JAAS configuration save to file

I have a configuration file and with java Configuration object I read the jaas configuratino from the module.
Then I change the configuration in program and now I want to save It back to the file. Is there any possibility in java to make this easy.
I hope somebody can help me.
Thanks, Christoph

it is true that the Configuration API does not support "write" semantics. in other words, there are no methods to "set" or "create" entries programmatically. it follows, then, that there is no standard method to "save" newly created entries to the back-end data store.
the Configuration class is about accessing a given login configuration - it doesn't get into the business of managing a configuration.
having said that, the developer has the ability to design custom implementations that support programmatic configuration management (as you seem to have done). you would simply need to design a way to create/delete entries, and also a way to save or flush the changes to the back-end store.
if you want to write out entries that conform to the default file-based syntax, it should not be very difficult (the syntax is fairly simple and straightforward). but it is true that there is no existing code you can re-use that would do this for you.

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  • Open and Save Excel Files

    Hi All,
    I need code of How to open and save excel file in local system in Oracle forms.
    With Regards,
    Chandra Shekhar

    Hello Chandra,
    Webutil can be used to achieve this functionality.
    1. Install and configure Webutil following instructions in the webutil manual
    and the readme file.
    2. Create a form with a block Eg. DEPT
    3. Create a button, and in that button put the following code -
    application Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    workbooks Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    workbook Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    worksheets Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    worksheet Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    args Client_OLE2.List_Type;
    cell ole2.Obj_Type;
    j INTEGER;
    k INTEGER;
    application := Client_OLE2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
    workbooks := Client_OLE2.Get_Obj_Property(application, 'Workbooks');
    workbook := Client_OLE2.Invoke_Obj(workbooks, 'Add');
    worksheets := Client_OLE2.Get_Obj_Property(workbook, 'Worksheets');
    worksheet := Client_OLE2.Invoke_Obj(worksheets, 'Add');
    while :system.last_record = 'FALSE'
    for k in 1..3 /* DEPT has 3 columns */
    If not name_in(:system.cursor_item) is NULL Then
    Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, j);
    Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, k);
    cell:=Client_OLE2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    Client_OLE2.set_property(cell, 'Value', name_in(:system.cursor_item));
    End If;
    end loop;
    end loop;
    /* For the last record */
    for k in 1..3
    If not name_in(:system.cursor_item) is NULL Then
    Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, j);
    Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, k);
    cell:=Client_OLE2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    Client_OLE2.set_property(cell, 'Value', name_in(:system.cursor_item));
    End If;
    end loop;
    /* Save the Excel file created */
    args := Client_OLE2.Create_Arglist;
    Client_OLE2.Invoke(workbook, 'SaveAs', args);
    /* release workbook */
    /* Release application */
    Client_OLE2.Invoke(application, 'Quit');
    4. Save the form and compile it.
    5. Run the form.
    6. Execute the query in the block.
    7. Click on the button.
    8. An excel file will be created in the d:\ directory by the name test.xls.
    Kind regards,
    If someone's answer is helpful or correct please mark it accordingly.

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    Use about:config and filter on browser.download, you'll see them
    '''More information on configuration variables''' available in
    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config_entries about:config (entries)] and for users not familiar with the process there is [http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config about:config (How to change)]

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    Using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop or Photoshop Elememts as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop.  When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done. 
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window
    that indicates that  PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file.  You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    NOTE: With Photoshop Elements  the Saving File preferences should be configured as shown:
    I also suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.  In PSE’s General preference pane set the Color Picker to Apple as shown:
    Note 1: screenshots are from PSE 10
    Note:  to switch between iPhoto and PS or PSE as the editor of choice Control (right)-click on the thumbnail and select either Edit in iPhoto or Edit in External Editor from the contextual menu. If you use iPhoto to edit more than PSE re-select iPhoto in the iPhoto General preference pane. Then iPhoto will be the default editor and you can use the contextual menu to select PSE for your editor when desired.

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    I have a need save all my projects in a directory using the name of the main image I am working on.
    Manually these are the steps I used:
    Save As.
    Copy ( press command-c <== the filename is highlighted by default so all I have to do is )
    New Folder ( press the new folder button. Brings up a dialog box)
    Paste ( press command-v. <== Pastes the file name into the "New Folder" dialog box.)
    Save ( press thre save button. Saves the files into the new folder )
    Save As.
    Change format to JPG
    Change image quality to 12
    I want to assign these actions to a key
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    What should I be doing instead ?
    Thanks in advance !

