Connecting to ADO Data Services using XML Data

Has anyone attempted to connect to a database using ADO Data Services? My understanding of ADO Data Services is that it allows querying of the database in a REST format. So if I publish a site, I can get to its data with a URL like this:
http://mysite/myservice.svc/entity where entity is a defined entity like Product, or supplier. Going to this site returns data that I have included at the end of this post, with the Entry node repeating (I only included the first Entry node). I definitely cannot use Web Service as my connection method, because there is no WSDL, but I was thinking maybe I could use XML. However, I have read the help file and several forum posts and I can't seem to figure out how to make XML work.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <feed xml:base="http://mysite/FpWebDataService.svc/" xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">
  <title type="text">InfrastructureTickets</title>
  <link rel="self" title="InfrastructureTickets" href="InfrastructureTickets" />
- <entry>
  <title type="text" />
+ <author>
  <name />
  <link rel="edit" title="InfrastructureTickets" href="InfrastructureTickets(1)" />
  <category term="FootprintsModel.InfrastructureTickets" scheme="" />
- <content type="application/xml">
- <m:properties>
  <d:TicketID m:type="Edm.Int32">1</d:TicketID>
  <d:TicketTitle>FAStT 700 updates</d:TicketTitle>
  <d:TicketAssigned xml:space="preserve">miphillips</d:TicketAssigned>
  <d:DateSubmitted>Jul 18 2005 9:55AM</d:DateSubmitted>
  <d:ChangeRisk m:null="true" />
  <d:OutageRootCause m:null="true" />
  <d:SolutionType m:null="true" />
  <d:TicketType m:null="true" />
  <d:OutageScope m:null="true" />
  <d:OutageManagerDescription m:null="true" />
  <d:ProblemCategory m:null="true" />
  <d:SubmissionType m:null="true" />
  <d:TicketPriority m:type="Edm.Int32">3</d:TicketPriority>
  <d:SubmitDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">2005-07-18T09:55:51</d:SubmitDate>
  <d:UpdateDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">2005-07-19T09:26:41</d:UpdateDate>
  <d:TicketAge m:type="Edm.Int32">1253</d:TicketAge>
  <d:TicketUpdateAge m:type="Edm.Int32">1252</d:TicketUpdateAge>
  <d:DescriptionCount m:type="Edm.Int32">2</d:DescriptionCount>

Hi lilutchay,
If the SQL Server Integration Services is Enterprise or Developer edition of SQL Server 2008, we can use
Microsoft Connector Version 1.2 for Oracle to connect Oracle databases with version Oracle or higher, Oracle 10.x or Oracle 11.x. If the SQL Server Integration Services is Enterprise or Developer edition of SQL Server 2012, we can use
Microsoft Connector Version 2.0 for Oracle to connect Oracle databases with version Oracle or higher, Oracle 10.x or Oracle 11.x.
While if we want to connect to other Oracle version databases, we can use
OLE DB provider for Oracle which has been tested in SSIS labs and is recommended by Microsoft.
For the detail steps for Microsoft Connector for Oracle, we can refer to the first blog suggested by Deric. For more details about the use of connecting to oracle using Oracle Provider for OLEDB from SSIS, please refer to the blog below:
SSIS with Oracle Connectors
Katherine Xiong
Katherine Xiong
TechNet Community Support

