Conky doesn't evaluate string

I use conky as a bar on the top of my desktop and I wanted to emulate the "workspace indicator" of awesome so I tried this :
Openbox config :
<name>${color1}home${color} web code misc</name>
<name>home ${color1}web${color} code misc</name>
<name>home web ${color1}code${color} misc</name>
<name>home web code ${color1}misc${color}</name>
Conky config :
${eval $desktop_name}
According to the conky manual it should parse the string and show a colored output but it doesn't work and I can't figure out why.
Any help ?

I set the update interval to half a second, and conky is started from the openbox autostart file. The $desktop_name variable works fine and prints the name but eval doesn't parse it as it should so it looks like this :
${color1}home${color} web code misc

Similar Messages

  • Conky doesn't show (XFCE 4.8) and keeps asking password? [SOLVED]

    I've finally got XFCE4.8 all dressed up the way I want it to look.
    Only problem left is Conky:
    1.It simply doesn't show on the desktop.
    2.It keeps asking for a password?
    If i start conky via terminal i get this:
    [sven@myhost ~]$ conky
    Conky: desktop window (1400003) is subwindow of root window (15d)
    Conky: window type - override
    Conky: drawing to created window (0x2000001)
    Conky: drawing to double buffer
    My .conkyrc looks like this:
    own_window yes
    own_window_colour 0F0D0D
    use_spacer right
    use_xft yes
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 1
    # This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    # Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent no
    own_window_type override
    own_window_hints undecorate,below,skip_taskbar,sticky)
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    default_color 808080
    own_window_colour 333333
    use_xft yes
    xftfont Droid Sans:pixelsize=11
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 0
    # border margins
    # border width
    border_width 1
    alignment top_left
    gap_x 5
    gap_y 5
    # --- Colours, Sizes, Fonts & Margins --- #
    minimum_size 1356 0
    #stippled_borders 3
    #border_inner_margin 9
    # --- Text --- #
    draw_outline no
    draw_borders no
    uppercase no
    draw_shades no
    # --- if-up_strictness --- #
    if_up_strictness link
    ${color}CPU0: ${color ffffff} ${execi 5 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 0' | cut -c15-21} | ${color}CPU1: ${color ffffff} ${execi 5 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 1' | cut -c15-21} | ${color}HDD: ${color ffffff} ${execi 60 sudo hddtemp /dev/sda | grep -A 0 '/dev/sda' | cut -c24-29} | ${color}RAM: ${color ffffff} $mem | ${color} Total Down: ${color ffffff} ${if_up eth0}${totaldown eth0}${else}${if_up wlan0}${totaldown wlan0}${endif}${endif} | ${color}Total Up: ${color ffffff}${if_up eth0}${totalup eth0}${else}${if_up wlan0}${totalup wlan0}${endif}${endif} | ${color} Down Speed: ${color ffffff} ${if_up eth0}${downspeed eth0}${else}${if_up wlan0}${downspeed wlan0}${endif}${endif}| ${color}Up Speed: ${color ffffff} ${if_up eth0}${upspeed eth0}${else}${if_up wlan0}${upspeed wlan0}${endif}${endif} ${alignr} ${color} Battery: ${color ffffff} ${battery_percent}% ${color} | ${color ffffff}${time %A} ${time %e} ${time %B} ${time %G} - ${time %H:%M:%S}
    Any help is appreciated!
    Last edited by killerturtle (2011-06-29 15:30:40)

    jasonwryan wrote:You should look at using visudo to make this script run with the hddtemp call...
    Ok, thx; I'll look into that.
    Now still to solve the first problem....

  • Flex evaluate string for dynamic datagrid headerText

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    public function get250(event:ResultEvent):void {
      (var i:int = 0; i <= dgTop250.columnCount; i++) {
        var colName:String=dgTop250.columns[i].dataField;
        var headerStr:String="top250.lastResult.IMS001HQ2.SGM.getItemAt(i)."+colName+".label";
        (dgTop250.columns[i] as DataGridColumn).headerText = headerStr;
    As an example, this is what I'm getting as the header: top250.lastResult.IMS001HQ2.SGM.getItemAt(i).STOCK.label
    This is what I need: Stock Number
    "Stock Number" is the label for STOCK.

    I would think you need to remove the quotes to get it evaluated properly
    Change this ..
    var headerStr:String="top250.lastResult.IMS001HQ2.SGM.getItemAt(i)."+colName+".label";
    var headerStr:String=top250.lastResult.IMS001HQ2.SGM.getItemAt(i).[colName].label;
    maybe ???

