Components moving on setVisible

I have a function that creates a JPanel with some Components (a few JLabels, JTextFields, and a JButton). When the button is clicked, it may or may not cause one of the JLabels that was previously set to be invisible to be visible using Component.setVisible( true or false ).
I found that whenever the JLabel was set to become visible, it caused all the other Components to move down about 20 pixels. Why did this happen, and what am I supposed to do about it?
Here is a code example that shows what I mean. On the system I'm coding it on (Windows with JDK 1.3.1) clicking the button causes everything in the JPanel to move down.
JPanel makeStartPane()
     JPanel panel = new JPanel() ;
     panel.setLayout( null ) ;
     panel.setSize( width, height ) ;
     panel.setLocation( 0, 0 ) ;
     JLabel label1 = new JLabel( "some text" ) ;
     label1.setSize( 75, 18 ) ;
     label1.setLocation( 5, 30 ) ;
     panel.add( label1 ) ;
     JLabel label2 = new JLabel( "some more text" ) ;
     label2.setSize( 100, 18 ) ;
     label2.setLocation( 5, 50 ) ;
     label2.setVisible( false ) ;       // this one starts off invisible
     panel.add( label2 ) ;
     JButton button = new JButton( "click me" ) ;
     button.setSize( 90, 25 ) ;
     button.setLocation( 5, 75 ) ;
     panel.add( button ) ;
     button.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
          public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
               // set to visible here
               getContentPane().getComponent( 1 ).setVisible( true ) ;
     return panel ;
setContentPane( makeStartPane() ) ; // set the current pane to the start pane

I done this small test, and it look ok:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Tjf extends JFrame 
public Tjf()
     addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
    {     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev)
     MenuBar mb   = new MenuBar();
          Menu mm      = new Menu("Option");
     MenuItem mi  = new MenuItem("New");
public JPanel makeStartPane()
     JPanel panel = new JPanel();
//     panel.setSize(200,200);
     JLabel label1 = new JLabel("some text");
     label1.setSize(75,18) ;
     JLabel label2 = new JLabel("some more text") ;
     label2.setSize(100,18 ) ;
     label2.setLocation(5,50 ) ;
     label2.setVisible(false) ;
// this one starts off invisible
     panel.add(label2) ;     
     JButton button = new JButton("click me");     
     button.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
public static void main (String[] args)
     new Tjf();  
}       Noah
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Tjf extends JFrame
public Tjf()
     addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
{     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev)
     MenuBar mb = new MenuBar();
Menu mm = new Menu("Option");
     MenuItem mi = new MenuItem("New");
public JPanel makeStartPane()
     JPanel panel = new JPanel();
//     panel.setSize(200,200);
     JLabel label1 = new JLabel("some text");
     label1.setSize(75,18) ;
     JLabel label2 = new JLabel("some more text") ;
     label2.setSize(100,18 ) ;
     label2.setLocation(5,50 ) ;
     label2.setVisible(false) ;
// this one starts off invisible
     panel.add(label2) ;     
     JButton button = new JButton("click me");     
     button.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
public static void main (String[] args)
     new Tjf();

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              //Indexed Option
                   JButton indexButton = new JButton("EZ4U1");
              indexButton.setFont(new Font("",Font.PLAIN,12));
              //Display the window
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                 //Open Index options dialog
                    IndexBarcode indexLabel = new IndexBarcode(this);
                   //Get user string and add to Visible label
                 String labelText_V = indexLabel.query();

    I've tried a couple of different layouts but I still have the components moving around within the container. Can I stack them on top of each other with the barcodeLabel in the middle of the picture and the rotateButton at the bottom corner. Is this even possible?
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            /* Objects in Center Panel */
             centerPanel = new JLayeredPane();
             centerPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
             GridBagConstraints gbc3 = new GridBagConstraints();
             //Plate Graphic
            picture = new JLabel(createImageIcon("images/plate_front.jpg"));
            picture.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(381, 219)); //The preferred size is hard-coded
             //Rotate Button
             JButton rotateButton = new JButton(rotateIcon);
             rotateButton.setMargin(new Insets (0,0,0,0));
              //Barcode Label is initially not visible
              barcodeLabel = new JLabel("");
              barcodeLabel.setFont(new Font("",Font.PLAIN,12));
              //Add objects to panel(s)
              gbc3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
              gbc3.gridwidth = 1;
              centerPanel.add(picture, gbc3, 0);
              //centerPanel.setComponentZOrder(picture, 0);
              centerPanel.add(barcodeLabel, gbc3, 1);
              //centerPanel.setComponentZOrder(barcodeLabel, 1);
              gbc3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHEAST;
              centerPanel.add(rotateButton, gbc3, 2);
              //centerPanel.setComponentZOrder(rotateButton, 2);

