Connecting in data transfor

I can`t conect in data transfer mode recentrly and I can`t figure out why. It says that the memory is used by another application, but all of them are shut down.
P.S. I have a N95 8GB Edition
Please help
You can run, but that`s about it.
Remember that: The only time a fighter has too much gas is when it's on fire.
[url=]The 21 st century fighter site[/url]

Did you managed to solve the problem ?
You can run, but that`s about it.
Remember that: The only time a fighter has too much gas is when it's on fire.
[url=]The 21 st century fighter site[/url]

Similar Messages

  • PowerView error -Cannot create a connection to data source 'TemporaryDataSource'.

    Hello and thanks for the time.
    I am getting the following error when trying to create a powerview report.  I don't get where is this TemporaryDataSource is and how do I check the permissions on it?  that is what this error is pointing to, no?  I tried re-installing the
    SQL reporting add-in and no go there.  SQL Browser services are running.  I can see the file in Excel just can't create a powerview report.  any and all help is appreciated.  thanks.
    <detail><ErrorCode xmlns="">rsCannotRetrieveModel</ErrorCode><HttpStatus xmlns="">400</HttpStatus><Message xmlns="">An
    error occurred while loading the model for the item or data source ''. Verify that the connection information is correct and that you have permissions to access the data source.</Message><HelpLink
    xmlns="">Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services</ProductName><ProductVersion xmlns="">11.0.3128.0</ProductVersion><ProductLocaleId
    xmlns="">127</ProductLocaleId><OperatingSystem xmlns="">OsIndependent</OperatingSystem><CountryLocaleId xmlns="">1033</CountryLocaleId><MoreInformation
    xmlns=""><Source>ReportingServicesLibrary</Source><Message msrs:ErrorCode="rsCannotRetrieveModel" msrs:HelpLink=";EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsCannotRetrieveModel&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.3128.0"
    xmlns:msrs="">An error occurred while loading the model for the item or data source ''. Verify that the connection information is
    correct and that you have permissions to access the data source.</Message><MoreInformation><Source>Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore</Source><Message msrs:ErrorCode="rsErrorOpeningConnection" msrs:HelpLink=";EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsErrorOpeningConnection&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.3128.0"
    xmlns:msrs="">Cannot create a connection to data source 'TemporaryDataSource'.</Message><MoreInformation><Source></Source><Message>For more information about this error
    navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors</Message></MoreInformation></MoreInformation></MoreInformation><Warnings xmlns="" /></detail>

    Issue not supported in sharepoint on-premise team.
    In addition, as this issue is related to Powerview, I suggest you create a new thread on for Powerview forum, more experts will assist you.
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Running "Flex test drive" - Got error while attempting to connect to data service

    I'm a Flex / Flash builder beginner. I downloaded the 60 days evaluation, and started to run the "Flex test drive" :
    My configuration :
    XP SP3 PRO french edition
    Tomcat 6.0
    My local Eclipse :eclipse-jee-helios-SR2-win32 (but also got the issue on the Flash Builder Eclipse, which version is 3.4.0 (Generation ID M20090211-1700)
    Flash Builder 4 with Eclipse plug-in
    All on same PC
    The Test Drive proposes examples in three technologies : Cold Fusion, PHP and Java. I'm doing the Java examples.
    Installation of Flash Builder, as well as step 1 of the Test Drive (Build the user interface) went fine. I could run the project, which at the end of step 1 correctly displayed the UI in my browser.
    Only one problem, I don't know if it is relevant for the rest of this post : I first got an error, saying that ports 8080, 8005 and 8009, requested by Tomcat, where used. After a short Google search, I fixed it by changing these ports to 8081, 8006, and 8010, in the Tomcat 6.0\conf\server.xml file.
    The Test drive second step is "Connect to data". I found some discrepancies between the Test Drive doc, and what is displayed in Flash Builder. The Test Drive says :
    "Use the Data menu and the Service Wizard to create a service for your application server. For ColdFusion and Java, specify the service file you put on your application server earlier (see Figure 9 for a PHP example). For Java, select the No password required check box, select the employeeService destination, and change the service package to services.employeeservice."
    --> But there is no "No password required check box".
    Also, when running the "Connect to data/service..." wizard, it was not at first completely clear what to choose. The proposed choices were :
    Web Service
    Since all others choices, when tried, declared to be unconsistent with my project's server type, I finally selected "Web Service".
    In the next wizard's form, according to the Test Drive indications, I specified the URI of my EmployeeService class : C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\testdrive\WEB-INF\classes\services\EmployeeService.class
    That defined correctly the other fields.
    But when pressing the "Next >" button, Flash Builder issued the following error message :
    English translation : Unable to extract operations and entities from specified WSDL. Reason : an error occured while instrospecting the service.
    And the full error text is :
    An error occured while instrospecting the service. WSDLException: faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Problem parsing 'file:/C:/Program%20Files/Apache%20Software%20Foundation/Tomcat%206.0/webapps/testdrive/W EB-INF/classes/services/EmployeeService.class'.: Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence.
    It is usually relatively easy to find fixes through Google searches, but this time, it didn't work. So here I am, expecting a bunch of wise answers from all the nice Flex / FB gurus that I'm sure haunt this forum .
    Thanks and best regards.