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    I built an application first with PHP connection into a database which essentially listed IP of my company in a grid.
    One could filter the IP depending of technology, type of Ip and so on.
    When clicking in the grid, the details with many more fileds would apprear. This was working niceley as I had my services defined and needed only to drag services in the right place and add here and there some changes in the code
    Now, I wanted to do the same with an xml file instead of a mySQL database so to deploy it a little easier.
    I have the grid and the filtering working nicely.
    But I cannot create the data binding for the details.
    Below is the code. See the line before last where I tested if I could access to the  descriptipn fuield in my arrayCollection (coming from my xml)
    CAn anyone help me, please
    many thanks in advance and best regards
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
       applicationComplete="myServ.send()" width="900" height="500">
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    private var myIPList:ArrayCollection;
    protected function myServ_faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void"Something went wrong", "Cannot load data");
    protected function myServ_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    if(event.result.test.IP is ArrayCollection){
    this.myIPList = event.result.test.IP as ArrayCollection;
    var buffer:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([event.result.test.IP]);
    this.myIPList = buffer;
    this.searchInput.enabled = false;
    this.searchInputTechnology.enabled = false;
    this.searchInputProvider.enabled = false;
    // serach for IP
    protected function searchInput_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void
    this.myIPList.filterFunction = filterFunc;
    private function filterFunc(item:Object):Boolean
    if(String(item.IP).toLowerCase().indexOf(this.searchInput.text.toLowerCase()) > -1){
    return true;
    return false;
    //  Search for Technology
    protected function searchInputTechnology_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void
    this.myIPList.filterFunction = filterFuncTechnology;
    private function filterFuncTechnology(item:Object):Boolean
    if(String(item.Technology).toLowerCase().indexOf(this.searchInputTechnology.text.toLowerCa se()) > -1){
    return true;
    return false;
    //  Search for Provider
    protected function searchInputProvider_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void
    this.myIPList.filterFunction = filterFuncProvider;
    private function filterFuncProvider(item:Object):Boolean
    if(String(item.Provider).toLowerCase().indexOf(this.searchInputProvider.text.toLowerCase() ) > -1){
    return true;
    return false;
    protected function myDG_changeHandler(event:ListEvent):void"I Clicked. It should now be possible to see details, damned");
    <s:HTTPService id="myServ" url="IP.xml" fault="myServ_faultHandler(event)" result="myServ_resultHandler(event)"/>
    <mx:DataGrid id="myDG" change="myDG_changeHandler(event)" x="37" y="134" width="814" height="159" dataProvider="{this.myIPList}">
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="IP" dataField="IP"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="short description" dataField="detail"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="type" dataField="type"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Provider" dataField="Provider"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Technology" dataField="Technology"/>
    <s:HGroup x="33" y="74" width="152" height="41" verticalAlign="middle">
    <mx:Spacer width="100%">
    <s:Label text="IP"/>
    <s:TextInput id="searchInput" change="searchInput_changeHandler(event)" width="103"/>
    <s:HGroup x="686" y="74" width="153" height="41" verticalAlign="middle">
    <mx:Spacer width="100%">
    <s:Label text="Technology"/>
    <s:TextInput id="searchInputTechnology" change="searchInputTechnology_changeHandler(event)" width="94"/>
    <s:HGroup x="519" y="74" width="153" height="41" verticalAlign="middle">
    <mx:Spacer width="100%">
    <s:Label text="Provider"/>
    <s:TextInput id="searchInputProvider" change="searchInputProvider_changeHandler(event)" width="94"/>
    <s:Label x="135" y="38" text="IP Road Map" fontSize="29" color="#524E4E"/>
    <s:TextArea id="myText" x="37" y="315" width="204" text="{this.myIPList}" height="164"/>
    <mx:Image x="33" y="18" width="74" height="57" id="STLogo" source="file:/Users/peterhirt/Pictures/stlogo.png"/>
    Here at tzhe end I append one record out of the xml files I used
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
            <IP>USB2 PHY</IP>
            <detail>single port </detail>

    Hi Kevin,
    the current XML export version is admittedly not suitable for handling HTML data, as it doesn´t put any data inside CDATA sections.
    How can I strip out this HTML using the XML export?
    I´m not aware of this functionality, but I´m sure it would have to be integrated into the respective "includes" files in order to become effective.
    However, you might consider using the manual "converting database queries to XML" approach explained on this page: -- this will give you notably more freedom to e.g. preprocess some data before it´s getting stuffed inside an XML node.
    I am pulling RSS feeds from news sites and storing the rss items in a database
    Would it be possible to rather sanitize the data before it´s getting stored in the database ?
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • How to create a report using XML data source from Crystal Report Designer