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    //      File:
    public class DicePanel extends JPanel
      private int number_of_dice = 0;
      private DiceDrawn [] dice; 
      /** The x,y coordinates where the first die is drawn */
      private int xCoordinate = 5; //default
      private int yCoordinate = 5; //default
      /** Constructor with default properties */
      public DicePanel()
        // set size and color
      /*  Set the Dice array  */
      public void setDice(DiceDrawn[] d)
      }// end setDice
      /** Return xCoordinate */
      public int getXCoordinate()
        return xCoordinate;
      /** Set a new xCoordinator */
      public void setXCoordinate(int x)
         xCoordinate = x;
      /** Return yCoordinator */
      public int getYCoordinate()
        return yCoordinate;
      /** Set a new yCoordinator */
      public void setYCoordinate(int y)
         yCoordinate = y;
      /** Paint the Dice Panel */
      protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
        for (int i = 0; i < dice.length; i++ )
          dice.drawDie(g, xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
    setXCoordinate(getXCoordinate() + 41);
    // draw each die using default start coordinates,
    // moving right each time
    /** Override get method for preferredSize */
    public Dimension getPreferredSize()
    return new Dimension(200, 50);
    // the main method to test DicePanel and DiceDrawn
    // do not change this method.
    public static void main(String [] args)
    JFrame f = new JFrame();
    // f.setVisible(true);
    f.setTitle("Draw Dice");
    Container cp = f.getContentPane();
    // show 6 dice initially
    DiceDrawn [] dice = new DiceDrawn [6];
    for(int i = 0; i < dice.length; i++)
    dice[i] = new DiceDrawn(i+1);
    DicePanel dicePanel = new DicePanel();
    cp.add(dicePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    // show only one die for the rest of the program
    dice = new DiceDrawn [1];
    System.out.println("Dice Drawn Class Test");
    int i = Io.readInt("Enter an integer between 1 and 6");
    while( i > 0 )
    dice[0] = new DiceDrawn(i);
    dice[0].setSelected( i%2 == 0 ? true : false);
    i = Io.readInt("Enter an integer between 1 and 6");
    // File:
    public class DiceDrawn
    private final int SIZE = 36;
    private final int QUARTER = SIZE/4;
    private int face; // face value
    private boolean selected; // pressed = true
    public DiceDrawn( int f)
    }// end DiceDrawn
    public void setSelected( boolean s )
    selected = s;
    public boolean isSelected()
    return selected;
    public void setFace(int i)
    face = i;
    public int getFace()
    return face;
    // Draw a die starting at the given coordinates
    public void drawDie(Graphics g, int xcoor, int ycoor)
    g.fillRect(xcoor,ycoor, SIZE, SIZE);
    case 1:
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+(2*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+(2*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    case 2:
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ QUARTER, (ycoor-4) + QUARTER, SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    case 3:
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ QUARTER, (ycoor-4) + QUARTER, SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+(2*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+(2*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    case 4:
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ QUARTER, (ycoor-4) + QUARTER, SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ QUARTER, (ycoor-4) + (3*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ (3*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+ QUARTER, SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    case 5:
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ QUARTER, (ycoor-4) + QUARTER, SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ QUARTER, (ycoor-4) + (3*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ (3*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+ QUARTER, SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+(2*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+(2*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    case 6:
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ QUARTER, (ycoor-4) + QUARTER, SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+(3*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ QUARTER, (ycoor-4)+(2*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ (3*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+(2*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ QUARTER, (ycoor-4) + (3*QUARTER), SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    g.fillOval((xcoor-4)+ (3*QUARTER), (ycoor-4)+ QUARTER, SIZE/8, SIZE/8);
    // draw a die using a rectangle of 36 by 36 pixels
    // at the coordinates given.
    // use a switch statement to draw the appropriate face.
    }// end DrawDie
    }// end DiceDrawn

    Once you get beyond your initial problems, you'll find that there is another problem. When it displays the dice corresponding to the numbers you select, the x coordinate eventually becomes greater than the frame width. You need to make a change to the paintComponent method so it looks like:
      /** Paint the Dice Panel */
      protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
        for (int i = 0; i < dice.length; i++ )
          dice.drawDie(g, xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
    if(dice.length > 1)
    setXCoordinate(getXCoordinate() + 41);
    // draw each die using default start coordinates,
    // moving right each time
    Note that I have added an if above the setXCoordinate so that it will only add to the X coordinate when it is displaying the 6 dice initially. It won't add anything when it is displaying the single dice.

