Configurare server smtp

Avrei bisogno di impostare il server smtp di account diversi da icloud in modo da poter inviare sempre le email indipendentemente dalla connessione su iPad e iPhone. Impostando un nuovo account su iPad non dovrei ritrovar melo anche su iPhone? Grazie

If you're going to write an SMTP server you don't need a tutorial, you need to read the RFCs that specify the requirements for an SMTP server. The foundation is RFC 821 and there are others that appeared later.

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    Hello there, Pablo639.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great steps for troubleshooting mail issues on your Mac:
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    Hi  Zabiulla
    Follow these steps
    1)Goto t-code SCOT; double-click SMTP and specify the mail-host and mail-port for the respective mail server.
    2)Make the u2018Node in useu2019 check box as checked.
    3)Click on the u2018Internet->Setu2019 button under u2018Supported address typesu2019 to specify the email-address of the recipient.Specify the email-address of the recipient who is going to receive the alert mails.
    (OR) Specify u2018*u2019 in case of multiple email-ids.
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    .5)Specify the recipientu2019s user-id; for the particular user-id specify the email-address in the Address tab   of t-code SU01.

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    You shouldn't post an e-mail address in a public forum.
    What does Mail/Window/Connection Doctor Show? If the server is red, select it and look at the Show Details box.
    Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
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    Don't delete te old account yet.
    I think they're slowing nudging people to the fact that MobilMe & .mac is going away shortly in favor of iCloudinees!
    MobileMe & dot Mac will still work last I heard.
    iCloud Mail setup, even in 10.4/10.5…
    Don't delete your old account yet. Just setup a new one in Mail>Preferences>Accounts, little plus icon. Choose IMAP as account type, not ,mac or MobileMe.
    IMAP (Incoming Mail Server) information:
    Server name:
    SSL Required: Yes
    Port: 993
    Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
    Password: Your iCloud password
    SMTP (outgoing mail server) information:
    Server name:
    SSL Required: Yes
    Port: 587
    SMTP Authentication Required: Yes
    Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
    Password: Your iCloud password

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    I had this same problem with both my imac and mac book pro using hotmail via mac mail with bt as my internet provider. Suddenly 4 months ago out of nowhere i could receive emails but could not send them. I scoured all the threads followed all the fixes none of them worked. However I just phoned apple support and fixed it in a matter of minutes. I am SO happy. This is what the technician advised me:
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    Okay, fixed it on mine.  In
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    2) Select problematic account in list on left.
    3) Select "Edit SMTP Server List..." from Outgoing Mail Server drop-down.
    4) Fix username by appending domain name
        (append "" if standard account, or your own domain if apps user).
    5) Re-enter password.
    Save your preferences.

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