    Iu2019m having Crystal Report Designer XI R2 SP4. Iu2019m trying to create a report using XML data source stored on disk. This is a customer order report and the xml is structured in such a way that it has an order details header part (master) and then it has several order lines (detail). One order line can have several order line characteristics (detail-detail). So what I need to know is now I can design this layout from the designer. If this was done using views I can do it with sub-reports but using xml data this seems to be different. Can you help me to design this layout? I have included the xml and xsd as well.
    Thank you in advance.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CUSTOMER_ORDER_CONF_REP_REQUEST xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:ifsworld-com:customer_order_conf_rep">
            <CUST_NAME>Mr.Johan Matts</CUST_NAME>
            <SHIP_ADDR_1>93,Main Street</SHIP_ADDR_1>
            <SHIP_ADDR_2>Negambo Road</SHIP_ADDR_2>
            <SHIP_ADDR_4>SRI LANKA</SHIP_ADDR_4>
            <BILL_ADDR_1>93,Main Street</BILL_ADDR_1>
            <BILL_ADDR_2>Negambo Road</BILL_ADDR_2>
            <BILL_ADDR_4>SRI LANKA</BILL_ADDR_4>
                            <CHARACTERISTIC_ID xsi:nil="1"/>
                            <CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE xsi:nil="1"/>
                    <CUSTOMER_PART_DESC>XGA Projector</CUSTOMER_PART_DESC>
                            <CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>Free Instalation</CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>
                    <CUSTOMER_PART_DESC>Sony DVD Player</CUSTOMER_PART_DESC>
                            <CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>Free 5 DVDs</CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>
                    <CUSTOMER_PART_DESC>Flatscreen TV</CUSTOMER_PART_DESC>
                            <CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>Free Delivery</CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>
                            <CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>1 year additional warranty</CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>
                    <CUSTOMER_PART_DESC>Sony MP3 Player</CUSTOMER_PART_DESC>
                            <CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>Free carry belt</CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>
                            <CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>Free promotional 4GB memory bar</CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>
                            <CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>No warranty on memory bar</CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?report  module="ORDER" package="CUSTOMER_ORDER_CONF_REP" ?>
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:ifsworld-com:customer_order_conf_rep" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="urn:ifsworld-com:customer_order_conf_rep" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
    <xs:element name="CUSTOMER_ORDER_CONF_REP_REQUEST">
    <xs:all minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:element name="CUSTOMER_ORDER_CONF_REP">
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50">
    <xs:element name="ORDER_NO" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="PRINTED_DATE" type="xs:dateTime" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="AUTHORIZE_NAME" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="CUSTOMER_NO" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="CUSTOMER_PO_NO" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="CUST_NAME" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="SHIP_ADDR_1" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="SHIP_ADDR_2" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="SHIP_ADDR_3" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="SHIP_ADDR_4" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="BILL_ADDR_1" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="BILL_ADDR_2" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="BILL_ADDR_3" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="BILL_ADDR_4" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="CUSTOMER_FAX" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="CUSTOMER_EMAIL" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="ORDER_LINES" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="ORDER_LINE">
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="39">
    <xs:element name="LINE_NO" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="SALE_UNIT_PRICE" type="xs:float" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="PRICE_TOTAL" type="xs:float" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="DISCOUNT" type="xs:float" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="PRICE_QTY" type="xs:float" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="CUSTOMER_PART_NO" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="4000"/>
    <xs:element name="CUSTOMER_PART_DESC" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="4000"/>
    <xs:element name="ORDER_LINE_CHARACTERSTICS" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="CHARACTERISTIC_ITEM">
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6">
    <xs:element name="CHARACTERISTIC_ID" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>
    <xs:element name="CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:maxLength value="2000"/>

    Hi Sourashree,
    Thank you for the response and ideas you have given me so far. I can get the fetch the data from the data source without any problem. That is I do the following,
    1.     New Report
    2.     From Create New Connection-> XML
    3.     Provide the u201CLocal XML Fileu201D and have u201CSpecify Schema Fileu201D checked -> Next
    4.     Provide the u201CLocal Schema Fileu201D  -> Finish
    Then I can see the following under XML
    And from here if I add the following three I can get all the fields I need to the report
    Then I come to the Linking section. Here I canu2019t link anything. There is a common field called u201CInternal_IDu201D but I canu2019t link using it. So I get a message when I click Next. From here I add all the fields.
    For this point onwards only I need help. How do I group, add fields and design the layout so I can get an report output as follows.
    Order number                                   Authorized code
    Customer No
    Fax email
    Shipping address 1                              Billing Address 1
    Shipping address 2                              Billing Address 2
    Shipping address 3                              Billing Address 3
    Shipping address 4                              Billing Address 4
    Order Line 1 detailsu2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026                      LINE_NO     CUSTOMER_PART_NO          CUSTOMER_PART_DESC     SALE_UNIT_PRICE     PRICE_QTY     DISCOUNT     PRICE_TOTAL
    Characteristic details belonging to Order line 1       CHARACTERISTIC_ID 1  CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE1
                                           CHARACTERISTIC_ID 2  CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE2
                                           CHARACTERISTIC_ID 3  CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE3
    Order Line 2 detailsu2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026
    Characteristic details belonging to Order line 2
    Order Line 3 detailsu2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026
    Characteristic details belonging to Order line 3
    Order Line 4 detailsu2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026
    Characteristic details belonging to Order line 4
    Order Line 5 detailsu2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026
    Characteristic details belonging to Order line 5
    How can I achieve this kind of a layout using the give xml and xsd? Should I use grouping if so how should I do the grouping?
    I have included the full xml and xsd in the first mail I posted but I canu2019t see it now. I can include that again if you want.

