Configurar Servicio en Windows Vista

Por favor estoy intentando configurar el Servicio 'Llamada a procedimiento remoto (RPC)' es necesario para el SBO mailer por indicaciones de soporte SAP, ingreso a Panel de Control > Herramientas Administrativas > Servicios > Propiedades de  'Llamada a procedimiento remoto (RPC)' > Pestaña Recuperación > y deseo cambiar 'Primer error' a 'Recuperar el servicio'; pero en windows Vista no esta habilitada estas opciones, en Windows XP podía hacerlo; alguien sabe como puedo configurar este servicio en Windows Vista? Me serviria de mucha ayuda por favor para un tema de SBO mailer.
Espero una repsuesta, de antemano muchas gracias.

En windows 7 se puede configurar el comportamiento del servicio ante errores de manera similar como se hace en XP o Windows server, también en Vista.
¿Está utilizando una cuenta de usuario con todos los privilegios de acceso como administrador?. Cuando se etá trabajando con una cuenta de usuario limitada, no permite cambiar ningún parámetro de configuración del servicio, por lo tanto el contenido de la pestaña recuperación aparece en "fantasma".

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    Buenas Tardes,
    Estamos intentando instalar el Service Manager del 2007A en un Windows Vista Home Premiun, para correrlo localmente en un equipo y no nos deja activarlo. Quisiera saber si alguien lo ha podido hacer o si en realidad no se puede correr dicho servicio en Vista.
    Carlos Navarro

    Estimado Carlos
    Nosotros ya nos enfrentamos a este problema y la solución es muy sencilla, aunque se pierde una característica de seguridad en Windows Vista.
    El procedimiento es el siguiente:
    Si ya tienes una instalación de SAP en el equipo borrala completamente, incluso la carpeta y reinicia el equipo.
    Luego desconecta la caracteristica de seguridad de Windows Vista (UAC) o User Account Control o Control de cuentas de usuario, este parametro se encuentra dentro de Panel de Control/ Cuentas de Usuario
    Luego instala SAP normalmente y no debieras tener problemas
    El gran cambio lo notarás por que Windows ya no te pedira confirmación para ejecutar cada programa.
    En nuestro caso hemos dejado desconectada la carácteristica de seguridad luego de instalar SAP no conozco el comportamiento si vuelve a conectarse.
    Saludos y espero que todo te resulte bien
    Mauricio Cáceres H
    VisualK Chile

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    Vista no permite a aplicaciones comunes como LabVIEW, Lookout -por mencionar un ejemplo- arrancar servicios por si solo. El Time Service de Lookout es un servicio de sincronizacion de tiempo de National Instruments que requiere ser arrancado por el sistema operativo. Como Vista lo prohibe, las aplicaciones que luego necesitan accesarlo marcaran un error. La solucion va a terminar siendo que el usuario -desde los Administrative Tools- arranque el servicio manualmente. No tengo conmigo ahorita una PC con Vista instalado, pero si Usted lo tiene puede intentar buscar el servicio y arrancarlo manualmente. Luego intente de nuevo arrancar Lookout, posiblemente esto funcione.
    Este problema sera muy comun una vez que Vista salga al mercado. Y tanto empresas desarrolladoras de software, como usuarios, habran de encontrar un punto medio para trabajar.
    National Instruments no puede garantizar la compatibilidad de Vista aun, ( hay que esperar al lanzamiento oficial para el publico en general, y terminar de hacer pruebas mas extensivas, sin embargo, software que sea garantizado lo sera via algun update, patch, service pack, o bien, hasta la siguiente version que salga al mercado.
    No quiero desanimar a ningun usuario pionero que desee usar Vista inmediatamente, sin embargo, aplicaciones como las que hacemos en Lookout (software en discusion) suelen ser tan criticas que no es recomendable migrar el sistema operativo en donde estan corriendo a semanas o meses de que el nuevo sistema ha sido lanzado. No se sabe que problemas Vista pueda presentar que seguramente se resolveran con el paso de los meses.
    National Instruments

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    No ocurre con ningún otro programa instalado
    Tengo windows Vista actualizado

    NO es cierto, las bases de datos pueden estar alojadas en
    otros pa�ses
    siempre que se cumplan las condiciones m�nimas de
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    ley para el tipo de datos almacenados.
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    dice al respecto. Para
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    | �Esto es cierto?
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    servicios de hosting
    | Espa�a.
    | Muchas Gracias.

