Configure Weblogic Cluster.

Hi All,
I am new to this clustered envrionment.. It would be great if you can give me few pointers, how to configure a cluster on weblogic 8.1.

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  • Help on Coherence + Weblogic Cluster configuration

    I am new to Coherence. I am exploring coherence to fulfill one of my requirement.
    My requirement : I have an application deployed on a Web logic Server clustered environment. I need to cache the application specific data(java maps) and that should be available for all nodes of the WLS cluster. The application data that's being cached, can be updated from any of the node from the WLS cluster and updated application data from the cache should be available for all the nodes of the WLS cluster. The nodes in the WLS cluster resides in different machines from different locations.
    Can I use coherence as a caching services for my requirement?
    If Yes, do I need to start a coherence cache server on each node of the WLS cluster?
    If yes, do I need to specially configure these cache servers, so that these cache servers would communicate each other in case of any data updates in the cache?
    It will be great help if you could also provide sample configurations to achieve the above scenarios.
    Thanks in advance!
    Srinivas M

    You can start one cache server in the network by using for example
    # home directory
    export BEA_HOME
    # java vendor (for example Oracle or Sun)
    export JAVA_VENDOR
    # cache server klasse
    # coherence options
    #COHERENCE_OPTIONS="${COHERENCE_OPTIONS} -Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig=WEB-INF/classes/session-cache-config.xml"
    #COHERENCE_OPTIONS="${COHERENCE_OPTIONS} -Dtangosol.coherence.session.localstorage=true"
    export WL_HOME
    export BEA_JAVA_HOME
    export SUN_JAVA_HOME
    if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ]; then
         export JAVA_HOME
         MEM_ARGS="-jrockit -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xss128k -Xgcprio:throughput"
         export MEM_ARGS
    if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ]; then
         export JAVA_HOME
         MEM_ARGS="-server -Xmx512m -Xms512m -Xmn256m -Xss128k -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseBiasedLocking"
         export MEM_ARGS
    # classpath for the cache server
    export CLASSPATH
    # start the cache server
    ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${MEM_ARGS} ${COHERENCE_OPTIONS} ${CACHE_SERVER_CLASS}The option gives you some handy information on what the cache is doing by using for example the mbean browser provided by jconsole or jrockit mission control.
    You can create an application in which you create a cache, the following shows an example of a servlet
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
        private NamedCache movies;
        public void init() throws ServletException {
            movies = CacheFactory.getCache("repl-movies");
            movies.put(10, new Movie(10, "Rear Window", "Alfred Hitchcock"));
            movies.put(20, new Movie(20, "Vertigo", "Alfred Hitchcock"));
            movies.put(30, new Movie(30, "Double Indemnity", "Billy Wilder"));
            movies.put(40, new Movie(40, "Touch of Evil", "Orson Welles"));
        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
            Integer[] integers = {10, 20, 30, 40};
            Random random = new Random();
            while (true) {
    }Package the servlet into for example a WAR file and deploy it to a configured WebLogic cluster.
    By accessing servlet on the different nodes of the cluster a new cache gets created and added to the
    already running DefaultServer.
    The hard part is to configure your cache. As you can see in the servlet init we ue something like CacheFactory.getCache("repl-movies");
    Coherence default with some example cache configurations which are contained in the coherence.jar (coherence-cache-config.xml).
    The following entry is used
    </replicated-scheme>A replicated cache is probably what you need as well. As you want all the data to be available on all nodes. If you want to use
    your own cache configuration you can add the option -Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig (see the start script for the default server)
    A good introduction on Coherence can be found here:

