it only effects the Mac's use of it in iMessages) ask to speak to a Level 2 person who should be more knowledgeable because fixing and Id issue is free and not subject to Apple Care.
    9:00 pm      Monday; December 15, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
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    I tried to use iMessage on my MacBook Air but i get the following message
    Apple needs more information to complete your iMessage registration. Please call AppleCare in your country (listed below) and provide them with the following validation code:

    Apple Care Level one responders are very Script Led.
    This means they try to fit what you are saying into a Software or Hardware issue and into a Apple Care Period or  not.
    If you are having problems convincing them it is an Account/Apple ID problem (even though it only effects the Mac's use of it in iMessages) ask to speak to a Level 2 person who should be more knowledgeable because fixing and Id issue is free and not subject to Apple Care.
    9:00 pm      Monday; December 15, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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    MSI K8T NEO 2
    CPU Athlong 64 3000+
    RX9800 PRO
    2x512 Apacer 400Mhz CL2.5
    Seagate 120GB S-ATA
    PSU 500W chill

    There isn't any optimization for that card to speak of with what you are doing.
    I would think a Matrox card would be better suited, but I am also speculating. It is far better at 2d performance regarding raster/vector operations.
    There might be a way to optimise the driver code, but I have no idea how.
    You might want to look into communities related to the work your are doing. I do remember Adobe has a forum and tech docs, perhaps you might find what you are looking for there

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    Photoshop requires 512 Meg of VRAM or more to use the 3D features - that's been the same for version 14 (CC) and now 15 (CC 2014). Check Help->System Info to see how much your card says it has.

  • Restore with brtools - need more archive redolog files

    Good day
    I will make online backup my oracle database with brtools
    (Oracle 10g, BRBACKUP 7.00 (39))
    brbackup -c -d util_file_online -t online -m all -u /
    bdztoexw anf  2009-01-23 15.27.40 ; 2009-01-23 16.47.21 ; 1  ...............     57    56     0     17671        226215105    17676        226268039  ALL
    online          util_file_online -
    7.00 (39)
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-01-23 16.43.38
    BR0232I 57 of 57 files saved by backup utility
    BR0230I Backup utility called successfully
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-01-23 16.43.40
    BR0340I Switching to next online redo log file for database instance VPP ...
    BR0321I Switch to next online redo log file for database instance VPP successful
    BR0117I ARCHIVE LOG LIST after backup for database instance VPP
    Parameter                      Value
    Database log mode              Archive Mode
    Automatic archival             Enabled
    Archive destination            /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch
    Archive format                 %t_%s_%r.dbf
    Oldest online log sequence     17673
    Next log sequence to archive   17676
    Current log sequence           17676            SCN: 226268039
    Database block size            8192             Thread: 1
    Current system change number   226268041        ResetId: 603135330
    After brbackup  I'll do "brarchive" in the same script:
    brarchive -c -d util_file -sd -u / > $br_out_file
    #ARCHIVE.. 17670  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17670_603135330.dbf ; 2009-01-23 15.10.36 ; 43450368         226202112  1
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11
    #ARCHIVE.. 17671  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17671_603135330.dbf ; 2009-01-23 15.36.12 ; 43430912         226215105  1
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11
    #ARCHIVE.. 17672  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17672_603135330.dbf ; 2009-01-23 15.40.27 ; 43515904         226227928  1
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11
    #ARCHIVE.. 17673  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17673_603135330.dbf ; 2009-01-23 15.41.06 ; 43729408         226238784  1
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11
    #ARCHIVE.. 17674  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17674_603135330.dbf ; 2009-01-23 16.06.06 ; 43450368         226250315  1
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11
    #ARCHIVE.. 17675  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17675_603135330.dbf ; 2009-01-23 16.43.40 ; 13243904         226263012  1
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11
    VPP  util_file  adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.47.22 ; 2009-01-23 16.54.47 ; 1  ...........     17670    17675        0        0  ------- 7.00 (39)  @0603135330
    BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2009-01-23 16.51.11
    BR0232I 6 of 6 files saved by backup utility
    BR0230I Backup utility called successfully
    BR0016I 6 offline redo log files processed, total size 220.128 MB
    Then I take tape with this data and try restore only from this tape
    all datafiles and relevant archive redologs files (17670-17675) restored without errors
    but in the end ERROR occurred
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01195: online backup of file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent
    ORA-01110: data file 1: '/oracle/VPP/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1'
    ORA-00279: change 226268039 generated at 01/23/2009 16:43:40 needed for thread
    ORA-00289: suggestion : /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17676_603135330.dbf
    ORA-00280: change 226268039 for thread 1 is in sequence #17676
    My online backup ended, before switch to redolog 17676
    Why I need this file? I think files (17670-17675) should be enough?
    Besides, the change 226268039 generated exactly at moment Switching to next online redo.
    Can I try open database regardless of this error?
    Thank you for your prompt response
    Andrey Timofeev
    Edited by: Andrey Timofeev on Jul 21, 2009 3:52 PM

