Consider tolerance during procurement planning in MTS

Hi Gurus,
Our net requirement calculation is considering Under delivery tolerance sourcing from Sales requirement, this is working fine in the net requirement calculation but we would also require to similarly consider the Sales tolerance as tolerated material shortage in MTS procurement planning, for example:
Sales order (S1) is requesting finished product P1 for 891 Kg on February, 01st, with a tolerance of -/+ 10%
Receipt (R1) is covering S1with 891 Kg as receipt qty
R1 has a dependant requirement on material P2 for 891 Kg
P2 is configured in a Make To Stock strategy.
Available stock (AS) on P2 is 850 Kg
Stock replenishment order (R2) with 1500 Kg planned on March, 1st
Actual procurement planning is pegging (AS) and (R2) on (R1) dependant requirement, leading then to have R1 with a planned start date on March, 1st (corresponding to latest pst), resulting into a delay covering customer requirement!
We would expext as a result of the procurement planning of above example to get (R1) dependant requirement only peg on (AS) as 850 Kg is within S1 tolerance.
Is there a way to achieve this ?

Your requirement is illogical for MTS.  You are jumping to the conclusion that P2 is only supporting your lone P1 Sales order.  In fact, in a MTS environment, P2 must generically supply any/all demand for the P2 material, including, but not limited to, dependent demand from P1.  This flexibility is a major reason one uses MTS,  The production is anonymous, and can be used for any demand..
Consider the situation where there are 10 different sales orders for P1, or for any other parent part of P2.  Consider that each of these orders has a different Underdelivery tolerance.  Which UD Tolerance should be used for P2? .
Using Underdelivery tolerances for planning only works the way you want in MTO scenario, where there is a distinct planning segment for each sales order/item.
Best Regards,