  • Having issue with start weblogic cluster with tangosol cluster

    Oracle Coherence Version 3.3.1/389p1
    Grid Edition: Development mode
    We are using Weblogic 8.1.5 with Tangosol 3.3.1 on Linux servers.
    And we added the initializing logic in the servlet's init() method to get all NamedCaches and put into the ServletContext.
    When we start weblogic cluster, the first weblogic member will startup successfully with following messages :
    <Nov 7, 2007 10:12:30 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <BEA-101047> <[2007-11-07 10ServletContext(id=259640596,name=clusterqa,context-path=)] initObjects: init>:12:31.565 Oracle Coherence 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): Loaded operational configuration from resource "zip:/home/server/clusterqa/wls81/DOCVIEW/docqa1/.wlnotdelete/extract/docqa1_DOC_clusterqa/jarfiles/WEB-INF/lib/coherence.jar!/tangosol-coherence.xml"
    2007-11-07 10:12:31.598 Oracle Coherence 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from file "/home/www/WEB-INF/lib/tangosol-coherence-override.xml"
    Oracle Coherence Version 3.3.1/389p1
    Grid Edition: Development mode
    Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
    2007-11-07 10:12:31.938 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): Loaded cache configuration from file "/home/www/WEB-INF/lib/pub-search-cache-config.xml"
    2007-11-07 10:12:31.983 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): sun.misc.AtomicLong is not supported on this JVM; using a synchronized counter. Though safe to ignore, you may upgrade to BEA's 1.5 JVM to fix this issue.
    2007-11-07 10:12:33.267 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Warning> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): UnicastUdpSocket failed to set receive buffer size to 1428 packets (2096304 bytes); actual size is 89 packets (131071 bytes). Consult your OS documentation regarding increasing the maximum socket buffer size. Proceeding with the actual value may cause sub-optimal performance.
    2007-11-07 10:12:34.118 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Service Cluster joined the cluster with senior service member n/a
    2007-11-07 10:12:37.508 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Created a new cluster with Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-11-07 10:12:33.323, Address=, MachineId=48982, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=4, SocketCount=2) UID=0x0A05B056000001161AAB782BBF561F98
    2007-11-07 10:12:37.736 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <D5> (thread=Invocation:Management, member=1): Service Management joined the cluster with senior service member 1
    2007-11-07 10:12:38.168 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <D5> (thread=DistributedCache, member=1): Service DistributedCache joined the cluster with senior service member 1
    <Nov 7, 2007 10:12:38 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=259640596,name=clusterqa,context-path=)] xslProcessor: init>
    But trying to start the second weblogic member server, the startup process is stucked after tangosol cache initialization and the second weblogic member server never up running. Please see following messages :
    <Nov 7, 2007 9:49:38 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=153019550,name=clusterqa,context-path=)] initDSNames: init>
    <Nov 7, 2007 9:49:42 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=153019550,name=clusterqa,context-path=)] initObjects: init>
    2007-11-07 09:49:43.156 Oracle Coherence 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): Loaded operational configuration from resource "zip:/home/server/clusterqa/wls81/DOCVIEW/docqa2/.wlnotdelete/extract/docqa2_DOC_clusterqa/jarfiles/WEB-INF/lib/coherence.jar!/tangosol-coherence.xml"
    2007-11-07 09:49:43.188 Oracle Coherence 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from file "/home/www/WEB-INF/lib/tangosol-coherence-override.xml"
    Oracle Coherence Version 3.3.1/389p1
    Grid Edition: Development mode
    Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
    2007-11-07 09:49:43.528 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): Loaded cache configuration from file "/home/www/WEB-INF/lib/pub-search-cache-config.xml"
    2007-11-07 09:49:43.571 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): sun.misc.AtomicLong is not supported on this JVM; using a synchronized counter. Though safe to ignore, you may upgrade to BEA's 1.5 JVM to fix this issue.
    2007-11-07 09:49:44.829 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Warning> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): UnicastUdpSocket failed to set receive buffer size to 1428 packets (2096304 bytes); actual size is 89 packets (131071 bytes). Consult your OS documentation regarding increasing the maximum socket buffer size. Proceeding with the actual value may cause sub-optimal performance.
    2007-11-07 09:49:45.419 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <D5> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Service Cluster joined the cluster with senior service member n/a
    2007-11-07 09:49:45.555 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Failed to satisfy the variance: allowed=16, actual=47
    2007-11-07 09:49:45.555 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Increasing allowable variance to 19
    2007-11-07 09:49:46.040 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3.1/389p1 <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): This Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2007-11-07 09:49:45.69, Address=, MachineId=48981, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=4, SocketCount=2) joined cluster with senior Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-11-07 09:45:10.205, Address=, MachineId=48982, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=4, SocketCount=2)
    Could you please explain why it happens, and what should I do to resolve this issues ?
    Many Thanks,

    Hi, Gene
    Thank you for the response. I will send you our full log files and thread dumps.
    I just want to give you more details about our cases :
    1. This only happened without starting cache servers (
    2. And our application which are running on weblogic cluster will just call "CacheFactory.getCache("XXX")", and running as the Tangosol DataClient.
    3. All weblogic member servers will be up running successfully if our cache servers are up running.
    Also I tried to test another case :
    Suppose all weblogic instances and cache server instances are up running. Now I trying to restart (kill weblogic instance process and restart) one of the weblogic member, It will up running successfully only if add some sleep times after killing weblogic processes and restarting it. Looks like tangosol cluster need certain time to aware the member has left cluster, then the restart process will be successful.
    Questions :
    1. Should we start our weblogic cluster only after cache server cluster is up running ?
    2. How do we decide how many time we should wait before start new process to join the cache cluster ?
    Could you please help to explain this one for me and let us if there anyway we can do to avoid the problem.
    Many Thanks !!!

