Compre mi iphone 4s hace tres semanas y la batería no dura ni un día ....

buenas noches si es posible alguna solucion o soporte online lo agradeceria ya que vivo en venezuela

Google translate:
dmbmarta wrote:
I bought my iphone on 2 May and still can not use it where I can make telephone complaint Someone to talk to and explain the problem.
I bought my iphone on 2 May and still can not use it where I can make telephone complaint Someone to talk to and explain some problema.existe customer service number? the phone was put in a box with another code sold as free to use the telephone company of my country and this is not liberadollame several sides and no one takes responsibility, or apple, or the place where you buy or cia of Use telefonode where it is. Ren summary 17 days I am without phone does. Talk to Apple technical service says it's culpade cia phone, it says it is the fault of Apple, who sold it to me, is 400 km from my house, and said that's weird paso.No what is so rare, Someone put a phone in the wrong box. Necesitoque it unblocked and able hablar.Si anyone knows of to number the objection agradescco. But I'll have to post on social networks diarioso. 
You posted in the iPad forum instead of the iPhone forum. To get answers to your question, next time post in the proper forum. See  I'll request that Apple relocate your post.
 Cheers, Tom

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