    For those who would have the same problem, here is how I could eventually fix it.
    Since the Flex Test Drive is sometimes out of sync with flash builder 4, I recreated a project using other help pages on Adobe site :
    Entry point : 7ffd.html
    As suggested, I used the New Project wizard to create a new project, with :
    Application server type : J2EE
    Check the radio button "Use remote object access service : BlazeDS"
    Then, as indicated in following pages (section "Accessing BlazeDS")... :
    file:///C:/Mes%20documents%20C/Commun/Developpement/Documentation/HT-Tracks/AccessingData/ ml#WSbde04e3d3e6474c4-19a3f0e0122be55e1b7-8000
    ...I selected the "Data / Connect to Data/Services..." menu option, which started the Data/service connection wizard.
    There, I selected a BlazeDS (and not Web Services) service type, and everything went fine.
    Suggestion to adobe staff : maybe it would be useful to update the Flex Test Drive to reflect Flash Builder 4 ?
    Very nice product anyway, so far, congratulations...

  • JDBC Driver not found when connecting to Data Federator XI 3.0 SP3

    I am trying to connect Crystal 2008 to Data Federator however I am getting the Error
    Failed to open connection.
    Details: JDBC Driver not found.
    The JDBC Drivers are installed and working for the Universe Designer, however I am unable to get it working for Crystal. I am using the following connection parameters on Crystal:
    Connection URL: jdbc:datafederator://<<servername>>:3055/<<catalog>>
    Database Classname: com.businessobjects.datafederator.jdbc.DataFederatorDriver
    Any Advice on what I may have missed?

    The issue was solved, thanks to Patric Wan:
    u201CFailed to open the connection. Details: JDBC driver not found.u201D
    This means Data Federator JDBC driver was not added to:
    C:\Program Files\Business Objects\common\<version>\java\CRConfig.xml
    How to connect the Data Federator Server using JDBC?
    1. Retrieve the following files from the machine where Data Federator is installed, from the directory [data-federator-installation-dir]/JdbcDriver/lib.
        - thindriver.jar
        - avalon-framework-4.1.5.jar
        - jacorb.jar
        - log4j-1.2.8.jar
        - logkit-1.2.jar
    2. Copy these files to a directory of your choice ([your-jdbc-driverdirectory]).
    3. Add [your-jdbc-driver-directory]/thindriver.jar to CRConfig.xml   <Add to Classpath tag, you can refer to original sample.CRConfig.xml should be at: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java\CRConfig.xml, or search your BOBJ products install to find this file>
    4. URL: jdbc:leselect://<host>[:<port>][/[<catalog>]][[;param-name=value]*]
    Class Name : LeSelect.ThinDriver.ThinDriver
    Edited by: Craig Sander on Feb 12, 2011 8:22 PM

  • I am getting the error "Unable to connect to data warehouse management server" when I try to register it DWMS

    I have a Data Warehouse Server that appears to be functioning but is running System Center Service Manager 2010 (w/ out SP1), Also have a functioning Configuration Management Server with Reporting Services Point installed the is running System Center
    2012. Both systems are VM's running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise w/ SP1 fully patched. Both systems are running SQL Server 2008 R2 as well. When I try to register the Data Warehouse Server via the GUI using the console or in Powershell it errors
    out. Particularly on the GUI with the error "Unable to connect to data warehouse management server". I can browse to it, ping it, get the configuration management reports to run and show my AD assets, etc... but it will not register the DWS. I have
    tried every suggestion TechNet has to offer and I am hitting a wall. Can someone please, please, please help!?!

    unplug modem and router and reboot.
    check setting for network, verify password.
    sign in.  Enter computer information.
    let me know if this works.