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    Hi folks,
    Appreciate your co-operations!
    I am facing the problem while running the CTM with the profile DEMO2.
    CTM Planning Run gives one error and alert.
    Error: Error occurred during CTM planning run
    Technical Data
    Message type__________ A (Cancel)
    Message class_________ /SAPAPO/CTM1 (CTM: Messgaes)
    Message number________ 401
    Problem class_________ 1 (very important)
    Number________________ 1
    Environment Information
    CTM Action____________ G
    Message type__________ A
    Alert: Internal error has occurred (<!> Segmentation fault)
    Technical Data
    Message type__________ E (Error)
    Message class_________ /SAPAPO/CTM1 (CTM: Messgaes)
    Message number________ 571
    Message variable 1____ <!> Segmentation fault
    Number________________ 1
    Environment Information
    CTM Action____________ G
    Message type__________ C
    Log file display
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(1363) 'SuperVisor' => Commandline : 4 respected parameters ...
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(645) 'SuperVisor'  * SAP APO CTM Engine [CTM/ctmsvr]
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(646) 'SuperVisor'  * Copyright u00A9 SAP AG 1993-2009
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(647) 'SuperVisor'  *
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(648) 'SuperVisor'  * Version        : 7.0_REL SP05, 407661, Nov 25 2009 22:59:47
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(649) 'SuperVisor'  * Platform       : ntamd64/x64
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(650) 'SuperVisor'  * Interface      : 2.0
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(651) 'SuperVisor'  * Build date     : Nov 25 2009 22:59:47 [1259186387]
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(652) 'SuperVisor'  * Build machine  : PWDFM163
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(653) 'SuperVisor'  * Latest change  : 407661
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(654) 'SuperVisor'  * NW release     : 7100.0.3300.0
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(655) 'SuperVisor'  * Perforce branch: 7.0_REL
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(656) 'SuperVisor'  *
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(676) 'SuperVisor'  * Hostname       : m0001006
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(677) 'SuperVisor'  * OS version     : 5.2.3790 (WinServer2003, NTAMD64) SP2.0 (Service Pack 2), SERVER ENTERPRISE TERMINAL SINGLEUSERTS
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(678) 'SuperVisor'  * PID            : 6768
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(683) 'SuperVisor'  * CWD            : D:\usr\sap\SC6\DVEBMGS04\log
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(684) 'SuperVisor'  *
    <i> 04:37:59 core_sysinfo.cpp(453) 'SuperVisor' * free disk space: 190433 MB
    <i> 04:37:59 core_sysinfo.cpp(454) 'SuperVisor' *
    <i> 04:37:59 core_sysinfo.cpp(409) 'SuperVisor' * Memory information:
    <i> 04:37:59 core_sysinfo.cpp(409) 'SuperVisor' *   physical memory: 10238 MB total, 6511 MB available [63% free]
    <i> 04:37:59 core_sysinfo.cpp(409) 'SuperVisor' *   page file      : 73212 MB total, 60889 MB available [83% free]
    <i> 04:37:59 core_sysinfo.cpp(409) 'SuperVisor' *   virtual memory : 8388607 MB total, 8388499 MB available [99% free]
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(693) 'SuperVisor'  *
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(783) 'SuperVisor' * running in invoke mode
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(871) 'MsgMgr' <RFC> RfcPing(RFC_HANDLE=1) received in thread#6912
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(692) 'MsgMgr' <RfcConnection> using function module 'RCCF_COMM_PARAM_SET' for sending of parameters/options
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(703) 'MsgMgr' <RfcConnection> using function module 'RCCF_COMM_PARAM_GET' for receiving of parameters/options
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(712) 'MsgMgr' <RfcConnection> using function module 'RCCF_COMM_PROGRESS' for progress informations
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(721) 'MsgMgr' <RfcConnection> using function module 'RCCF_COMM_MESSAGE' for messages
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(730) 'MsgMgr' <RfcConnection> using function module 'RCCF_COMM_RESULT' for (intermediate) result informations
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(739) 'MsgMgr' <RfcConnection> using function module 'RCCF_COMM_SYSINFO' for system informations
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(748) 'MsgMgr' <RfcConnection> using function module 'RCCF_COMM_PERFINFO' for performance informations
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(1269) 'MsgMgr' <RFC> skipping empty profile value [GENERAL] sPROFILE_CUST_ID
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(1835) 'MsgMgr'
    Sender/Receiver RFC_HANDLE#1:
