Concatenating to a variable more than once?

Is it possible to concat to the same variable more than once? For some reason I am thinking not.
I have the following:
declare v_sql VARCHAR2(2000);
v_sql := 'Select blah balh Where myfield in (';
if v_show1 = 1 then
v_sql := v_sql || '1,'
end if;
if v_show2 = 1 then
v_sql := v_sql || '2,'
end if;
if v_show3 = 1 then
v_sql := v_sql || '3,'
end if;
v_sql := v_sql || '4)';
Is that possible or is there another way to do this?

Ok. I thought it was but just checking. Then I guess I have an issue with my procedure below. It doesn't appear to be looking at the v_statuslist as it is empty each time.
     v_apprid IN PM_MetricDefData.M_ApprId%TYPE,
     v_startdate IN PM_MetricDefData.AsOfDate%TYPE := NULL,
     v_enddate IN PM_MetricDefData.AsOfDate%TYPE := NULL,
     v_bshowpending IN NUMBER,
     v_bshowapproved IN NUMBER,
     v_bshowrejected IN NUMBER,
     v_bshowprocessed IN NUMBER,
     v_sql VARCHAR2(2000);
     v_statuslist VARCHAR2(20) := '';
     v_code VARCHAR2(10);
     v_parentid NUMBER;
     Select M_Code, M_ParentId into v_code, v_parentid From PM_MetricDefApproved
     Where M_ApprId = v_apprid;
     if v_parentid = 0 then
          /* Select parent metric snapshot records */
          v_sql := 'Select MDS.M_Title, MDS.M_Code, MDS.M_Desig, MDS.M_Desc, MDS.M_SuggChgs, MDS.M_Remarks, '
               || 'NVL(LV.ValueDesc, '''') as TypeDesc, MDS.M_ParentId, NVL(LV5.ValueDesc, '''') as UnitDesc, '
               || 'LV6.ValueDesc as M_Compare, MDS.M_AllowDataEntry, MDS.M_VisiblePublic, '
               || 'MDS.M_Weight, NVL(LV2.ValueDesc,'''') as AreaValueDesc, '
               || 'MDS.M_ParaNum, MDS.M_Obj, MDS.M_Thresh, MDS.M_PWSNum, MDS.M_UpperDataLimit, MDS.M_LowerDataLimit, '
               || 'NVL(LV3.ValueDesc,'''') as RptFreqValueDesc, NVL(LV4.ValueDesc,'''') as ColFreqValueDesc, '
               || 'MDS.M_RptProcess, MDS.M_RptMethod, '
               || 'MDS.PS_Level1, MDS.PS_Level2, MDS.PS_Level3, MDS.PS_Level4, MDS.PS_Level5, '
               || 'MDS.AF_Level1, MDS.AF_Level2, MDS.AF_Level3, MDS.AF_Level4, MDS.AF_Level5, '
               || 'AC.ApprovalDesc, '
               || 'MDS.M_CreateDate, NVL(UL.UserName,''<unknown>'') as CreatedUserName '
               || 'From PM_MetricDefSnapshots MDS, '
               || 'PM_ApprovalCodes AC, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV6, '
               || 'PM_MetricDefApproved MDA, '
               || 'PM_UserLookup UL, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV2, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV3, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV4, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV5 '
               || 'Where MDS.M_ApprStatus=AC.ApprovalId '
               || 'and MDS.M_CompareValueId=LV6.ValueId '
               || 'and MDS.M_LinkApprId=MDA.M_ApprId(+) '
               || 'and MDS.M_CreateUserId=UL.UserCAMID(+) '
               || 'and MDS.M_TypeValueId=LV.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDS.M_AreaValueId=LV2.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDS.M_RptFreqValueId=LV3.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDS.M_ColFreqValueId=LV4.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDS.M_PSUnitValueId=LV5.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDS.M_Code = :code ';