  • Unable to connect to Data Warehouse Server

    I have a Data Warehouse Server that appears to be functioning but is running System Center Service Manager 2010 (w/ out SP1), Also have a functioning Configuration Management Server with Reporting Services Point installed the is running System Center
    2012. Both systems are VM's running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise w/ SP1 fully patched. Both systems are running SQL Server 2008 R2 as well. When I try to register the Data Warehouse Server via the GUI using the console or in Powershell it errors
    out. Particularly on the GUI with the error "Unable to connect to data warehouse management server". I can browse to it, ping it, get the configuration management reports to run and show my AD assets, etc... but it will not register the DWS. I have
    tried every suggestion TechNet has to offer and I am hitting a wall. Can someone please, please, please help!?!

    These are the types of errors I am getting in the Event Logs:
    Log Name:      Operations Manager
    Source:        Console Operations
    Date:          4/22/2014 11:18:53 AM
    Event ID:      33569
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Cannot connect to SQL Reporting Services Server.  Message= Cannot display reporting wunderbar because the information is not yet available in DW CMDB.  Remediation = Please wait for MP sync process to finish and try again later.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Console Operations" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="49152">33569</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-04-22T18:18:53.000000000Z" />
        <Channel>Operations Manager</Channel>
        <Security />
        <Data>Cannot display reporting wunderbar because the information is not yet available in DW CMDB.</Data>
        <Data>Please wait for MP sync process to finish and try again later.</Data>
    Log Name:      Operations Manager
    Source:        Console Operations
    Date:          4/22/2014 11:18:42 AM
    Event ID:      33569
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Cannot connect to SQL Reporting Services Server.  Message= An unexpected error occured while connecting to SQL Reporting Services server: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.SdkDataAccess.ManagementGroupServerSession.TryConnectToReportingManagementGroup()  Remediation = Please contact your Administrator.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Console Operations" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="49152">33569</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-04-22T18:18:42.000000000Z" />
        <Channel>Operations Manager</Channel>
        <Security />
        <Data>An unexpected error occured while connecting to SQL Reporting Services server: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.SdkDataAccess.ManagementGroupServerSession.TryConnectToReportingManagementGroup()</Data>
        <Data>Please contact your Administrator.</Data>

  • Power View error: Cannot create a connection to data source 'EntityDataSource'

    I have Power View on SharePoint 2013. I have both Multidimentional and Tabular model in use.
    I have several Report.drlx file in Report libary in SharePoint.
    My colleague is getting following error when building report by dragging Facts and Dimentions to report.
    On the hand, I'm not receiving error.
    Error is cannot create a connection to data source 'EntityDataSource'
    <detail><ErrorCode xmlns="rsErrorOpeningConnection</ErrorCode><HttpStatus">">rsErrorOpeningConnection</ErrorCode><HttpStatus
    xmlns="400</HttpStatus><Message">">400</HttpStatus><Message xmlns="Cannot">">Cannot
    create a connection to data source 'EntityDataSource'.</Message><HelpLink xmlns="</HelpLink><ProductName">">;EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsErrorOpeningConnection&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=12.0.2000.8</HelpLink><ProductName
    xmlns="Microsoft">">Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services</ProductName><ProductVersion xmlns="12.0.2000.8</ProductVersion><ProductLocaleId">">12.0.2000.8</ProductVersion><ProductLocaleId
    xmlns="1033</ProductLocaleId><OperatingSystem">">1033</ProductLocaleId><OperatingSystem xmlns="OsIndependent</OperatingSystem><CountryLocaleId">">OsIndependent</OperatingSystem><CountryLocaleId
    xmlns="1033</CountryLocaleId><MoreInformation">">1033</CountryLocaleId><MoreInformation xmlns="<Source>Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore</Source><Message">"><Source>Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore</Source><Message
    msrs:ErrorCode="rsErrorOpeningConnection" msrs:HelpLink=";EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsErrorOpeningConnection&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=12.0.2000.8"
    xmlns:msrs="Cannot">">Cannot create a connection to data source 'EntityDataSource'.</Message><MoreInformation><Source>Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient</Source><Message></Message><MoreInformation><Source>Microsoft.SharePoint</Source><Message>Could
    not retrieve a valid Windows identity.</Message><MoreInformation><Source>mscorlib</Source><Message>WTS0003: The caller is not authorized to access the service.</Message></MoreInformation></MoreInformation></MoreInformation></MoreInformation><Warnings
    xmlns="" /></detail>