  • I'm lost--indentifier expected error

    Hey all,
    I'm trying to write a program that calculates a mortgage and gives the user the option of choosing from 3 loan terms: 7 years @ 5.35, 15 yrs @5.5% and 30 yrs @ 5.75%. For the options I decided to use radio buttons. I have used buttongroup but I think this is not working for me. I don't understand why as I have followed examples I've seen. Here is my error and my code. Please help.
    ----jGRASP exec: javac -g A:\ <identifier> expected
         bg.add(sevenYr);//add to buttongroup
    ^ <identifier> expected
         bg.add(fifteenYr);//add to buttongroup
    ^ <identifier> expected
         bg.add(thirtyYr);//add to buttongroup
    ^ <identifier> expected
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.lang.Math.*;//needed for calculation
    import java.text.*;//DecimalFormat class
    public class MortgageCalculatorV2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener //ActionListener is for the program to "hear" events
         //Create Labels, Text Boxes, Panels & Buttons
         JPanel row1 = new JPanel();//Panel for instructions
         JLabel lblInstruction = new JLabel("Please select your prefered mortgage terms: ");
         JPanel row2 = new JPanel();
         JRadioButton sevenYr = new JRadioButton("7 years at 5.35% ");
         JRadioButton fifteenYr = new JRadioButton("15 years at 5.5% ");
         JRadioButton thirtyYr = new JRadioButton("30 years at 5.75% ");
         ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup();//group button options
         bg.add(sevenYr);//add to buttongroup
         bg.add(fifteenYr);//add to buttongroup
         bg.add(thirtyYr);//add to buttongroup
         JPanel row3 = new JPanel();//this panel contains the components for the term
         //create result textbox
         JTextArea result = new JTextArea();
         JPanel row4 = new JPanel(); //this panel holds the buttons to tell the program to calculate or reset the form
         JButton calculate = new JButton("Calculate");
         JButton reset = new JButton("Reset");
         JPanel row5 = new JPanel();//this panel area is to be used to display the results of calculation
         //Create Frame
         public MortgageCalculatorV2()
              super("Mortgage Caculator");//Name the window
              setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);//closes window when the X is clicked
              GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(5, 1, 10, 10);//creates a grid of 5 rows (to hold the panels) and 1 column
              Container pane = getContentPane(); //Create container
              pane.setLayout(layout);//Add grid layout to the content pane
              //Inside the main grid there are other grids created in the 5 rows (panels)
              GridLayout layout1 = new GridLayout(1, 1, 10, 10);
              row1.setLayout(layout1);//adds grid to the panel 1
              row1.add(lblInstruction);//adds component to the first panel
              pane.add(row1);//adds row1(panel) to the content pane
              GridLayout layout2 = new GridLayout(1, 1, 10, 10);
              GridLayout layout3 = new GridLayout(1, 1, 10, 10);
              //for result textbox
              GridLayout layout4 = new GridLayout(1, 2, 10, 10);
              //Add Listeners for buttons
              FlowLayout layout5 = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,10, 10);
              pack();//Adjust windows to a prefered size for the components it holds
              setVisible(true);//makes the window visible
         }//end public
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
    //          if (evt.getSource() == calculate)//In the event if calculate button is clicked everything in calculateMort(); is executed     
    //               selected = bg.getSelectedItem();
    //               calculateMort();
    //          else if (evt.getSource() == reset)//or if reset is clicked everything in resetMorth(); is executed
    //               resetMort();
              else (bg.getSelectedItem() == thirtyYr)
         }//end action performed
         void calculateMort()
              //Obtain variables. Declare & initialize variables
              int term[] = {7, 15, 30};
              double intRate[] = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75};
              double amount = 200000;
              double monthlyInterest = 0, payment = 0;
              //prepare formatting for output
              DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat ("$###,##0.00");//used to format the payment variable
              //monthlyInterest = intRate/(12 * 100);
              //payment = (amount * monthlyInterest) / (1 - Math.pow(1/ (1 + monthlyInterest), term * 12));//monthly payment is calculated
         //     lblResult.setText("Monthly payment is: " + money.format(payment));//results of calculation are displayed in the last panel
              //with proper formatting of output.
         void resetMort()//this is what happens after reset button is clicked--form is cleared
         //     txtIntRate.setText(null);
         //     txtTerm.setText(null);
         //     lblResult.setText(null);
         public static void main(String[] args)
              MortgageCalculatorV2 mort1 = new MortgageCalculatorV2();
         }//end public main
    }//end class MortgageCalculator
    PS: I know there are more errors down further in the code. I was trying to work on that part of my program after getting stuck with the buttongroup problem I'm facing. I have commented out a bit the code here for now until my problem is fixed.

    You are awesome. Thank you :) I had no clue it had
    to be inside a method. I thought the place for that
    button group would be right after creating the radio
    buttons.Right inside the class's braces all you can do is declare things. There are no other statements than declarations allowed.
    BTW, I'm doing this for my online class. I had
    asked the teacher but I was still stuck as her
    response was a link to a site. Thanks!Judging by the qulity of some teachers that are reflected by the knowledge of their pupils (not you, but others), I guess I should start teaching Java myself as everbody seems to be allowed to do it.