  • Single sign-on in weblogic cluster?

              I am using wls 7.0 sp1 that form a cluster by two managed servers each at different
              physical machine.
              In front of the servers, a hardware load-balancer providing a virtual ip that
              mapped to the real ip of the 2 machines.
              I deployed a web application to the cluster. The html & jsp files are all protected
              by Form Based Authorization.
              My expectation is, whenever I sign-on to the first managed server, the login credential
              should also be valid for the second managed server.
              But it is not the case.
              My situation is:
              - open brower with url: http://virtual.ip:7001/admin.jsp
              - the load balancer map the request to my first managed server.
              - the response from the first managed server prompt the login page for username
              and password.
              - after POST the information, my target admin.jsp page display properly.
              - when I click the link within the admin.jsp page, eg. http://virtual.address:7001/status.jsp
              there is two possibilities:
              1. the load balancer route the request to the first managed server and everything
              2. the load balancer route the request to the second managed server and response
              with login page again.
              The second case is definitely not what I expected.
              Is it the default behavior of Weblogic cluster on the single sign-on? I think
              my login is against a WLS domain (at least a cluster), not to a specific web server!
              Any comments are welcome.

              Note my answer is not directly related to your question, but it might help.
              From my experience to configure WL cluster with hardware load balancer, the session
              stick (layer 7 switch) should be used (either using the session cookie, or ServerID
              cookie). That is, unless one instance is down, all requests from the same session
              are better go to the same server. I ever tried round-robin or random load balance
              policy at hardware load balancer without session stick, and the result was as
              disappointing as you have seen.
              "franky c." <[email protected]> wrote:
              >I am using wls 7.0 sp1 that form a cluster by two managed servers each
              >at different
              >physical machine.
              >In front of the servers, a hardware load-balancer providing a virtual
              >ip that
              >mapped to the real ip of the 2 machines.
              >I deployed a web application to the cluster. The html & jsp files are
              >all protected
              >by Form Based Authorization.
              >My expectation is, whenever I sign-on to the first managed server, the
              >login credential
              >should also be valid for the second managed server.
              >But it is not the case.
              >My situation is:
              >- open brower with url: http://virtual.ip:7001/admin.jsp
              >- the load balancer map the request to my first managed server.
              >- the response from the first managed server prompt the login page for
              >and password.
              >- after POST the information, my target admin.jsp page display properly.
              >- when I click the link within the admin.jsp page, eg. http://virtual.address:7001/status.jsp
              > there is two possibilities:
              > 1. the load balancer route the request to the first managed server
              >and everything
              > or
              > 2. the load balancer route the request to the second managed server
              >and response
              >with login page again.
              >The second case is definitely not what I expected.
              >Is it the default behavior of Weblogic cluster on the single sign-on?
              >I think
              >my login is against a WLS domain (at least a cluster), not to a specific
              >web server!
              >Any comments are welcome.

  • About weblogic proxy call weblogic cluster's servlet error

              I use weblogic server 5.1, configruation tow weblogic cluster server and a weblogic
              web server, through weblogic web server received browser's http request only,
              weblogic cluster server do with jsp and servlet, now html&jsp is ok but servlet
              can not do with, if through weblogic cluster server do with jsp and servlet direct,
              it's ok.
              this is my section:
              these are weblogic server as proxy webserver errors:
              &#26143;&#26399;&#19968; &#20843;&#26376; 20 17:42:38 GMT+08:00 2001:<I> <ServletContext-General>
              helloWorld: init
              &#26143;&#26399;&#19968; &#20843;&#26376; 20 17:42:38 GMT+08:00 2001:<E> <ServletContext-General>
              Servlet failed with Exception
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.HttpClusterServlet.init(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.createServlet(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.createInstances(,
              Compiled Code)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.getServlet(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextImpl.invokeServlet(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextImpl.invokeServlet(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextManager.invokeServlet(
              at weblogic.socket.MuxableSocketHTTP.invokeServlet(
              at weblogic.socket.MuxableSocketHTTP.execute(
              at, Compiled Code)
              tell me a right configuration please ,thanks.