          /* Select child metric snapshot records */
          v_sql := 'Select MDS.M_Title, MDS.M_Code, MDAP.M_Desig, MDAP.M_Desc, MDAP.M_SuggChgs, MDAP.M_Remarks, '
               || 'NVL(LV.ValueDesc, '''') as TypeDesc, MDS.M_ParentId, NVL(LV5.ValueDesc, '''') as UnitDesc, '
               || 'LV6.ValueDesc as M_Compare, MDS.M_AllowDataEntry, MDS.M_VisiblePublic, '
               || 'MDS.M_Weight, NVL(LV2.ValueDesc,'''') as AreaValueDesc, '
               || 'MDAP.M_ParaNum, MDAP.M_Obj, MDAP.M_Thresh, MDAP.M_PWSNum, MDS.M_UpperDataLimit, MDS.M_LowerDataLimit, '
               || 'NVL(LV3.ValueDesc,'''') as RptFreqValueDesc, NVL(LV4.ValueDesc,'''') as ColFreqValueDesc, '
               || 'MDAP.M_RptProcess, MDAP.M_RptMethod, '
               || 'MDAP.PS_Level1, MDAP.PS_Level2, MDAP.PS_Level3, MDAP.PS_Level4, MDAP.PS_Level5, '
               || 'MDAP.AF_Level1, MDAP.AF_Level2, MDAP.AF_Level3, MDAP.AF_Level4, MDAP.AF_Level5, '
               || 'AC.ApprovalDesc, '
               || 'MDS.M_CreateDate, NVL(UL.UserName,''<unknown>'') as CreatedUserName '
               || 'From PM_MetricDefSnapshots MDS, '
               || 'PM_MetricDefApproved MDAP, '
               || 'PM_ApprovalCodes AC, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV6, '
               || 'PM_UserLookup UL, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV2, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV3, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV4, '
               || 'PM_LookupValues LV5 '
               || 'Where MDS.M_ParentId=MDAP.M_ApprId '
               || 'and MDS.M_ApprStatus=AC.ApprovalId '
               || 'and MDAP.M_CompareValueId=LV6.ValueId '
               || 'and MDS.M_CreateUserId=UL.UserCAMID(+) '
               || 'and MDS.M_TypeValueId=LV.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDAP.M_AreaValueId=LV2.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDAP.M_RptFreqValueId=LV3.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDAP.M_ColFreqValueId=LV4.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDAP.M_PSUnitValueId=LV5.ValueId(+) '
               || 'and MDS.M_Code = :code ';
     end if;
     /* if date range was specified, add it to where clause */
     if v_startdate is not null then
          v_sql := v_sql || 'and MDS.M_CreateDate Between :startdate and :enddate ';
     end if;
     /* Determine what status to retrieve */
     if v_bshowpending = 1 then
          v_statuslist := v_statuslist || '0,';
     end if;
     if v_bshowapproved = 1 then
          v_statuslist := v_statuslist || '1,';
     end if;
     if v_bshowrejected = 1 then
          v_statuslist := v_statuslist || '2,';
     end if;
     if v_bshowprocessed = 1 then
          v_statuslist := v_statuslist || '3,';
     end if;
     if substr(v_statuslist, length(v_statuslist)-1,1) = ',' then
          v_statuslist := substr(v_statuslist,1,length(v_statuslist)-1);
     end if;
     if v_statuslist <> '' then
          v_sql := v_sql || ' and MDS.M_ApprStatus in (' || v_statuslist || ')';
     end if;
     v_sql := v_sql || ' Order By MDS.M_CreateDate Desc';
     if v_startdate is not null then
          OPEN cv_results FOR v_sql
               using v_code,
          OPEN cv_results FOR v_sql
               using v_code;
     end if;

