Confirmation link in registered users in Portals

I am in the process of implementing External Portals and i would like to have a confirmation link within the email that users get when they have created themselves in Portals. So it is not possible to log into portals with a wrong  email address.
Does anyone know how that is done?

Lisa, would you be using the standard registration page or have you developed a custom page for this.
The requirement you have stated cannot be achieved out of the box and you will need to do custom development for this. Depending on your datasource you can have a registration form which asks for the users email address and then trigger an email along with a random code which you send to the email address entered and also save it in your database. Later when the user clicks on the confirmation page read the user paramaters and get the email address and confirmation code. Verfiy these details against the details in your datastore and then permit the user access.
Not sure if this is possible to achieve with the custom registration module since you wont be able to access the sap tables. But you can use a temp database in between and when confirm create the user in portal ume.

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    See this blog
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    and also see, you can learn more
    Senthil K.


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    Sorry, we got so much traffic on the site, it was taking a few minutes for the link to go live. I don't think a sticky is needed because most people posting to the forums don't read the forums first so it won't do much good.

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    Go to Content Administrator->Portal Content ->Content Provided by SAP->Admin interfaces->Admin iView templetes->Webdynpro Proxy iView->Right click open->Permission->Search for the role "Administrator" ->Add it and assign "Read/write" permission to Administrator.check the checkbox "end user" it will work for you!!
    Karthick Eswaran

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         You can check the following link
    <a href="">UME</a>
    It will give you an idea of UME Architecture.
    See if it helps you.

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    Some of the following is going to use some technical terms — this area is inherently somewhat technical. 
    If you don't understand some part of the following reply, please ask.
    Is this your own OS X Server system on your own network, or is this some other server within some larger organization? 
    You're posting this in the OS X Server forum, which is a software package that allows OS X systems to provide web-based and many other services; to become servers.
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    If there's local IT staff available here, please contact them for assistance.  If these are your own local systems and your own local OS X Server system, then some information on the server will be needed.  (If you're on a NAT'd network, you'll also need to get DNS services configured and working on your local OS X Server system and your network — you'll not be able to skip this step and reference ISP DNS servers here — or things can and usually will get weird.)

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    Points will be rewarded.
    Sonal Mangla

    Hi Sonal,
    Did you find a solution yet ?
    I'm also interested.
    H. Cakir

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    thank you...
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    Thnks in advance.
    Rewards r waiting for u .

    Use UME api to add user to portal group.
    Using UME API:

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    Page 2 is a form to confirm the data from Page 1. (used by HR)
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    To prevent your workspace from being removed, please go to the Web address below and confirm your account within the next 7 days. Remember that you can always sign up for a new workspace in the future, should you not wish to confirm your existing one at this time.
    Confirmation Link:,P1_RID:3498619315552842220,79315112795249266565410311893274685909
    Thank you,
    The Oracle Application Express Team
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    P1_SGID : I think this is a Security Group ID
    P1_RID : I have no idea what's this ID
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    Confirmation Link:
    The user needs to login and if he is someone from HR, he can access the form. I'd like to pass a "security id" so the user doesn't need to log to confirm a form.
    Help is welcome! :)
    Homepage :
    Blog :
    PL/GMAPS :

    The random number is no different than a password, except that it's probably stronger than most. If you need to mix it up a bit, you can apply some sort of hash function to it.
    Also, to mitigate a brute force attack, you can require an additional parameter so that the pair has to match. So, for instance, User Name. Then, you can expire the "key" if someone tries more than three invalid strings for a specific user name. Sure, you also lock out the legitimate user this way, but at least you kept out the bad guys.
    Security is a combination of what you're protecting, who you're protecting it from, and what are the repercussions if the data is in fact, compromised. Using that forumula, you should be able to determine whether a single value is sufficient or if you need to apply additional constraints.
    - Scott -

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    Now, as per the requirement we also want to send an activation link to the user's email id so that once the user clicks there then only the user ID gets activated
    Kindly let us know the steps involved so that we can achieve the functionality.
    Thanks And regards,
    Ghanshyam Agarwal.

    i think it's so general, nothing to do with sap
    1.lock the created user when creation
    2. create a table to store the newly created user
    3. create a servlet to receive the activation call
    4. remove user from the table and unlock user

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