Configuring APIs

Hi everyone. I just want to know how can I add a new API to my JDK installation. For example, if I download Java Mail API then where I have to put Mail.jar file so that I can easily access it from my programs.
I thankyou all.

it processes your classpath. If you;re really lazy
(and I don't recommend
this), you can stick that .jar in your
JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory.Why don't you recommend this? I guess I'm just extremely lazy. For me, it makes sense to add stuff here, because I'm just extending my local JVM. My physical machine is running a MySQL server, so my VM should have MySQL drivers...

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    greetings form
    the Lake Of Contstance
    =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e= Click on the Star and see what happens :-) =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e=

    Greetings, Juergen!
    Bodensee is a beautiful place indeed!
    In MSVC++ you can use the #import directive to include the type library of the COM component you'd like to use. The type library for NISE is embedded in the nise.dll, so you can point to the install location of nise.dll to get it. I think that you can also use the ProgID, for more location-independent application. See #import documentation on MSDN for more information.
    Here is the code that uses NISE COM API in C++; you can plug it in as is, in a console app, and it works. The vdName ends up being “SwitchExecutiveExample” after clean installation.
    A couple of important points:
    tlbid(2)  attribute is important, because the COM type library is the second resource in a DLL; the first typelib resource is the NISE C API type library for VisualBasic.
    no_namespace means that you can use the smart pointers without specifying namespace.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "comdef.h"
    #import "C:\windows\system32\nise.dll" tlbid(2) no_namespace
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
       HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
       if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          VirtualDevicesPtr nise(__uuidof(NiseVirtualDevices)); // creates a smart pointer, no need to destroy this one
          VirtualDevice*  vd; // this will hold a pointer to VirtualDevice interface.
          long numDevices;
          BSTR vdName;
          numDevices = nise->GetCount(); // get the number of virtual devices. You should have one (the example one) after default installation
          vd = nise->GetItem(1); // get the first element in the collection of virtual devices. You can loop from 1 to numDevices if you want to examine the whole system
          vdName = vd->GetName(); //get the name of the first configuration in a collection
          vd->Release(); // vd is not a smart pointer, you should release it. Smart pointers end in "Ptr"
        return 0;
    Srdan Zirojevic

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    Duplicate thread (Please post only once).
    Configurator API's
    Re: Configurator API's

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    Hi sjunge,
    it seems that something went wrong during the installation process.
    Which version of LabVIEW and which drivers are you using?
    First I would try to reinstall the NI System Configuration you can finde it here:
    Just search for "NI System Configuration". When choosing the version be sure to select a download which is compatible with the rest of your Software.
    If reinstalling the NI System Configuration Tools don't work, I would recomment to do a reinstall / update of LabVIEW and the Drivers you need. 
    Ensure that you have admin rights and that you deactivated virus scanners or firewalls so they can't interfere during the installation process.
    Best Regards,

  • System Configuation API for Configuration Management

    Hi all,
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    RF Field Account Specialist
    National Instruments
    You don’t stop running because you get old. You get old because you stop running. -Jack Kirk, From "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall.
    Go to Solution.

    Not sure if the attached VI will work across various Windows OS's since it uses a powershell command and I also don't know how well the command used will work across 32/64 bit applications...But, so far this little VI I came up with is returning the software that I want to query. Hope this is usefull for others and, as always, suggestions for improvement are welcomed!
    Tim Sileo
    RF Field Account Specialist
    National Instruments
    You don’t stop running because you get old. You get old because you stop running. -Jack Kirk, From "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall.
    NI_Software_Query(CMD).vi ‏12 KB

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    Thanks, Advay

    Hi Advay,
    I'm assuming that your checktool would read through all the web service config to ensure that there are no inconsistencies?
    The closest I came to seeing an API of this nature (or something that may point to it's existence) is SAP Note 1319507. Under the security related information section mention is made of 'WS Configuration API Access'. Maybe it's a start for you but I never found anything else on the subject.
    Regards, Trevor

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    Hi Charlie,
    I found nisyscfg.h in the Shared\CVI\Include folder. Likely this was installed when I installed LabWindows\CVI. It id part of our System Configuration driver. You can find that here:
    One thing to note is that this is only going to be supported when using the softwares listed, being LabVIEW, LabVIEW Real Time and LabWindows\CVI. Your options of creating a c type wrapper with python may be much more limited with these options.
    James W.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to configure FBUS in my applicatioin?

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    The NI-FBUS OPC Server does not support any configuration functions like "Set Address", it only supports data access (Read/Write).
    Actually NI has a special library so called "Configurator API library", which supports Set Address, Set pdTag and other configuration functions used by NI-FBUS Configurator. However, this library is not free, please contact [email protected] for more information.
    In addition, you can use LabVIEW VI library FF-LV, which has VIs support "Set Address" and "Set Tag".

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    I have heard there may be a problem with the plug-ins using the configuration API in certain conditions.
    Please open a support request to get known work around / fix.

