Configure Personalize Page

Hi I'm trying to customize the personalize page, so that a preview image can show when you click on the iViews in the personalize page. 
Also, is it possible to have the user configure iView tray names at runtime?

Not without replacing the existing personalize logic with your own version...

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    We have a requirement to hide preview configuration summary page in iStore whereas it should be visible when launching from other host applications.We tried doing it with help of usage functionality as below.
    1) Create a usage with some name say “iStore” in configurator.
    2) Take copy of summary with Status region template and add display condition to hide the summary region.
    3) Take copy of the model active ui and attach the above template to it.
    4) Publish the model with this new copy UI and usage as iStore to the host application.(There will be 2 publications one with this usage and other with normal)
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    We are on R12.1.3 and are using fusion configurator engine.
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    Create a Dynamic Action:
    Event: Page Load
    Condition: -No Condition -
    True Actions
    Action: Hide
    Selection Type: jQuery Selector
    Affected Elements: #t20PageHeader
    Condition Type: Request = Expression 1
    Expression 1: CRM

  • Creating a new item in application Personalize Page

    Hi all,
    I've created a new item from the application's personalize page. There are a few questions I want to ask about this new item I've created.
    1. I know that the page has different regions as there is more than one controller class for that page(visually). If I use oapagecontext.getParameter("Item ID"), will that give me the item's value even if it is in a different controller?
    2. When I create a new item using the application's personalize page, does it automatically update the relevant xml in $FND_TOP/mds repository? Or does it only update it during run time?

    Hi there,
    it still seems unable to do what i want. The code I'm using right now is this
    I've created a new MessageTextInput item from the application and gave it the ID of xxActiveTo. I also made the view attribute of "ActiveTo" and attribute set of /oracle/apps/jtf/resource/attributesets/JtfRsResourceExtns/EndDateActive.
    **code **
    String temp = oapagecontext.getParameter("xxActiveTo");
    if (temp != "22-Aug-2006")
    setforwardurl (xxxxxx);
    When i see the field I enter 22-Aug-2006 and then press the button. However, it always forwards to the url as in setforwardurl.
    I know I'm getting the wrong value but I don't exactly know why
    Please help


    Hola, de preferencia la respuesta en español. Actualicé mi pages '09 a pages 5 recientemente. Por temas de mi trabajo necesito imprimir con márgenes opuestos, pero no logro configurar al pages para que haga eso. Por favor ayuda.
    Hello, preferably the answer in Spanish. I upgraded my '09 to pages 5 pages recently. In my work I need to print with opposite margins, but I can not configure the pages to do that. Please help.
    Mauricio López Ochoa

    Apple eliminado esta característica en Pages 5. Así como más de 100 otros.
    Pages '09 deben estar en la carpeta Aplicaciones / iWork.
    Utilice eso.

  • OAF Page Personalize Page to add a new criteria in Advance Search

    Hi All,
    I am new to OAF. I need to add a new criteria (Asset Activity) to the Work Order Advance Search page in EAM module.Asset activity field has to pick from the 'Create Work Order' Form. I can able to identify the CO class associated with this field in the 'Create Work Order' form.
    How to achieve this by personalizing the Work Order Advance Search Page.
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Mukesh on May 1, 2012 12:48 PM

    Hi All,
    I have done the following steps.
    1. From the Work Order Advanced Search Page, clicked on Personalize "Advanced Search".
    2. Created a Criteria Item with ID 'AssetActivityAS' and also created a Message Styled Text under this criteria.
    3. Back to the Advanced Search Page, clicked on 'Personalize Page' page in the bottom.
    4. Create an Advanced Search Mappings with ID 'AssetActivityMap' and Results Item as 'WorkOrdersVO.AssetActivity' and Search Item as 'AssetActivityAS'.
    5. But when I click on Apply, it's throwing the following error.
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: oracle.adf.mds.exception.MDSRuntimeException: Unable to find component with absolute reference = /oracle/apps/eam/workorder/webui/EAM_EW_START_PAGE.WorkOrdersVO.AssetActivity, XML Path = null. Please verify that the reference is valid and the definition of the component exists either on the File System or in the MDS Repository.
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException( Code))
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processRequest( Code))
    I found WorkOrdersVO(oracle.apps.eam.workorder.server.WorkOrdersVO) from Business Component References Details of About Page: Work Orders.
    Am I doing the right steps to add a new search criteria in Advance Search page?
    Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?
    Thanks in Advance,

