Connecting view button to player! help

hi! I have posted my codes for Client and ClientChoice.
in the actionlistener event of the ClientChoice(gui) have i have called the Client class where the player is found and where connection is made to the server. the error i get is that the .class of the Client is:
mainCl(java.lang.String[]) in Client cannot be applied to (java.lang.String,java.lang.String)          cl.mainCl(a,b);
can anyone help me ! am i doing the right thing or someway else plz help me......i have a week on that and i'm being late. here are the code:
//package ana;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Vector;
* Client to receive RTP transmission using the RTPConnector.
public class Client implements ReceiveStreamListener, SessionListener,
String sessions[] = null;
RTPManager mgrs[] = null;
Vector playerWindows = null;
boolean dataReceived = false;
Object dataSync = new Object();
public Client(String sessions[]) {
     this.sessions = sessions;
public Client(String a, String b)
protected boolean initialize() {
try {
     mgrs = new RTPManager[sessions.length];
     playerWindows = new Vector();
     SessionLabel session;
     // Open the RTP sessions.
     for (int i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) {
          // Parse the session addresses.
          try {
          session = new SessionLabel(sessions);
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
          System.err.println("Failed to parse the session address given: " + sessions[i]);
          return false;
          System.err.println(" - Open RTP session for: addr: " + session.addr + " port: " + session.port + " ttl: " + session.ttl);
          mgrs[i] = (RTPManager) RTPManager.newInstance();
          // Initialize the RTPManager with the RTPSocketAdapter
          mgrs[i].initialize(new RTPSocketAdapter(
                         session.port, session.ttl));
          // You can try out some other buffer size to see
          // if you can get better smoothness.
          BufferControl bc = (BufferControl)mgrs[i].getControl("");
          if (bc != null)
} catch (Exception e){
System.err.println("Cannot create the RTP Session: " + e.getMessage());
return false;
     // Wait for data to arrive before moving on.
     long then = System.currentTimeMillis();
     long waitingPeriod = 30000; // wait for a maximum of 30 secs.
     synchronized (dataSync) {
          while (!dataReceived &&
               System.currentTimeMillis() - then < waitingPeriod) {
          if (!dataReceived)
               System.err.println(" - Waiting for RTP data to arrive...");
     } catch (Exception e) {}
     if (!dataReceived) {
     System.err.println("No RTP data was received.");
     return false;
return true;
public boolean isDone() {
     return playerWindows.size() == 0;
* Close the players and the session managers.
protected void close() {
     for (int i = 0; i < playerWindows.size(); i++) {
     try {
     } catch (Exception e) {}
     // close the RTP session.
     for (int i = 0; i < mgrs.length; i++) {
     if (mgrs[i] != null) {
mgrs[i].removeTargets( "Closing session from AVReceive3");
          mgrs[i] = null;
PlayerWindow find(Player p) {
     for (int i = 0; i < playerWindows.size(); i++) {
     PlayerWindow pw = (PlayerWindow)playerWindows.elementAt(i);
     if (pw.player == p)
          return pw;
     return null;
PlayerWindow find(ReceiveStream strm) {
     for (int i = 0; i < playerWindows.size(); i++) {
     PlayerWindow pw = (PlayerWindow)playerWindows.elementAt(i);
     if ( == strm)
          return pw;
     return null;
* SessionListener.
public synchronized void update(SessionEvent evt) {
     if (evt instanceof NewParticipantEvent) {
     Participant p = ((NewParticipantEvent)evt).getParticipant();
     System.err.println(" - A new participant had just joined: " + p.getCNAME());
* ReceiveStreamListener
public synchronized void update( ReceiveStreamEvent evt) {
     RTPManager mgr = (RTPManager)evt.getSource();
     Participant participant = evt.getParticipant();     // could be null.
     ReceiveStream stream = evt.getReceiveStream(); // could be null.
     if (evt instanceof RemotePayloadChangeEvent) {
     System.err.println(" - Received an RTP PayloadChangeEvent.");
     System.err.println("Sorry, cannot handle payload change.");
     else if (evt instanceof NewReceiveStreamEvent) {
     try {
          stream = ((NewReceiveStreamEvent)evt).getReceiveStream();
          DataSource ds = stream.getDataSource();
          // Find out the formats.
          RTPControl ctl = (RTPControl)ds.getControl("");
          if (ctl != null){
          System.err.println(" - Recevied new RTP stream: " + ctl.getFormat());
          } else
          System.err.println(" - Recevied new RTP stream");
          if (participant == null)
          System.err.println(" The sender of this stream had yet to be identified.");
          else {
          System.err.println(" The stream comes from: " + participant.getCNAME());
          // create a player by passing datasource to the Media Manager
          Player p =;
          if (p == null)
          PlayerWindow pw = new PlayerWindow(p, stream);
          // Notify intialize() that a new stream had arrived.
          synchronized (dataSync) {
          dataReceived = true;
     } catch (Exception e) {
          System.err.println("NewReceiveStreamEvent exception " + e.getMessage());
     else if (evt instanceof StreamMappedEvent) {
     if (stream != null && stream.getDataSource() != null) {
          DataSource ds = stream.getDataSource();
          // Find out the formats.
          RTPControl ctl = (RTPControl)ds.getControl("");
