Configuring Callbacks in BPEL Human Task

I'm trying to configure a callback on OnTaskAssigned ,OnTaskUpdated in human workflow.
I defined my custom java class implementing IRoutingSlipCallBack Interface (I also tried with ITaskServiceCallBack) in the .task file and also enabled callback in BPEL activity.
I tried modifying some attributes (like title and comments) of the task to see if my callbacks are really being called. however i see no changes made by me are reflected.
Am I missing some steps here ?
Thanks in advance

There are two check boxes that have to be checked to get this feature working. One is under the first advanced tab of the human task wizard icon (green thingamajig). The second is in the human task editor itself again under the advanced area. Check them both.
I found that when the first one was check it expanded the bpel code in the human task process to show the new messages. They didn't actually get invoked until I added the second checkbox.
To date I still only see the onUpdate and onCompletion messages get invoked (there are four possible).

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  • Test waits forever for a callback from a human task

    I've create a test to test a BPEL process. Now within the BPEL process there is a call to a human task service. I've emulated the task initiation message which is fine. I also tried to emulate the receive message from the human task service but during the test execution, the test waits forever to receive the callback from the human task service, even though i've specified the return message. Would appreciate help with this! I've posted my testbpel.bpel and the test case (CreditCardInvalidTest.xml) below. For both these files I've highlighted in bold the relevant bits of code that's giving me problems. Thanks
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
    <process name="testbpel" targetNamespace=""
    List of services participating in this BPEL process
    The 'client' role represents the requester of this service. It is
    used for callback. The location and correlation information associated
    with the client role are automatically set using WS-Addressing.
    <partnerLink name="client" partnerLinkType="client:testbpel"
    myRole="testbpelProvider" partnerRole="testbpelRequester"/>
    <partnerLink name="ShipmentService" partnerRole="execute_pptProvider"
    <partnerLink name="CreditCardService"
    <partnerLink myRole="TaskServiceCallbackListener" name="TaskService"
    List of messages and XML documents used within this BPEL process
    <!-- Reference to the message passed as input during initiation -->
    <!-- Reference to the message that will be sent back to the requester during callback -->
    <variable name="inputVariable"
    <variable name="outputVariable"
    <variable name="n" type="xsd:integer"/>
    <variable name="Invoke_ShipmentService_execute_InputVariable"
    <variable name="paymentFault"
    <variable name="ApproveOrder_1_globalVariable"
    <variable name="orderRejectedFault"
    <sequence name="Sequence_6">
    <throw name="Throw_AllFaults"
    Set of activities coordinating the flow of messages across the
    services integrated within this business process
    <sequence name="main">
    <!-- Receive input from requestor. (Note: This maps to operation defined in testbpel.wsdl) -->
    <receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="client"
    portType="client:testbpel" operation="initiate"
    variable="inputVariable" createInstance="yes"/>
    Asynchronous callback to the requester. (Note: the callback location and correlation id is transparently handled using WS-addressing.)
    <scope name="CheckForApproval">
    <sequence name="Sequence_4">
    <sequence name="Sequence_5">
    <scope name="ApproveOrder_1"
    <bpelx:pattern patternName="bpelx:workflow"></bpelx:pattern>
    <variable name="initiateTaskInput"
    <variable name="initiateTaskResponseMessage"
    <correlationSet name="WorkflowTaskIdCor"
    <assign name="ApproveOrder_1_AssignTaskAttributes">
    <from expression="concat(ora:getProcessURL(), string('/ApproveOrder/ApproveOrder.task'))"/>
    <to variable="initiateTaskInput"
    <from expression="number(3)"/>
    <to variable="initiateTaskInput"
    <payload xmlns=""/>
    <to variable="initiateTaskInput"
    <assign name="ApproveOrder_1_AssignSystemTaskAttributes">
    <from expression="ora:getInstanceId()"/>
    <to variable="initiateTaskInput"
    <from expression="ora:getProcessId()"/>
    <to variable="initiateTaskInput"
    <from expression="ora:getProcessId()"/>
    <to variable="initiateTaskInput"
    <from expression="ora:getProcessVersion()"/>
    <to variable="initiateTaskInput"
    <from expression="ora:getDomainId()"/>
    <to variable="initiateTaskInput"
    <from expression="string('BPEL')"/>
    <to variable="initiateTaskInput"