  • IPod is not recognized by Windows Vista - possible solution

    During the past couple of weeks that I faced this problem I found out that a lot of people had the same question as I did.
    Here is a possible solution.
    I have HP Pavilion laptop with Windows Vista. After I connected my new iPod – it didn’t show up in My Computer as a new device and in Device Manager it was listed in “Other devices” with a question mark next to it. I already had iTunes installed – it didn’t show up in iTunes. On the attempt to reinstall the driver I had a message that the driver was found but an error occurred while installing it.
    Here is what I did:
    1. Install iTunes (it has iPod driver for Vista in it).
    2. Turn on iPod and connect it to computer.
    3. Restart computer with iPod turned on and connected to computer.
    4. On the start up the computer will begin automatically installing the driver and the message will appear in the corner that new device is being installed.
    5. After it has been installed – check My Computer – you should see it listed there.
    6. Run iTunes and configure iPod.
    iTunes might run a little bit slow when configuring iPod for the first time.
    Good luck.

    if only this fix worked for windows xp or even 2000 (at my job)
    insane, but it IS a driver/usb problem i now know, at least i've gotten that far.

  • IPod not recognized by iTunes, Windows Vista prompts to format iPod drive

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    I tried diagnostics on tis site, restarted/reset iPod etc, but it didn't solve the problem. I removed and reinstalled iTunes as per instructions, still no use.
    Then I called Apple support Canada and the guy on the phone said I need to pay to get support. He said he'd send me some documents via email which would solve the problem and hen I wouldn't have to pay. I gave him my email address, but so far I have recieved no emails from him. I have checked my spam and junk folders, just in case, but nothing there.
    Anyhow, this issue came up all of a sudden, there has been no physical damage to iPod, I barely use it. maybe for few minutes here and there a month. I have had numerous problems in the past every time a new iTunes update come, it always creates problems. Last year I spent many hours after iTunes update make iPod unrecognizable so I had to go back to older version, then upgrade etc. I don't remember how I solved the issue, but it took a while and it turned out to be something of iTunes version issue.
    I wonder if this is another of such issue. I hope its not a hardware issue with iPod. I'd appreciate any help.

    I just got Vista too and it does recognize my ipod, but itunes can't find a lot of my songs on the computer. I tried to uninstall itunes and reinstall it thinking that it would seach for new music when I installed it again but nothing new happened when I did that.

  • Windows Vista No Disk Error

    I have installed Oracle 10g Enterprise undee Windows Vista Home Edition using oracle proper installer for this OS. The installation went pretty well and so was the aftermath when I created a database and several schemas. A few days ago I have started getting a very strange and persistent error everytime Oracle's TNS and Listener are referred. The error comes fro Windows and states "Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters 0x764F92A0 0x00000004 0x764F292A0 0x764F292A0" and the options I am prompted for are Cancell, Try Again and Continue. Whatever option I go to has to be hit over and over for about 7 times so that the message stops popping and I can continue. I say this error is reated to ORacle's TNS and Listener because when I try sqlplus /nolog I get no error, but if I enter the full connection string like slplus user/password@dbsid I get the error. The same error comes on TOAD when I first open it and it reads the TNSNAMES file to bring the TNS's within the file.
    Past this error by cancellin, trying again and again or continuing, all DB functionalities are just fine, no alerts, nor critical errors... Pretty weird hmm? Does anyone have any suggestion on what the issue is and what can be done to fix it?
    Appreciate all your inputs on this matter.
    Thiago Santana

    Actually there are no comments regarding Vista version under notes for
    If You look at certify matrix under
    and search by Platform, then under Vista and 10gR2 You will see following notes:
    Oracle Database (EE, SE, PE and Client) are supported on these platforms:
    Business edition
    Enterprise Edition
    Ultimate Edition
    Home edition is not supported!
    But what I can suggest.
    Look into listner.log - are there any errors.
    Try to restart listener from the command line
    lsnrctl stop
    lsnrctl start
    Try to recreate listener service

  • ITunes & Windows Vista Home - Error File C:\Program Data\Apple Computer\Installer\Cache\iTunes 10.5.142\iTunes.msi was rejected by digital signature policy.

    and al-signature.html
    with no avail!!!
    iTunes opens after I click OK on the above message however I cannot do anything within the app its like Windows it preventing it from running.