  • How to get the section value into configurator developer page

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    Thanks advance,

    I thought the same.Thanks for confirming...I tried with loop approach.but i am unable to get decimal part...
    eg if my values are 12.25 and below code ignores decimal points..i know since i am using Number, it is happening..but could you please let me know how can i get decimal values also..
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) am.findViewObject("XXXXInvDistributionsVO1");
    Number grossamount = 0;
    for (int i=0;i< vo.getRowCount();i++) {
    // BigDecimal grossamount1 = new BigDecimal((vo.getRowAtRangeIndex(i).getAttribute("Amount")));
    grossamount = ((oracle.jbo.domain.Number)vo.getRowAtRangeIndex(i).getAttribute("Amount")).intValue();
    System.out.println("grossamount "+grossamount); // it ignores and prints decimal points
    BigDecimal grossamount1 = new BigDecimal(grossamount.intValue());
    System.out.println("grossamount1 "+grossamount1); // it ignores and prints decimal points;

  • Sorting channels on Personalize Page

    I am trying to sort channels on a Personalize page alphabetically. This is the contentedit.jsp in JSPContentContainer. Later functionality is I'd like to be able to sort by another field. The channels are aquired and placed in a java.util.List called missedChannels. I tried the method Collections.sort(missedChannels); and it is working to a certain extent to sort alphabetically, but then it is getting the channels out of order again as if things are getting out of order later in the jsp. All my channels are uncategorized so I thought that my list would not be manipulated in the code preceding the listing of the uncategorized channels, keeping them in order.
    The JSP code for 1st half of jsp is as follows:
    Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
    Use is subject to license terms.
    <%-- contentedit.jsp --%>
    <%@ page import="com.sun.portal.providers.containers.jsp.single.JSPSingleContainerProvider,
    <%@ page session="false" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktop.tld" prefix="dt" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/tld/jx.tld" prefix="jx" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktopProviderContext.tld" prefix="dtpc" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktopContainerProviderContext.tld" prefix="dtcpc" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktopTheme.tld" prefix="dttheme" %>
    JSPSingleContainerProvider scp = (JSPSingleContainerProvider)pageContext.getAttribute("JSPProvider");
    String container = (String)request.getParameter("container");
         pageContext.setAttribute( "container", container, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE );
    String parentContainer = scp.getProviderContext().getDefaultChannelName();
    String parentContainerProvider = scp.getProviderContext().getProviderName(parentContainer);
    String selectedTabName = request.getParameter("selected");
    JSPTableContainerProvider tcp = (JSPTableContainerProvider)scp.getContainerProviderContext().getProvider(request, scp.getName(), container);
    pageContext.setAttribute( "tableProvider", tcp );
    String fontFace1 = (String)pageContext.getAttribute("fontFace1", PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
    <dt:obtainContainer container="$tableProvider">
    <dt:getAvailableChannels id="availableChannels"/>
    <dt:getSelectedChannels id="selectedChannels"/>
    <jx:declare id="selectedChannels" type="List"/>
    <jx:declare id="availableChannels" type="List"/>
    <jsp:include page="personalizeHeader.jsp" flush="true"/>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    <%@ include file="close-windows.jsp" %>
    var popup_window;
    function launchPopup(url, name, width, height) {
    popup_window = url, name, 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height +',resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');
    <%@ include file="contentLayoutBar.jsp" %>
    <FORM ACTION="<dtpc:getDesktopURL/>" TARGET="_parent" METHOD="POST" NAME="contentForm" ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="action" SIZE=-1 VALUE="process">
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="provider" SIZE=-1 VALUE="JSPContentContainer">
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="container" SIZE=-1 VALUE="<%=container%>">
    <TD COLSPAN="2">
    <FONT COLOR="<dttheme:getAttribute name="tabFontColor" default="#000000"/>" SIZE="+0" FACE="<dttheme:getAttribute name="contentLayoutText" default="Verdana"/>"><b>
    Select the Channels you would like displayed on this Page.<BR> </b>
    <TR><TD COLSPAN="2">
    <B><FONT SIZE="-1">Legend: T = thin column, W = wide column, FT = full top column, FB = full bottom column</FONT></B>
    <TR><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><img src="<dt:scontent/>/images/spacer.gif" width=
    "100%" height="20" alt="Spacer Image"></td></TR>
                   <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="420" >
                        <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC" valign="top">
                                            <td height="3" colspan="3">
                                            <div align="left">                                             
                                                 <b><font size="-1" color="white" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
                                                      <a name="AZChannel">A-to-Z Channel List</a>
         <tr valign="top">
                        <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="420" >
                             <div align="left">
                             <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
                             B C D E
                             F G H I
                             J K L M
                             N O P Q
                             R S T U
                             V W X Y
                   <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="420" >
                             <td width="330" colspan="2">
                                  <img src="/desktop/mqportal/external/images/name.jpg" alt="Sort by Name">
                             <td width="30">
                                  <img src="/desktop/mqportal/external/images/more_info.jpg" alt="More Info">
                             <td width="60">
                                  <img src="/desktop/mqportal/external/images/request_access.jpg" alt="Request for Activation">
    <%-- Get the list of categories for this container --%>
    <dtpc:getLocalePropertiesFilters id="localeFilter"/>
    <dtpc:getCollectionProperty key="categories" pfList="$localeFilter" id="categories"/>
    <%-- Declare categories, because it will be used in scriptlets --%>
         <jx:declare id="categories" type="Map"/>
         <jx:declare id="categEntry" type="String"/>
    <%-- Create the arraylist --%>
         int channelTotal = 0; // Total number of channels in the page
         int channelCount = 0; // Channels in a caegory
         List leftList = null; // Left column categories
         int leftChannelCount = 0; // Total number of channels in the left column
         int categCount = categories.size(); // Category Count
         List rightList = new java.util.ArrayList(); // Right column categories
    List categsWithCount = new java.util.ArrayList(categCount); // List with n:category format - n # of channels
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
         String currentChar     = "0"; // Used to decide whether to display the alphabet header
         //Get the iterator to get all the channels for each category
    Iterator itr = categories.keySet().iterator();
         String tempVar = null;
    String leftColumn = "notEmpty";
         String rightColumn = "notEmpty";
         List strayList = null;
         // Get a copy of the available channels and remove the channels with category information
         // from the list, which will be the list of channels with no categories.
         // Shallow copy will do the job here, hence clone.
         List missedList = new ArrayList(availableChannels);
    Collections.sort(missedList); //Added following line to sort list alphabetically
    String [] missedChannels = null;
    // Build up a list with entry of the format n:categoryName where
    // n is the number of channels for the category. This is required to
         // build up a plan to effectively use the real estate on the page.
         // The mapping between the categories and the channel count has to be
         // preserved but we need a sorted list, so build a string list like this.
         while(itr.hasNext()) {
         // Get one category at a time
         categEntry = (String);
         // Set the category in the pagecontext to be used by the tags