    <invoke name="initiateTask_ApproveOrder_1"
    <correlation initiate="yes"
    *<receive name="receiveCompletedTask_ApproveOrder_1"*
    *<correlation initiate="no"*
    *</receive>* </sequence>
    <switch name="taskSwitch">
    <case condition="bpws:getVariableData('ApproveOrder_1_globalVariable', 'payload', '/task:task/task:systemAttributes/task:state') = 'COMPLETED' and bpws:getVariableData('ApproveOrder_1_globalVariable', 'payload', '/task:task/task:systemAttributes/task:outcome') = 'REJECT'">
    <bpelx:pattern patternName="case">Task outcome is REJECT</bpelx:pattern>
    <assign name="AssignOrderRejected">
    <from expression="string('Order rejected by manager')"/>
    <to variable="paymentFault"
    <throw name="ThrowOrderRejected"
    <case condition="bpws:getVariableData('ApproveOrder_1_globalVariable', 'payload', '/task:task/task:systemAttributes/task:state') = 'COMPLETED' and bpws:getVariableData('ApproveOrder_1_globalVariable', 'payload', '/task:task/task:systemAttributes/task:outcome') = 'APPROVE'">
    <bpelx:pattern patternName="case">Task outcome is APPROVE</bpelx:pattern>
    <empty name="Empty_1"/>
    <bpelx:pattern>Task is outcome is EXPIRED, STALE, WITHDRAWN or ERRORED</bpelx:pattern>
    <empty name="Empty_2"/>
    <scope name="CheckCreditCard">
    <variable name="InvokeCreditCardService_process_InputVariable"
    <variable name="InvokeCreditCardService_process_OutputVariable"
    <sequence name="Sequence_2">
    <assign name="Assign_1">
    <from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
    <to variable="InvokeCreditCardService_process_InputVariable"
    <scope name="Scope_1">
    <sequence name="Sequence_7">
    <empty name="Empty_3"/>
    <invoke name="InvokeCreditCardService"
    portType="ns6:CreditCardService" operation="process"
    <switch name="CheckCreditCardValid">
    <case condition="bpws:getVariableData('InvokeCreditCardService_process_OutputVariable','payload','/ns6:CreditCardServiceProcessResponse/ns6:result') = 'false'">
    <sequence name="Sequence_3">
    <assign name="AssignCreditFault">
    <from expression="string('Invalid credit card number')"/>
    <to variable="paymentFault" part="payload"
    <throw name="ThrowCreditFault"
    <assign name="AssignInitial">
    <from expression="string('Select Manufacturer')"/>
    <to variable="outputVariable" part="payload"
    <from expression="1"/>
    <to variable="n"/>
    <from expression="0.0"/>
    <to variable="outputVariable" part="payload"
    <while name="While_1"
    condition="bpws:getVariableData('n') &lt;= count(bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload','/client:testbpelProcessRequest/client:input'))">
    <sequence name="Sequence_1">
    <assign name="DoCalculation">
    <from expression="bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload', concat('/client:testbpelProcessRequest/client:input[', bpws:getVariableData('n'), ']/client:quantity')) * bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload',concat('/client:testbpelProcessRequest/client:input[', bpws:getVariableData('n'), ']/client:bookPrice')) + bpws:getVariableData('outputVariable','payload','/client:testbpelProcessResponse/client:price')"/>
    <to variable="outputVariable" part="payload"
    <from expression="bpws:getVariableData('n') + 1"/>
    <to variable="n"/>
    <assign name="Transform_2">
    <from expression="ora:processXSLT('TransformOrder.xsl',bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload'))"/>
    <to variable="Invoke_ShipmentService_execute_InputVariable"
    <invoke name="Invoke_ShipmentService" partnerLink="ShipmentService"
    portType="ns5:execute_ppt" operation="execute"
    <invoke name="callbackClient" partnerLink="client"
    portType="client:testbpelCallback" operation="onResult"
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <BPELTest processName="testbpel"
    <initiate operation="initiate">
    <part fileName="testInput.xml" name="payload"/>
    <activityDriver name="callbackClient">
    <assertValue variableName="outputVariable" partName="payload"
    comparisonMethod="string" fatal="false" patternMatch="false">
    <message>Expected "Select Manufacturer"</message>
    <expected>Select Manufacturer</expected>
    <assertValue variableName="outputVariable" partName="payload"
    comparisonMethod="string" fatal="true" patternMatch="false">
    <message>Expected price of "1"</message>
    *<activityDriver name="receiveCompletedTask_ApproveOrder_1">*
    *<emulate duration="PT">*
    *<part fileName="approverResponse.xml" name="payload"/>*
    *</activityDriver>* <activityDriver name="InvokeCreditCardService">
    <emulate duration="PT">
    <part fileName="creditCardServiceResponse.xml" name="payload"/>
    <activityDriver name="initiateTask_ApproveOrder_1">
    <emulate duration="PT">
    <part fileName="getApproval.xml" name="payload"/>