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                         Income 2008  Income 2009
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    Customer B        30                  0
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    Customer B        50                10
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      +id: d1
       type: RichDocument[UIXFacesBeanImpl, id=d1]
        +id: j_id_id5
         type: HtmlScript[UIXFacesBeanImpl, id=j_id_id5]
          +id: j_id0
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         at Method)
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         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
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    SUBSYSTEM = HTTP USERID = <WLS Kernel> SEVERITY = Error THREAD = [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' MSGID = BEA-101020 MACHINE = CAMIND1 TXID =  CONTEXTID =  TIMESTAMP = 1262712477691 
    WatchAlarmType: AutomaticReset
    WatchAlarmResetPeriod: 30000
    <JMXWatchNotificationListener><handleNotification> failure creating incident from WLDF notification
    oracle.dfw.incident.IncidentCreationException: DFW-40116: failure creating incident
    Cause: DFW-40112: There was an error executing adrci commands; the following errors have been found "DIA-48415: Syntax error found in string [create home base=C:\\Documents and Settings\\tammineedis\\Application] at column [69]
    DIA-48447: The input path [C:\\Documents and Settings\\tammineedis\\Application Data\\JDeveloper\\system11.\\DefaultDomain\\servers\\DefaultServer\\adr] does not contain any ADR homes
    DIA-48447: The input path [diag\ofm\defaultdomain\defaultserver] does not contain any ADR homes
    DIA-48494: ADR home is not set, the corresponding operation cannot be done
    Action: Ensure that command line tool "adrci" can be executed from the command line.
         at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.DiagnosticsDataExtractorImpl.createADRIncident(
         at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.DiagnosticsDataExtractorImpl.createIncident(
         at oracle.dfw.spi.weblogic.JMXWatchNotificationListener.handleNotification(
         at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor$ListenerWrapper.handleNotification(
         at com.bea.diagnostics.notifications.JMXNotificationService.send(
    Caused by: oracle.dfw.common.DiagnosticsException: DFW-40112: failed to execute the adrci commands "create home base=C:\\Documents and Settings\\tammineedis\\Application Data\\JDeveloper\\system11.\\DefaultDomain\\servers\\DefaultServer\\adr product_type=ofm product_id=defaultdomain instance_id=defaultserver
    set base C:\\Documents and Settings\\tammineedis\\Application Data\\JDeveloper\\system11.\\DefaultDomain\\servers\\DefaultServer\\adr
    set homepath diag\ofm\defaultdomain\defaultserver
    create incident problem_key="BEA-101020 [HTTP]" error_facility="BEA" error_number=101020 error_message="null" create_time="2010-01-05 12:27:58.155 -05:00" ecid="0000INzXpbB7u1MLqMS4yY1BGrHn00000K"
    Cause: There was an error executing adrci commands; the following errors have been found "DIA-48415: Syntax error found in string [create home base=C:\\Documents and Settings\\tammineedis\\Application] at column [69]
    DIA-48447: The input path [C:\\Documents and Settings\\tammineedis\\Application Data\\JDeveloper\\system11.\\DefaultDomain\\servers\\DefaultServer\\adr] does not contain any ADR homes
    DIA-48447: The input path [diag\ofm\defaultdomain\defaultserver] does not contain any ADR homes
    DIA-48494: ADR home is not set, the corresponding operation cannot be done
    Action: Ensure that command line tool "adrci" can be executed from the command line.
         at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.ADRHelper.invoke(
         at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.ADRHelper.createIncident(
         at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.DiagnosticsDataExtractorImpl.createADRIncident(
         ... 19 moreI get the above Error.
    I have checked the bindings and it has 2 instances of the taskflow.
    I have changed the backingbean scope to backingBean

  • Play audio more than once on a button

    I have a need to configure the audio placed on the success status of the button to play more than once.  My users may need to hear it again but when clicking it the second time the only thing you hear is the click sound, not the audio.  I am using Captivate CS5 and have it set to infinite. 
    Thanks for any assistance! 