    <RFC> * RFC connection attributes:
      Own Host    : m0001006
      Partner Host: m0001006
      Destination : OPTSERVER_CTM01
      Program Name: SAPLRCC_COMM_ENGINE
      SystemNr    :              04       SystemId    : SC6
      Client      :             700       User        : MBATCHA    
      Language    :               E       ISO Language: EN
      CodePage    :            1100       Partner CP  : 1100
      Kernel Rel. :            701        Partner Rel.: 701
      Own Release :            711        CPIC ConvId : 28812935
      Own Type    :               E       PartnerType : 3
      Trace       :                       RFC Role    : S
    <RFC> * RFC statistic information:
      number of calls        : 7
      number of received data: 10569
      number of sent data    : 1349
      overall reading time   : 9073
      overall writing time   : 162
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(1110) 'SuperVisor' * Starting MainScript ...
    <i> 04:37:59 optsvr_main.cpp(1445) 'SuperVisor'
    ***************************** OPTSVR - OPTIONS ***************************** *
    sCTMLOGFILE = ctm.DEMO2.0000_0001.20091201043758.log
    sRELEASE = 700
    bUNICODE = true
    sAPO_RELEASE = 700
    sExeDir = d:\apoopt\ctm\bin
    sExeName = ctmsvr.exe
    sHOST = m0001006
    sInvokeMode = invoke
    sLANGU = E
    sMANDT = 700
    sSESSION = tju5Bmz21}6WVG0Sn6pv3W
    sSYSTEM = SC6
    sSECTION0001 = INIT
    bIS_REMOTE = false
    nACTION_TYPE = 1
    nSERVICE = 1
    sPRE_SYSID = SC6
    sSYSID = SC6
    sTRANSID = 2205DEDE7A5BF16DA07D001CC46CF90E
    ************************** OPTSVR OPTIONS - END **************************** *
    <i> 04:37:59 core_msgmgr.cpp(440) 'MsgMgr' * Sending progress number 802 to OutputInterface from []
    <i> 04:37:59 core_supervisor.cpp(728) 'SuperVisor' <M> Invoking module 'CTMModelGenerator' [6]->download
    <i> 04:37:59 core_msgmgr.cpp(440) 'MsgMgr' * Sending progress number 806 to OutputInterface from [MG]
    <i> 04:37:59 ctm_modelgen.cpp(166) 'CTMModelGenerator' ======================================================================
    <i> 04:37:59 ctm_modelgen.cpp(167) 'CTMModelGenerator' MG::download
    <i> 04:37:59 core_msgmgr.cpp(1110) 'MsgMgr' renaming tracefile
    <i> 04:37:59 core_msgmgr.cpp(1111) 'MsgMgr' old name: optsvr_trace20091201_043759_1a70.log
    <i> 04:37:59 core_msgmgr.cpp(1112) 'MsgMgr' new name: ctm.DEMO2.20091201_043759_1a70.log
    logfile reopened : Tue Dec 01 04:37:59 2009
    logfile name     : ctm.DEMO2.20091201_043759_1a70.log
    <i> 04:37:59 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_STATUS_SET
    <i> 04:37:59 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_PRDAT_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:37:59 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_PLPAR_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:37:59 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_LOC_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:37:59 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_PPM_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:02 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_TRANS_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:02 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_RES_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:02 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_SSTCK_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:02 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_CAL_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:02 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_PLPER_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:02 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_INCMD_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:03 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_STATUS_SET
    <i> 04:38:03 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_DEM_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:04 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_SUP_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:04 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_UCMAP_RFC_READ
    <i> 04:38:04 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_STATUS_SET
    <i> 04:38:04 core_msgmgr.cpp(440) 'MsgMgr' * Sending progress number 810 to OutputInterface from [MG]
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_modelgen.cpp(735) 'CTMModelGenerator' MG::download done
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_modelgen.cpp(736) 'CTMModelGenerator' ======================================================================
    <i> 04:38:04 core_supervisor.cpp(750) 'SuperVisor' <M> Returning from module 'CTMModelGenerator' [6]->download = success [ctx size : 1]
    <i> 04:38:04 core_supervisor.cpp(692) 'SuperVisor' <SCR> Starting script 'CTM Solve' with 9.22337e+012 seconds left
    <i> 04:38:04 core_supervisor.cpp(692) 'SuperVisor' <SCR> Starting script 'CTM Match' with 9.22337e+012 seconds left