    Hi Kenny_I,
    As per my understanding, I think this issue may be caused by your colleague has no permission to access to data source 'EntityDataSource', it is a Kerberos issue. When report server uses ‘Windows authentication (integrated) or SharePoint user’ as the credentials
    to access the data source 'EntityDataSource', the authentication would be failed.  So we should try to check if the issue is in this scenario. If in this case, we should change the credentials to stored credentials.
    Besides, if we don’t configure C2WTS Service Account to use Local System, it needs the following local policy rights:
    Act as part of the operating system.
    Impersonate a client after authentication.
    Log on as a service.
    For more details, please refer to the following blog:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Impossible to use "Connect to Data/Service" with BlazeDS

    Hi everybody, I'm work on FB4 since 3 weeks, but I have big problem to use "Connect to Data/Service" with BlazeDS.  each time I try to use it, it's the same question " You must define a BlazeDS server" and when I define the BlazeDS server and .war, I have the question again... You must define a BlazeDS server
    I work on Mac OsX Leopard and his java 6.
    Thanks for your help

    Thanks for your feedback
    Can you please tell us which version of Flash Builder4 and BlazeDS you are using.?
    Also, can you try the same workflow by using the turnkey version of BlazeDS( with Flash Builder BETA2 build.
    Please let us know the outcome.

  • 703: Subdaemon connect to data store failed with error TT9999

    I'm getting the following error whilst trying to connect to a TimesTen DB:
    connect "DSN=my_cachedb";
    703: Subdaemon connect to data store failed with error TT9999
    In the tterrors.log:
    16:39:24.71 Warn: : 2568: 3596 ------------------: subdaemon process exited
    16:39:24.71 Warn: : 2568: 3596 exited while connected to data store '/u01/ttdata/datastores/my_cachedb' shm 33554529 count=1
    16:39:24.71 Warn: : 2568: daRecovery: subdaemon 3596, managing data store, failed: invalidate (failcode=202)
    16:39:24.71 Warn: : 2568: Invalidating the data store (failcode 202, recovery for 3596)
    16:39:24.72 Err : : 2568: TT14000: TimesTen daemon internal error: Could not send 'manage' request to subdaemon rc -2 err1 703 err2 9999
    16:39:24.72 Warn: : 2568: 3619 Subdaemon reports creation failure
    16:39:24.72 Err : : 2568: TT14000: TimesTen daemon internal error: Deleting 3619/0x1558650/'/u01/ttdata/datastores/my_cachedb' - from association table - not found
    16:39:24.72 Err : : 2568: TT14004: TimesTen daemon creation failed: Could not del from dbByPid internal table
    16:39:24.81 Warn: : 2568: child process 3596 terminated with signal 11
    16:39:25.09 Err : : 2568: TT14000: TimesTen daemon internal error: daRecovery for 3619: No such data store '/u01/ttdata/datastores/my_cachedb'
    I've checked and the datastore does exist and is owned by the timesten UNIX user.
    TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (tt1122:53396) 2011-12-23T09:26:28Z
    Instance admin: timesten
    Instance home directory: /home/timesten/TimesTen/tt1122
    Group owner: timesten
    Daemon home directory: /home/timesten/TimesTen/tt1122/info
    PL/SQL enabled.
    Datastore definition from sys.odbc.ini:
    Kernel parameters from sysctl -a:
    kernel.shmmax = 68719476736
    kernel.shmall = 4294967296
    Memory / SWAP:
    MemTotal: 2050784 kB
    SWAP: /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol01 partition 4095992
    I'm new to TimesTen and I'm planning on evaluationg it to see if it could solve an issue we're having. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Hi Ian,
    Can you please answer the following / provide the following information:
    1. What are your kernel parameters relating to semaphores set to? Is anything else on the mahcine using significant numbers of semaphores?
    2. Please provide the output of the following shell commands:
    ls -ld /u01
    ls -ld /u01/ttdata
    ls -ld /u01/ttdata/datastores
    ls -ld /u01/ttdata/logs
    3. Please provide an excerpt of the detailed message log (ttmesg.log) between around 16:38 and 16:40 (i.e. from a little while before the problem until after the problem).