  • Evaluate String Expression

    Hi all,
    I am trying to evaluate a string expression against rows of data. If the data satisfys that condition/expression then its selected otherwirse its not.
    To re-iterate how to evaluate a string expression like: "value < 1"
    against data values like: 0, 1, 2 ...n
    Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    Here's the code I am using:
          * Evaluates the Expression Either return True or False
          * @return
      public boolean evalExpression() {
              boolean retval = true;
              // Identify the conditional process step
              if (this.isConditional()) {
                   // get the inputs
                   for (int i = 0; i < myInputs.size(); i++) {
                        ContainerDataElement containerDataElement = (ContainerDataElement) myInputs
                        String data = containerDataElement.getValueAsString();
                                            // Get the conditions
                        for (int j = 0; j < myProcessConditions.size(); j++) {
                             ProcessCondition pc = (ProcessCondition) myProcessConditions
                                  Boolean condition = new Boolean(pc.getExpression());
                                                      // Evaluate the expression against the data elements
                             if (condition.booleanValue()) {
                                  retval = true;
                             else {
                                  retval = false;
              return retval;

    ProcessCondion holds the Expression but I need to match the value the expression matches.
    A bit like equals example I am trying out now:
      public boolean evalExpression() {
              boolean retval = true;
              // Identify the conditional process step
              if (this.isConditional()) {
                   // get the inputs
                   for (int i = 0; i < myInputs.size(); i++) {
                        ContainerDataElement containerDataElement = (ContainerDataElement) myInputs
                        String data = containerDataElement.getValueAsString();
                                  + data.toString());
                        // Get the conditions
                        for (int j = 0; j < myProcessConditions.size(); j++) {
                             ProcessCondition pc = (ProcessCondition) myProcessConditions
                                       + pc.toString());
                             Boolean condition = new Boolean(pc.getExpression());
                                       + condition.toString());
                             // Evaluate the expression against the data elements
                             if (containerDataElement.equals(condition)) {
                                            + retval);
                                  retval = true;
                             else {
                                  retval = false;
              return retval;

  • Evaluate string while running

    If I want to implement a code as following:
    //String condition = input condtion represent as string (from xml. e.g. 1=1, true, false etc)
    if (condition)
    How do I evaluate the input string while running?

    OR use a Map, where the key is the input String and the value is a Command object. You can avoid the brittle, brain-dead "if/then/else" code that way. If the inputs and commands change frequently, this would be a good way to go that satisfies the open/closed principle nicely.

  • Conky doesn't show script output

    I'm a bit lost here conky was working great until the last update. Now the output of my script will be shown when I run conky the first time, but then it is just blank. This sometimes also happens with my mail script, but it is far less frequent.
    color0 81b1e7
    # Use Xft?
    use_xft yes
    xftfont snap
    xftalpha 1
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 1
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_type desktop
    #own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    #own_window yes
    #own_window_transparent yes
    #own_window_type normal
    #own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    # Draw borders around text
    draw_borders no
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 0
    # border width
    #border_width 1
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color white
    #default_shade_color black
    #default_outline_color white
    own_window_colour white
    gap_x 0
    gap_y 0
    alignment top_left
    #minimum_size 1280
    #maximum_width 1280
    minimum_size 1677
    maximum_width 1680
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    uppercase no
    # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
    override_utf8_locale yes
    # Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer none
    ${time %A %B %d, %Y - %R:%S}${alignc} ${color0}:: Mail ${color}${texeci 120 /home/pyther/scripts/} ${color0}:: PKGS ${color}${texeci 10800 /home/pyther/scripts/} ${color0}:: Weather ${color}${texeci 900 /usr/bin/conkyForecast --location=USOH0008 --imperial --datatype=HT -ux}F - ${texeci 900 conkyForecast --location=USOH0195 --imperial --datatype=CC} ${color0}:: (Script that is giving troubles)
    sudo pacman -Sy > /dev/null
    pkgs=`pacman -Qu | wc -l`
    if [ -n "$pkgs" ]; then
    echo "$pkgs"
    echo "0"
    Running conky from the terminal doesn't result in any useful output.
    Occasionally the mail and weather script won't show anything, but that is far less frequent.
    Last edited by pyther (2010-04-03 22:18:01)

    This is unrelated and I emailed the author of conkyforecast about the issue.
    $PYTHONPATH /usr/bin/python /usr/share/conkyforecast/ "$@"
    /usr/bin/python /usr/share/conkyforecast/ "$@"
    PYTHONPATH is used incorrectly in this case. It is used to reference python modules (which the openoffice pkg is now doing).
    Last edited by pyther (2010-04-03 22:26:26)