    Hi there
    I seem to make it work as follows:
    Configure a Success caption for the button that is transparent and has no text. Then assign the desired audio clip to the caption.
    Now configure a simple Advanced Action that is a Standard action of Assign. Assign the variable rdcmndGotoFrame with rdinfoCurrentFrame. Assign this action to the Button. This keeps the slide from progressing when the button is clicked.
    In my test, the audio played over and over without fail. The only down-side is if you repeatedly click the button too soon. Sometimes you would get just a click. But if you paused briefly between clicks, things sort of "reset" and the audio consistently played.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
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  • Since I updated to iCloud, Mail on my MacBookPro 10.6.8 has been unable to connect to MobileMe more than once or twice per day. Mail on my iPhone 4 has no problems. What's wrong?

    Since I updated to iCloud, (which may or may not be related) Mail on my MacBookPro 10.6.8 has been unable to connect to MobileMe more than once or twice per day. Mail on my iPhone 4 and my old iMac has no problems. When there is no service a yellow warning triangle appears adjacent to the Inbox and Connection Doctor reports,"Trying to log into this MobileMe IMAP account failed. Verify that username and password are correct."  Since it does fetch Mail from time to time they cannot be wrong.... can they? Should I update to 10.7 and if so what does that entail?

    You have been using MobileMe's email settings, which sometimes continue to work for a time after migration but then get turned off. iCloud's mail server settings are different. Strictly speaking Lion 10.7.2 is required for iCloud, and on that Mail is set up automatically.
    Snow Leopard cannot access most of iCloud's facilities, however you can set Mail up manually to access your email. The method is described here:
    The situation with iCloud and Snow Leopard is described in detail here:

  • How do I repeat the same row more than once in report 10g

    How do I repeat the same row more than once in report 10g
    So I can print the bar code more than once
    in report;
    Edited by: user11106555 on May 9, 2009 5:50 AM

    It is already working, but with the first ROW
    select ename from emp
    BUT I want this result

  • Can you create a form in which its never possible for the same person te sign the form more than once.

    Hi, I've been looking into this for awhile and believe the answer is 'no' but was just wondering if anyone here would know of a solution.
    The company I work for has a formulier on which a number of Excel files are placed. This form is then sent to a five (often different) people who are then required to open the Excel files and if accord to place their digital signature. We would like to make sure that no one is able to sign the form more than once and also if possible to make sure they have opened the Excel files. It would be great if anyone had any tips...
    All the very best,
    Martin Angell

    I am not an Excel or Excel-to-PDF conversion expert, so I do not know how Excel forms are converted to PDF form fields. With this caveat here's what I do know.
    In Acrobat It is possible to create a PDF form in which there are JavaScripts associated with fields (any fields, including signature fields). These JavaSripts can do a lot of things, including checking the signer's certificates on the already signed signature fields. Then you can make all unsigned signature fields read-only, in which case the user will not be able to actually sign them. After that you can overlay a button field on top of each unsigned signature field with exactly the same dimensions and associate a JavaAcript with this button field. This JavaScript would put up an UI asking the user for the signing certificate and its password, check this certificate's CN against the list of already signed signature fields and initiate the signing of the unsigned signature field behind this button if your condition is satisfied.
    I never tried that myself but it could work. This looks complicated and it is but if you really want it you can try.

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    HP Compaq NC8230   Windows XP Pro  


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    column1 c2,
    column1 c3
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    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    create view v1 as select dbms_random.value(1,100) r from dual;
    create view v2 as select r r1, r r2 from v1;
    select * from v2;
              R1           R2
              93           74
    Connected to:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    create view v1 as select dbms_random.value(1,100) r from dual;
    create view v2 as select r r1, r r2 from v1;
    select * from v2;
              R1           R2
              78           78Richard

  • Why would aperture load more than once?

    I understand that when I first load my RAW photos into Aperture it needs to generate a preview and so that's why it slows down and shows me "loading...". If I want to bypass this I can use quick preview mode. That's how I understood it so far. But I don't understand why it would need to load again at a later time? If I browse elsewhere and come back to this project, it'll start loading again. Does Aperture for some reason deletes the preview?