    ############### Cluster Proxy Configuration ########################
              "chris" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > I use weblogic server 5.1, configruation tow weblogic cluster server and
              a weblogic
              > web server, through weblogic web server received browser's http request
              > weblogic cluster server do with jsp and servlet, now html&jsp is ok but
              > can not do with, if through weblogic cluster server do with jsp and
              servlet direct,
              > it's ok.
              > this is my section:
              > -----------------------------------------------------------------
              > weblogic.httpd.register.*.html=\
              > weblogic.servlet.internal.HttpClusterServlet
              > weblogic.httpd.initArgs.*.html=\
              > defaultServers=|
              > weblogic.httpd.register.*.jsp=\
              > weblogic.servlet.internal.HttpClusterServlet
              > weblogic.httpd.initArgs.*.jsp=\
              > defaultServers=|
              > weblogic.httpd.register.*.servlet=\
              > weblogic.servlet.internal.HttpClusterServlet
              > weblogic.httpd.initArgs.*.servlet=\
              > defaultServers=|
              > -----------------------------------------------------------------
              > these are weblogic server as proxy webserver errors:
              > -----------------------------------------------------------------
              > &#26143;&#26399;&#19968; &#20843;&#26376; 20 17:42:38 GMT+08:00 2001:<I>
              > helloWorld: init
              > &#26143;&#26399;&#19968; &#20843;&#26376; 20 17:42:38 GMT+08:00 2001:<E>
              > Servlet failed with Exception
              > java.lang.NullPointerException
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > Compiled Code)
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at, Compiled
              > -----------------------------------------------------------------
              > tell me a right configuration please ,thanks.

  • Apache Proxy Plugin with SSL in Weblogic Cluster

    I have configured a weblogic cluster and configured SSL. Then I configured the apache plugin to work with the cluster machines with non ssl and worked succesfull but when I configured the ssl communication between apache and weblogic I´m having problems.
    The actual configuration is:
    <Location /spmlws>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WLLogFile /var/log/httpd/tmpweblogic1.log
    DebugConfigInfo ON
    Debug ALL
    KeepAliveEnabled ON
    KeepAliveSecs 15
    WebLogicPort 7002
    SecureProxy ON
    TrustedCAFile /opt/freeware/etc/httpd/conf/trustedCA35cert.pem
    TrustedCAFile /opt/freeware/etc/httpd/conf/trustedCA36cert.pem
    WLProxySSL ON
    RequireSSLHostMatch false
    WebLogicCluster machine35:7002,machine36:7002
    EnforceBasicConstraints false
    The problem is that the plugin always takes the last TrustedCAFile. In this way if machine36 is down the plugin tries to send all the request to machine35 but it takes the TrustedCAFile for the machine36 (/opt/freeware/etc/httpd/conf/trustedCA36cert.pem) hence the apache complains
    [Wed Jun 30 11:13:56 2010] [error] [client] ap_proxy: trying GET /spmlws/OIMProvisioning at backend host '; got exception 'WRITE_ERROR_TO_SERVER [os error=0,  line 796 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp]: '
    What can I do to have multiple TrustedCAFile or to have working the communication between apache and weblogic cluster using SSL?
    thanks in advance

    Acording to the documentation this is not possible.
    One way to achieve the load balancing of n-weblogic servers in cluster using ssl is to configure de HttpClusterServlet.

  • Installing LC 8.2 on WebLogic cluster

    Hi,<br /><br />We are trying to install LC 8.2 on a WebLogic cluster running on Solaris (SunOS 5.10) with a Oracle Database (<br /><br />The configuration manager stops during the task 'LiveCycle Component Deployment' with the following output:<br /><br /> Loading state from service container  <br />Deploying DSC   adobe-ejbprovider-dsc.jar<br />   DSC already running adobe-ejbprovider-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-soapConnector-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-soapConnector-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-remotingConnector-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-remotingConnector-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-usermanager-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-usermanager-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-usermanager-util-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-usermanager-util-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-jobmanager-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-jobmanager-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-scheduler-weblogic-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-scheduler-weblogic-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-cacheservice-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-cacheservice-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-event-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-event-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-emailprovider-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-emailprovider-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-fileprovider-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-fileprovider-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-truststore-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-truststore-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-workflow-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-workflow-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-repository-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-repository-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-repository-provider-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-repository-provider-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-applicationmanager-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-applicationmanager-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-businesscalendar-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-businesscalendar-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-email-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-email-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-fileutils-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-fileutils-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-ftp-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-ftp-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-jdbc-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-jdbc-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-jms-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-jms-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-ldap-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-ldap-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-variablelogger-dsc.jar<br />       DSC already running adobe-variablelogger-dsc.jar<br />Deploying DSC   adobe-webservice-dsc.jar<br /><br />STDOUT fra configurationManager'en siger f.eks. flg:<br /><br />[2008-12-29 16:24:25,132], SEVERE, Thread-29,<br />com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCs, Failed to deploy<br />component<br />/export/home/domadob/projects/livecycle8.2/deploy/adobe-webservice-dsc.jar.<br />com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.LCMException[ALC-LCM-030-200]: Failed to<br />deploy component<br />/export/home/domadob/projects/livecycle8.2/deploy/adobe-webservice-dsc.jar.<br />        at<br />com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCs.deployDSCFiles( 6)<br />        at<br />com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCs.deployDSCs(<b r />        at<br />com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCsTask$ActualTask.<init>(DeployDSCsT<br />        at<br />com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCsTask$1.construct(DeployDSCsTask.ja va:56)<br />        at<br />com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.tasks.SwingWorker$<br />        at<br />Caused by: ORA-22990: LOB locators cannot span<br />transactions<br /><br />        at<br /><br />        at<br />com.adobe.pof.adapter.JDBCAdapter.updateObject(<br />        at<br />com.adobe.pof.omapi.POFObjectManagerImpl.writeObject(