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    Jan 16 15:11:58 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x112ff0.Locum[2690]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:15:27 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker[123]: zip importer countered an error (2) scanning "/Users/cherylmckinney/Desktop/address update/".
    Jan 16 15:15:28 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x113740.Locum[2728]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:16:33 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x112ff0.Locum[2742]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:16:54 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=2749[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
    Jan 16 15:19:23 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x113740.Locum[2772]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:21:00 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x112ff0.Locum[2795]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:26:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x1132b0.Locum[2860]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:28:44 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x113740.Locum[2890]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:30:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 4
    Jan 16 15:31:01: --- last message repeated 4 times ---
    Jan 16 15:31:02 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 4
    Jan 16 15:33:33 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x112ff0.Locum[2935]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:35:11 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions:  dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions, 262): no suitable image found.  Did find:\n    /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions: mach-o, but wrong architecture
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (<NSConditionLock: 0x2b70690> '(null)') deallocated while still in use
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x2b70610> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x2b704a0> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x2b70460> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:11 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro [0x0-0x2a02a].com.adobe.InDesign[210]: Adobe InDesign CS3: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax declares no loadable handlers.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (<NSConditionLock: 0x4134a90> '(null)') deallocated while still in use
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x4134a30> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x41351e0> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x4135170> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:34 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 4
    Jan 16 15:36:04: --- last message repeated 4 times ---
    Jan 16 15:36:05 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 4
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (<NSConditionLock: 0x2d48800> '(null)') deallocated while still in use
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x2d4aa10> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x279e1920> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x279e18e0> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro [0x0-0xa00a0].com.adobe.Photoshop[2000]: file://localhost/Applications/Adobe0X1.002FFFFB168P-1032crobat                                                                                                                                                                                                                 %20Professional/Adobe                   P
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (<NSConditionLock: 0x28480630> '(null)') deallocated while still in use
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x284805b0> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x28481300> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x28481290> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:33 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro [0x0-0xdf0df][2958]: Already loaded
    Jan 16 15:36:33 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro System Events[2958]: .scriptSuite warning for attribute 'exposePref' of class 'NSApplication' in suite 'SystemEvents': 'ExposePref.ExposePref' is not a valid type name.
    Jan 16 15:36:34 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] ([0x0-0x1e01e].com.getdropbox.dropbox[180]): Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 201 PPID 199 dbfseventsd
    Jan 16 15:36:34 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] ([0x0-0x1e01e].com.getdropbox.dropbox[180]): Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 199 PPID 1 dbfseventsd
    Jan 16 15:36:35 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro loginwindow[25]: DEAD_PROCESS: 0 console
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro shutdown[2962]: halt by cherylmckinney:
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro shutdown[2962]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1358379396 538379
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[25]: Shutdown NOW!
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-176.3 (Jun 17 2009 18:57:49)[24]: stopping
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[25]: System shutdown time has arrived^G^G
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: lstat("/Library/StartupItems/Acrobat Distiller alias/Acrobat Distiller alias"): Not a directory
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: Stopping SymProtector
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2973]: Stopping DHCP/NAT daemon...
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: Symantec Directory Protector (2970) did not complete successfully
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2980]: Unloading Network module...
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: kextunload: unload kext /System/Library/Extensions/Pvsnet.kext succeeded
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2982]: Unloading ConnectUSB module...
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: kextunload: unload kext /System/Library/Extensions/ConnectUSB.kext succeeded
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2984]: Unloading Monitor module...
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro kernel[0]: [Parallels] Parallels VM observer thread stopped
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: kextunload: unload kext /System/Library/Extensions/vmmain.kext succeeded
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2986]: Unloading Hypervisor module...
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: kextunload: unload kext /System/Library/Extensions/hypervisor.kext succeeded
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro kernel[0]: [Parallels] Parallels Hypervisor exited.
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2988]: Shutdown complete.
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: The following StartupItems failed to properly start:
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: /Library/StartupItems/NortonMissedTasks
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]:  - SystemStarter internal error
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: /Library/StartupItems/SymAutoProtect
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]:  - SystemStarter internal error
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: /Library/StartupItems/SymProtector
    Jan 17 06:09:08 localhost[2]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist

    I recently opened my computer to find that my Adobe application folders had been moved to the trash, microsoft user identity and related components moved to the trash, Font Book moved to my desktop, word moved to a new location, and excel moved to a new location.
    I have since fixed all of the issues but need to figure out why this happened and if im the victim of foul play.
    Below is the system log from the time I left (3 pm) the computer to the next morning when I logged back in (6 am). Any help would be appreciated.
    Jan 16 15:11:58 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x112ff0.Locum[2690]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:15:27 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker[123]: zip importer countered an error (2) scanning "/Users/cherylmckinney/Desktop/address update/".
    Jan 16 15:15:28 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x113740.Locum[2728]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:16:33 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x112ff0.Locum[2742]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:16:54 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=2749[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
    Jan 16 15:19:23 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x113740.Locum[2772]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:21:00 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x112ff0.Locum[2795]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:26:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x1132b0.Locum[2860]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:28:44 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x113740.Locum[2890]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:30:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 4
    Jan 16 15:31:01: --- last message repeated 4 times ---
    Jan 16 15:31:02 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 4
    Jan 16 15:33:33 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] (0x112ff0.Locum[2935]): Exited: Terminated
    Jan 16 15:35:11 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions:  dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions, 262): no suitable image found.  Did find:\n    /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions: mach-o, but wrong architecture
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (<NSConditionLock: 0x2b70690> '(null)') deallocated while still in use
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x2b70610> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x2b704a0> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x2b70460> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe InDesign CS3[210]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:11 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro [0x0-0x2a02a].com.adobe.InDesign[210]: Adobe InDesign CS3: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax declares no loadable handlers.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (<NSConditionLock: 0x4134a90> '(null)') deallocated while still in use
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x4134a30> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x41351e0> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x4135170> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:35:12 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Illustrator[2009]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:35:34 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 4
    Jan 16 15:36:04: --- last message repeated 4 times ---
    Jan 16 15:36:05 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 4
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (<NSConditionLock: 0x2d48800> '(null)') deallocated while still in use
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x2d4aa10> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x279e1920> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x279e18e0> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Adobe Photoshop CS3[2000]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:26 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro [0x0-0xa00a0].com.adobe.Photoshop[2000]: file://localhost/Applications/Adobe0X1.002FFFFB168P-1032crobat                                                                                                                                                                                                                 %20Professional/Adobe                   P
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (<NSConditionLock: 0x28480630> '(null)') deallocated while still in use
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x284805b0> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x28481300> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (<NSLock: 0x28481290> '(null)') unlocked when not locked
    Jan 16 15:36:31 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Bridge CS3[295]: *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    Jan 16 15:36:33 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro [0x0-0xdf0df][2958]: Already loaded
    Jan 16 15:36:33 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro System Events[2958]: .scriptSuite warning for attribute 'exposePref' of class 'NSApplication' in suite 'SystemEvents': 'ExposePref.ExposePref' is not a valid type name.
    Jan 16 15:36:34 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] ([0x0-0x1e01e].com.getdropbox.dropbox[180]): Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 201 PPID 199 dbfseventsd
    Jan 16 15:36:34 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[125] ([0x0-0x1e01e].com.getdropbox.dropbox[180]): Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 199 PPID 1 dbfseventsd
    Jan 16 15:36:35 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro loginwindow[25]: DEAD_PROCESS: 0 console
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro shutdown[2962]: halt by cherylmckinney:
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro shutdown[2962]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1358379396 538379
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[25]: Shutdown NOW!
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-176.3 (Jun 17 2009 18:57:49)[24]: stopping
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[25]: System shutdown time has arrived^G^G
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: lstat("/Library/StartupItems/Acrobat Distiller alias/Acrobat Distiller alias"): Not a directory
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: Stopping SymProtector
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2973]: Stopping DHCP/NAT daemon...
    Jan 16 15:36:36 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: Symantec Directory Protector (2970) did not complete successfully
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2980]: Unloading Network module...
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: kextunload: unload kext /System/Library/Extensions/Pvsnet.kext succeeded
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2982]: Unloading ConnectUSB module...
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: kextunload: unload kext /System/Library/Extensions/ConnectUSB.kext succeeded
    Jan 16 15:36:37 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2984]: Unloading Monitor module...
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro kernel[0]: [Parallels] Parallels VM observer thread stopped
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: kextunload: unload kext /System/Library/Extensions/vmmain.kext succeeded
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2986]: Unloading Hypervisor module...
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro[18]: kextunload: unload kext /System/Library/Extensions/hypervisor.kext succeeded
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro kernel[0]: [Parallels] Parallels Hypervisor exited.
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro Parallels[2988]: Shutdown complete.
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: The following StartupItems failed to properly start:
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: /Library/StartupItems/NortonMissedTasks
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]:  - SystemStarter internal error
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: /Library/StartupItems/SymAutoProtect
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]:  - SystemStarter internal error
    Jan 16 15:36:38 cheryl-mckinneys-mac-pro SystemStarter[18]: /Library/StartupItems/SymProtector
    Jan 17 06:09:08 localhost[2]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist

  • Personalization for user

    At the design time i have a panel box that contains 3 <af:goLink> components
    At the runtime the user should be able to personalize this panel box where he can
    1. Add new links
    2. remove
    3. Reorder
    This changes should be specific to that user only.
    Is there any inbuilt task flow where we can achieve this functionality ?
    Since the user does not have customization permission the page should not be in Edit if he presses ctrl+sht+E
    So if i need some personalized button and on clicking that button i need to show a pop up where i can add , delete and order the links.
    and finally i need to save this state in MDS layer.
    How can this be achieved within quick time? Please advise.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: user10885777 on Mar 21, 2013 3:45 AM

    Thanks Bijesh, This information is really very useful.
    By following the steps that Andrejus have given in the blog, we could implement the automatic persistence available through ADF Faces. But in order to add/edit/delete the links from a layout and storing this information for each user in MDS (without the edit layout), whether we need any custom class implementation with some APIs to store the values in MDS?
    Please find the below information that we got from the oracle sites.
    Along with the automatic persistence available through ADF Faces, you can create your own custom user customization capabilities for the following types of changes:
    •     Changing an attribute value
    •     Adding or removing a facet
    •     Adding or removing a child component
    •     Reordering child components
    •     Moving a child component to a different parent
    If you want to create these types of custom user customizations, you need to add code (for example, in an event handler) that will call the APIs to handle the persistence.
    Can you please advise how this can be implemented? Is there any out of box features available in Web Center rather than this?
    Thanks again,

