Consolidate os library folders

While looking around on my MBP I noticed I have 37 "library" folders and need to know how to consolidate them. I have had this MBD 15 inch early 2008 that is a workhorse and has traveled the world with me however I have replaced the HDD several times and in the process of backing up may have caused this issue. Some of the folders only have font collection folder while others have application support and frameworks folders and still others have core services, data class migrators, extensions, frameworks, private frameworks and textinput.
Also how to clean up the keychain.
Any suggestions?

Probably not, but deleting them without knowing where they are can cause problems. Check your user Library in your home folder. Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J.  When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder.
There should be only one Library there.

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    When I try to consolidate my Library, the error message reads " copying music failed: the file name was invalid or too long! I have since upgraded itunes and still get the same message. What should I do?

    Here is what another person did, they went through and shortened the really long song names.
    Good luck! iTunes is really bad about not saying which file is causing the problem. It just stops the entire process instead of skipping over the problem file.
    Another thing to try is to put your music folder somewhere else with a shorter name.
    The default folder location for the music files is here
    C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music
    That is a pretty long path.
    You could make a new folder on the root C: drive just name it C:Songs. Go into iTunes > Edit > Preferences, then click the Advanced tab at the top of the window and click General. Click the Change button and browse to the new C:Songs folder
    ....and hope the shorter name lets the consolidate work.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Time Machine should be enough to make a backup of your files. Also, it should back up all folders, so open System Preferences > Time Machine > Options, and make sure that there are no folders included in the excluded items list.
    If you want to create a bootable clone of your hard drive, you need to use an app like Carbon Copy Cloner or the Disk Utility's Restore feature >

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    Depress the option key, launch iPhoto and use the select library command to look at each library. Any that you as sure you do not want can be deleted

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    The only way to merge Libraries - and so preserve all the versions, metadata and so on - is with the paid ($20) version of iPhoto Library Manager