    I tried what the diagnostic told me to do, and repaired the installation. I was able to burn a CD in iTunes, but after I restarted, the drives have disappeared again! Here's the diagnostic info now:
    Microsoft Windows Vista Home Edition (Build 6000)
    QuickTime 7.4
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    iTunes Serial Number 20D6EAF059AB94B4
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2008-01-15 19:09:32.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    Video Display Information
    ATI Technologies Inc., Radeon X1600/X1650 Series
    ATI Technologies Inc., Radeon X1600/1650 Series Secondary
    ** External Plug-ins Information **
    Plug-in Name: iTunes plugin
    Plug-in Loaded: Yes
    Plug-in Version: 0.0.13
    Plug-in File Version:
    Plug-in Path: C:\Program Files\iTunes\Plug-ins\itw_scrobbler.dll
    No drives showed up to be tested.

  • Windows Vista & Ipod

    My old computer crashed and I purchased a new on with windows vista on it. I tried to transfer my songs purchased on itunes to the new computer from my ipod but it would only transfer a little more than half of them and it won't allow me to add my just purchased songs to my ipod. It keeps asking me to sync my ipod with my computer but if I do won't it delete all my songs on my ipod? It also keeps asking me to update my ipod but it can't finish, it errors with a message of error 1417 or error -50? I alos have an ipod nano and have had no problems with it on the new computer which leads me to believe it may be a ipod video/windows vista problem. Any help with this would be appreciated.

    this article may help answer your question.... iPod and iTunes currently are not supported with Vista but some may work , but all features may not function

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    adobe bridge raw not working in photoshop cc, is there a fix?

    Your sure your using photoshop cc on windows vista?
    I was under the impression that photoshop cc would not even install on windows vista.
    What version of camera raw do you have?
    In photoshop under Help>About Plugin does it list Camera Raw and if so which version is it?
    (click on the words Camera Raw to see the version)
    Camera raw doesn't work if it's a camera raw file or some other file type such as jpeg or tif?
    What camera are the camera raw files from?
    Officially camera raw 8.3 is the latest version of camera raw that will work on windows vista.

  • TS1538 In Windows Vista my iPod Touch is recognised as a stills camera and the driver will not install.  Any ideas?

    Any advice on how to overcome this prob;lem would be appreciated.  I have followed the steps suggested by the online Apple Support without success.

    Have you tried everything here:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Tried another cable
    Tried another computerto help determine if yo have an iPod or computer problem.

  • Is Verizon going to acknowlege the problems with FIOS and Windows Vista

    For months now, I have been reading the numerous problems Fios internet customers are having with Fios internet/Actiontech Router and Windows Vista and there has been no acknowledgement by Verizon of this current major issue.
    I have also experienced the exact same issue for months now since I switched to Verizon FIOS internet. Previously I had Comcast HSI using my Windows Vista laptop.  I had their service for over a year and I NEVER has a problem with the Windows Vista globe icon disappearing and loosing internet connection. The Globe always stayed on and never went away and I never lost connection when I had Comcast
    I had Verizon FIOS installed last September with my Windows Vista computer and my wireless internet connection started to drop from day 1 and it has been a daily occurrence for over 5 months now.  It has gotten so bad, I have had to hardwire my laptop to to be able to use the internet uninterrupted.
    This is what daily scenario is:
    When I turn on my laptop(with Windows Vista, I can initially get full internet access(with the globe on and it says "Local and internet). After about 10 minutes or less, the globe switches to "local only" and I can still get  internet access.  After another 5 or so minutes, a large X covers the globe and I lose internet connection entirely. The actiontech router wireless signal is no longer listed as one of the wireless networks.  The only way for me to regain internet access is either to restart my laptop or reboot the actiontech router.
    Numeorus posts here, over by DSL forums(Broadband Reports),Microsoft's website and a few othere websites detail this issue.
    I am extremely shocked and surprised that Verizon has not tried to fix this issue by working with both the makers of the Actiontech Router as well as Microsoft to find out what the problem is and how to fix it.
    I would just like to reiterate I strongly believe this is primarily a FIOS internet issue since I previously had Comcast HSI for over a year with the same Windows Vista laptop and I NEVER had that problem. Also,  I can connect to my neighbors wireless connection(she uses Comcast HSI) and when I do, the globe stay on all the time on my computer and the internet does not lose connection.
    I know that there are a couple of Verizon employees here. Please tell the higher ups who handle FIOS internet that this is a major issue that needs to be resolved as soon as possible.
    P.S: Please don't tell me to go by my own router because then, I will have to deal with the issues of setting it up to work with Fios TV and the related VOD, widgets, remote DVR compatability issues to deal with. I don't think I can deal with the additional headaches. 