  • Creating schemas using xml data

    I have a situation where I need to create
    database schemas dynamically using <xml> data.
    Any help in this regard will be much appreciated.

    I'm not sure how to write a Web Service, however data can be read from a flat file using XML Data > Load, however the flat file has to be formatted with appropriate XML tags, such as...
      <variable name="Test">
    In addition, you have to write a scriptlet that resides on a web server, with which Xcelsius can communicate. Once your data is formatted, it is as simple as referencing the file location in the XML Data URL: field.
    Web Service is a very popular solution, and probably better than XML Data in this case due to the large volume of data.  If you do a forum search for "Web Service" you'll find many threads regarding its usage.

  • How to get & use xml data with jstl libraries? (URGENT PLZ)

    I am using jstl to get and use xml data
    I needs to perform operations on the parsed xml document with other libraries of jstl. How can i do that.
    I used Dom variable to parse my document as:
    <x:parse varDom="test"> <c:import url="project.xml"/> </x:parse>
    where my project.xml is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <project>      <projectName>myProject</projectName> </project>
    I can dislay this value in html by
    <x:out select="$test/project/projectName"/>
    But I need a string value sotred in variable such as <c:set var="pname" value="???">
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    I believe that <c:set> should do that but i am facing problem in it. Look into this jsp scriptlet:
    1-<x:parse varDom="test"> <c:import url="project.xml"/> </x:parse>
    2-<x:set var="ds" select="$test/project/projectName"/>
    3-<x:out select="$ds"/> <br>
    4-<c:set var="tt" value="${ds}" />
    5-<c:out value="${tt}" />
    In line 3 variable ds returns: myProject
    In line 5 variable tt returns: [[projectName: null]]
    perhaps on line 4 ds is storing some array to tt and i am not calling correct array element. I tried many options but still could not find solution. Plz Plz do something urgent for me. Thanks
    Message was edited by:

  • SELECT statement using XML data taking way too long.

    Hi all, I am using SQL Server 2005.
    I have an issue which I find hard to describe. The server that I am using contains two test databases which are (supposed to be) identical. They both have tables named EVENTS with identical fields. I am using XML data to query and update data to this table. 
    When I run the SELECT in one database, against the EVENTS table it takes a long time. The longest I've kept it running is 2:30 minutes. When I run it against the EVENTS table in the other database the results are almost instantaneous. I've created a test
    query to duplicate this behavior:
    declare @ValidXMLInput xmlset @ValidXMLInput = '<EVENTS>
    <EVENT EID="8077" EDATE="2014-07-20 10:15"
    USERID="GTJ789" LOCID="7016" STATE="0" />
    SELECT Col.value('@EID','VARCHAR(5)'),Col.value('@STATE','INT')
    FROM @ValidXMLInput.nodes('//EVENTS/EVENT') Tab(Col) 
    left join tblEvents on                   
     tblEvents.EvIdNum=Col.value('@EID','VARCHAR(5)') And
     tblEvents.EvDate=Col.value('@EDATE','DATETIME') And
      tblEvents.UserId=Col.value('@USERID','VARCHAR(8)') And
    where tblEvents.EvIdNum Is Null
    Basically, the above query returns all rows in the XML table that are not in the database table. The results are then passed on to other statements.The columns in the join are key fields for tblEvents and have a PK index for both tables (in each db).
    Now the issue that I am having. When I use an EID in the XML data of any other value (as presented in the example above), such as '3477' the query runs fast on both databases; however, when I specifically use an EID of '8077' then the query slows down to
    a point where it takes more than 2:30 minutes (after which I cancel the execution). This only happens with one of the databases.
    For testing purposes I've created an XML structure with only one item. Both tables have approximate 111 million records. One table contains about 900K records with an EID of 8077. The other table contains about 930K records with this EID. There aren't many
    differences in the data. The records with the EID of 8077 (the slow one) are for different dates, users and locations. I should also mention that although the data presented here for EID consists of number, provisions exist where the number may be prefixed
    by a letter; hence the varchar designation.
    My question to you all is: How can I start troubleshooting this issue? Should I be looking at indexes?
    I had some doubt about this because the query is fast for other EIDs. Why would it get "stuck" with this particular one?
    Any troubleshooting advice is welcomed. Thanks! Saga
    Insanity is the prelude to discovery