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(102) 'SuperVisor' ======================================================================
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(103) 'SuperVisor' statistics:
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(104) 'SuperVisor' number of demands: 7
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(105) 'SuperVisor' ======================================================================
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(107) 'SuperVisor' ======================================================================
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(108) 'SuperVisor' parameters:
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(118) 'SuperVisor' time continuous planning
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(125) 'SuperVisor' backward scheduling
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(184) 'SuperVisor' CBCLP enabled
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(457) 'SuperVisor' ======================================================================
    <i> 04:38:04 core_supervisor.cpp(728) 'SuperVisor' <M> Invoking module 'CtmEngine' [7]->run
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(523) 'SuperVisor' ======================================================================
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(524) 'SuperVisor' EM::execute for packet 1
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(1570) 'SuperVisor' EM::execute for packet 1 done
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_executionmanager.cpp(1571) 'SuperVisor' ======================================================================
    <i> 04:38:04 core_supervisor.cpp(750) 'SuperVisor' <M> Returning from module 'CtmEngine' [7]->run = success [ctx size : 1]
    <i> 04:38:04 core_supervisor.cpp(728) 'SuperVisor' <M> Invoking module 'CTMModelGenerator' [6]->upload
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_modelgen.cpp(1097) 'CTMModelGenerator' ======================================================================
    <i> 04:38:04 ctm_modelgen.cpp(1098) 'CTMModelGenerator' MG::upload of packet 1
    <e> 04:38:05 ctmsvr_script.cpp(229) 'SuperVisor' <!> STRING EXCEPTION : <!> Segmentation fault
    <i> 04:38:05 rfc_connection.cpp(599) 'MsgMgr' <rfc> calling function module /SAPAPO/CTM_INT_STATUS_SET
    <i> 04:38:05 optsvr_main.cpp(1166) 'MsgMgr' Current check values:
    nPEAK_MEMORY_NTAMD64 = 45344
    <i> 04:38:05 optsvr_main.cpp(1209) 'MsgMgr' Performance values:
    bSuccess     false
    nCPU_TIME     0
    nPEAK_MEMORY     45344
    nPEAK_VIRTUAL_BYTES     141844
    nREAL_TIME     6
    tracefile     ctm.DEMO2.20091201_043759_1a70.log
    <i> 04:38:05 optsvr_main.cpp(1235) 'MsgMgr' Performance Monitor values:
    ENGINE_VERSION     7.0_REL SP05, 407661, Nov 25 2009 22:59:47
    nCPU_TIME     0
    nHD_FREESPACE     190433
    nPEAK_MEMORY     45344
    nPEAK_VIRTUAL_BYTES     141844
    nREAL_TIME     6
    <i> 04:38:05 optsvr_dsr.cpp(96) 'MsgMgr' <writeDSRdata> tracing not active => no DSR written
    <i> 04:38:05 optsvr_main.cpp(1256) 'SuperVisor'
    Finished->FAILED ...
    <i> 04:38:05 core_memmgr.cpp(564) 'MsgMgr'   transferring memory of heap 6912 to main heap
    <i> 04:38:05 core_memmgr.cpp(606) 'MsgMgr'   finished transfer of heap 6912
    <i> 04:38:05 optsvr_rfcconnection.cpp(1835) 'MsgMgr'
    Sender/Receiver RFC_HANDLE#1:
    <RFC> * RFC connection attributes:
      Own Host    : m0001006
      Partner Host: m0001006
      Destination : OPTSERVER_CTM01
      Program Name: SAPLRCC_COMM_ENGINE
      SystemNr    :              04       SystemId    : SC6
      Client      :             700       User        : MBATCHA    
      Language    :               E       ISO Language: EN
      CodePage    :            1100       Partner CP  : 1100
      Kernel Rel. :            701        Partner Rel.: 701
      Own Release :            711        CPIC ConvId : 28812935
      Own Type    :               E       PartnerType : 3
      Trace       :                       RFC Role    : S
    <RFC> * RFC statistic information:
      number of calls        : 116
      number of received data: 420457
      number of sent data    : 39262
      overall reading time   : 5.30093e+006
      overall writing time   : 3831
    <i> 04:38:05 optsvr_main.cpp(1332) 'MsgMgr'
    OptimizeServer says  GOOD BYE
    Please help me to resolve this issue.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Khadar,
    1) The information you have provided is the CTM optimiser log.
    Run the job in background and in  sm37 and click on job log &
    analyse the exact error happened.  In case if you are not able
    to do, please provide the error log.
    2) Check the livecache is stable in its operations when the job
    runs (check with basis team)
    3) Run consistency check for master data before CTM run
    4) Check for any struck queues and clear those and rerun
    5) If you feel more inconsistencies in system, run livecache
    consistency and rerun CTM run
    R. Senthil Mareeswaran.