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    I hope somebody can help me.
    Thanks, Christoph

    it is true that the Configuration API does not support "write" semantics. in other words, there are no methods to "set" or "create" entries programmatically. it follows, then, that there is no standard method to "save" newly created entries to the back-end data store.
    the Configuration class is about accessing a given login configuration - it doesn't get into the business of managing a configuration.
    having said that, the developer has the ability to design custom implementations that support programmatic configuration management (as you seem to have done). you would simply need to design a way to create/delete entries, and also a way to save or flush the changes to the back-end store.
    if you want to write out entries that conform to the default file-based syntax, it should not be very difficult (the syntax is fairly simple and straightforward). but it is true that there is no existing code you can re-use that would do this for you.

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    When going through the portal, there is no selection that is available to configure API Management/Web API: the selections are Cloud Service and Web apps.
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    I need to understand the correct way to accomplish this - I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong.

    Hi Shaun,
    For most Traffic Manager applications, endpoint health is probed in the same way on each endpoint.  That's why Traffic Manager profiles have endpoint monitoring settings configured at the profile level, not the endpoint level.
    It appears your case is an exception--you need to configure a different monitoring path for each of your endpoints.  To do this, you should use
    'nested' Traffic Manager profiles.  Create a child profile for each endpoint (with endpoint monitoring settings particular to that endpoint) and then join them in a parent profile.  Endpoint health will propagate up from child to parent and should
    give the behaviour you're looking for.
    There's no downside: We bill only for the actual monitored endpoints and actual queries received (so no extra costs), and the parent-child link will be unwound within the Traffic Manager name servers (so no extra latency).
    Jonathan Tuliani
    Program Manager
    Azure Networking - DNS and Traffic Manager

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    Can you elaborate more on your requirement? Are you looking for any Configurator API?

  • ITunes Store Connection Problem and R6025 Error

    I have a problem with iTunes (v on my desktop machine that I haven't been able to resolve. The same version works without problem on my laptop, both are fully up-to-date XP SP3 installs with no iTunes add-ons.
    iTunes starts correctly, but then does one of three things:
    1) It hangs during connection to the Store, with the bargraph almost at the end of the travel.
    2) It brings up the Store page, but although I can move the cursor around to click the Store links, nothing happens. Eventually the 'Accessing iTunes Store' bargraph may appear but it never connects.
    In both of these two instance, no error messages appear, the Store simply locks up. I can still use iTunes perfectly as a player, access my library etc. However, I have to CTRL-ALT-DEL to close the iTunes process from the Task Manager.
    3) As per (2), but about five seconds after the Store appears, an error box pops up:
    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
    Runtime Error!
    Programe: C:\Programe Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe
    R6025 Pure Virtual Function Call
    Pressing OK closes iTunes.
    I've done all the obvious things - removed and reinstalled, cleaned out registry errors using jv16 Powertools 2008, I've even used Process Explorer to examine all the dlls in use with iTunes and compared the version numbers to the correctly working version on the laptop - they're all the same. I've also run a low-level memory error checker, but it passed with flying colours.
    So I'm a bit stumped to know how to take this any further. I know other people have had R6025 problems in the past, but they seem to have generally been resolved by installing a later version of the application... which isn't much use to me, as I'm on the latest already. Incidentally, I did try going back one version to 7.6.1, but that behaved in exactly the same way.
    If anyone has any ideas about how to troubleshoot this sort of problem, I'd be very interested. I'm assuming that I have another application conflicting with iTunes, but I've no idea how to find it.

    Yay! I've found the culprit...
    For historical reasons, I still maintain my old Compuserve 3 account as my public e-mail address. Part of the CS3 installation is a Remote Password Authentication system called Virtual Key. I noticed that these dlls were being invoked during Store connection attempts, which I thought was a little odd.
    I deleted the following files from Windows/System32: (annotations courtesy of the Compuserve info text file for Virtual Key)
    RPA.DLL - The dynamic link library that implements the RPA protocol for Virtual Key.
    RPACFG.DLL - The dynamic link library that implements the Virtual Key accounts wizard API and other configuration APIs.
    RPAWINET.DLL - The dynamic link library that is required to enable Virtual Key for Internet Explorer, version 3.0.
    RPASSPC.DLL - The dynamic link library that is required to enable Virtual Key for the Internet Mail client and other non-web clients.
    RPAEDIT.EXE - An editor application for editing Virtual key Accounts as well as viewing and deleting sites from the Virtual Key Site List that is created by Virtual Key when accessing secure sites.
    RPAUI.HLP - Help for Virtual Key features.
    VKUNINST.DLL - An uninstaller program for Virtual Key.
    RPAINFO.TXT - This file.
    As I only access Compuserve through the proprietary CS3 front end, removing Virtual Key has had no impact on my Compuserve mail system and iTunes is now working perfectly.
    I hope this information might be of some use to others in the future!

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