    Some thoughts:
    Is there a hardware difference between the two databases ? E.g. are they on the same disk (array) ?
    Is there anything else running on your server besides your SQL instance ?
    Do you see spikes in I/O, CPU or both ?
    Maybe there is locking on one DB that's not happening in the other.
    You should check indexes and statistics plus compare estimated execution plan between the two DBs.
    Also check this links:

  • Dynamically update swf file in sharepoint using xml data

    I need some help/enlightenment on how to auto-update the swf file in sharepoint using xml data.
    I am encountering an error "Cannot access External Data" and pointing to adobe's Cross-domain policy file extension.
    My questions is:
    1. Where should the cross-domain file be copied? In the sharepoint webserver's root folder?
    Right now, we generate the swf file from xcelsius and manually upload them in the sharepoint. However, we wish to automate the data content of this file.
    Thanks for the help.

    GetFileByServerRelativeUrl.... since you're getting a FILE, you'll need a URL to a FILE (not just a library)... by SERVER relative URL, so you'll need to include the site collection path and such, not just the subsite relative URL.
    Now working fine....
    url: appweburl + "/_api/SP.AppContextSite(@target)/web/ GetFileByServerRelativeUrl('/sites/apps/Shared Documents/test.txt')/CheckOut()?@target='" + hostweburl + "'",
            method: "POST",
            data: metatdata,

  • Dynamically populating more than one field using xml data binding

    Hi All,<br /><br />I have the following code that works fine to dynaically populate a<br />second drop-down list2 from a choice in drop-down list1 using xml data<br />biding.<br /><br />var tempString = "xfa.record." + this.boundItem(xfa.event.newText);<br />var oItems = xfa.resolveNode(tempString);<br />var nItemsLength = oItems.nodes.length;<br /><br />myinfo.page1.state.clearItems();<br />myinfo.page1.state.rawValue = null;<br /><br />for (var nItemCount = 0; nItemCount < nItemsLength; nItemCount++)<br />{<br />myinfo.page1.state.addItem(oItems.nodes.item(nItemCount).value);<br />}<br /><br />Here is my xml file<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br /><myinfo><br /><country/><br /><countries><br /><item uiname="United States" token="US"/><br /><item uiname="South Africa" token="SA"/><br /><item uiname="Australia" token="AU"/><br /></countries><br /><state/><br /><AU><br /><item>Australian Capital Territory</item><br /><item>New South Wales</item><br /><item>Northern Territory</item><br /><item>Queensland</item><br /><item>South Australia</item><br /><item>Tasmania</item><br /><item>Victoria</item><br /><item>Western Australia</item><br /></AU><br /><US><br /><item>California</item><br /><item>New York</item><br /><item>Texas</item><br /><item>Michigan</item><br /><item>North Carolina</item><br /><item>South Carolina</item><br /></US><br /><SA><br /><item>Eastern Cape</item><br /><item>Free State</item><br /><item>Gauteng</item><br /><item>KwaZulu-Natal</item><br /><item>Limpopo</item><br /><item>Mpumalanga</item><br /><item>Northern Cape</item><br /><item>North-West</item><br /><item>Western Cape</item><br /></SA><br /></myinfo><br /><br />I have two questions:<br /><br />1) I want to be able to structure my xml in a way that I can populate<br />a third drop-down list3 from a choice in list2. I need to know how to<br />to include the different capital cities of the states in my xml data<br />so that they can get populated in list3 from a selection in list2;<br /><br />2) And be able to script the third list3 to get dynamically populated<br />from a choice in list2.<br /><br />Thanks in advance for your help.