  • Error during Network Planning (SAPSQL_INVALID_FIELDNAME)

    During Interactive planning in SNP when releasing the forecast to network (thru transacction /sapapo/snp01) we are getting an runtime error "SAPSQL_INVALID_FIELDNAME"
    Please help. Error analysis appearing in dump is mentioned below
    An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.                                      
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS', was                 
         not caught in                                                                               
    procedure "SELID_GET" "(FORM)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause.                    
        Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the                         
        exception would occur, the current program is terminated.                                     
        The reason for the exception is:                                                              
        An Open SQL clause was specified dynamically. The contained field name                        
        "SEL_9AACTNAME" does not exist in any of the database tables from the FROM                    

    Hi Aparna,
    Yes you are right. The forecast is already released to SNP and the team is now doing network planning. We are facing the error here.
    Our technical person has done the analysis and it seems that its due to some Local objectcs that are implemented in system.
    Will update once the issue is resolved.

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    An exception occurred when deploying the database for the application. An error occurred during deployment plan generation. Deployment cannot continue.
    Visual Studio 2011
    Microsoft SQL 2008
    Firewall on server is off

    A web application? Or a desktop application?
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  • What is the meaning of Procurement Planning

    Dear SAP Experts,
    Can anyone tell me full details about Procurement planning.
    Thanks n regards,

    Procurement planning helps to create requirement automatically in system ,this is called as MRP Process.
    Please read this document for the same.
    Sandesh Sawant

  • Procurement planning

    Hi experts
    what are the config. steps involved when it comes to procurement planning in SNP and PP part of PPDS ,in product master we have that procurement tab aprt from that where all in SNP and PPDS screens we need to invoke procurement related parameters -the scenario is like 30 units come from supplier A and 20 units comes from supplier B ,10 units comes from external contactor and 50 units are produced as inhouse production all these together make  a FERT so i need material from supplier A and B and contractor along with inhouse produced (HALB) material ...
    the issue boils down to --like--.I want to execute procurement planning separately for  this FERT material .
    .system wise where do i start  and where will i end up ?  
    would you please help me with some material to gain insight into this procurement planning part in  APO

    Hi Rahul,
    As suggested by Ada, you need to set the procurement type to X since you are procuring it externally as well as making it inhouse.
    You will have to create quota arrangement and include all the four sources of supply in the quota. So three of them will be based on the external procurement relationships (2 vendors and 1 Subcontractor) and fourth one will be based on "In House Production".

  • Consider scenario in Procurement cycle as under

    Dear Gurus,
    Consider scenario in Procurement cycle as under
    a) There is a residual open liability (say GR/IR or Freight liabilities) created after GR against PO
    b) This liability created is more than actual payable;
    thus liability discharged after IV (transferred to vendor liability) is less than the above created
    Thus the difference is the open residual liability
    c) This portion of liability needs to be removed WITHOUT (further) payment (as not payable)
    d) Practically it would not be feasible to reverse transactions & amend PO & recreate
    We need to understand how to remove(/transfer) this open non-payable liability & to which GL Account to be discharged to.
    Pls help

    SAP has provided a Standard way of clearing these GL A/c.
    Use MR11 - GR/IR Clearing Account Maintenance for this;
    Use: -
    Quantity differences between goods receipt and invoice receipt for a purchase order result in a balance on the GR/IR clearing account.
    If the quantity invoiced is larger than the quantity received, the system then expects further goods receipts for this purchase order to clear the balance.
    If the quantity received is larger than the quantity invoiced, the system then expects further invoices for this purchase order to clear the balance.
    You can also clear differences for delivery costs.
    If no more goods or invoices are to be received, you must clear the balance manually.
    This can be done in different ways:
    You can return the extra goods to the vendor.
    You can cancel the invoice and post a corrected invoice or a credit memo for the surplus posted quantity.
    You can clear the GR/IR clearing account manually.
    GR/IR Account Maintenance: Account Movements
    Use: -
    The offsetting entry to clear the GR/IR account is the same as the posting made when you enter an invoice for a purchase order.
    Material with Moving Average Price (MAP)
    The GR/IR account is cleared against the stock account, unless no stock coverage exists. If the material stock is smaller than the quantity to be cleared, only the actual stock quantity is debited or credited proportionally. The remaining amount is posted to a price difference account.
    Material with Standard Price
    The offsetting entry is posted to a price difference account.
    Purchase Orders Assigned to an Account
    The offsetting entry is made to the cost or fixed asset account shown in the account assignments in the purchase order.
    Also refer following link;
    [Maintaining the GR/IR Clearing Account|]

  • Procurement Planning in BPC

    Hey Guys,
    Can we do Procurement Planning (Material Planning) in BPC System?
    This is something new for me... I know we do Income/expense planning, Headcount plnning and CAPEX planning as these all r financial planning (Account based).  but doing the procurement planning in BPC System is entirely new for me..
    can we do that in BPC or should we keep it safe for APO only??
    Suggestions needed guys

    Any Suggestions from experts???