    FIOS is short for fiber optics.  fiber optics is different technology than DSL.   
    With that said, if you search the Microsoft databases for vista issues with fiber optics, (CURRENTLY THERE IS ONLY ONE PROVIDER OF FIBER TO THE HOUSE, that being Verizon, so yes you can also search Vista issues with verizon and\or fios) and you will find that Microsoft already acknowledges this issue with their software.  AND they offer you a fix.

  • After rebooting my Windows Vista 64 bit system, could not access iTunes; after uninstalling I tried reinstalling, but it has been running for more than 24 hrs. Should I cancel installation?

    I had been updating my Windows Vista 64 bit system and as a result of a problem, had to reboot my system. Afterwards, I was no longer able to access iTunes.  I got a message stating that there was a problem with some of the files associated with the application.  A phone rep at Apple's Customer Service provided me with emails linking instructions on completely uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes. I did the uninstall, then checked for lingering iTunes files and couldn't completely remove some, but tried intalling the latest version of iTunes. It has been running for roughly 24 hours.  The status bar is green all the way across, and when I try to cancel, I get the following message: "Are you sure you want to cancel iTunes installation?"  I keep hitting "no," but am staring to wonder if there is a problem with the install.  Should it take this long if I have roughly 134 gigs of music?  I can still see the music in my computer's C drive, so I am worried that there is an error, perhpas because I didn't clear out all the lingering C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\ and all the lingering C:\Program Files\iTunes\.  Any thoughts?

    It is not just the HP. I have 3 HP computes and 2 Dell computers. 2 of the HP and 1 Dell suffer the iTunes internet block. Took me a while to figure it out also. But, the one thing that is different on the Dell, is that I can leave iTunes installed and not open it and everything works. As soon as I open it, internet access goes down. BUT secure sites (https:) works fine.

  • Windows Vista is not bringing up my Ipod

    I currently purchased a new Dell XPS420 with windows vista. When I connect my
    ipod (which has a total of 7663 songs, copied with the use of my laptop and windows XP), I do not see the ipod in the device section and is not able to do anything with it, when using windows vista. What must I do to be able to work with ipod using windows vista?

    Recently, a friend of mine experienced a similar problem after changing his operating system from xp 2 vista. By now he unfortunately hasn’t found a solution for this issue and had 2 copy his data manually over my mac.

  • Windows Vista not recognizing my new 160GB ipod classic

    I'm having a terrible time getting Windows Vista or itunes to recognize my 160GB ipod classic (ipod software version 1.0.3 PC). I've spent the last two days going through the 5 Rs (4 or 5 times, now)... updated all the USB drivers... reassigned my slave drive letter to make sure there's no conflict... nothing is working.
    The ipod is seen in the Device Manager as an "unknown device", but that's it.
    The "USB Mass Storage Device" and "Apple ipod Controller" are listed under the "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" and all drivers are up to date.
    When I try to update and install the driver for the "unknown device", it automaticly searches windows and the internet, but finds nothing. When I point it towards my C:\Windows\System32 folder (as suggested elsewhere) it locates a driver... but encounters an "unknown error" when installing.
    Absolutely nothing works! I'm not new to itunes, ipods or working with Windows Vista. This is terribly frustrating as I now have a $350 paperweight! Ironiclly, I just sold and sent off my 5g 60GB (WORKING!) ipod, too!
    Please, please, please help!

    Update: (Not that anything is fixed yet)
    Deleting infcache1 (as suggested elsewhere) had no effect... nor did moving around the usbappl.inf files forom the file repository as described here:
    Vista just keeps asking for a driver and when I point it towards one... runs into an error when intalling. The hotfix provided adressing this exact issue ( hasn't worked nad I get an error saying "This update doesn't apply to your system". O Rly!?! Hmmmm... Windows Vista 32... exact same error when mounting my ipod. Sure SOUNDS like it SHOULD!
    Tried this fix: but actually found the CD/DVD upper and lower filters in a different key: HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. Still no joy, though. Starting itunes just gives an error message saying it requires the registry entry to burn CD's and asks that I re-install itunes. Attempts to connect prior to reinstalling (since it still runs) have no effect.
    Tried restarting itues service but it just hangs. Reinstalling and restarting has no effect.
    It just kills me that I can see the ipod connected in the Device Manager ("unknown device") and in Computer Management/Storage/Disc Management ("Rmovable Disc 1" with 148 GB).
    So frustrating. This is the first problem I've run into with Vista that has stumped me for more than 24-hours and has really got me feeling stupid.

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