  • Conky doesn't display bash-script variables (array)

    I've been playing around with Conky and a bash script of mine. Unfortunately Conky displays only static text and not the array-variables in my script.
    In my script:
    ...some code here...
    echo "Static text: ${Variable[1]}"
    In my conkyrc:
    ...some code here...
    ${exec ~/Test/}
    The result is: "Static text: ". When running the script from the command line everything is fine. I've also tried with exec, execi, execp, texeci to no avail. Any ideas?
    Edit: I had to be more specific.
    Last edited by chilebiker (2009-10-06 03:30:20)

    Try echo -n "Static text: ${Variable[1]}"

  • [Solved] Conky doesn't show network speed

    Hello Archers!
    I have my old conky config with net speed indication which worked in past but stopped working this installation. My user is in “network” group and I have
    ${font monospace:bold:size=10}NETWORK ${hr 2}
    ${font monospace:normal:size=10}Download: ${alignr}${downspeedf eth0} KB/s
    Upload: ${alignr}${upspeedf eth0} KB/s
    in my ~/.conkyrc file. It used to show speed in KB/s but now just zeros, all the time. What would be the reason for this malfunction?
    Last edited by Mr. Alex (2013-07-28 09:27:41)

    Mr. Alex wrote:
    jasonwryan wrote:it isn't the smartest thing to post here...
    Yeah, I know Arch maintainers don't accept criticism anymore. But mine wasn't even obvious and yet you pointed that out and called it “not the smartest thing to post here”. Totalitarian regime inside of a distro. Free speech is forbidden. Arch Linux, ladies and gentlemen!
    Read the Etiquette. Your histrionics are as unfounded as your original slur. If you had even the slightest clue of what a totalitarian regime actually involved, you would be ashamed of yourself for that association.
    Don't post here again unless you are prepared to accept responsibility for your own incompetence.

  • ORA-01861: field doesn't match string format

    I make this thing:
    String s = new String("2005-12-12");
    Where el is an odject with date field.
    Thanks in advance.

    So your date format is
    Try this:
    String s = new String("12-DEC-05");
    also this:
    String s = new String("12-DEC-2005");
    Developers of Guggi Oracle - Tool for DBAs and Developers

  • Conky doesn't start

    This is what I get when I try to start conky:
    [phnx@002 ~]$ conky
    Conky: desktop window (1c00049) is subwindow of root window (121)
    Conky: window type - desktop
    Conky: drawing to created window (0x1800001)
    Conky: drawing to single buffer
    I have to use Ctrl-C to stop it.
    When I try to start conky as root:
    [root@002 ~]# conky
    No protocol specified
    Conky: can't open display: :0
    ***** Imlib2 Developer Warning ***** :
            This program is calling the Imlib call:
            With the parameter:
            being NULL. Please fix your program.
    [root@002 ~]#
    What is going wrong?

    mimosinnet wrote:
    I am using my gentoo desktop configuration in archlinux (xdm + FVWM). I set the root window at the login prompt (conky, root-tail, fvwm-root). To be able to do this, I need conky to be executed as root and I am getting the error message lnx mentioned in the first post. I would very much appreciate any hints. Thanks!
    You should start a new thread for this; it is a separate issue.
    medeg wrote:1