    Hi hi, on a hunch I previewed the page in the browser, and copy pasted the faces/untitled1 portion of the URL there and pasted on the http://<server_address>:8001/BasicAPPDemo_Root therefore ending with http://<server_address>:8001/BasicAPPDemo_Root/faces/untitled1 and lo and behold I saw the little text box saying "Hello World" ;D
    So with that i escalated, switched to the application where the page from BPM was located, deployed it and did the same trick.
    But it borked it gave this error:
    JBO-29115 Unable to construct the error message due to error java.lang.NullPointerException. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-.
    I figured that the Default generation could be faulty so i created a new page and only recycled the data controls, created everything in read mode, just to test and deployed, when i tested, i was optimistic as the 1st tab didn't had any error (also does not have anything related to the HumanTask, even the data controls) the problem was in the other tabs as I show here.
    Many thanks sirs, and sorry for wasting thy time.

  • BPEL Human task Tutorial SOA

    I have been tasked with setting up an example of BPEL human task workflow working on SOA application server
    Does anyone have any examples of this? I would prefer something that is stand-alone and not dependent on other creations or deployments. I found one for 11g however I need to have it used on SOA app server, not WebLogic. I wouldn't mind following this guide below, but I am unable to find out how to use JDev11g to deploy on SOA 10g app server.
    Thank you for any help / support.

    Thanks for that. In here is what I found on the web also, OrderBooking which is a large application. The 11g example just streamlines the process with just the BPEL "human task" example which is what I was tasked to do.
    Thanks though

  • How to configure "permitted actions" on bpel human task

    I trying to call suspendTask at human task from bpel. I get this message
    Where i configure this "permitted actions" ?
    Victor Jabur.

    Go to the composite editor -> open the human taskflow component --> Access Tab ---> Actions ---> Give the access to the Approver

  • Problem in BPEL Human task

    I am developing the BPEL process in jdeveloper11g. I used Human task for serial approvers.
    When I test the service I was able to see the Recive and Callback of human task.
    I want to Invoke partner link (used for DB adapter) whenever first approval approves the task . So that I can update the status of current approval as approved ( second approval status should be Pending), after approving from second approver only the second approver status should be updated as approved.
    but the procedure of updating status i.e.. Invoking partner link is executed after approved by all approvals.
    Please let me what I am missing.
    Thanks in advance.

    I am using Invoke activity to retrive data from data adapter . After that I am using While activity to iterate from the retrived data. And in While activity I placed Assign activity along with Invoke Activity to update retrived data.
    but here insted of iterating from each record it goes infinite loop.
    I have given "true () " as expression for While activity.
    please let me where I am missing. Please its very urgent.
    Thank you.

  • Invalid XML Document in BPEL Human Task - TaskService

    Hi Experts
    I am getting the following run time error in BPEL console in my bpel process which has got a human task.
    Invalid xml document.*
    According to the xml schemas, the xml document is invalid. The reason is: Error::cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '' is not a valid value for 'dateTime'.*
    Error::cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '' of element 'expirationDate' is not valid.*
    Please make sure that the xml document is valid against your schemas.*
    BPEL console is validating all incoming and outgoing XML document against the relevant schema since the configuration property, validateXML has
    set to strict in the BPE console domain, which it has to be.
    This complain is regarding the element expirationDate in the response message of the human task, which cannot be explicitly set in the bpel process.
    Please help me to resolve this issue.