    <P>Good day, sorry for TAG. Once more time. <BR>
    I will make online backup my oracle database with brtools<BR>
    (Oracle 10g, BRBACKUP 7.00 (39))</P>
    <P>brbackup -c -d util_file_online -t online -m all -u /</P>
    <P>bdztoexw anf  2009-01-23 15.27.40  2009-01-23 16.47.21  1  ...............     57    56     0     17671        226215105    17676        226268039  ALL<BR>
    online          util_file_online </P>
    <P> BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-01-23 16.43.38</P>
    <P>BR0232I 57 of 57 files saved by backup utility<BR>
    BR0230I Backup utility called successfully</P>
    <P>BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-01-23 16.43.40<BR>
    BR0340I Switching to next online redo log file for database instance VPP ...<BR>
    BR0321I Switch to next online redo log file for database instance VPP successful</P>
    <P>BR0117I ARCHIVE LOG LIST after backup for database instance VPP</P>
    <P>Parameter                      Value</P>
    <P>Database log mode              Archive Mode<BR>
    Automatic archival             Enabled<BR>
    Archive destination            /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch<BR>
    Archive format                 %t_%s_%r.dbf<BR>
    Oldest online log sequence     17673<BR>
    Next log sequence to archive   17676<BR>
    Current log sequence           17676            SCN: 226268039<BR>
    Database block size            8192             Thread: 1<BR>
    Current system change number   226268041        ResetId: 603135330</P>
    <P>After brbackup  I'll do &quot;brarchive&quot; in the same script:</P>
    <P>brarchive -c -d util_file -sd -u / &gt; $br_out_file</P>
    <P>#ARCHIVE.. 17670  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17670_603135330.dbf  2009-01-23 15.10.36  43450368         226202112  1<BR>
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............<BR>
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............<BR>
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11<BR>
    #ARCHIVE.. 17671  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17671_603135330.dbf  2009-01-23 15.36.12  43430912         226215105  1<BR>
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............<BR>
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............<BR>
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11<BR>
    #ARCHIVE.. 17672  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17672_603135330.dbf  2009-01-23 15.40.27  43515904         226227928  1<BR>
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............<BR>
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............<BR>
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11<BR>
    #ARCHIVE.. 17673  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17673_603135330.dbf  2009-01-23 15.41.06  43729408         226238784  1<BR>
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............<BR>
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............<BR>
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11<BR>
    #ARCHIVE.. 17674  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17674_603135330.dbf  2009-01-23 16.06.06  43450368         226250315  1<BR>
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............<BR>
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............<BR>
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11<BR>
    #ARCHIVE.. 17675  /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17675_603135330.dbf  2009-01-23 16.43.40  13243904         226263012  1<BR>
    #SAVED.... adztolzu svd  *VXF1232718526    2009-01-23 16.51.11 ........... ............<BR>
    #COPIED... ........ ...  ................. .......... ........ ........... ............<BR>
    #DELETED.. adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.51.11<BR>
    VPP  util_file  adztolzu svd  2009-01-23 16.47.22  2009-01-23 16.54.47  1  ...........     17670    17675        0        0  </P>
    <P>BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2009-01-23 16.51.11<BR>
    BR0232I 6 of 6 files saved by backup utility<BR>
    BR0230I Backup utility called successfully<BR>
    BR0016I 6 offline redo log files processed, total size 220.128 MB</P>
    <P>Then I take tape with this data and try restore only from this tape<BR>
    all datafiles and relevant archive redologs files (17670-17675) restored without errors <BR>
    but in the end ERROR occurred</P>
    <P>ERROR at line 1:<BR>
    ORA-01195: online backup of file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent<BR>
    ORA-01110: data file 1: '/oracle/VPP/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1'</P>
    <P>ORA-00279: change 226268039 generated at 01/23/2009 16:43:40 needed for thread<BR>
    ORA-00289: suggestion : /oracle/VPP/oraarch/VPParch1_17676_603135330.dbf<BR>
    ORA-00280: change 226268039 for thread 1 is in sequence #17676</P>
    <P>My online backup ended, before swith to redolog 17676<BR>
    Why I need this file? I think files (17670-17675) should be enough?</P>
    <P>Besides, the cange 226268039 generated exactly at moment Switching to next online redo.<BR>
    Can I try open database regardless of this error?</P>
    <P>Thank you for your prompt response<BR>
    Andrey Timofeev</P>
    Edited by: Andrey Timofeev on Jul 21, 2009 4:53 PM
    Edited by: Andrey Timofeev on Jul 21, 2009 4:54 PM

  • Iphone 5 backup and sync with iTunes ..says i need more memory

      I just bought more icloud memory for my iphone 5...because it said i needed 1.4 gb of space to backup... It would not let me sync my iphone on itunes.  I still can not back up..What should I do?  I guess no reason to buy that 10 GB from itunes.

    You probably need more free space on your phone, not in your iCloud account.  (Additional iCloud storage doesn't increase the space on your phone.) 
    Check Settings>General>Usage to see how much available space you have.  If you need more and your music is in your iTunes library, delete your music by going to Settings>General>Usage>Music, swipe across All Music, tap Delete.  Then back up and sync with iTunes, and sync back the music you still want on your phone.

  • My time machine says it need more room to complete back up, how do i make more room? up

    My time machine says it need more room to complete back up, how do i make more room?

    Delete the old backups..
    There is a reason though for this to happen. Tell us what model Time Capsule you are using and what size disk it has .. how much free space is available and how much is now required. If you upgraded to Mavericks it probably needs to do a whole new  backup and simply doesn't have the space .. nor can it delete the old backup.
    Please read Pondini FAQ for details of these issues.. deleting backups for example Q12
    There is also info on how much space is required for backups.
    eg Q9

  • Can we use CS6 under a CC license? We have about 25 CS6 installations and need more CS6-licenses. Our other software is not (yet) compatible with CC.

    We need more CS6 installations at our company. However, it's not possible to buy CS6, only CC. The software we are using in combination with CS6 is still not compatible with CC. So have have to use CS6 until that software is upgraded. Can we buy CC licenses (or membership) and use that licenses to activate new CS6 installations?

    First, yes it IS possible to buy CS6 Creative Suite 6
    Second, Previous via Cloud

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