    I would like to ask someone for help.
    I have an XML file a result of the XSLT transformation. A schema was created based on this XML and this schema is bound to a form as a data source.  When I preview my form using a Preview tab with transformed XML as a Data File in LiveCycle Designer 8.1, I can see only the first form data across 3 Text fields on the form. The rest of the forms are not getting displayed. What am I doing wrong?
    Here is the part of the XML file Im trying to display on the form:
        FORM 1
        FORM 2
        FORM 3
    Part of the schema that was created based on the XML file from above:
    Thank you.

  • Data Services as a data migration tool

    Hello All,
    Has anybody used Data Services as a data migrition tool from a SAP ECC system?  If so what is it like to use and are there any documents on this?

    Hi Nick.
    About documents, here are some of them, but one that I think it could be useful for your understanding is the "BI109 SAP Data Migration" session:
    It shows the data migration framework based on SAP BusinessObjects technologies for legacy to SAP and SAP to SAP migrations.
    More technical documents, showing how to set up iDocs, LSMW, etc:

  • Difference Between Data Services Designer and Data Services Workbench

    Hello All,
    I am new to Data Services .
    What is the difference between Data Services Designer and Data Services Workbench .
    Am bit confused in the above two .
    Please help me to understand the same.
    Thanks in advance.

    Workbench is used to create, display and modify the objects. It will display the source table data and we can see the logs of the job which we have executed and also we can see the status of a job. In bods 4.2 you can design the dataflow in workbench in previous release we don’t have that option but designer contains debugging option, you can write scripts,  it will support all databases; these option are not available in workbench. for more information refer this document:

  • How to execute the Code-Behind of .aspx linked using XML Data Connection

    I have a dashboard with a live XML Data Connection tied to a Default.aspx file.  That .aspx file has a Default.aspx.vb code-behind file tied to it with some logic in the Page_Load sub routine.  If i open the .aspx on my own in the browser, the code-behind executes properly.
    However, when I tie the .aspx to my dashboard and launch it I know for a fact the .aspx is being called (i have a placeholder on the dashboard to let me know if it executed or not) but its code-behind file is not.  I can't seem to find a solution through Google, would anyone be able to lead me in the right direction with this?  My code is as follows:
    <%@ Page Language="vb" aspcompat="true" Debug="true" validaterequest="false" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="scheduleAppointment._Default" %>
        'tester to see that script executes, this puts "ScriptExecuted" on a label on my dashboard
        Dim sXML As String   
        sXML = "<data><variable name=" + Chr(34) + "Range_0" + Chr(34)
                      + "><row><column>ScriptExecuted</column></row></variable></data>"
    Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
    Partial Public Class _Default
        Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
        Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
                (I have code here creating a Microsoft Outlook appointment and saving/scheduling it. This is not being
                 executed when running the dashboard itself, but I know the code works if I run the .aspx on my own
                 in Internet Explorer browser)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Easy fix, apparently code-behind doesn't execute in Preview mode.  Exported to .swf and ran in the Internet Explorer browser and it worked.

  • Using a SQL data source and XML data source in the same template

    I am trying to develop a template for the Request for Quote report generated in Apps 11.5.10. I have loaded the data from the XML output into the template, but I am missing one field - I need the org_id from the po_headers table. Is it possible to use a sql data source (i.e., "select org_id from po_headers_all where po_header_id = [insert header_id from xml data]...") in addition to the xml data source to populate the template at runtime? When you use the Insert > SQL functionality is it static at the time the template is created, or does it call to the database at runtime? I've looked through all the docs I could find, but this isn't clear.
    Thanks for any help or suggestions you may have.

    Hi Pablo
    Thats a tough one ... if you go custom with a data template you will at least get support on the data template functionality ie you have a problem when you try and build one. You will not get support on the query inside the data template as you might have gotten with the Oracle Report, well you could at least log a bug against development for a bad query.
    Eventually that Oracle Report will be converted by development anyway, theres an R12 project going on right now to switch the shipped OReports to data templates. AT this point you'll be fully supported again but:
    1. You have to have R12 and
    2. You'll need to wait for the patch
    On reflection, if you are confident enough in the query then Oracle will support you on its implementation within a data template. Going forward you may be able to swap out your DT and out in the Oracle one without too much effort.
    Regards, Tim