  • Conky - Display available pacman updates

    This is a python script I found and modified to display package update info with conky.
    The original was written by Majkhii and Sabooky which I found here via the wiki entry for conky:
    This one is much simpler than it's predecessor. It will simply display a list of package names and their sizes. I couldn't figure how to keep the rating system from the original which allowed for highlighting "important" packages. Anyway here it is. I'm pretty new to programming so if something doesn't seem to make sense, it's probably because it doesn't.
    #!/usr/bin/env python2
    -Description: Python script for displaying archlinux updates.
    -Usage: create shell script with the contents:
    # ~/
    # This syncs pacman and creates a file to store
    # info for each package. This is so the python
    # portion doesn't constantly use your network
    # connection every 20 seconds to get package info
    # when it refreshes itself. Better to have the
    # shell script update once every several minutes
    # and have python use that info instead. Don't
    # forget to make executeable with chmod +x
    sudo pacman -Sy
    if [ -f $destfile ]
    rm $destfile
    list=`pacman -Qu | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
    for x in $list
    echo $x >> $destfile
    echo `pacman -Si $x | egrep -w 'Version|Download'` >> $destfile
    -Create the following crontab with 'crontab -e'
    to have run every 30 minutes:
    */30 * * * * /path/to/shellscript
    -Conky: Add the line '${texeci 20 python path/to/this/}'
    where 20 is the update interval in seconds
    -Also, if part of the output is not showing in conky
    increase text_buffer_size value in conky config
    I use 'text_buffer_size 1024'
    Original authors: Michal Orlik <[email protected]>, sabooky <[email protected]>
    Original source:
    Edited/Mutilated by: jakhead <[email protected]>
    def pkglist():
    returns an alphabetized list of packages to be updated
    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen(['pacman', '-Qu'],
    pkgnames = []
    for i,v in enumerate(p.stdout):
    return sorted(pkgnames)
    def pkginfo(packages):
    takes a list of package names generated by pkglist()
    and returns a list of dicts containing information
    for each
    import os, subprocess
    pkgs = []
    for package in packages:
    pkg = {}
    pkg['name'] = package.split()[0]
    # ---- ~/.pacsync will need to be changed below
    # ---- to reflect script location if elsewhere
    info = open(os.path.expanduser('~/')).readlines()
    for i,line in enumerate(info):
    if pkg['name'] in line:
    pkg['ver'] = info[i+1].split()[2]
    pkg['dlSize'] = float(info[i+1].split()[6])/1024
    return pkgs
    def total(pkgs):
    formats strings for each package
    and returns output ready for conky
    # width of final output
    width = 30
    # pkg template - this is how individual pkg info is displayed ('' = disabled)
    # valid keywords - %(name)s, %(dlSize).2f, %(ver)s
    pkgTemplate = "%(name)s %(ver)s"
    # summary template - this is the summary line at the end
    summaryTemplate = "%(numpkg)d %(pkgstring)s"
    # pkg right column template - individual pkg right column
    pkgrightcolTemplate = "%(dlSize).2f MB"
    # summary right column template - summay line right column
    summaryrightcolTemplate = "%(size).2f MB"
    # seperator before summary ('' = disabled)
    block = '-' * 12
    # up to date msg
    u2d = '-system up to date-'
    # brief - one line summary
    brief = False
    # number of packages to display, 0 = all
    num_of_pkgs = 0
    summary = {}
    summary['numpkg'] = len(pkgs)
    summary['size'] = sum([x['dlSize'] for x in pkgs])
    if summary['numpkg'] == 1:
    summary['pkgstring'] = 'package'
    summary['pkgstring'] = 'packages'
    lines = []
    for pkg in pkgs:
    pkgString = pkgTemplate % pkg
    sizeValueString = pkgrightcolTemplate % pkg
    if len(pkgString)+len(sizeValueString)>width-1:
    pkgString = pkgString[:width-len(sizeValueString)-4]+'...'
    line = pkgString.ljust(width - len(sizeValueString)) + sizeValueString
    if line.strip():
    if summary['numpkg'] == 0:
    """this is to center u2d message """
    buffer = " " * ((width - len(u2d))/2)
    print buffer + u2d + buffer
    if not brief:
    if num_of_pkgs:
    print '\n'.join(lines[:num_of_pkgs])
    print '\n'.join(lines)
    # if block:
    print block.rjust(width)
    overallString = summaryTemplate % summary
    overallMBString = summaryrightcolTemplate % summary
    if len(overallString)+len(overallMBString)>width-1:
    overallString = overallString[:width-len(overallMBString)-4]+'...'
    summaryline = overallString.ljust(width - len(overallMBString)) + overallMBString
    if summaryline:
    print summaryline
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    As the comments state, create a shell script with the following:
    # ~/
    # This syncs pacman and creates a file to store
    # info for each package. This is so the python
    # portion doesn't constantly use your network
    # connection every 20 seconds to get package info
    # when it refreshes itself. Better to have the
    # shell script update once every several minutes
    # and have python use that info instead. Don't
    # forget to make executeable with chmod +x
    sudo pacman -Sy
    if [ -f $destfile ]
    rm $destfile
    list=`pacman -Qu | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
    for x in $list
    echo $x >> $destfile
    echo `pacman -Si $x | egrep -w 'Version|Download'` >> $destfile
    Make it executable:
    chmod +x /path/to/shellscript
    Then create the following crontab with 'crontab -e':
    */30 * * * * /path/to/shellscript
    This will cause pacman to check for updates every 30 minutes.
    Finally, place this line in your conky config:
    ${texeci 20 python path/to/}
    Where 20 is the update interval in seconds.
    Note: If conky doesn't display all of the output correctly, increase the text_buffer_size in your conky config. I use:
    text_buffer_size 1024
    Make sure to check out the basic settings like output width, format, or one line summary. All credit goes to Majkhii and Sabooky as they did all the heavy lifting and I merely butchered their work to suit my system.
    That's it. I've been running this for 3 days with no issues so far. Questions/comments/concerns welcome. I'll try to work on this if need be, but I may have conflicts with school as I'm currently a student.
    *EDIT* Fixed screenshots
    Last edited by jakhead (2012-09-16 04:48:54)