  • Iphoto library folders

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    Yes, that is what I am saying.
    I can tell you though, if you upgrade to iPhoto 6 you will be happier.
    In iPhoto 6, the name you give your rolls is also reflected in the Finder.
    When I import dated folders of photos I make sure I give the folder a name like
    "12/25/2006 Christmas" or 7/04/2006 Fireworks". So if I need to find a photo, it is there in the Finder under the Year with the same roll name.
    You can rename your rolls now, though the new name for the rolls won't be reflected in the Finder until you install iPhoto 6 and upgrade your library.
    I can also tell you that I keyword all my photos. In iPhoto preferences under keywords, I add the new keywords I need. After each import I keyword all my photos.
    Using Spotlight to search for a keyword will give me all the photos with that keyword. I can then find the photo in the Finder by Control clicking on the photo in the search window and scrolling to "reveal in Finder"
    There are lots of more little tricks so ask away if you need more info.
    To get you started, here is some stuff I put together for iPhoto 5:
    --First thing to know and remember is this...Do not drag any images, folder of images into the iPhoto Library in the Finder. Images have to be imported into iPhoto within the application. Do not scan images and save them into the iPhoto Library folder in the Finder. Save them to another location such as the Pictures folder or even the desktop. You can then import them into iPhoto.
    If you have already put files/folders in the iPhoto Library folder in the Finder then you will also find out that if you try to import them into iPhoto you will get an error message. No worry, just drag them to the desktop and import from there.
    --All images that you import are shown in the library view. You can choose how you want to view, by rolls, by date, by rating, etc. When you put images in an Album, slideshow, book, etc, you are actually just putting pointers to those images in the library. You are not adding more images. If you delete an image from the Album it will still be in the library. If you delete an image from the library it is deleted from iPhoto's database (the iPhoto Library folder in the Finder) and your hard drive ONLY after you empty iPhoto's trash. (unless you have it backed up somewhere else)
    --You have a folder of images on your hard drive and want to import them into iPhoto. Drag the folder of images into an open iPhoto Library window and the folder of photos will be copied into the library, resulting in a new roll with the name of the folder. You now have two copies of those photos, the ones in iPhoto's database and the ones on your desktop. You can keep the ones on your desktop that you just imported as backup or you can delete that folder. You can also drag a folder of photos into an empty space in the source column and a new roll and album will be created at the smae time for those images in the folder. The album will have the same name as the folder you dragged into the source column.
    -- you scan a picture/pictures and save it in a folder. You cannot scan directly into iPhoto or the iPhoto Library folder in the Finder.
    You want all your photos in iPhoto so you import them into iPhoto.
    Now you have two copies of that picture/pictures, so you can delete the originals that were in the scanned folder and keep the one/ones that were imported into iPhoto.
    -- You download pictures from your camera into iPhoto.
    There is now one copy of each of the pictures. (DO NOT HAVE IPHOTO DELETE THE IMAGES FROM YOUR CAMERA! DELETE THEM MANUALLY WITH THE CAMERA-if something goes wrong with the import and they are never imported and then they are deleted from the camera you might end up losing those images)
    --You want to change something about a picture you imported, such as
    cropping it or changing the size, or changing the orientation.
    Once you do that to a picture, you now have two copies of the picture
    in iPhoto, the original and the edited one. The edited one will be in the library organize view. The original is packed away in an Original folder in your iPhoto Library folder under the date of the roll. You can always revert to the original by control clicking on the photo and choose "revert to orginal" You will not have this choice if you used iPhoto Diet to get rid of the Originals.
    (a quick note on cropping within iPhoto...when you are in edit mode, you automatically will be in the crop mode with cross hairs to highlight the crop area. To finish cropping you must click the crop button and then go back to library view and your cropped picture will be there.
    --You want to use Photoshop or another graphic program to edit a picture in your iPhoto library.
    You can open up prefs for iPhoto and choose
    For iPhoto 5--"when double clicking on
    photo"" choose "other" and select Photoshop. Now you can edit all
    pictures in your iPhoto library in PhotoShop by double clicking. If you save the photo with the same name and as a flattened file it will be saved right into iPhoto and you will see the changes. If you don't want to save it into iPhoto then do a "save as" and save to the desktop. You will then have the original photo still in iPhoto and your new edited photo on the desktop.
    For iPhoto 6 (from the Apple Help Menu)-Have you ever used PS as the external editor set up within iPhoto Prefs?
    From the iPhoto Help menu;
    "Choosing what happens when you click the Edit button
    When you want to edit a photo, you can have the photo open in iPhoto's edit view, in a separate window, in full-screen view, or in another application.
    To choose a preference:
    Choose iPhoto > Preferences.
    Click General at the top of the Preferences window.
    Under Edit Photo, select one of the following options:
    "In main window" opens the photo in the main viewing area.
    "In separate window" opens the photo in a separate window.
    "Using full screen" opens the photo in full-screen view.
    "In application" opens the photo in another application you choose.
    To open a photo in its own window when "Main window" is selected, press the Option key when double-clicking the photo.
    To open a photo in edit view when "Separate window" is selected, press the Option key when double-clicking the photo.
    Note: Any video clip you imported into iPhoto will always open in QuickTime Player when you double-click it."
    "Editing photos in another application
    You can do many editing tasks in iPhoto, such as rotating and cropping a photo, changing a color photo to black and white, adjusting exposure and contrast, and reducing red-eye. If you want to make other changes to a photo, you can open it in another image-editing application, such as Adobe Photoshop.
    To edit photos in another application:
    Set your preferences to open photos in another application when you double-click them or click the Edit button. (See Related Topics below.)
    Double-click the photo to open it in the application.
    Edit the photo and save it using the same name and file format.
    The changes you made to the photo will be visible when you return to iPhoto.
    IMPORTANT: When you double-click a RAW-format photo, iPhoto creates a copy of the photo in JPEG format, which opens in the other application. To edit the photo in its original RAW format, drag the photo from the iPhoto window to the Finder, and then use the other application to open it. (If you previously used iPhoto to edit the RAW photo, select the photo and choose Photos > Revert to Original before dragging it to the Finder. This way, you can edit the photo using its RAW data in the other application.) If you want to import the photo back into iPhoto, you must first save it as a JPEG or TIFF file."
    --Or, with iPhoto open, you can drag a picture from the library window
    to your desktop (you see a + sign on the pic you are dragging). You now
    have two of the same picture, one in the iPhoto library and one on your desktop. You can open up the one on your desktop in any graphic program and work on it. The one in iPhoto stays the same. You can also share/export the picture/pictures to your desktop or folder to work on them or do batch processing, etc. You will still have the originals in your iPhoto Library.
    --Or, you can open up the ~/Pictures/iPhoto Library/folders and option drag any
    picture out of the folder to your desktop. Notice that you will see a plus sign while dragging the photo. This is copying the file to your desktop
    I would advise anyone not to do this as they might forget to use the option key and drag the photo out. Next time you open iPhoto the photo will be missing.
    -The one option you will not find within iPhoto is to resize photos. iPhoto wants you to keep all full size images within iPhoto to give you the best size for printing or using for other applications. You can however go to Share>export (for iPhoto 5) or File>export (for iPhoto 6) and choose the naming scheme, input the dimensions and export to the desktop to use for uploading to a web space or emailing.
    --to email a photo set up your email client in iPhoto Preferences. Once done, just select a photo/photos and hit the email icon in the toolbar.
    If you use a web based email, then you need to export the photo to the desktop and upload it from there.
    Two Apple kbs for you to read
    Don't tamper with files in the iPhoto library folder
    About the iPhoto Library folder
    Don't forget that in Library view you can Control click on any picture and get a contextual menu with many options. One is to revert to original.
    For more help and information you can go to the Help menu wiithin iPhoto and input your search term in the search bar, then hit the "enter" key on the keyboard.
    You can also go to the iPhoto Support site.
    iPhoto Support