    Could you get any answers for this apart from the forum? I face the same situation on a non-clustered WebSphere server. We have a case open but no solution yet...
    The error message is as follows:
    [2008-12-31 17:55:48,689], SEVERE , Thread-5, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCs, Failed to deploy component ../working/deployLC/deploy/adobe-scheduler-websphere-dsc.jar.

  • Timesten database driver is not supported in Weblogic Cluster mode domain??

    Does anybody encounter this situation??
    I have 2 managed server in a Weblogic cluster domain and there is DataSource for them.
    In each managed server, I setup Timesten client correctly to connect to Timesten Oracle DB cache server.
    But when we start each of managed server, I will get exception:
    ####<Nov 22, 2010 6:03:24 PM CST> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <Machine1> <Main Thread> <<WLS Kernel>> <1290420204498> <BEA-000386> <Server subsystem failed. Reason: java.lang.AssertionError:
    java.lang.AssertionError: Unsupported database driver
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.QueryHelperImpl.getTimeFunction(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.QueryHelper.getLeaseOwnerQuery(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.DatabaseLeasingBasis.pingDB(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.DatabaseLeasingBasis.getJDBCConnection(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.DatabaseLeasingBasis.getJDBCConnection(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.DatabaseLeasingBasis.findOwner(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.LeaseManager.findOwner(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.MigratableServerService.findSingletonMaster(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.ReplicatedSingletonServicesStateManager.syncStateFromActiveStateManager(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.ReplicatedSingletonServicesStateManager.<init>(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.SingletonMonitor.<init>(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.SingletonMaster.<init>(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.MigratableServerService.initialize(
    at weblogic.cluster.singleton.MigratableServerService.start(
    But if I create a standalone domain, still use the same datasource(still this timesten server), weblogic server can start successfully.

    I have use WebLogic Server Console, tree: Services -> JDBC -> Connection Pools. Then I have choose 'Configure a new JDBC Connection Pool...':
    1.) as 'Database Type:' I have select MySQL (version using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) -> click 'Continue' button;
    2.) 'Database Name:' = OSS; 'Host Name' = localhost; 'Port' = 3306; 'Database User Name:' = root; -> click 'Continue' button;
    3.) 'Driver Classname:' = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver; 'URL:' = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/OSS; 'Database User Name:' = root; 'Properties:' = user=root -> click to 'Test Driver Configuration' button.
    After click on test driver button I get message: JDBC driver is not on the CLASSPATH.
    But when I check System variables (in Control Panel -> System) I have set up following:
    The last value is 'c:\mysql.jar' and that's the mysql jdbc driver located on c:\.
    I don't understand why weblogic cannot find it.
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance for help,
    with best regards,
    Julian Legeny

  • Issue listeneing queue from Weblogic Cluster server with multiple managed server

    Haveing issue listeneing queue from Weblogic Cluster server with multiple managed server.
    Weblogic Cluster structure is like
    Weblogic Cluster01
    JMS Servers
      JMSserver01 targeting: ManagedServer01
      JMSserver02 targeting: ManagedServer02
      ConnectionFactory01 targeting:JMSserver01,JMSserver02
      UDQueue01 targeting:JMSserver01,JMSserver02
    Uniform Distributed Queue in Monitoring tab showing like this
    So when I am sending message to any Host(by specifying the provider URL) its distributing equally on both server like
      mysystemmodule!JMSserver01@UDQueue01 10
      mysystemmodule!JMSserver02@UDQueue01 10
    But when try to listen message from these queue, it is listening from one server, for which URL given to connect.
      mysystemmodule!JMSserver01@UDQueue01 0
      mysystemmodule!JMSserver02@UDQueue01 10
    untill I connect to other server by giveing its URL, will not able to access other message left on the queue.
    Solutions that tried
      1) we have tried give both server URL coma sparated in provider URL
    we need to configur same scenario for 5 managed server with 3 listener on other servers.
    Do any one have solution for this.