  • Cache clearing during high planning usage

    I was going through some performance notes for Integrated Planning and one of the suggestions there was Cache clearing during high planning usage.
    What does this mean and how can it be performed

    Hi Rashmi,
    what is the note you mentioned?
    The OLAP cache usually is a mechanism to improve performace, though there might be case where the 'administration' of the cache creates some extra costs that may lead to better results without using the cache. But there are no general guidelines when this might happen. This heavily depends on the data model, queries and data access pattern.
    In planning - as explained in note 1056259 - caching might be used via the planbuffer queries. These are system generated queries involved when input ready queries read transaction data. The query name is CUBE/!!1CUBE (aggregation level on an InfoCube) or MPRO/!!1MPRO (aggregation leve on a multiprovider). Via RSRCACHE (or also via RSRT, button 'Cache Monitor') you can check the caches. Via RSRT you can also deactivate the cache for a query or planbuffer query. You may play with these settings.
    Caching is working best if the same data are shared for different users. But in planning different users sharing overlapping data in change mode will lock each other. So one might share actual data. One also might try to do a cache 'warm up' using a filter that creates caches that can be reused by different users. This would mean that plan users have non-overlapping selections but the warm up would be done before with a union of some of the filters used by the plan users. But how to do this in detail and whether it is worth the effort can only be answered in the customer project.

  • Convert procurement plan from I2 into purchase requisitions

    Hello Greetings,
    Trying to findout if anyone has experience in converting procurement plan from I2 into purchase requisitions, without having to build a custom interface.
    Thanks Very Much
    Moorthy Mahadevan

    Hi Ahmad,
    If you want to firm planned orders, then use MRP type P1,P2,P3,P4 and P5. The firming logic of already existing and new planned orders are differs for the MRP type P1 to P5. You can select as per your requirement.
    Then if you want the system do not generarate new Planned order if PR exist already, please select the Individual/Collective indicator in MRP 4 view to Collective requirement (02).
    Thanks and regards

  • Planning tolerances during MRP

    Situation is I create a sales order for 100 on a finished material. Currently I have a 0 stock. MRP creates a planned order for 500 which I convert to production order. On the first operation step of the production order confirmation I final confirm 450. When I run MRP again it creates a planned order for 500-450 = 50. I want MRP to not create a planned order if my production quantity is within a tolerance level. So in this case if 450 is within tolerance I should not be creating a planned order for the potential shortage quantity of 50.
    Is there a way I can do this in SAP?
    thanks a lot

    The scenario you are requesting is standard functionality if you are using a demand planning type of MRP, such as PD.  It doesn't work this way for the reasons you have requested, though, and it doesn't offer a settable tolerance.
    It sounds like you are currently using a consumption type of planning, but you have not specified this in your 'current' scenario.
    Assuming you change to a 'demand' type of MRP, MRP always tries to produce a proposal that will meet the requirement.  It does not matter what production orders have or have not been completed in the past.  When all requirements have been met, MRP will not produce any more proposals.
    So, in the case of 100 requirement (sales order) and 450 in stock, 0 safety stock, no other requirements, all production orders received complete or closed short, MRP will normally give you no new proposal.
    You seem satisfied that for the 'small' requirement of 100, that MRP would give you a proposal of 500 (in many companies, this would be considered as 'excess').  Anyway, if this is your requirement, and you were using PD, this could be achieved by setting your minimum order quantity to 500. If you later executed this order, and closed the production order short at 450, MRP would see that you have reached/exceeded your requirements goal, and would propose no further planned orders.

  • Dependant requirements are to be considered in reorder point planning

    We are currently using safety stock planning with PD.but the problem is that MRP triggers a procuement proposal when ever the availabile quantity(not the stock) falls below safety stock(as it considers MRP elements like DEP REQ etc in the net requirements calculation).
    Now if i propose VB,it does not consider the dependent requirements at all(they are not even displayed)
    Requierment is that the procurement proposals should only be triggered when the safety stock falls below the physical stock and DEPREQ's and all other requirements should still be displayed.
    I appreciate your help in getting me through with this.Thanks.