  • Quick Survey: JDeveloper and Notepad

    Just for interest - a quick survey:
    I've made the experience that it is impossible to seriously work with BC4J and JDeveloper without extensively using a Texteditor.
    Topics like
    - renaming BC4J Components
    - moving packages
    - bugs in the wizards
    - working with more than one (dependent) projects
    forces me regularily to use a texteditor to fix the XML-files by hand.
    Just to know, if I'm the only one who made this experience, I'd like to know I you have made the same experience...

    Well, I never used notepad, but that's because I use SciTE (another text editor, for it. But you are right that all the stuff you mentioned often requires manually editing of the BC4J XML files. Renaming / moving BC4J entities, views, packages is a real pain. On a related subject, why are the XML files not more human readable / maintainable? JDeveloper / BC4J often forces us to manually edit the XML files. Unfortunately a lot of information is spread over multiple files. If you need to rename a component or something similar you often need to edit several files (and don't get me started on the problems that arrise if you forget to edit a certain file...). But the contens of the XML files aren't always clear to me, for example:
      <Key class="" path="src/package/Dept.xml"/>
      <Value idref="17"/>
    </Item>The value of this item (that can be found in a project file) is referenced. I understand this is an optimization to keep the XML files "small", but if you need to manually edit the file it's getting you headaches...
    Another example:
      <Property Name ="NAMESPACE_REFERENCE" Value="3b23c9bc-00f1-1000-807c-0a000a06524b::::BC4JPackage"/>
      <Property Name ="ID" Va[i][pre]Long postings are being truncated to ~1 kB at this time.

  • Help with code structure

    I just want to get some feedback on an application I am writing (for my own use and for learning purposes)... basically it is a time tracker where I can choose what to record my time against (i.e. Reporting, BAU etc).
    Please feel free to pick apart everything I am doing wrong as I really want to learn and understand this.
    .. if you need to know a little more, one of the issues I am having is that on the Timer panel there are Start and Stop buttons where I can start timing and stop timing. On the 'Details' panel it shows the total time recorded. I wanted to refresh the details panel when I click 'Stop' on the Timer panel but haven't worked out how I can do this, so instead I have had to add a 'Refresh' button to each panel and refresh from there.
    I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if not or if you need more information.
    Cheers all :)
    1. - This contains the Main method and kicks off the application
    public class TTTD extends JFrame {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
         TimeTracker showGui = new TimeTracker();     
    }2. - This sets up the frame for the application, instantiates three objects (Timer, Edit, and Details), and then adds them to the tabbed pane.
    public class TimeTracker {
         JFrame frame = new JFrame("Time Tracker");
         JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
         Details details = new Details();
         Timer newTimer = new Timer();
         Edit edit = new Edit();
    public void setupTheFrame() {
         // set frame size
         // set visible status
         // stop the frame from being resized
         // add frame and panels
         // setup the panels

    Hey Encephalopathic .. thanks for the reply :)
    TTTD no longer extends JFrame. I believe I did this initially because I was loading the frame from TTTD.
    Re: Suggestions:
    1 - Done - thank you.
    2 - I have moved frame.setVisible to teh end of the setup method, I haven't used Pack before so will read up on that shortly.
    3 - No, I am not using them correctly, although I have in the past, I will re-work the application so that it uses the layout managers correctly. That should be done by tomorrow.
    4 - OK - Thanks for that, I take it that using layout managers is 'best practice' and will make sure I understand these better.
    re: the public refresh() method.. I do have this but it doesn't seem to work properly and this is one of my major problems. Do the classes all need to be part of the same package for this to work properly? i.e. if I call details.refresh() from my actionlistener in the Timer class it doesn't work because details is instantiated from TimeTracker and not from Timer.
    Your feedback would be appreciated again. I will work on your other suggestions today and hopefully will have cleaner (shorter) code which I can post again tomorrow.

  • ObjectListDataProvider and DataTable

    Hi, have an issue and can't solve it yet.
    I have a page with DataTable in JSC2 bound to ObjectListDataProvider stored in SessionBean. I need to add row to the begining of the table. InsertRow() method of ObjectListDataProvider has been declared, but not implemented yet :-(. AppendRow() method is working, but I need to add row to the begining of the table?
    I've tried to insert new row into the ObjectListDataProvider's wrapped list, but after page has been redisplayed I've got an issue - first row in DataTable has not empty fields, as I guess, it should be, but, still has old values - values of the table's row wich was first before new row was inserted, and page was redisplayed (It should be noted also, that Integer, Date type values not preserved but in the new first, but Strings only). It looks strange for me.
    May be I've missed something? What is the correct way to insert row into the ObjectListDataProvider and why first row values are preserved?
    Thanks anyway.