    You need to have:
    1. Consumers connected to each UDQ member
    2. If no consumers in some of the members is expected, you can configure Forward Delay (specify the amount of time, in seconds, that a queue member with messages, but with no consumers, will wait before forwarding its messages to other queue members that do have consumers):
    For example you can set it to 10 (10s)
    Additional Information here:
    How Does JMS Load Balancing Work with Distributed Queues and Uniform Distributed Queues? (Doc ID 827294.1)
    I hope this helps
    Best Regards

  • Web Proxying to a WebLogic Cluster using the HTTPS protocol

    Hi all,
    I am recently involved into JWS proxying to WebLogic Cluster.
    I don't have any technical problems at the moment but "conceptual" problems, that is:
    - my jws proxy server should connect to a WebLogic Cluster through a Bea plugin configured wish SSL parameters;
    - my jws proxy server should pass the incoming request using a load-balancing algorithm among the two nodes of the cluster, that are actually installed on two different machines;
    - the jws proxy server doesn't seem to accept multiple certificates.
    My question is: how can I configure my proxy plugin to route the incoming requests to my WebLogic Cluster using the https protocol? As a matter of fact, each certificate should be hostname dependent, and it looks like that the proxy plugin doesn't accept a multiple certificate configuration (and it should actually match the CN entry in the certificates with the actual hostnames of the nodes).
    Any hint?
    Thx a lot,

    It is supported in 5.2
              - Prasad
              Wei Guan wrote:
              > As I knew of, secure proxying is not supported yet.
              > --
              > Cheers - Wei
              > Bob Kiep <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:8bvvc7$7uf$[email protected]..
              > > The NSAPI plugin cannot perform SSL proxying, as documented at the bottom
              > of
              > > this message (taken from
              > > When
              > > Weblogic is the proxy, can I do SSL? If someone could send me the link to
              > > where is states whether is SSL or not would be very helpful.
              > >
              > > "The plug-in is for an environment where NES serves static pages, and a
              > > Weblogic Server (operating in a different process, possibly on a different
              > > host) is delegated to serve dynamic pages (such as JSPs or pages generated
              > > by HTTP Servlets). The connection between WebLogic Server and the NSAPI
              > > plug-in is clear text http, not SSL. To the end user -- the browser -- the
              > > HTTP requests delegated to WebLogic appear to come from the same source as
              > > the static pages. In other words, WebLogic on the back-end is invisible.
              > > Additionally, the HTTP-tunneling facility of the WebLogic client-server
              > > protocol can operate through the plug-in, providing access to all WebLogic
              > > services (not just dynamic pages). "
              > >
              > >
              - Prasad

  • Weblogic cluster for 24x7 environment and a front OHS server

    Hi experts,
    We are going to set up a reliable J2EE application server environment by using clustering webgoic servers on TWO nodes, and a front OHS https server in DMZ for load balancing.
    I am new to weblogic cluster and load balance by OHS. I have visited this forum for Fusion MiddleWare clustering etc. Can some experts share some light on this?
    Will our deployment architecture be able to handle the J2EE applications failover? In other word, we can restart one of Weblogic Managed Servers when a new release of J2EE codes are re-deployed without impacting business end users’s usage?
    Problems we want to solve:
    1. All J2EE applications are available for 24x7 even when new J2EE codes are released and deployed on weblogic Managed Servers ANY TIME, side-by-side deployment and restart a managed server if we need to clean the HTTP cache.
    2. The J2EE applications should be accessed by external and internal users with a Single Access Point, like
    All J2EE applications (j2ee1, j2ee2, j2ee3 etc) should be deployed on both of weblogic Servers in a cluster, and pointing to a SAME backend database.
    Can some experts share with us the best practices on components and configurations? Thanks.