    1) How do I force aperture to generate preview for everything, and not one by one. I'd rather go away and let the computer do its thing for a while than get disturbed every time I hop to the next photo.
    You can select all images in the Browser and use the command "Photos > Update/Generate Previews" (Update will turn into "Generate", if hold down the ⌥ alt/options key). This way you can generate the previews over night.
    2) Also this still doesn't explain why it needs to be done more than once? Why would it generate the preview again if I haven't changed any adjustments etc?
    It will only keep and store the preview permanently, if you have enabled the sharing of previews in the "Preferences > Preview" tab. If you do not enable this, Aperture will not store the previews, to save space.

  • Button/click box click more than once

    Hi, I'm hoping you guys can point out what I'm doing wrong...
    I have an image where the user can click on certain parts of
    it to display a callout. However, I want them to be able to click
    on the area of the image more than once if requried. I suppose you
    can say it's a bit like an image map.
    First I used click boxes to achieve this, then I tried using
    transparent buttons. However for both of these methods you can only
    click on each part once during playback. Clicking again does not
    show the callout.
    I thought about copying the contents to another slide and add
    a 'Reset' button the user could click on. This would move to the
    other slide, but this seems a bit on the 'clunky' side, so I
    thought there must be a setting or something really obvious that I
    have missed. I was unable to find the relevant informaiton in the
    help file or elsewhere in the forum, so if it does exist I would
    appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.
    How can I allow the user to click on parts of the image more
    than once to show the callout?
    Thanks for your help,

    Thanks for your reply Rick.
    I started the activity using rollovers, but I wanted the user
    to do something more definite than just hovering over each part of
    the image. So essentially, I want the rollover functionality but
    with the ability to click instead of just hovering the cursor over.
    I thought this would be easy!
    I've tried using both buttons and click boxes without any
    success. I ventured a little into slidelets, but I want the callout
    to appear in a very specific place and this did not appear to
    satisfy my requirements. The 'click to stick' sounds intriguing so
    I'll take a look into this, but I'm not convinced it's what I want.
    Any more suggestions are most welcome.

  • Terminating Event Getting triggered more than once

    Hi All,
    I am facing a very peculiar problem in PR release workflow(item wise release, business object BUS2009).
    One of the requirements of the workflow is to send a mail to PR initiator once it is rejected by any of the approvers(4, in my case). The event associated with the cancellation of the workflow is REJECTION_START.
    The problem is that this event is being triggered more than once. One thing that i have observed is that if eg. second level of approver cancels it, the event is triggered twice. Likewise if third level of approver cancels it, it is being triggered thrice. Which leads to sending of 2 and 3 mails respectively to the PR initiators mailbox.
    Why is this happening? Ideally, only one event should have been triggered, and the triggering of the event should have been independent of PR approver's level. I am at my wits end regarding this.
    Any suggestions in this regard will be highly appreciated
    Varsha Agarwal.

    If you check for 2nd level rejjection two release Code is associated so it triggers 2 times and same for 3rd level approval.
    I think you have to put some sort of filter using FM SAP_WAPI_WORKITEM_OBJECT
    in the attribute portion of yopur custom BO.
    The attribjute will check this FM and if it has entries that means already a Workflow has been triggered it should set the flag as X.
    Make use of this attribute in defining the start condition of this task thru

  • Backups to same DVD more than once

    I have just started to use PSE 7 and have moved all my photos into it.  I did the initial backup to a DVD but now that I want to backup my new pictures, it seems to want a new DVD.  I don't take all that many pictures so it would take me some months fill up a DVD.  It doesn't seem to like DVD-R and with DVD-RW, it tells me there is something on the DVD and do I want to erase it.  How do I use PSE7 to backup or copy pictures to the same DVD more than once?  Thanks.

    As far as I know, one can burn contents to a DVD only once...
    If you’re using a DVD-RW you have to erase the old contents first...
    On can burn a CD several times until filled up though...
    You might consider using an external Firewire Hard-drive for your backup...?
    Please check this one out...
    (guess, "Windows" offers something similar...)