    This has been escalated to Oracle and has been identified as a bug.
    Anyway, can you please explain bit more about you workaround?

  • Missing Task Outcomes in ADF Project for BPEL Human Task

    I am using SOA Suite 11g ( and have created a Human Task in my composite application and then auto-generated the appropriate task form using the wizard which has been successful and created the ADF project.
    My task has 3 outcomes the responses of which are then mapped out in the BPEL process.
    When the human task is raised it puts a notification in the BPM worklist as expected however the 'Actions' list on the notification is blank? I was expecting there to be 3 values in the Actions list one for each of my outcomes.
    I have tried re-building the ADF project from scratch from the task flow but still no joy.
    I have not changed the ADF project over its default.
    My next step is to look into the binding on the Actions picklist but I thought this was standard functionality and that the wizard handled this at the point of form generation.
    Any assistance greatly appreciated.

    I am using SOA Suite 11g ( and have created a Human Task in my composite application and then auto-generated the appropriate task form using the wizard which has been successful and created the ADF project.
    My task has 3 outcomes the responses of which are then mapped out in the BPEL process.
    When the human task is raised it puts a notification in the BPM worklist as expected however the 'Actions' list on the notification is blank? I was expecting there to be 3 values in the Actions list one for each of my outcomes.
    I have tried re-building the ADF project from scratch from the task flow but still no joy.
    I have not changed the ADF project over its default.
    My next step is to look into the binding on the Actions picklist but I thought this was standard functionality and that the wizard handled this at the point of form generation.
    Any assistance greatly appreciated.

  • Using systemMessageAttributes in BPEL Human Task

    Hi All,
    How can I use systemMessageAttributes: task:textAttribuite1 in human task.
    After creating a HT in BPEL, I am setting its outcome - rejecting or approving the task- using worklist Java API.
    Along with that I want to set the textAttribuite1 through API and then use these attributes inside the corresponding BPEL process after the task is completed?
    I tried using
    SystemMessageAttributesType sysMessAttType = taskimpl.getSystemMessageAttributes();
    sysMessAttType .setTextAttribute1("check");
    After retrieving the task using taskId, however I am unable to set these attributes.
    Please let me know!

    There are two check boxes that have to be checked to get this feature working. One is under the first advanced tab of the human task wizard icon (green thingamajig). The second is in the human task editor itself again under the advanced area. Check them both.
    I found that when the first one was check it expanded the bpel code in the human task process to show the new messages. They didn't actually get invoked until I added the second checkbox.
    To date I still only see the onUpdate and onCompletion messages get invoked (there are four possible).

  • BPEL Human Task: how to remove task details section from notification email

    This is concerning the human task component of SOA Suite 11g. Upon task assignment, the assignee receives an email notification with an administrator configured text. Below this text the task details are automatically added. How can this be removed? Marking the notification as 'secure' also removes the administrator configured text. But that I'd like to keep. Only the automatically added task details section needs to go. Any hints?

    This configuration is available in the following navigation. Workflow Administrator Web Applications > Oracle Applications Manager > Workflow Manager > Service Components > Workflow Notification Mailer > Edit > Advanced > Message Generation section > Templates. You can refer to the "Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide" > "Modifying Your Message Templates" for more information.
    Please note that this applies to ALL the outbound notifications, not specific for Purchasing notifications.

  • Bpel human task custom jsp not run

    hi i am use bpel and oas 10.1.3 made a simple bpel process with a human task but the custom jsp generated not run from the url , and i recieve that message
    "Servlet error: An exception occurred. The current application deployment descriptors do not allow for including it in this response"

    The issue was with the way I was passing parameters. I was passing the the task namespace in update mode which is not required.

  • How BPEL human task becomes to state 'Withdrawn'

    what causes human task to go to 'Withdrawn' state. The reason i know is deleting associated bpel process.
    Are there any other events which causes this ?

    Go to the composite editor -> open the human taskflow component --> Access Tab ---> Actions ---> Give the access to the Approver

  • "request more info" "Submit info" in bpel human tasks functionality

    Hi all
    i have a 5 steps approval process. We want the task to return to first approver from any of these steps. For example if the 3rd approver sends it back, the 1st approver will have the task again and when he/she approves it will go on with 2nd approver in the next step (not the 3rd one)(1-->2-->3-->1-->2-->3-->4...). So i thought that "request info" will fit this requirement but it returns to the 3rd one after info is submitted by 1st one(i checked reapproval needed).
    So do you know if it is a bug or expected behaviour? And what else can you suggest to provide a solution?

    any solution or idea?