  • Connecting a DAT player to iMac G5

    I want to connect a DAT player/recorder to my iMac G5. It looks like I might have to do this through a coax cable. Does anyone know if garageband, or maybe Soundtrack or iTunes, will acknowledge the files? Really, I could just use some suggestions for a method for converting the audio to save and listen to on my computer. Thanks!

    You can't copy the 'files' from a DAT machine in the way that you can from, for example, an MP3 recorder. You have to connect the analogue or digital output from the DAT machine and copy the recording in real time, recording it into GaragBand or an audio editor.
    If the DAT machine has an optical (TOSlink) output you can connect that to your iMac's optical input. However, note that DAT usually records at 48kHz: GarageBand only recognizes 44.1kHz. Your best bet in this case would be to record into an audio editor and convert the resultant file to 44.1.

  • Wifi is not available where I come from. I have broadband connection where data transmission is through cell sites then to USB modem connected to a computer. The modem draws power from the computer. Will this setup work with the ipad?

    Wifi is not available where I come from. I have broadband connection where data transmission is through cell sites then to USB modem connected to a computer. The modem draws power from the computer. Will this setup work with the ipad?

    iPad requires Wifi (or 3G /LTE) to connect to the Internet. You cannot connect a USB modem to the iPad.
    You can create your own WiFi hotspot through your computer for your iPad to connect to, if your computer supports this functionality. All Wifi Macs and many Wifi PCs do. Check your computer manual for how to do it.

  • Problem connecting to Data/Service outside web root

    I'm new to Flash Builder (4.5). I work in an environment where developers have full access to a specified folder and subfolders on a Windows box running IIS 7 and ColdFusion 9.
    So the path to the services-config.xml looks like this (server and folder names have been changed, but the structure is the same):
    Path to coldfusion root looks like this
    The developers don't have write access to those areas. What we have is
    And so on
    Then our server admin sets up virtual servers so that our urls look like,, etc. 
    I set up a project specifying ColdFusion as the server technology and using the above paths and everything works 
    I've run set up a couple Hello World tests using <mx:RemoteObject destination="ColdFusion" source="app1.flextest"></mx:RemoteObject> and everything works as expected. (No database connections, just a function that returns a string) 
    The problem is when I try to exploit the magic of Flash Builder and use the Connect to Data Service feature to write my queries for me : ) 
    I select ColdFusion 
    In the CFC location I enter 
    \\servername \webteam$\webcontent\app1\cpa\flextest.cfc 
    Which is the same working cfc I connected to manually in my Hello World test. Flash Builder automatically populates the Service Name, Service Package, and Data Type Packages and I click next. I enter my RDS password and I then get this error: 
    The CFC file is invalid. Possible causes can be found by accessing: =flextest&path=%2Fwebcontent%2Fapp1%2Fflextest.cfc 
    Copying and pasting the url into my browser I get this error: 
    The value returned from the getCFCMetaData function is not of type struct. 
    HOWEVER, if I modify the url and remove "%2Fwebcontent%2Fapp1%" I get a response: 
    E:\webteam\webcontent\app1\flextest.cfcE:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cftags\component.cfc WEB-INF.cftags.componentWEB-INF.cftags.componentcomponentcpa.flextestcpa.flextestcomponent remoteflexteststring 
    So I just need to tell Flash Builder to shorten the path and not add "/webcontent/app1" How? 
    Sorry it took so long to explain. I've been googling for days and can't find anything. I'm sure there must be other users who develop on servers outside the root path of their web server, right? 
    P.S. I tried mapping drives but that didn't help
    "Embrace the senile genius"

    Hi ,
        Check if the database server is up and running.The console will have two root nodes .R they both in green?
    Try connecting and entering into the database externally.
    Generally if the DB instance is not running , this error would occur.