          System.err.println(" - The previously unidentified stream ");
          if (ctl != null)
          System.err.println(" " + ctl.getFormat());
          System.err.println(" had now been identified as sent by: " + participant.getCNAME());
     else if (evt instanceof ByeEvent) {
     System.err.println(" - Got \"bye\" from: " + participant.getCNAME());
     PlayerWindow pw = find(stream);
     if (pw != null) {
* ControllerListener for the Players.
public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent ce) {
     Player p = (Player)ce.getSourceController();
     if (p == null)
     // Get this when the internal players are realized.
     if (ce instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) {
     PlayerWindow pw = find(p);
     if (pw == null) {
          // Some strange happened.
          System.err.println("Internal error!");
     if (ce instanceof ControllerErrorEvent) {
     PlayerWindow pw = find(p);
     if (pw != null) {
          //p.close(); //i added to know if player close when click
     System.err.println("Client internal error: " + ce);
* A utility class to parse the session addresses.
class SessionLabel {
     public String addr = null;
     public int port;
     public int ttl = 1;
     SessionLabel(String session) throws IllegalArgumentException {
     int off;
     String portStr = null, ttlStr = null;
     if (session != null && session.length() > 0) {
          while (session.length() > 1 && session.charAt(0) == '/')
          session = session.substring(1);
          // Now see if there's a addr specified.
          off = session.indexOf('/');
          if (off == -1) {
          if (!session.equals(""))
               addr = session;
          } else {
          addr = session.substring(0, off);
          session = session.substring(off + 1);
          // Now see if there's a port specified
          off = session.indexOf('/');
          if (off == -1) {
               if (!session.equals(""))
               portStr = session;
          } else {
               portStr = session.substring(0, off);
               session = session.substring(off + 1);
               // Now see if there's a ttl specified
               off = session.indexOf('/');
               if (off == -1) {
               if (!session.equals(""))
                    ttlStr = session;
               } else {
               ttlStr = session.substring(0, off);
     if (addr == null)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException();
     if (portStr != null) {
          try {
          Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(portStr);
          if (integer != null)
               port = integer.intValue();
          } catch (Throwable t) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException();
     } else
          throw new IllegalArgumentException();
     if (ttlStr != null) {
          try {
          Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(ttlStr);
          if (integer != null)
               ttl = integer.intValue();
          } catch (Throwable t) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* GUI classes for the Player.
class PlayerWindow extends Frame {
     Player player;
     ReceiveStream stream;
     PlayerWindow(Player p, ReceiveStream strm) {
     player = p;
     stream = strm;
     public void initialize() {
     add(new PlayerPanel(player));
     public void close() {
     public void addNotify() {
* GUI classes for the Player.
class PlayerPanel extends Panel {
     Component vc, cc;
     PlayerPanel(Player p) {
     setLayout(new BorderLayout());
     if ((vc = p.getVisualComponent()) != null)
          add("Center", vc);
     if ((cc = p.getControlPanelComponent()) != null)
          add("South", cc);
     public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
     int w = 0, h = 0;
     if (vc != null) {
          Dimension size = vc.getPreferredSize();
          w = size.width;
          h = size.height;
     if (cc != null) {
          Dimension size = cc.getPreferredSize();
          if (w == 0)
          w = size.width;
          h += size.height;
     if (w < 160)
          w = 160;
     return new Dimension(w, h);
public static void mainCl(String argv[])
     if (argv.length == 0)
     Client avReceive = new Client(argv);
     if (!avReceive.initialize()) {
     System.err.println("Failed to initialize the sessions.");
     // Check to see if Client is done.
     try {
     while (!avReceive.isDone())
     } catch (Exception e) {}
     System.err.println("Exiting Client");
static void prUsage() {
     System.err.println("Usage: Client <session> <session> ...");
     System.err.println(" <session>: <address>/<port>/<ttl>");
}// end of Client
//package ana;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class ClientChoice
     public static void main(String args[])
                    catch(Exception e)
     JFrame frame=new JFrame("--- New Line Movie ---");
     //Create the menu bar
     JMenuBar menuBar;
     JMenu menu;
     menuBar = new JMenuBar();
     //Build the file menu in the menu bar
     menu = new JMenu("File");
     JMenuItem menuItem= new JMenuItem("Exit",KeyEvent.VK_X);
     menuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
     //Build help menu in the menu bar.
     menu = new JMenu("Help");
     JMenuItem help_item=new JMenuItem("Help Topics",KeyEvent.VK_T);
     JMenuItem about_item=new JMenuItem("About Us");
          ImageIcon icon=new ImageIcon("images/potter.jpg","");
          JButton clickmovie=new JButton(icon);
          //final JLabel latest=new JLabel("<html><caption>Harry Potter</caption></html>");