  • bound more than once?

    Sorry if I already posted this in cluster, but I realized that it should belong here instead....
    I have an admin server that does not belong in any cluster. I set up 2 managed server (app01,
    app02) targetted to "app cluster". I can start up app01 or app02 by itself, when when I start both
    up, I get the following message on both managed servers; the admin server, on the other hand, does
    not display any errors. Why are the managed servers trying to bind to
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:37 AM PDT> <Info> <Cluster> <Adding
    server -4094822875006454559S:fortran-1:[10085,10085,7002,7002,10085,7002,-1] to cluster view>
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:37 AM PDT> <Info> <Cluster>
    <Adding -4094822875006454559S:fortran-1:[10085,10085,7002,7002,10085,7002,-1] to the cluster>
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:38 AM PDT> <Error> <Cluster> <Conflict start: You tried to bind an object under
    the name in the jndi tree. The object you have bound from fortran is non clusterable and you have
    tried to bind more than once from two or more servers. Such objects can only deployed from one
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:38 AM PDT> <Error> <Cluster> <Conflict start: You tried to bind an object under
    the name in the jndi tree. The object you have bound from fortran-1 is non clusterable and you
    have tried to bind more than once from two or more servers. Such objects can only deployed from one
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:38 AM PDT> <Error> <Cluster> <Conflict start: You tried to bind an object under
    the name in the jndi tree. The object you have bound from fortran is non clusterable and you have tried
    to bind more than once from two or more servers. Such objects can only deployed from one server.>
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:38 AM PDT> <Error> <Cluster> <Conflict start: You tried to bind an object under
    the name in the jndi tree. The object you have bound from fortran-1 is non clusterable and you
    have tried to bind more than once from two or more servers. Such objects can only deployed from one

    Prasad diagnosed the problem. Look in clustering under the same title if you're interested!
    "Gene Chuang" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    Sorry if I already posted this in cluster, but I realized that it should belong here instead....
    I have an admin server that does not belong in any cluster. I set up 2 managed server (app01,
    app02) targetted to "app cluster". I can start up app01 or app02 by itself, when when I startboth
    up, I get the following message on both managed servers; the admin server, on the other hand,does
    not display any errors. Why are the managed servers trying to bind to
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:37 AM PDT> <Info> <Cluster> <Adding
    server -4094822875006454559S:fortran-1:[10085,10085,7002,7002,10085,7002,-1] to cluster view>
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:37 AM PDT> <Info> <Cluster>
    <Adding -4094822875006454559S:fortran-1:[10085,10085,7002,7002,10085,7002,-1] to the cluster>
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:38 AM PDT> <Error> <Cluster> <Conflict start: You tried to bind an object under
    the name in the jndi tree. The object you have bound from fortran is non clusterable and you have
    tried to bind more than once from two or more servers. Such objects can only deployed from one
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:38 AM PDT> <Error> <Cluster> <Conflict start: You tried to bind an object under
    the name in the jndi tree. The object you have bound from fortran-1 is non clusterable andyou
    have tried to bind more than once from two or more servers. Such objects can only deployed fromone
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:38 AM PDT> <Error> <Cluster> <Conflict start: You tried to bind an object under
    the name in the jndi tree. The object you have bound from fortran is non clusterable and you have tried
    to bind more than once from two or more servers. Such objects can only deployed from one server.>
    <Apr 3, 2001 11:07:38 AM PDT> <Error> <Cluster> <Conflict start: You tried to bind an object under
    the name in the jndi tree. The object you have bound from fortran-1 is non clusterable and you
    have tried to bind more than once from two or more servers. Such objects can only deployed fromone

  • HT3702 iv been billed more than once

    i have been billed more than once i did buy 60 donuts for the simpsons tapped out for 2.99 but iv been billed for 8.97 and i dont know who to contact to explain i only brought it once not 3 times as the invoice state can anyone help me on who to contact please

    You can contact iTunes support via this page : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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