  • Flash Builder 4 connect to Data/Service

    I am attempting to connect Flash Builder projects to a custom AMF server using the connect to Data/Service tool.
    I am able to successfully connect to the server and create a service connection. Flash Builder creates a service but
    does not recognize any operations. I believe this is because the server is not responding correctly to the Flex Introspect request.
    I am sending an AMF package back to Flash that looks like this:
                \c@\c@\c@\c@\c@\cA\c@\c@\c@\cB/0ÿÿÿÿ\cJ\c@\c@\c@\cA\cB\c@\cIgetPeople or
    in HEX 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 FF FF FF FF 0A 00 00 00 01 02 00 09 "getPeople"
    Can someone please provide any documentation on the format required for this response?
    Thanks in advance

    I am attempting to connect Flash Builder projects to a custom AMF server using the connect to Data/Service tool.
    I am able to successfully connect to the server and create a service connection. Flash Builder creates a service but
    does not recognize any operations. I believe this is because the server is not responding correctly to the Flex Introspect request.
    I am sending an AMF package back to Flash that looks like this:
                \c@\c@\c@\c@\c@\cA\c@\c@\c@\cB/0ÿÿÿÿ\cJ\c@\c@\c@\cA\cB\c@\cIgetPeople or
    in HEX 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 FF FF FF FF 0A 00 00 00 01 02 00 09 "getPeople"
    Can someone please provide any documentation on the format required for this response?
    Thanks in advance

  • Helpdesk Report Group Users - Cannot create a connection to data source 'DataSource1'

    Getting the following error for a User accessing the report who is a member of the reporting group. If I add them as a sysadmin in SQL they can get access. What permissions need changing for this user group?
    Cannot create a connection to data source 'DataSource1'. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user

    For a complete understanding of the permission and groups, I would rather suggest you to do the installation of the MBAM components in a single server infrastructure in a test environment.
    Create the following domain security groups and use it during the configuration of the MBAM roles:-
    1) MBAM Advanced Helpdesk Users
    2) MBAM Helpdesk Users
    3) MBAM Report Users
    4) MBAM Read and Write Access
    5) MBAM Read Only Access.
    Create an application pool account and create a login in SQL for it. Use it only during:-
    1) Configuration of "Compliance and Audit Database connection"
    2) Configuration for All Web Applications.
    If your application pool account is not a domain administrator, the run the following powershell command to set the service principal name :-
    -s http//<FQDN of MBAM Web Server> domain\<Application pool account>
    Make sure the application pool account must be trusted for delegation.
    That's all you need to do. Then after the installation you can check the properties of each group in SQL to verify the rights and permission assigned during the installation.
    Regards, "Gaurav Ranjan" =========== NOTE: Mark as Answer and Vote as Helpful if it helps =======

  • Failed to close connection for data source "EntityDataSource"

    Hi All,
    I have deployed some PowerView reports on SharePoint 2013.
    I have open it on sharepoint, wait for 5 mins & then I try to change any filter then I am getting following error as
    Failed to close connection for data source "EntityDataSource"
    Error Text:
    <ErrorCode xmlns="">rsErrorClosingConnection</ErrorCode>
    <HttpStatus xmlns="">400</HttpStatus>
    <Message xmlns="">Failed to close connection for data source 'EntityDataSource'.</Message>
    <HelpLink xmlns="">;EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsErrorClosingConnection&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.3128.0</HelpLink>
    <ProductName xmlns="">Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services</ProductName>
    <ProductVersion xmlns="">11.0.3128.0</ProductVersion>
    <ProductLocaleId xmlns="">1033</ProductLocaleId>
    <OperatingSystem xmlns="">OsIndependent</OperatingSystem>
    <CountryLocaleId xmlns="">1033</CountryLocaleId>
    <MoreInformation xmlns="">
    <Message msrs:ErrorCode="rsErrorClosingConnection" msrs:HelpLink=";EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsErrorClosingConnection&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.3128.0"
    xmlns:msrs="">Failed to close connection for data source 'EntityDataSource'.</Message>
    <MoreInformation><Source></Source><Message>For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors</Message></MoreInformation></MoreInformation><Warnings
    xmlns="" /></detail>
    Is it because of Session Timeout?or may be something else
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Rameshwar,
    Pleaese help to collect SharePoint ULS Log related to this issue for further investigation, please see:
    Configure and View SharePoint Log Files and Diagnostic Logging (PowerPivot for SharePoint):
    In addition, could you please elaborate this issue with more deail how this issue happened? Are you encountered this issue while you view the Power View report on SharePoint site?
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

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