    You don’t mention which format the original file is (and figuring that and its current settings out seems too much of a hassle to me) so this would only save the jpgs into the folder (and create one if it does not exist).
    If you want to give it a try, paste the following text into a new file in ExtendScript Toolkit (part of Photoshop’s installation, Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities/ExtendScript Toolkit CS4 or /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities-CS5/ExtendScript Toolkit CS5) and save it as a jsx-file into Photoshop’s Presets/Scripts-folder.
    After restarting Photoshop the Script should be available under File > Scripts and can be assigned a Keyboard Shortcut directly, recorded into an Action, (in CS4 and CS5) be used in a Configurator-Panel or started from ExtendScript Toolkit directly.
    // saves jpg into folder of file’s name next to file;
    // be advised: this  overwrites existing jpgs of the same name without prompting;
    // thanks to xbytor;
    // 2012, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop;
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var thedoc = app.activeDocument;
    // getting the name and location;
    var docName = thedoc.name;
    if (docName.indexOf(".") != -1) {var basename = docName.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1]}
    else {var basename = docName};
    // getting the location, if unsaved save to desktop;
    try {var docPath = thedoc.path}
    catch (e) {var docPath = "~/Desktop"};
    // create folder if it does not exist;
    var folderString = docPath+"/"+basename;
    if (Folder(folderString).exists == false) {new Folder(folderString).create()};
    // jpg options;
    var jpegOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
    jpegOptions.quality = 12;
    jpegOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
    jpegOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
    //save jpg as a copy:
    thedoc.saveAs((new File(folderString+"/"+basename+".jpg")),jpegOptions,true);

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    configured differently somewhere in his IE but I'm not sure what else could be causing his computer to behave differently than mine when performing this task.  Any advice would be appreciated...

    Did you mean that you wanted to pop up the dialog of "You are about to open: <Name:file name><From:web site>,How would you like to open this file:Read Only, Edit", update the file and save it back to the current SharePoint library ?
    Please check two points below,
    Check and make sure add-on "SharePoint OpenDocuments Class" is enabled via IE9(32-bit version) Tools->Manage add-ons from your user's PC. if it doesn't appear, please repair or change the Office 2010 from Control
    Panel, make sure to install Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support within
    Office Tools per this
    If add-on "SharePoint OpenDocuments Class" has beed enabled, you need to check and disable the the Word
    Protected View per this
    article, then check result again.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    That is because you don't have a web server configured and running to serve the html page. In order to see the page in a browser you need to access it using a url similar to http://localhost/~yourUserName if you are serving the page from your user account.
    Prior to Mountain Lion you could go into web sharing and turn on the web server. With Mountain Lion there is no option, other than using terminal, to turn on the web server. The web sharing menu item has been removed in Mountain Lion. Apache is still on your computer but it will take a little searching these forums or the Internet to find how to turn it on.
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    Previous thread with simialar issues.

    Adobe has always stated that saving to and opening from a networked file server is not supported.
    There are litterally thousands of configurations out there and it's not feasible for Adobe to test every single one of them.
    If you save the file to a local drive do you have problems?

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    on my system (SPAD) is defined ZPDF2 a printer for printing in PDF.
    I want to know where to save the PDF? In a specific file system? How can I see this?
    Best regards

    It is not cleared what is your exact goal ?
    see that the printing is completed but I do not know if SAP has created a file and where to put it
    By default SAP saves the documents in users home directory "C:\Documents and Settings\<USER_NAME>\SapWorkDir".
    Is there a log that tells me what happens when I print a SAP page?
    in SP01/SP02 or SPAD you can see the status of the spool job (success or failed) or its attribute. But it will not tell you where you saved the file because this activity will not come under SAP's control.
    If I am not mistaking SAP generates spool request as per the configured spool device in SPAD. Once you fire the print job it depends on operating system's installed printer (configuration) what to do with that request. Means whether to print as PDF document or send to normal print device.
    If you want more control over print job, you can configure "Access Method" as "G: Frontend printer with Control tech." and set "Host Printer = _DEFAULT". So it will pop-up Operating system printer selection dialog box.
    I hope, it will cleare your doubts.
    One more thing:
    You have 2 methods to get it done...
    A) In case of standard transactions or report, use method as I said in previous post.
    B) If it is custom development, you can take ABAPers help to do the same. below are the steps for the same.
    Basic Steps .
    1) Generate the classical Report output .
    2) Create a Spool Request .
    3) Search  the Spool Request .
    4) Submit the Spool Request  for Pdf  Creation .
    5) Download the Pdf Output in Presentation server  or Application Server .
    Use the Standard Function Modules 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF' and 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'
    It will give you a freedom where to save the file..
    Rajesh Narkhede

