Concept about crystal report

Hello Gurus,
        for every charracter mapping from BW query to BO crystal report, there are Key field and Member Unique Name field, what is their difference?
Many thanks

Dear Flying,
I don't think there are any ways that you could design a drag & drop report by CR.  B1 integrated drag & drop functions involve many man-hours in R&D.  You may need to do the same if that is a must and it is available.

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    Please refer the below links, [original link is broken]
    Hope it helps you,
    Thanks & Regards,

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    See if you have the folder c:\temp. If you do, rename it to c:\mytemp.
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    Thank you.
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    For more information
    Web sphere Application server 5.0.2
    JVE 1.3.x
    Crystal Report Enterpire V.10
    All component deployed on Windows 2000 OS.
    Pls. anyone advice me . thank you

    How to solve this problem. The problem is some time
    my web application can not connect to crystal report
    server. And App. log was receord as below.
    erException: Unable to connect to the server:
    crp.RAS.rptappserver.---- Error code:-2147217387Does this give a hint of what to check? Maybe you need to check if the server is running and the server configuration is correct.
    I haven't ever used Crystal Reports, so I can't be very specific. A Google search might help.

  • Query about crystal reports............

    Hello Experts,
    I am creating the Crystal Report which has  a parameter with data type nvarchar,which is
    not getting linked with report. How can I map this parameter to obtain the result?
    With Regards
    Prashant Muke

    I don't know if it works with the field you need for the parameter, but normally I do this:
    Create a formula for this field. Formula should be:
    totext ({your field})
    Use this formulafield as your parameter.
    Hope it works!

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    Hi everybody,
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    Crystal Reports 4.0 is in RampUp right now. In case you are interested in the details I would suggest you join the RampUp.
    Ingo Hilgefort

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    Good day experts,
    I am in the process of creating a Cross Tab report in Crystal Reports,   When I get to the screen Cross Tab Report Creation Wizard, any UDFs contained within the source Stored Procedure are not available for selection.
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    Hi OB........
    The UDFs you created and taken into the Query you have to cast it into nvarchar. And then only it will show it in your crystal......
    Try this Cast(U_UDF as nvarchar) put your UDF code in place of UDF........
    Hope this will help you......

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    I have a problem. Can you help me to solve it?
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    Thank you and regards.
    Gives this as the first result:
    You then search the site:
    Which leads you to this page:
    Try STFW, RTFM and implement something, then ask a specific question.

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    Dear Experts,
    My technical person is saying that crystal report can flow the values from "TOP to BOTTOM" but it wont flow the values from
    we are using Crystal reports 2008....
    Please suggest...

    Hi Kambadasan.......
    According to me yes he is right.
    Data flows from Top to bottom as there is no limitation to take the data in one column from top to bottom. But from left to right you have to fix the column. So it is limited.

  • Free Charecterstics concept of BI in Crystal Reports

    Hi All,
    Is there a concept in Crystal reports which is equivalent to the Free Characteristics concept in Bex Query???
    For Example the standard output of a Bex Query can be changed by using the Free Characteristics available in the Bex Query, is there an option in Crystal Reports which enables the changes of output of a crystal Reports as in Bex Query???
    Can any one please help us.
    Thanks and Regards,

    You can use a dynamic grouping approach to achieve this using report parameters: the parameter controls a formula that returns one of few fields depending on the parameter.  You then group on the formula.
    For a more intuitive approach for the user, you can develop your own viewer that provides drag&drop grouping change or use a 3rd-party viewer.  At least one of the 3rd-party viewers listed at provides functionality allowing the user to change grouping by simply clicking on objects on the report layout.  Here is a link to a [video demo|].
    Also, one of the 3rd-party viewer (among those listed at the Ken Hamady web site has recently added a "Group Swap Expert" that does exactly what you are asking for: it allows the user to swap what the report is grouped on with other fields or formulas using an intuitive drag & drop GUI.

  • Question about OLD Crystal Reports

    Hello all,
    I've inherited a bunch of old crystal reports files.  I'm using Visual Studio 2003 (I know...) for the project.  It can open the .rpt files, but can't make changes.
    I've downloaded Crystal Reports 2008, and it edits them fine but saves in a new format.  They seem to work OK, but the file size is MUCH smaller - one went from 116k to 33k.
    I don't know much about Crystal Reports, trying to get up to speed without breaking any legacy reports.
    Thanks much for any suggestions,
    - Mark

    rikku12345 wrote:
    Does sp 4 runtime include all the previous FixPacks ?
    Does sp 4 runtime include all the previous FixPacks ?
    If you already have the SP2 runtimes installed and you try to install SP 4 runtimes on top of that , it will throw the error you have mentioned in your post.

  • Crystal Report installation roadmap

    Hi All,
    I googled and found that the the SAP data can be extracted only if SAP BW is configured. We have a different requirement
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    SAP Tables -> InfoSet Query -> Crystal Report -> Custom Layout with Infoset Query data -> Print
    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you Ingo for your valuable response. Infact, I'm a big fan of your blogs @Business Objects.
    Actually, the objective is to design reports with customized heading without using ABAP. For the purpose, InfoSet queries are created. Now I'm looking for a tool, e.g. Crystal Reports etc., to design queries output in professional way.
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    Thanks !

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    ''please stick with your original questions thread about Crystal Report - - locking this thread''l
    When i unistall and again install a fresh Crystal report for .Net 4.0 Its ok to generate only to pdf option when click to the print icon on crystal report viewer but in another computer it is promting the old fasion like "a dialog with many option" ,But if want to have a only option to generate only to pdf option what should i have to do when my project and crystal report is at Window server 2008 R2,Please suggest a requred answer?

    Firefox will update in increments when you use such old versions. The best thing to do is to go to, and download Firefox 19.0.2. This is going to be much faster than updating to 3.0.19, then to 3.6, then 12, then 19 (which is the current process).

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