    Hi Giri,
    I guess it was an issue related to virtual forms. When I look at jsp page code I found that fields I've added to virtual form were not in sync with the actual state of my jsp page. Probably because later, I renamed it and moved inside Group Panel. Jsp page code still contained references to old fields. I think that this should be tested - if virtual form jsp code updated whenever components moved inside layout panels etc. But I have no time for this now. :-(
    What relates to inserting row inside table - I've switched back to dataTable from standart Components - cause it binds directly to List which has insert functionality.

  • CRM foundation user guide R12

    can any one send the link or document for
    i do have for 11i but for R12 not available.

    Resources component- moved to Oracle Trading Community Architecture User and implementation guides.
    Territories has its own documentation now.
    Remaining components moved to Oracle Common Application Calendar User and implementation guides.

  • RepaintManager and overlayed JPanels

    Hi All,
    I've been having performance problems with Java rendering, I think it's due to large ammounts of the screen being redrawn very often. First off I'm using Java 1.4.2 and a Sparc 440MHz with a PGX32 graphics card (running 24-bit) driving a dual head display. Just as an aside does this sound low spec for java 1.4.2? I believe the graphics card is a bit old.
    I'm writing an application with various JPanels overlayed on top of each other. Each panel contains components (around 200) that are moving every 10seconds ish. When looking at the way in which repaint events are coalesced I was suprised to see that if two components are changed at opposite corners of a panel then that means the whole of the panel is repainted. Would I be correct in thinking that the only way to stop this happening is to write my own repaint manager?
    On top of the above behaviour it seems that the coalescing is only done for that one particular panel and none of the other panels in the overlay. Is this what people would expect? Presumably I'd also have to extend the repaint manager to coalesce between "cousins".
    I'm trying to decide if I'd be better off if no repaints were coalesced or if It's better that all the layers different repaint are coalesced. I'm sure the inbetween can't be good for performance as I think it means that for each layer there is a separate repaint sent to the graphics card which may be an unecessarily large reapint area.
    Thanks in advance

    Just to clear a few things up...
    Hey Mike,
    I have no idea what factors your system architecture
    throws in to your problem... but in an ideal Java
    world it shoud have little impact other than speed.
    Is the graphics card really relevant? Talking about
    it seems to be bridging a few too many levels of
    Out of curiousity, what is the domain/nature of your
    What exactly do you mean by '...repaint events are
    coalesced...'? Is this correct terminology? I am
    no expert on Java - I try to keep informed on the
    bits that I 'play' with and have not come across this
    term before; please enlighten me?The java event queue is allowed to coalesce (combine, collapse) certain events to reduce work and increase efficiency. Actually, it's up to the component to decide which events are coalesced (see Component.coalesceEvents()). For example, if two mouse movements follow each other, the first could be dropped. If two repaint events are queued which refer to two separate rectangular areas, they could be coalesced into a repaint event for a larger area which bounds both original areas.
    It is very rear a situation to need to delve into the
    RepaintManager. Surely for performance Threads and
    BufferedImages are the best options.
    As for the 200 or so Components moving around; the
    containing JPanel is always repainted regardless of
    the activity of the contained components. This is
    expected behaviour and I wouldn't advise altering it;
    it will likely result in visual artifacts.
    Simply put, while painting itself the parent also
    paints its children. As you may know, it is very
    recursive and thus very simple, but unfortunately
    quite easy to break. Why do you want to stop the
    JPanel from repainting? Maybe the problem(?) you are
    tying to solve can be solved another way.A call to repaint(x,y,width,height) might result in a smaller area being painted. The event is put on the queue and may be coalesced with other paint events. When the event is finally pulled for processing, the painting clip is set, and paint(Graphics) is called. If the paint method is complex, it might inspect the clip to reduce the area it tries to paint, but usually this is unnecessary. The clip will constrain what actually gets drawn, reducing the amount of stuff painted to the screen.
    Are the containing JPanels themselves opaque or
    transparent? There is some relationsip between a
    component, its parent and their common rootpane. I
    think repaint requests walk-up the containment
    hierachy until it reaches said rootpane, then all
    descendants of it are eventually painted,
    recursively. Mate, I could be wrong... but I am quite
    confident in my knowledge.Actually that's for laying out a component. For repainting, there is some optimization which checks for whether a component could possibly overlap with other components. If so, all such components must be repainted (which is a lot of work), otherwise just the component which is dirty... this requires some sort of traversal up the tree, inspecting isOptimizedDrawingEnabled().
    I am also sure a component changing size triggers
    revalidation and repainting, the latter perhaps only
    from the parent downwards if the parents size is not
    changed. If a component does not change size, it
    t does not affect the other rendered components in
    its parent container. The opaque property also plays
    some role in this.
    Still layerd panels complicates matters somewhat, I
    presume you are using a JLayeredPane? It is hard to
    build a mental model of what is going on when I don't
    know what you are modelling, ha ha.
    I am sure, as always, your ultimate goal is feasible
    and acheivable; it is my belief that if and idea can
    be conceived, it in time can be realised.
    Waiting for further info.