    1. No need for 'cut', we already have a pacman switch for that:
    $ pacman -Qu | cut -d ' ' -f 1
    $ pacman -Quq
    2. You can use 'expac' to get version, size etc.
    3. Doing 'pacman -Sy' is not necessarily a good idea. … s-part-ii/
    Last edited by karol (2012-09-16 13:24:03)

  • Possible with Conky?

    Hey, I was just wondering if anyone has come up with a way to display some irssi-information in your Conky?
    I just figured it might be cool to have Conky display the last message said in irssi or a notification when you get highlighted. It just seems like Conky lacks such a feature by default and getting information out of irssi is kind of out of my league, even though it might be possible to do with some command (seems like you can do anything with a fitting command.)
    It just seems amazing that Conky *gasp* lacks a feature!
    On another note, maybe I'm not creative enough, but it seems like there is no easy way to implement this either:
    I want to make my MPC: "$mpc_artist - $mpc_title [$mpc_elapsed / $mpc_duration]"-string something like just MPC: "not playing" when it's stopped. Since when stopped, it just shows " - [0:00 / 0:00]" it would be neater if it would just clean itself up.
    Though, there doesn't seem to be a way to implement this without an if-condition, and the if_empty condition needs to have some interesting logic if it's doable at all (and I'd rather stay with Conky variables if possible, it would be somewhat easy to configure with a single script or exec.) How much more resource-demanding is it to use external commands anyway? The Conky documentation mentions that it's more resource intensive but that seems like a subjective term.

    This is an excerpt from my .conkyrc:
    ${execi 5 nice -n19 /home/filip/scripts/}${if_existing /tmp/mpd.tmp}${font glispbold}MPD: ${color0}$font${execi 2 cat /tmp/mpd.tmp}$color :: $endif
    What it does is:
    1. Run script (see below) which basically saves the current mpd status to /tmp/mpd.tmp file (if music is playing)
    2. if_existing condition checks if the file /tmp/mpd.tmp exists (it only exists when music is playing or paused) -- if the file exists then mpd info is displayed, if it doesn't exist then the whole mpd section in conky doesn't appear at all
    Here is the script that I use -- you'll notice that it also makes sure that the Arist/Title info is no longer than a certain number of characters (80), because my conky is a single horizontal line at the top of the screen:
    is_playing_music=$(mpc | grep -e ^\\[p[al][ua][sy][ei].*\\])
    echo "$is_playing_music" | grep -qe ^\\[paused\\] && echo "paused" > /tmp/mpd.tmp && exit
    if [ ! -n "$is_playing_music" ]; then
    [ -f /tmp/mpd.tmp ] && rm -r /tmp/mpd.tmp && exit
    disp=`mpc --format "%artist% ## %title%" | head -1`
    if [ ${#disp} -gt 80 ]; then
    echo "${disp:0:77}..." > /tmp/mpd.tmp
    echo "${disp}" > /tmp/mpd.tmp

  • Concatenation two strings or variables in EL

    I'd like to display for all rows strings from resouce bundle:
    <font face="courier new,courier" size="2" color="#0000ff">#{row.Comm == null ? res['test.nocomm'] : res['test.hascomm']}</font> - it works.
    But I need concat string from resource bundle with another variable like bellow:
    <font face="courier new,courier" size="2" color="#0000ff">#{row.Comm == null ? res['test.nocomm'] <font color="#ff0000">sessionScope.UserName</font> : res['test.hascomm'] <font color="#ff0000">'Any String'</font>}</font>
    I get an exception: <font face="courier new,courier" size="2">javax.faces.el.ReferenceSyntaxException</font>
    How can I concat two strings or variables in EL

    this doesn't work because EL doesn't concatinate strings bu evaluate them. The work around is to reference a managed bean that then returns the string you like
    #{row.Comm == null ? managed_bean.username_string : managed_bean.any_string'}