  • BPEL Human Task Claim functionality Understanding

    Hi all,
    On a task with multiple assignees, it appears that each assignee has to claim the task before completing it. Some queries that I had on claim functionality -
    1. Is there a way by which we can avoid the process of 'claiming' the task before completing?
    2. Is there a way programmatically to release the claim? I saw releaseTask() API in TaskService class - but I observed that if a task has been claimed by an assignee - other assignees are unable to release this task. Any suggestions here?

    Hi all,
    On a task with multiple assignees, it appears that each assignee has to claim the task before completing it. Some queries that I had on claim functionality -
    1. Is there a way by which we can avoid the process of 'claiming' the task before completing?
    2. Is there a way programmatically to release the claim? I saw releaseTask() API in TaskService class - but I observed that if a task has been claimed by an assignee - other assignees are unable to release this task. Any suggestions here?

  • Human task as first step of a BPEL process

    Hello every one, thanks in advice for your replays,
    My version is Oracle BPEL Process Manager I've tried the search but didn't find satisfying answer.
    First I will try to describe use case I'm trying to solve using BPEL and standard bundled Worklist App.
    I have defined a fairly straight human-centric process witch should be initiated by human data entry or (XOR) by input message (WS call) from third party application. I've read the documentation but haven't find any way how to define BPEL human task that will instantiate the process. In other words is it possible to create human task with form and use this task/form as an process initiator in Worklist App ?
    I'm aware that i can create an external form (not BPEL human task form) witch can be embedded in Worklist App and call the engine JAVA API. But this is no the case since i will have to manage the two independent components of my single business process - keeping them in sync.
    I don't think that initiating a process an then picking the first step from a queue to entry form data is elegant ant efficient solution (maybe my view is influenced by other BPM product i was working with).
    Also since it is a micro project i cant afford writing my own Worklist App with dynamic form binding.
    So friends please help with your ideas and solution's
    Kind Regards,

    Eric, hope it's not because my english..
    Standard BPEL process is usually initiated by client HTTP/SOAP call which passes initial set of data to process (i.e Oracle BPEL Console Dashbord Post XML Message functionality, or some third party application WS call with process data). Oracle BPEL Console generates form based on BPEL Process WSDL, thats great for ad hoc testing but i need bit more.
    I' would like to have a functionality that will dosimilar stuff as Console but in a worklist application further more I would like to have a way to define the form of this firs step and have that definition with my BPEL process project in JDeveloper.
    Business case for such need is as follows:
    + Greenfield process area
    + No application supporting those processes
    + No know other rigger then phone call or fax

  • How BPEL refers to human task form application during runtime ?

    Hi All,
    I have worked on coulple of 10g BPEL human tasks and I remember '.tform' file used to capture
    task display jsp application url
    content of tform file
    <template>${http_url}/${domain_id}/BPEL_PROCESS/1.0/Task Form/Task Form.jsp</template>
    I am looking for help on how same is achieved in 11g
    in Nutshell,
    How does 11g bpel knows which task form it has to invoke?

    Hi Praveen
    If you already have a bpm/bpel application in soa 11g, open that in JDeveloper and serach for the file named hwtaskflow.xml. This file will be under your taskforms project -> Application Sources.
    In JDev, for each human task, there is a .task file generated with payload details, actions that task is allowed etc. We can generate taskform for this .task using autogenerte or custom. Either way the above file will have the details like the association of the actual Task and correspond taskform jspx file. If you are familiar with the ADF architecture like bindings you can understand much better.
    In EM console, click on the workflow file that is deployed under your soa_doamin. On right side, you will see list of all the human tasks and click on any human task. You will see the uri for that task. This is the reference for the deployed composite for that task. Now the above .xml file will have the exact human task name with additional information like which pageflow defintion file to invoke. All the pageflows xml files are under your taskforms\web-inf folder.
    See the below link for more details:
    see the section named "28.3.3 What Happens When You Create an ADF Task Flow Based on a Human Task".
    Ravi Jegga

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