  • Change "save as" file format list

    How do I change the file format order that is listed in the "save as" file format window? Instead of having "Photoshop" listed as the default file, I'd like to have JPEG at the top, then TIFF, PSD, etc. I have to constantly scroll down the list to find JPEG.

    c.pfaffenbichler wrote:
    I know of no way to change that order.
    Edit: Actually one could probably Script a dialog with a file-format-dropdown-list of one’s own devising, but that hardly seems worth the trouble.
    But with Configurator and some Scripting you can make a save-as-jpg (and save-as-psd and whatever) into a one-click operation.
    See that is exactly what I think is wrong with Configurator it allows you to some cosmetics but no real customizations there are lots of formats I do not need ever. There are things I would rather have a menu item than as a panel selection and there things I would rather have that only do a coupe of options by default but you never get the opportunity of doing these things with this program.

  • [CS3] can't open or save bmp file

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    That's unbelievable !!!
    Even if i try to save a total new and blank work does not allow me save in bmp ( the option is even not shown !!)
    I guess some update has screwed up the configuration but i don't now who to solve it. i'm going MAD !!!!
    Thanks for your help, i'll appreciate it
    Andrea ( from Milan )

    I found the Solution. Please read the entire post.
    Same Problem, I can't save the image. I just made a new desktop wallpaper, and I go to Save As.. and it does not show ANY image formats.
    -I can choose to save as..
    --Large Document Format
    --Photoshop PDF
    --Photoshop Raw
    That is all there is in the format drop down menu.
    Image is 1024x768, Locked background layer, 16 bit colour.
    I recently installed Xp Service pack 3, and as far as I know, I could save them before that.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, so please reply to this or send me an email at ---(Email Addres Deleted)---
    Turns out that the image needs to be 8 Bits/Channel. To do this, select the image and follow these menu instructions..
    ---Select 8 Bits/Channel

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    Can I achieve my goal with Batch Processor, and how would I have to configure it?
    Kind regards,

    Which version of Audition are you using? The latest ones allow you to specify where the batched files are saved and also if any Prefix or Postfix are added to the file name. These are all under Export Settings in the Batch Process pane. However you must have the Export box ticked to give you access to the settings.

  • Unable to save edited files

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    Has anyone experienced this problem?? We have had this
    problem 2 times, and it seems related to after a Windows automatic
    update as run. Platform is an HP laptop, running windows XP.
    We have several *.cp files. We open one file, and delete an
    audio track from a slide, and then attempt to save the edited file.
    The edited file will not save. For some reason Captivate
    still sees the "different" file name as the same name as previous
    file. The edit is not saved. We even created a new folder on the
    C:\ drive, and copy a file in, open it, or attempt to open an
    edited file that somehow got saved, and then Captivate say "this
    file is in a format that captivate does not recogize"
    Has anyone else seen something like this?
    captivate seems to work ok on my desktop pc, but not the
    laptop??? Perhaps it is some sort of problem with the laptop

    I was wondering if either of you have had any luck nailing
    down this problem. We are experiencing it on one of our laptops as
    well and I have been baffled by it.
    The laptop is a Dell with XP SP2, it was running Captivate
    1.0.1 for a while and was upgrade to Captivate 2.0 without removing
    Captivate 1. This configuration has worked for months, but suddenly
    I can't save anything. If you hit save the hourglass pops up and
    goes away with no error messages, but the * in the titlebar
    indicating unsaved changes is still there and when I try to close
    it asks to save. If I say no or cancel it acts properly, but if I
    hit yes to save it, is just goes back to Captivate and doesn't
    close or save. Save As will save a file, but it is usually corrupt
    when I try to open it later, and the * still doesn't go away.
    I have gone so far as to run ProcessMonitor from Sysinternals
    but it doesn't show any errors. It doesn't even show that it is
    trying to save it. If there are any patches or updates for
    Captivate 2 I have been unable to find them on Adobe's site.

Maybe you are looking for

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