Connect to System account

I have somehow locked the system account. I tried to run from the command
prompt: C:/sqlplus connect as sysdba. Then enter the sysdba password. I get an error "ORA-01301: insufficient privileges." How can I reset the system account if the sysdba has insufficient privileges?

Read the documentation ... SYSDBA is disabled by default.
You can use orapw to create a new password file that enables SYSDBA.
But you can never use / as sysdba.
You must use the full sys@<service_name> as sysdba so that you are challenged for the password.

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    WorkflowCA: Graphics User Interface mode
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    We had this problem on 2 machines.
    On the 1st machine, we tried the local install option after a few days (Local option with no connect string) and it worked with no problems!
    On the 2nd machine, we could never get it to work even after opening a tar with Oracle. Finally we did a remote install from the 1st machine into the database on the 2nd machine. During the remote install while running wfinstall on the 1st machine, we just had to choose the remote option and the database service name for the connect string.

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    Hi Deepak,
    I have assigned the RFC destination and web server to the object type: "0WBSELEMENT" only
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    Const strAgent1 = "\\home.wiginton.local\SysVol\home.wiginton.local\Policies\{CD4ED3BD-0709-4E3D-A303-C9E3B0F5198D}\User\Scripts\Logon\Test-KcsSetup1.exe"
    Const strAgent2 = "\\home.wiginton.local\SysVol\home.wiginton.local\Policies\{CD4ED3BD-0709-4E3D-A303-C9E3B0F5198D}\User\Scripts\Logon\Test-KcsSetup2.exe"
    Const strAgent3 = "\\home.wiginton.local\SysVol\home.wiginton.local\Policies\{CD4ED3BD-0709-4E3D-A303-C9E3B0F5198D}\User\Scripts\Logon\Test-KcsSetup3.exe"
    Const strFolder = "C:\Temp\"
    Const Overwrite = True
    dim objFSO, objNIC1, arrNIC, strIP, strMask, objShell, objWMIService
    'Checks for Kaseya agent process, AgentMon.exe, exits if running
    Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:")
    Set proc = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process Where Name='agentmon.exe'")
    If proc.count > 0 Then
    End If
    'Instantiate a NIC configuration object
    Set objNIC1 = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
    'Instantiate a shell object
    Set objShell = CreateObject("")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Create Temp Dir if it doesn't exist
    If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strFolder) Then
        objFSO.CreateFolder strFolder
    End If
    For Each arrNIC in objNIC1
        if arrNIC.IPEnabled then
            StrIP = arrNIC.IPAddress(i)
            strMask = arrNIC.IPSubnet(i)
            Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
        end if
    Function NetworkID(Address, Mask)
        Dim AddressOctets, MaskOctets, Result, N
        AddressOctets = Split(Address, ".")
        MaskOctets = Split(Mask, ".")
        ReDim Result(UBound(AddressOctets))
        For N = 0 To UBound(AddressOctets)
            Result(N) = AddressOctets(N) And MaskOctets(N)
        NetworkID = Join(Result, ".")
    End Function
    Select Case NetworkID(strIP,strMask)
        Case ""
        ' Kaseya install commands for subnet
        objFSO.CopyFile strAgent1, strFolder, Overwrite
        Wscript.Sleep 1*60*1000 "C:\Temp\Test-KcsSetup1.exe"
        Case ""
        ' Kaseya install commands for subnet
        objFSO.CopyFile strAgent2, strFolder, Overwrite
        Wscript.Sleep 1*60*1000 "C:\Temp\Test-KcsSetup2.exe"
        Case ""
        ' Kaseya install commands for subnet
        objFSO.CopyFile strAgent3, strFolder, Overwrite
        Wscript.Sleep 1*60*1000 "C:\Temp\Test-KcsSetup3.exe"
        Case Else
        ' Some sort of error checking. Maybe a BLAT SMTP command to send an email
    End Select
    Set objWMIService = Nothing
    Set objNIC1 = Nothing
    Set objShell = Nothing
    Set WshNetwork = Nothing

    You need to read the documentation carefully:
    The Deploy Agents install package is created using a Configure Automatic Account Creation wizard. The wizard copies agent settings from an existing machine ID or machine ID template and generates an install package called
    KcsSetup.All settings and pending agent procedures from the machine ID you copy from—except the machine ID, group ID, and organization ID—are applied to every new machine ID created with the package.
    Including Credentials in Agent Install Packages
    If necessary, an agent install package can be created that includes an administrator
    credentialto access a customer network. Credentials are only necessary if users are installing
    packages on machines and do not have administrator access to their network. The administrator credential is encrypted, never available in clear text form, and bound to the install package.