          final JLabel welcome1=new JLabel("<html><font color=blue face=arial size=3><strong>New Line Movie</strong> gives you the possibility to view your favorite movies.<br>You can choose your category of movies below and click on any movie to get more information about it. <br>Latest News about new movies are also available. ENJOY!!!</font></html>");
          final JLabel copyright=new JLabel("<html><font color=blue face=arial size=3><p align=center>&copy Copyright 2004</p></font></html>");
          JPanel actionPanel=new JPanel();
          JPanel cartoonPanel=new JPanel();
          JPanel comedyPanel=new JPanel();
          JPanel fictionPanel=new JPanel();
          JPanel mainPanel=new JPanel();
          mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1,5,5));
          fictionPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Science Fiction"),BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5)));
          // Create combo box with action movies choices
          final JComboBox actionChoices;
          String[] actionmovie={"-Select a movie-","X-Men","Spiderman"};
          actionChoices=new JComboBox(actionmovie);
          actionChoices.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
                    String act = (String)cb.getSelectedItem();
                         JFrame action_xmen= new JFrame("--- New Line Movie: X-Men --- ");
               JPanel main=new JPanel();
               main.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1,5,5));
                         ImageIcon icon_men=new ImageIcon("images/x-men.jpg","");
               JButton clickmovie_men=new JButton(icon_men);
               final JLabel xmen_overview=new JLabel("<html><font color=blue face=arial size=3><b>Title:</b></font> <font color=black><strong>X-Men 2 </strong></font> <br><br><font color=blue face=arial size=3><b>Starring:</b> Hugh JACKMAN and Halle BARRY<br><br><b>Story:</b> The time has come for those who are different to stand united. <br><br>A military officer with a link to Wolverine's mysterious past conspires <br><br>to eradicate the mutant population for once and all. In order to defeat <br><br>this new menace, the X-men will be forced to join forces with Magneto. <br><br><b>Duration:</b> 1hr45min </font></html>");
               final JLabel copyright=new JLabel("<html><font color=blue face=arial size=3><p align=center>&copy Copyright 2004</p></font></html>");
               JButton view=new JButton("View");
               view.setLayout(new BoxLayout(view,BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
                         view.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(30,0)));
               view.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(20,100));
               view.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20,100));
               view.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE,Short.MAX_VALUE));
               view.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                                        String a="";
                                        String b="";
                                        String argv=a+b;
                                        Client cl= new Client(a,b);
                                        //this is the code i added so that on clicking the view button
                                        //the client is automatically connected to the server and the player
                                        //plays on the current machine
                    else if(act=="Spiderman")
                         JFrame action_spider= new JFrame("--- New Line Movie: Spiderman --- ");
          //Create combo box with cartoon movies choices
          JComboBox cartoonChoices=null;
          String[] cartoonmovie={"-Select a movie-","Le Roi Lion"};
          cartoonChoices=new JComboBox(cartoonmovie);
          //Create combo box with comedy movies choices
          JComboBox comedyChoices=null;
          String[] comedymovie={"-Select a movie-"};
          comedyChoices=new JComboBox(comedymovie);
          //Create combo box with fiction movies choices
          JComboBox fictionChoices=null;
          String[] fictionmovie={"-Select a movie-","ET"};
          fictionChoices=new JComboBox(fictionmovie);
//Implement player function here
}//end of ClientChoice

You are passing two String objects to a method that accepts an String array.
try this to get rid of one error.
Client cl = new Client(a, b);
String[] c = {a,b};

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    marvinarb wrote:
    Thank you all for providing such great is much appreciated.
    That is great to hear/read, please mark as solved (if it is solved that is).
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    The list view at the bottom of the screen is an iPhone feature. If you tap the magnifying glass in the calendar, that brings up a list view.

  • My iphone 4 is not working and I cant reset it from the computer either because it wont connect to it I need help!!!

    My iphone 4 is not working and I cant reset it from the computer either because it wont connect to it I need help!!!
    1. I tried connecting it to itunes for a system reset and it didnt work.
    2. The phone wont even turn on!!!

    If the phone wont turn on it sounds like it needs to be charged.  Plug it into a charger and wait about 15 minutes and try turning it on while still charging. Have you tried holding in your home button with the on/off button held in?  Hold them both together until the apple logo comes up and then release them.  The screen will blink off an on while it is resetting. I still think this is a battery issue. Good luck~

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