    Sorry about the code post. I shouldn't have done that but too late. I solved my sort problem. I was just displaying the wrong variable, the title of the channel but it was being sorted by channel name with the Collections.sort(missedList); command, so the channels were not actually out of order at all, the titles don't always match with the channel name.
    It would still be nice if I could find out how to sort the list using various criteria of string values in different fields. If someone can help with that it would be appreciated!

  • Create Item button not enabled in Personalization page

    Hi All,
    In one of the OA pages, I clicked "Personalize Page" icon and went to the personalization page. The following columns are not present in that page:
    Create Item
    Update Item
    Delete Item
    So I m not able to create any new items through personalization.
    Let me know if someone has idea abt this.

    Hey Gyan,
    Thanks.. After changing the profile option I m able to see the create item and update item icons in the personalization page.
    Could you also please tell the impact of changing the profile?

  • Can We personalize DFF using Personalize page Link

    Hi all
    i have been asked a question that ,can we personalized DFF using the Personalize Page link ?? ,i m bit confused about the answer although i have handled the DFF via controller extension ,but i never performed any action using Personalize Page link on DFF.can u guys pour your views on this topic

    Hi Pratap,
    You cannot directly personalize the field in the DFF..
    however there is a workaround. I haven't tested it.
    1. Hide the DFF
    2. Create a new Flex region for the same DFF again
    3. Now you can choose the segments as you like (hide or display, readonly or not)

  • Diasable the personalize page,prefernce,Home,Logout links in the page

    Hi all,
    I want to disable the global links(personalize page,preferences,Home,Logout links) in my custom page and i want add a new link/item to that global link section on the top right corner of the page, is it possible if such please explain how t do this.