  • Fill in form using XML data source usable in Reader

    I have a simple example of a scenario we need to solve. Different branches will fill out a form (designed in LiveCycle 8) and by entering their branch number static information will be filled in. I want to store the static infomation for all branches in an XML sheet that will be stored on a shared folder on the intranet.
    The problem I have is getting the script to run in Reader. In preview in the Designer and using the import data function of Acrobat Pro it works fine. I think I am missing the script to import the data to work in Reader. I have not been able to find anything in the documentation to point me in the right direction. I have also had a case open with Adobe support for 2 months.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Below is the script in the exit event of the Text field BranchNumber:
    ----- BranchInfo.#subform[0].BranchNumber::exit: - (FormCalc, client) ------------------------------"xfa.form.BranchInfo.#subform[0].Party_Code")
    var BList = ref(record.Branches)
    for j=0 upto (BList.nodes.length -1) do
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Ph") = BList.nodes.item(2).name
    if (BList.nodes.item(j).BranchCode.value == $) then
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Full_Company_Address") = BList.nodes.item(j).Full_Address.value
    var List = ref(BList.nodes.item(j).SPCS)
    if (List.nodes.length == 1) then
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Party_Code") = BList.nodes.item(j).SPCS.SPC.value
    elseif (List.nodes.length > 1) then
    for i=0 upto List.nodes.length -1 do
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Ph") = BList.nodes.item(j).PH.value
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Fax") = BList.nodes.item(j).FAX.value
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Member") = BList.nodes.item(j).Member.value
    Below is the xml data file for this test:
    <Full_Address>123 First RD #02 BOX 2222, DARTMOUTH, NS, B7W 1X9</Full_Address>
    <Full_Address>BOX 55 Second ROAD PLAZA, ST JOHN'S, NL, A9N 1X1</Full_Address>
    <Full_Address>333A Third ST, ST STEPHEN, NB, E9A 2Z3</Full_Address>

    Hi Jeroen,
    to have a user fill in, you first need to create a Web Dynpro application providing the offline form, e.g. through a download - tutorial at - or an e-mail - tutorial at
    On the return trip, the user-entered data is stored in the SAP backend via the Web Dynpro context. (You do not store the raw XML, the data is back-converted by ADS to Java.)
    In the fourth step, you will have to provide a Web Dynpro
    application with an online form, which can be part of the same project, but basically generates the form again for completion.
    If you want to use the same form that was submitted, you have to have your app store the submitted PDF (do not submit only the XML) in the backend (through the WD context), and then call that one up in the online scenario.

  • How to use XML data stored in table column in XML Data Definition

    We are using BIP 5.6.3 (Oracle EBS R12).
    We have a table which stores XML data in a column. Is there a way we can use this XML data through a SQL query in XML Data Definition of BI Publisher report instead or writing whole SQL query to fetch same data from Oracle EBS?
    Can some please provide a sample SQL query that we should use in Data Definition?

    Thanks. This is exactly what I was looking for.
    After doing @Name in both places (SELECT and WHERE clause) it worked.
    Now I have one more question.
    There are multiple DIMENSION tags in my xml, and I want to see the NAME attribute values for all of those DIMENSIONs. The following query returns
    ORA-19025: EXTRACTVALUE returns value of only one node.
    Cause: Given XPath points to more than one node.
    Action: Rewrite the query so that exactly one node is returned.
    extractValue(value(x), '/AW/@Name') as "AW",
    extractValue(value(x), '/AW/Dimension/@Name') as "DIMENSIONS"
    table(xmlsequence(extract (xmltype(AW_XML_TMPL_VAL), '/AWXML/AWXML.content/Create/ActiveObject/AW'))) x
    extractValue(value(x) , '/AW/@Name') = 'OMCR4'

  • Needing to use xml data source to populate richfaces tree nodes

    Hey I cant seem to figure this out. I know I probably need to write some java code but Im not sure how it should look. I have some xml and I need to use the data from within the elements to populate some nodes on a richfaces tree.
    I know how to use a .properties file as the data source for the nodes, and how to use some existign nodes to populate the nodes. Both are done with java code I can post here if needed.
    But I dont know how to go about writing the java code to take the data from xml elements, and then somehow parse it to use in a richfaces tree.
    Here is some info on what Im using with my project:
    richfaces library

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