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    So the question is: Is there a way to make the printer visible for the SYSTEM account? Or any other suggestions?
    Many thanks in advance and best regards,

    simple solution is to install your printers locally rather than connecting to a network resource, locally installed printers have the advantage of being
    visible to every user on your system including system accounts. To install a printer locally rather than connecting to a network printer start the "Add Printer Wizard" and select "Local printer attached to this computer"

  • TIP : In case of your SYSTEM account is lost

    Hi ,
    In case if your SYSTEM account is lost use this way :
    If anybody has forgotten their SYSTEM account , do this way
    Start SQL*Plus (Start -> Programs -> Oracle – Instance Name -> Application Development -> SQL Plus).
    At the login prompt, in the user-name field, type ”/as sysdba” (including the forward slash, but without the quotes). Click OK.
    You are now connected as system with full DBA rights.
    To reset the password of the SYSTEM password (or any other user password), run the following query:
    alter user system identified by NewPasswordHere;

    This is probably most applicable to desktop installations for personal use, such as XE. It's unlikely to get you into your employer's payroll system.

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    Can anyone offer any advice or help?

    That's probably because the listener is still running as the local system account. Have you tried to change the listener service to run as the same account as the Oracle service?

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    Then you should read these.
    This was strange but has to do with how startup disk and nvram interact
    I think your problems were solvable and not that the Sonnet card and 5,1 is not bootable, in fact the 5,1 is easier, there are more supported cards.
    I have the 1,1 where the Sonnet Pro is recommended but for data only and are not bootable because of the 32-bit EFI firmware. NOT the 4,1 and 5,1. The 2008's are problem child and have a mix of PCIe 1.1 slots, first implementation of EFI64 that also has problems. Also the 4,1 has two PCIe 2.x slots 3 and 4 that share a controller but that simply limits bandwidth.
    I would have left the TRIM support and NVRAM changes in Yosemite to a separate thread if you wanted to focus on the Sonnet Tempo Pro support in Mac Pro 2010-12 5,1s.
    Also the make of SSD can vary and they also have their own firmware as do bootable controllers along with the EFI of the Mac, all of which have to work together.  Meaning it might be that Samsung 840 va 840 EVO vs 840 Pro will all be slightly different but my experience is Samsungs work well (as do others like Crucial with the proper firmware - and there was/is an issue with the firmware of the Samsung 840 but not with booting).
    The PCIe card gets seen and treated as external and therefore 'eject' but of course you can't when it is the system boot drive.
    One thing I found last week and meant to mention:  After installing or changing PCIe cards, RESET SMC made all the difference in the world with the long boot delay. Some PCIe cards will add a few seconds, system has to search the device tree which now shows another controller with multiple devices - and sometimes NVRAM and SMC are what I will call "dirty" and need to be rebuilt and reset.

  • I'm unable to connect my Gmail accounts to Apple Mail.

    All - I've been working on this for hours.
    All I want to do is connect my gmail accounts to Apple Mail.  I'm running a new Macbook Air w Mountain Lion, Apple Mail 6.5.  I can access the accounts on my ipad and iphone.  I've spent hours reading forums and help areas.
    Mail repeatedly asks for my password.  In the account settings it does not save my password. 
    I've gotten the message that Mail cannot connect to Google imap server, but I do not believe this is a "timing" issue
    Here's what I've tried:
    Apple Side:
    -  Tried adding and deleting accounts several times within mail application
    -  tried using System Preferences > Mail/Contacts etc.
    -  Changed to
    -  changed to custom dedicated port for outgoing mail (587)
    -  closed and relaunched Mail
    -  Rebooted and safe rebooted computer
    -  set up and deleted accounts
    -  turned off gmail on phone and ipad
    Google Side:
    -  Enabled IMAP
    -  Not using 2 step verification
    -  Checked Captcha

    If you've activated 2-step verification, you need to generate an application-specific password in your Google account and enter it in place of your old password.