  • [SOLVED] Problem With conky and or xcompmgr

    So I tried to search for this issue but i don't know quite how to explain through words on what is going on. basically i got corky installed. and so when i login my screen all around corky doesn't refresh. and i believe this to be because of xcompmgr. because thats when I installed it that is when my problem started. so here is a screenshot
    Last edited by Sicariuxs (2012-11-14 21:13:45)

    no i don't have the problem when xcompmgr is running (lol didn't mean corky!! kept thinking about league of legends xD) but the problem is that if i don't have xcompmgr running that i don't have true trnasparancy on guake or any of my other applications. what i believe it to be is that maybe conky doesn't do so well with compositing. because this also has happened to me with compiz. but i know it has to be possible to combine the two! i've seen it done all over youtube. but i keep getting this problem. any suggestions? and thanks for the quick response

  • [SOLVED] conky transparency fail

    On both my home and work desktop, my conky doesn't overlay my wallpaper correctly:
    It's been going on for many months, but I've finally decided to ask if anyone know's how to fix it? It's annoying
    Both machines are running Gnome, home is Arch, work is Fedora. My .conkyrc:
    background yes
    use_xft yes
    xftfont 123:size=8
    xftalpha 0.1
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    own_window yes
    own_window_type normal
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    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    double_buffer yes
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    default_color gray
    default_shade_color red
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    alignment top_right
    gap_x 10
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    uppercase no
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    net_avg_samples 1
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    text_buffer_size 256
    ${font openlogos:size=24}N${font Arial:size=20}${color Tan1}Fedora${color Ivory}12${font openlogos:size=24}t
    ${voffset -90}
    ${color DimGray}
    ${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color Tan1}SYSTEM ${color DarkSlateGray} ${hr 2}
    $font${color DimGray}$sysname $kernel $alignr $machine
    Intel Pentium D $alignr${freq_g cpu0}Ghz
    Uptime $alignr${uptime}
    ${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color Tan1}PROCESSORS ${color DarkSlateGray}${hr 2}
    $font${color DimGray}CPU1 ${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar cpu1}
    CPU2 ${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar cpu2}
    ${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color Tan1}MEMORY ${color DarkSlateGray}${hr 2}
    $font${color DimGray}MEM $alignc $mem / $memmax $alignr $memperc%
    $font${color DimGray}SWAP $alignc $swap / $swapmax $alignr $swapperc%
    ${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color Tan1}HDD ${color DarkSlateGray}${hr 2}
    $font${color DimGray}/ $alignc ${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /} $alignr ${fs_free_perc /}%
    ${fs_bar /}
    /home $alignc ${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home} $alignr ${fs_free_perc /home}%
    ${fs_bar /home}
    ${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color Tan1}TOP PROCESSES ${color DarkSlateGray}${hr 2}
    ${color DimGray}$font${top_mem name 1}${alignr}${top mem 1} %
    $font${top_mem name 2}${alignr}${top mem 2} %
    $font${top_mem name 3}${alignr}${top mem 3} %
    $font${top_mem name 4}${alignr}${top mem 4} %
    $font${top_mem name 5}${alignr}${top mem 5} %
    ${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color Tan2}NETWORK ${color DarkSlateGray}${hr 2}
    $font${color DimGray}IP on eth0 $alignr ${addr eth0}
    Down $alignr ${downspeed eth0} kb/s
    Up $alignr ${upspeed eth0} kb/s
    Downloaded: $alignr ${totaldown eth0}
    Uploaded: $alignr ${totalup eth0}
    ${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color Tan2}WORLD ${color DarkSlateGray}${hr 2}
    ${font}${color DimGray}New Zealand:$alignr ${tztime Pacific/Auckland %H:%M}hrs
    Hong Kong:$alignr ${tztime Asia/Hong_Kong %H:%M}hrs
    Amsterdam:$alignr ${tztime Europe/Amsterdam %H:%M}hrs
    London:$alignr ${tztime Europe/London %H:%M}hrs
    UTC:${alignr}${utime %H:%M}hrs
    New York:$alignr ${tztime US/Eastern %H:%M}hrs
    ${color Tan2} ${font :size=30}$alignc${time %H:%M}
    ${voffset -30}${font :bold:size=10}$alignc${time %A %d %b. %Y}
    Last edited by fukawi2 (2010-08-16 06:34:00)

    The only differences that I have (on a debian box), are:
    own_window yes
    own_window_type override
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    You could experiment with those...

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