    Dear Ram,
    go to the customizing of MRP type ,
    ther you will find the field 'Reorder point planning with external requirements'
    Indicates whether an external requirement (sales order or manual reservation) is included in the net requirements calculation for reorder point planning.
    If yes, you can decide whether it is to be included:
    -in the complete planning horizon, or
    -only within the replenishment lead time
    I hope the above information will be useful,
    best regards

  • Mix Planning (MTO + MTS)

           I have Stock of One raw material (Trading Material) of Quantity 10.
    Now i created Sales order for Quantity of 50 qty...Now my requirement is that after MRP run, system should consider the the available stock (10 nos.) also after generating requirement PR of qnty 40 should have reference of Sales Order,Customer Specific PR.
    How to map this , which strategy i have to use for this material, as it mix of Make to Order & Make To Stock kind of Scenario.
    Expecting Positive reply Soon

    I'm afraid you are waiting for positive reply for vain.
    As per my best knowledge there's no mix MTS / MTO scenario in SAP. Whether you use MTO or MTS but you cannot mix them.
    You can maintain two planning strategies for your planning strategy group (that is assigned to your material in MRP3 view of material master) and use one of them in the SOs according to your wish...
    SPRO > Production > Production Planning > Demand Management > PIR > Plannng Strategy > Define Strategy Group (V_T461P) - you can give a main startegy and some alternatives for the same strategy group...
    ...but even though you define one MTO and one MTS strategy for your strategy group MRP will consider MTO SO as MTO SO and MTS PIRs as MTS PIRs. I mean you cannot consider normal (not-assigned stock) for MTO SOs (for which MRP plans in the SO special stock segment). And you cannot create PR with SO reference by MRP for MTS requirements.
    Strategy 40 is mix of MTS and MTO (you can consider SOs) but it also can't fulfill your requirements.
    Just my opinion...

  • Error during EPMA planning app deployment

    Hello Experts,
    I am trying to deploy an EPMA Planning application through Workspace. EPM version is
    Below is the error that is getting thrown while deployment (with selecting options - "Refresh Outline", "Create Security Filters" & "Full Deploy"):
    Creating Security Filters...: Index: 1, Size: 1 An Exception occurred during Application deployment.: Index: 1, Size: 1 
    Any idea what should be exact meaning of this error/exception?

    Hi Santy,
    Does it deploy if you remove the Security filter option, what is the error message if you deploy just the security filters from within the planning app and not epma, if it is generates an error from the planning app there should then be some information in the planning and essbase logs.

  • Planned order splitting during capacity planning

    anybody plese help me during the capacity planning in T.code.CM31 i want to split a planned order and want to assign alternative sequence. how can i do this and the capacity should be reschedule automatically to my requirement date. i am using backward scheduling.
    plese suggest immediately
    Thanks and reagards

    Dear Bhakta
    MRP does not perfom any Capacity Requirement Planning .While  you are executing MRP with Lead Time Scheduling , MRP proposes Planned Order Dates based on the Routing Operation Timing not based on the Work Centre available Capacity because in SAP Std R/3 we did not have scope to check the finite scheduling and capacity requirement chek .MRP assume that Work Centre has infinite available capacity .
    In MRP run , it will give you Detail scheduling of the Operation in Planned Order -Detail Scheduling tab  and copied the routing , BOM as master data .When you convert that Planned order to Production order , it will copy the Routing details based on the Order Type denpendt Parameters -OPL8-Routing -Alternative sequnce  and Automatic selection -3 option
    Thats why we have Capacity Requirement Planning  for Detail Capcity check and production order scheduling  .
    Note : Earlier to my first  reply , please note that you have option in CM21  enter sequence number  at order level which may applicable to you .CM21-Work Centre -exectute -Select the Order from order pool -Goto Order -Sequence number maintainence
    This number( sequence number operation /order )  that can be assigned to production orders or planned orders at the level of the task list header and is therefore valid for all the operations in an order.
    Hope this is clear .Revert if you nees farther help
    Edited by: Jiaul Haque on Jul 5, 2010 3:32 PM
    Edited by: Jiaul Haque on Jul 5, 2010 4:01 PM

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