  • System account locked

    Hello there!
    I tried more than 3 times to make a new connection (in sql developer) usign the system account,bt i forgot the password for this account.Now the account has been locked and i can't make any connection to the ORCL server.
    If u have any ideas..I'd be happy to hear them

    Hi user;
    Please follow below steps and see its helpful
    sqlplus "/as sysdba"

  • How to audit SYSTEM account

    Apparently, the AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS=TRUE does not audit the SYSTEM account.
    But how do we audit the SYSTEM account?
    Have you ever use the AUDIT USER SYSTEM command to audit the SYSTEM account?
    If there is no way to audit the SYSTEM account, can it be locked such that no one can use it connect to the database except be system tasks?

    Thanks Legatti.
    The database in question is version 9.2. The AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS is set to true. In the AUD$ table, there are many audit records (login/loff) of the SYSTEM account.
    Unlike SYS, there is nothing found for the SYSTEM account in the O/S audit files.
    I think Oracle may treat SYSTEM as an user account in the audit aspect. I'll push our DBA to test whether AUDIT USER SYSTEM is allowed. And if allowed, whether there will be any performance issues. Thanks.

  • System account appears to be locked

    I'm trying to access an Oracle 10g database (running on HP-UX) from my Windows XP laptop. I've installed the Instant Client, the ODBC driver, and set up the tnsnames.ora file. However, when I try to test my ODBC connection using the system account I get the following error:
    ORA-28000: The account is locked.
    I've tried this with both the Oracle and DataDirect ODBC drivers and I get the same result.
    I thought the system account was unlocked by default, so I'm not sure if it's related to the account or to my local settings. I'm new to Oracle so I'd appreciate any suggestions from you seasoned users.

    I was able to telnet to the db server, log in as sysdba, and unlock the system account. But it turns out the password I had been given for 'system' was wrong in the first place, so I created another account scott/tiger, granted connect and then tested the driver from my laptop and it worked fine.
    Thanks for your quick response.

  • Mail unable to connect to Exchange account in Macbook

    I have an Exchange Account for my work email and calendar. I recently had to change the password and as I updated the login information in my iPhone (IOS 7) and Macbook (OSX) I have found that the Mail app in the iPhone connects to the Account just fine... The Mail app in my macbook however is unable to connect (using the exact same login information).
    The password has many special characters, could this be the issue?

    Hey Oscar,
    Thanks for the question. I understand that you are experiencing issues with your Mail account in OS X. The following resource provides some great troubleshooting information. You can also try deleting and re-adding the account from System Preferences or Mail Preferences:
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Matt M.

  • I didnet check the system account durin installation

    I want to unlock the system account
    after entering from command promot
    I try the following
    c:\> set oracle_sid= orcl
    c:\> sqlplus / as sysdba
    sql >alter user system account unlock;
    user altered.
    Sql> alter user scott account unlock;
    user altered.
    But I cannot to enter the database as system or sysdba so I didnet check the system account during installation
    any suggestion please
    windows xp os - oracle 10g
    thanks in advance.

    You can change system's password, example :
    C:\>sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 25 15:39:50 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
    SQL> alter user system identified by manager1;
    User altered.

  • SYSTEM account gets locked automatically

    Recently I started the oem agent on one of the box. Since then, the system account gets locked frequently.
    Can you please guide how can I investigate on this ?
    Also, I checked the failed accounts in recent times and I can see someone is connecting from terminal "pts/4".
    Please help to resolve this asap.

    Please specify your OS and DB versions.
    Can you please guide how can I investigate on this ?
    Also, I checked the failed accounts in recent times
    and I can see someone is connecting from terminal
    "pts/4".It means someone is trying to hack the system account. I assume you have configure audit options so you can log where this attempts come from. Even though you have already realized attacks come from pts/4 it will only have sense if you are able to discover in the few minutes what's the actual terminal attached from pts/4. On the other hand, it sounds to me that someone opened a session in a unix like box, and is able to see the os where the database resides. If this is the case, look for the output from the os command 'last' to find out further information about pts/4. If this hacker has reached the OS, it is a serious matter, it could quite easily get signed to the database if it is OS authenticated.
    ~ Madrid

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