    Seems your architecture is like Browser => OHS ( DMZ ) => Weblogic => DB OR Browser => HLB( like bigip ) => OHS ( DMZ ) => Weblogic => DB
    Cluster is the solution for load balancing however if you are using OHS for redirection to weblogic then OHS does the load balancing in round robin way. using cluster in this way has a benefit of in case of any one of your managed server is down the OHS will divert connection request to any one of the active managed server ( you have to turn on dynamic list on at OHS ).
    Failover is something different, if in case any of the any managed server goes down then your user you get the application session from another server but new one, means the the tasks not saved by the users on earlier session will lost. for that yo need to use cluster and then need to enable the session replication. another best option is you can use the coherence web if you are using latest versions of weblogic supporting coherence web. with that you not need to worry on user sessions and you can start any of the managed server anytime without worrying about the user sessions.
    another way is, you can use side by side deployment feature in case you don't want shutdown your application completely, with this, old connections and new requests will goes to old application and once new application activated all new requests will come to new application and once all requests on old application will complete that application will retire automatically.
    Mukesh Negi

  • StreamCorruptedException when starting Weblogic cluster

    Hi, I have an application running on Weblogic Server 8.1 sp4 in clustered environment. When the cluster is restarted the first server restarts without errors but the second one has the following error message. What does the error message mean? Some messages have disappeared form the JMS queue when the cluster has been restarted. Does this error message have something to do with the disappeared messages?
              <29.9.2006 14:09:17 EEST> <Notice> <Cluster> <BEA-000138> <Listening for announcements from cluster Cluster2 on>
              <29.9.2006 14:09:17 EEST> <Notice> <Cluster> <BEA-000133> <Waiting to synchronize with other running members of Cluster2.>
              <29.9.2006 14:09:47 EEST> <Notice> <Cluster> <BEA-000142> <Trying to download cluster JNDI tree from server CL2Server2.>
              <29.9.2006 14:09:54 EEST> <Error> <JMS> <BEA-040368> <The following exception has occurred:
     Unknown object stream version. 5505025
                   at weblogic.jms.backend.BEStore.start(
                   at weblogic.jms.backend.BackEnd.openStores(
                   at weblogic.jms.backend.BackEnd.resume(
                   at weblogic.jms.backend.BackEnd.migratableActivate(
                   at weblogic.cluster.migration.MigratableGroup.add(
                   at weblogic.cluster.migration.MigrationManager.privateRegister(
                   at weblogic.cluster.migration.MigrationManager.register(
                   at weblogic.jms.JMSService.addJMSServer(
                   at weblogic.jms.JMSService.addDeployment(
                   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
                   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
                   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
                   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
                   at weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemManager.resume(
                   at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.resume(
                   at weblogic.Server.main(

    Make sure that the JMS server isn't attempting to load a store that was created from a later version of WLS. Also, make sure that no two JMS servers share the same database table - otherwise they will corrupt each-other's data. I think the latter is likely the problem.

  • Singletons in WebLogic cluster

    In my clustered EJB application, there are 3 stateless session beans that need to run as singleton services on exactly one node. So I implemented the interface weblogic.cluster.singleton.SingletonService in these beans with the activate and deactivate methods. The beans and all classes of the application are contained in an ear file I deploy to the entire cluster. Then I configured the bean classes as singletons using the WebLogic console administration (cluster details -> singleton service). After I activated this in changes center, I see a ClassNotFoundException with the class name of one of the beans. So I extracted the ear file to the domain/lib directory, restarted the server and tried again to configure the singleton classes. This time the activation failed because of another reason (HibernateException). I think the reason is, this operation is done in the context of my administration server, not of the cluster server. It seems this doesn't work.
    Is it possible to deploy the EJB application with the beans as singletons?
    I already found another solution: to set the maximum number of beans in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, field max-beans-in-free-pool, to 1. This solution is a little bit dirty, after starting the servers, I get an exception on all other nodes complaining that it is not possible to deploy this bean. What I don't know: how would it be handled, if the node with the deployed beans is shut down? Are the beans deployed on the other nodes automatically (as I expect for singleton services) or keep undeployed?
    Thanks in advance!
    BTW: I'm using WebLogic 10.3 on Windows.

    Maybe this will help:
    Also to make Hibernate run on WebLogic you have perform certain steps, there is
    problem with the antlr version that ships with Hibernate as another version of
    antlr is already loaded in the system classpath of WebLogic.
    Some instructions are presented here:

  • Weblogic cluster OIM 10g - "Edit workflow" selection does not show anything

    My setup is OIM 10g (9102 BP15) in WLS cluster.
    When i login as a administrator and click on "Resource Management" -> Manage -> chose a resource -> "Resource workflow" (from drop down) -> "Edit workflow" on approval/provisioning flows, a new window pops up. However, it doesn't open any workflow details in the GUI. When i click "Done" (IE Yellow Triangle) on the bottom left corner of the IE window and copy the error details, it is:
    Webpage error details:
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
    Timestamp: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 22:30:33 UTC
    Message: 'Is' is undefined
    Line: 207
    Char: 5
    Code: 0
    URI: http://<hostname>/xlWebApp/richclientlauncher.jsp?app=xlWebApp/<chosen+resource>
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 30
    Char: 6
    Code: 0
    URI: http://<hostname>/xlWebApp/richclientlauncher.jsp?app=xlWebApp/<chosen+resource>
    On the other hand, if i click on
    "Resource Management" -> Manage -> chose a resource -> "Resource workflow" (from drop down) -> "Configure" (Form Data Flow/Reconciliation Data Flow). I see below errors in the log:
    <Feb 7, 2012 10:56:48 AM PST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000126> <All session objects should be serializable to replicate. Check the objects in your session. Failed to replicate non-serializable object.
    java.rmi.MarshalException: failed to marshal update(Lweblogic.cluster.replication.ROID;;Ljava.lang.Object;); nested exception is: com.thortech.xl.webclient.workflowutil.ImageGenerator$Field
    at weblogic.rjvm.BasicOutboundRequest.marshalArgs(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager_1035_WLStub.update(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: com.thortech.xl.webclient.workflowutil.ImageGenerator$Field
    at java.util.HashMap.writeObject(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor13.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <Feb 7, 2012 10:56:48 AM PST> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000126> <All session objects should be serializable to replicate. Check the objects in your session. Failed to replicate non-serializable object.
    java.rmi.MarshalException: failed to marshal update(Lweblogic.cluster.replication.ROID;;Ljava.lang.Object;); nested exception is: com.thortech.xl.webclient.workflowutil.ImageGenerator$Field
    at weblogic.rjvm.BasicOutboundRequest.marshalArgs(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager_1035_WLStub.update(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: com.thortech.xl.webclient.workflowutil.ImageGenerator$Field
    at java.util.HashMap.writeObject(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor13.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    ERROR,07 Feb 2012 10:56:51,516,[org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction],Request[resourceWorkflows] does not contain handler parameter named method
    Anyone encountered this before in the clustered setup ?

    But if you see the trace, it is coming from the OOTB library. Isn't it ? It doesn't indicate if there is any issue in any custom beans. com.thortech.xl.webclient.workflowutil.ImageGenerator$FieldMoreover, i see this error in the log with case 2: ("configure" data flow). However, it is working and the the UI is showing me the data flow with this error in the log.
    My major concern is case 1: ("edit" workflow) which is not showing me anything on the UI ?
    Ideally, it should trigger Nexaweb client to populate the workflows in the UI.
    *1 interesting observation:*
    If i go to "Design console" -> process definition -> "Render workflow",
    then it opens the workflow in the default explorer and the url which is opened in the browser is same as the previous case. It is working here as expected. Does this means the problem is with Nexaweb client load in the UI in case 1. How to fix this ?
    Please suggest.
    Edited by: oimuser007 on Feb 7, 2012 2:44 PM

  • WebLogicSession and X-WebLogic-Cluster-Hash cookies

              Hello, apologies up front if this has been posted before, I haven't
              been able to
              find any reference to it yet. First, how do I decode the
              WebLogicSession cookie
              between the HttpClusterSerlvet and the HTTP client to extract the IPs of the
              primary/backup cluster servers that have replicated my HTTP session?
              how is the translation done between the WebLogicSession cookie
              and the X-WebLogic-Cluster-Hash (proxy<->cluster)?
              Thanks in advance for any responses,
              -Steven Vaughan

    I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. Are you trying to configure a
              hardware load balancer or something like that in front of the proxy?
              If you take a look at the cookie information (you can do so online by using
              safe cookies at for example) you will see the IP addresses
              embedded in the cookie data. Do you need to know exactly what the
              information/offsets there are in that data? Could you explain what you are
              trying to accomplish?
              Cameron Purdy
              Tangosol, Inc.
              WebLogic Consulting Available
              "Steven Vaughan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]..
              > Hello, apologies up front if this has been posted before, I haven't
              > been able to
              > find any reference to it yet. First, how do I decode the
              > WebLogicSession cookie
              > between the HttpClusterSerlvet and the HTTP client to extract the IPs of
              > primary/backup cluster servers that have replicated my HTTP session?
              > Second,
              > how is the translation done between the WebLogicSession cookie
              > (proxy<->client)
              > and the X-WebLogic-Cluster-Hash (proxy<->cluster)?
              > Thanks in advance for any responses,
              > -Steven Vaughan

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