    Try the below code Do certain modification by refering Developer Guide. Due to the time constraint i am unable to test it.
    OALinkBean returnLink =  (OALinkBean)createWebBean(pageContext, OAWebBeanConstants.LINK_BEAN, null, "returnLink");

  • Customize "Personalize Page"

    Hi All,
    I need to customize 'Personalize page'  to have it appear user friendly. Is it possible to achive by customizing existing par file for page.If it is possible, which par file I need to customize. Please give me some idea on this.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Venkatesh R

    Hi Shah,
    I read the document given by you. Here my requirement is different. I need to customize "Personalize page". Right now, Personalize page has some admin page look and feel.  but for end users it might be difficult to handle.
    For that purpose  I would like  to change this page more or less like iGoogle.So users just can select multiple iViews at once, or simply drag-drop iViews to the right-pane without the need for the rightclick -> select 'Add iView to Page' sequence.
    For achive this functionality I want to change left pane (content browser) something more intractive. I will be happy to give more information regarding this if you need.
    Any help would be greatly appriciated.
    Venkatesh R

  • Personalize Page Customization

    I am trying to have a personalize page for end users to where user could hide,show portlets and add portlets from a repository, Of course we do not wants to use the default personalize option available in Oracle Portal.
    Could someone kindly help me how can I achieve this? Any API's or samples or documentation on this? I know Oracle Portal already bundled with this feature, but our organization would like to build this to get better look and feel and user friendliness.
    I appreciate any help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks Mick for the replies.
    I am in the process of doing this using AJAX and PLSQL
    I would like to know whether to query and display the portlets from a page group?
    Right now I am querying portal.wwpro_all_providers object which shows the providers.
    Is there any table or view I can query to get the portlet list?
    (Query Object for Displaying Portlets)
    Thanks again.
    Message was edited by:

  • Creating Items in Personalize Page region (HTML Pages)

    Hi All,
    Has anyone ever ‘created an item’ in the Personalize page region in Oracle HTML pages (IE: iProcurement)...or more to the point; does anyone know how to?
    I have a DFF on requisition lines that I want to make context sensitive based on the supplier used in the requisition header, and ideally I would like to set it up within the Application.
    From what I have read on other forums and blogs this can be achieved by created a ‘Boolean item’ based on the supplier and then referencing this item in the ‘required’ properties of the attribute (using SPEL).
    Unfortunately I have fallen at the first hurdle as I am unsure how to create the Boolean Item (I have tried – but am unsure what to fill in on the form), can anyone give me any advise (hints, tips, step by step instructions etc) on how to create an item that returns True if the supplier ‘X’ is selected (otherwise return false)?

    you might have chosen an automatic sort in the region properties, for thoses where you cannot arrange items.

  • Windows 2003 Standard Edition (Cluster Configuration Storage page)

    I am trying to install RAC R2 on windows Server 2003 (Standard Edition). I am using FireWire 800 SIIG to connect to Maxtor OneTouch III External HDD.
    When installing cluster Services, i do not see the Cluster Storage Devices. When i go to Computer Management, i see all the partitions of the raw device.
    One "Cluster Configuration Storage" page, the Available Disks show no partitions.
    Oracle installtion documentation says "On the Cluster Configuration Storage page, identify the disks that you want to use for the Oracle Clusterware files and, optionally, Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS) storage. Highlight each of these disks one at a time and click Edit to open the Specify Disk Configuration page where you define the details for the selected disk"
    In my case, i do not see any disks. What am i missing?
    Any Thoughts. Please advise
    Message was edited by:

    You have a more fundamental problem, Firewire disks will not work for RAC on Windows. The storage needs to be shared, Firewire disks can't be shared on Windows. On Linux, Oracle took the open source firewire driver and modified it to allow more than one host to connect. On Windows the driver is closed source so they can't do that.
    I presume you are wanting to try-out RAC on Windows, If so another solution may be to download one of the many iSCSI Servers that are available. Microsoft ship an iSCSI Initiator for Windows, this allows you to share a 'block device' which is what RAC needs - then you can choose your RAC Database storage method of choice, ASM, OCFS, RAW. I prefer ASM

  • I am trying to Add Responsibility to Personalization page .But i din't get responsibility at personalization page

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    Are you talking about your personal profile?
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Maybe you are looking for

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