Connection to daabase through sqlplus

I am trying to connect oracle daatbase of another system through sqlplus but I am not able to connect it through it.while giving connect command
connect hr/[email protected]:1521:orcl
I am getting following error.
ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

to connect the other DB using SQLPLUS
go to cmd prompmt
this will allow you to connect to the other database

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    OS version=5.10
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Nov 9 07:48:24 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Enter user-name: /as sysdba oracle: fatal: relocation error: file /u01/app/oracle/product/db/ symbol kststop_: referenced symbol not found
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    Could you all please give me suggestions in order to solve this problem.

    Have you recently patched/upgraded? This sounds like there might have been a problem relinking the executables / libraries, and/or a permissions problem. For example you may be referencing a 32 bit library with your 64 bit client.
    I believe I recently read a similar case - check Metalink for this symptom.
    Regards Nigel

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    Your httpd.conf should have:
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    and your oracle_apache.conf should have:
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    vendor code 170002
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    ORCL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
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    I would say it's vendor code 17002 (not 170002). And such a message is thrown by SQL Developer , unfortunately very generic for any kind of connection problems.
    Start sqlplus and try to connect, very likely you get a better error message.
    Recently I had such a connection problem and the reason was - No Listener.

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    Thanks ...
    Yes, I do have a valid netalias configured on the 9i client.
    Result of tnsping against a remote 10g database is as below:
    C:\oracle\ora902\bin>tnsping 10
    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 25-AUG-2
    05 20:54:54
    Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    Used HOSTNAME adapter to resolve the alias
    Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=*)(SERVICE_NAME=usunnbd24
    OK (610 msec)
    OK (610 msec)
    OK (630 msec)
    OK (590 msec)
    OK (610 msec)
    OK (610 msec)
    OK (610 msec)
    OK (590 msec)
    OK (610 msec)
    OK (610 msec)
    I am trying to connect through sqlplus.
    Hope I answered all your questions.Please let me know the worlaround needed.

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    Using sql can very well mislead. See below,
    E:\Documents and Settings\aristadba>sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 13 10:22:00 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
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    SQL> connect tom/kyte as sysdba
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    SQL>So would suggest that change the password while being connected as Sys from sqlplus (easiest way) or through recreating the password file and retry the connection.

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    Yes, it can be done.
    1) Enable "Internet Connection Sharing" on the laptop and share the connection that refers to your USB modem.
    2) Ask your ISP what the IP addresses of their nameservers are and make a note of them.
    3) Configure the laptop's wireless adapter in ad-hoc mode and assign it a static address on the wireless network.
    4) Configure the N79 in ad-hoc mode as well, and give it a static address on the wireless network. Enter manual settings telling it to use the IP address of the laptop as its default gateway and to use the IP addresses given to you by your ISP as its nameservers.
    With this, you can use the laptop as your phone's portal to the Internet, but only with your phone. This will only work with one device at a time. If you want to use more than one device at the same time you're better off buying a real wireless router to which you will be able to connect your laptop, your phone and any other wifi-aware device you might have.
    NB: I don't use Windows on my machines and therefore can't give any specific information about doing this. The advanced settings needed for the phone will be described in the manual.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

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    Everything else works fine and I have trawled through numerous web pages and tried everything imaginable to get this to work, but no luck.
    If anybody else has had similar problems across their Wi-Fi, please can you share the solution and help restore some peace back to our household.
    Alas, both the previous WM8 phones worked flawlessly and my ancient HTC HD7 also works without a blip.

    Hi Squirrel23,
    Welcome to the Nokia forum.
    Are you using a Facebook app or you've setup your account via E-mail+accounts? Is this happening to just one specific Wi-Fi connection? Have you tried to connect to other Wi-Fi? Have you tried rebooting your phone? ^AR

  • Can't connect to PPPoE through Linksys anymore....

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    But yesterday it seemed to just not work anymore.
    When I connect the ethernet directly to my Netopia modem from my G4 MDD Powermac, I can connect easily with the 'automatic' settings.
    HOWEVER... no matter how many different settings I try, I can't get the connection to work through the Linksys router. I keep getting the message 'Could not find PPPoE server'. The Network Settings says the ethernet is set up and trying to connect, but it can't seem to.
    I've tried unplugging, pushing in the reset buttons and all sorts of other things, but nothing works.
    I contacted Linksys and they claim you can reload the router firmware with a Mac. But after downloading their firmware update, I found it can't be opened by my Mac.
    But I'm wondering if the firmware is even the problem?
    Any clues much appreciated....

    That sounds like the exceptional tech support experience.
    Frankly I'm shocked at how bad the earthlink tech support experience was. In the past it wasn't that bad. It used to be a 3 minute wait and then someone halfway knowledgeable would be there.
    This time I waited through 4 minutes of brainless telephone ads until they put me through to the Phillipines to Moron #1 who started off asking in an almost impossilbe to understand accent "What eees your father's middle name?" and then "What ees your credit card number?"
    I explained to him that he was supposed to as for the mother's maiden name and that I would NEVER give him my credit card number. And then... after another 3 minutes of telephone ads I got connected to another identical 3rd world slave labor tech person who simply asked me all the same questions over again
    Needless to say, the experience was a sad reflection of corporate strategy... thinking this is going to get them customers.
    Rant over... thank gosh for the Apple discussion boards!

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    Thanks a lot for your help or ideas

    Hello jeri004,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Media folder
    Best of luck,

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    Filebrowser for the iPad does this very well.
    FileBrowser - Access files on remote computers for iPhone, iPod ...
    Cannot help on Windows, but another PC guy might be able to answer. Some possible clues here:

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    hi, we are using mac mini's for our developement purpose. connecting the same through using Real VNC. Mac mini's are late 2009 and 2010. Now we have upgraded them to 10.8.5. after upgrading having display issues after launching the simulators, we are unable to view the icons we need to move the simulator (into different places) to view the icons.
    Also we are having Mac book pro's (Late 2009 & 2010) after upgrading them to 10.8.5. Unable to launch the mac, getting only white screen with apple icon.
    Let me know is there any specific Hardware (Graphic Cards) we need to use for the same.
    Please provide me the early solutions.

    Hi, try this first...
    Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partition & use Disk Utility from there to Repair the Disk, then Repair Permissions.

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