  • Notification of Component Being Shown

    Well, I'm foxed.
    I've created a ComponentAdapter, overwritten componentShown(), and registered the listener.
    My component shows up on the screen, but the method never gets called!
    According to the Swing tutorial, componentShown() only gets called when setVisible(true) is called on the component. When I call setVisible(true) on the frame that contains the component, it DOESN'T call setVisible() on the component as a result.
    What do I do to find out when a component appears on the screen?

    I'm not 100% sure but I think the visible defaults to true for all components, so calling setVisible(true) will do nothing unless you call setVisible(false) first. Which doesn't help you at all.
    What do I do to find out when a component appears on
    the screen?Try one of the following listeners (and check out the javadoc).
    Interface to support notification when changes occur to a JComponent or one of its ancestors. These include movement and when the component becomes visible or invisible, either by the setVisible() method or by being added or removed from the component hierarchy.
    An event which indicates a change to the Component hierarchy to which a Component belongs.
    * Hierarchy Change Events (HierarchyListener)
    o addition of an ancestor
    o removal of an ancestor
    o hierarchy made displayable
    o hierarchy made undisplayable
    o hierarchy shown on the screen (both visible and displayable)
    o hierarchy hidden on the screen (either invisible or undisplayable)
    * Ancestor Reshape Events (HierarchyBoundsListener)
    o an ancestor was resized
    o an ancestor was moved

  • Resizing et moving Components with aspect ratio constraint

    hi all
    i m creating a GUI application and i need to manipulate components in an internal fram .
    thoose components must be moved and resized with the mousse with the constraint of aspect ratio keep
    thx for your help

    real thxno problem morfus
    Don't know whether you've come up with anything, but I got bored and implemented it. Resizeable has been changed so now you can set an aspect ratio on it, either an angle or x and y lengths
    package tjacobs.ui;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Cursor;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
    //For testing
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    * tjacobs.ui.Resizeable<p>
    * Makes a component resizeable. Does not work if there's a layout manager
    * messing with things<p>
    * <code>
    *  usage:
    *                 Component c = ...
    *                 new Resizeable(c);
    *                 parent.add(c);
    *  </code>
    public class Resizeable extends MouseAdapter implements MouseMotionListener {
         int fix_pt_x = -1;
         int fix_pt_y = -1;
        Component mResizeable;
         Cursor mOldcursor;
         private Double mAspectRatio;
         public Resizeable(Component c) {
              mResizeable = c;
         public void setMaintainAspect(double x, double y) {
              setMaintainAspect(new Double(Math.atan2(y, x)));
         public void setMaintainAspect(Double angle) {
              mAspectRatio = angle;
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me) {
         private void setCursorType(Point p) {
              boolean n = p.y <= WindowUtilities.RESIZE_MARGIN_SIZE;
              boolean s = p.y + WindowUtilities.RESIZE_MARGIN_SIZE >= mResizeable.getHeight();
              boolean w = p.x <= WindowUtilities.RESIZE_MARGIN_SIZE;
              boolean e = p.x + WindowUtilities.RESIZE_MARGIN_SIZE >= mResizeable.getWidth();
              if (e) {
                   if (s) {
              if(s) {
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me) {
              if (mOldcursor != null)
              mOldcursor = null;
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
              Cursor c = mResizeable.getCursor();
              Point loc = mResizeable.getLocation();
              if (c.equals(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR))) {
                   fix_pt_x = loc.x;
                   fix_pt_y = loc.y;
              if (c.equals(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR))) {
                   fix_pt_x = loc.x;
                   fix_pt_y = -1;
              if (c.equals(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.S_RESIZE_CURSOR))) {
                   fix_pt_x = -1;
                   fix_pt_y = loc.y;
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) {
              fix_pt_x = -1;
              fix_pt_y = -1;
         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
              Point p = me.getPoint();
              int width = fix_pt_x == -1 ? mResizeable.getWidth() : p.x;
              int height = fix_pt_y == -1 ? mResizeable.getHeight() : p.y;
              if (mAspectRatio == null) {
                   mResizeable.setSize(new Dimension(width > 1 ? width : 1, height > 1 ? height : 1));
              else {
                   //do something
                   double distance = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height);
                   width = (int) (distance * Math.cos(mAspectRatio));
                   height = (int) (distance * Math.sin(mAspectRatio));
                   mResizeable.setSize(new Dimension(width > 1 ? width : 1, height > 1 ? height : 1));
         //For Testing
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              JPanel jp = new JPanel();
              JButton jb = new JButton("hello");
              JButton jb2 = new JButton("hello2");
              jp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,300));
              new Resizeable(jb);
              Resizeable r = new Resizeable(jb2);
              r.setMaintainAspect(30, 20);
              JFrame jf = new JFrame();

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