  • OS creating multiple user/library folders - need help

    My computer has decided on it's own to revert back to it's original default settings causing me to lose all the changes that I have made, as well as forcing me to redo the set-up procedures for Mail, Safari and other browsers and applications. This is happening every day after I log off. In looking around for answers I found that Home/User is creating multiple libraries as I keep resetting the computer. I now have 8 library folders all with different contents. I'm sure this is why the computer is reverting to default. Do I delete the extra folders? How do I know which is the one to keep? The one with the most items? I was poking around the apps and other sections, but I don't remember moving or changing anything. I will have to start over again tomorrow and I will then have 9 folders. I would really appreciate someone to help me out of this dilemma.
    iMac Intel   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   I have DSL and had a phone line repair shortly before the problem started

    It's the same with me. Just discovered, I have 15 additional users created. I'm most eager to learn why this is happening because I have not been able to 'auto login' using my own account.

  • Cannot consolidate iTunes library--"not enough room"

    I'm totally frustrated here.  Just purchased a 3T Western Digital NAS drive to keep my family's media libraries. There are three of us each with our own iPhone, laptop, & iTunes library (although we do share an Apple ID).  I set up a share on the NAS for each of us, then mapped it on each computer as a network drive. Then I changed the iTunes Media folder location in the advanced preferences to point a new folder on the mapped drive.  Next step was to consolidate each library to force iTunes to copy/move the library to the new location.  This worked perfectly for the first two libraries and each one is able to sync it's respective iPhone with no problems.  My problem occurred when trying to consolidate the third library, received an iTunes error that stated  "There is not enough room on <share> to copy all of the requested files."  This is not true, I show that there is still a little more than 2T of free space still available on the NAS drive, and I am able to copy files there outside of iTunes without difficulty.  I read elsewhere that I could consolidate the library in smaller chunks by selecting items in iTunes, right-clicking, and choosing consolidate files.  This worked for about 1/3 of the music, and then I ran into the 'not enough room' error again.  Here is the pertinent information for the troublesome library:
    Operating System - Windows 7 Ultimate, SP1
    iTunes version -
    NAS Drive - 2.00 TB free of 2.71 TB
    iTunes Library - 345 GB (10,129 files)
    If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this, your help would be greatly appreciated.

    To get an idea of what is being stored where download & run the script iTunesInfo which should output something like this:
    I'm interested in the block of 4 results starting ITL location. If your profile name shows up somewhere replace it with <Name>.  It is also worth checking under Edit > Preferences > Advanced to see where iTunes thinks your media is supposed to go. My script estimates the setting based on the location of the first media file it can actually find.

  • Why won't iTunes let me consolidate my library to external hard drive more than once?

    I am trying to transfer my iTunes library to an external hard drive.  The first time I tried it was successful, but I didn't like how it was setup so I erased it to start over.  Then I established a new folder on the external hard drive labeled iTunes Music.  When I tried to consolidate my library a second time it didn't do anything.  Should I just manually transfer over the audio files?  My long term goal is to get my iTunes library transferred to the hard drive, burn my CD library using XLD to external hard drive, and clear the audio files from my internal iMac hard drive.  I figured I would just use an alias to connect the location of the files. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    ddcrosier wrote:
    I am trying to transfer my iTunes library to an external hard drive.
    Consolidating is not the same as transferring the iTunes library.
    Do this.
    Quit iTunes.
    Copy the entire /MusiciTunes/ folder to the external.
    Hold Option, launch iTunes.
    Select Choose library...
    Select the iTunes folder on the external.
    This is all you need to do.
    After you verify iTunes works, you can then delete /Music/iTunes folder.

  • How many Library folders should there be, and where?

    How many Library folders should there be, and where?

    Each user has his own. This is where items specific to each user are stored - caches, preferences files, login items, etc. In Lion these folders are hidden, but still there.
    There is also one at the top level of the hard drive. This is where resources shared between users are stored - fonts, application support files, etc.
    There's also one in the System folder, that you may look in, but do not touch.

  • How many library folders are you suppose to have?

    When I click on the HD it shows a library folder.  When I click on my home folder, I also see a library folder.  I am not talking about the individual application library folders i.e. iphoto, itunes and the like.

    /Library (system wide library used for things all users of the Mac may need to share - Some apps store stuff here on install, Mac OS X stores system wide stuff here, such as your network preferences)
    /System/Library (used by Mac OS X - keep your fingers out )
    /Users/username/Library (one library per user where per user specific information is stored, such as application preferences, per user caches, your email, etc...)

  • Two library folders

    I was working on a plug-in issue (Aperture) and have come to the realization that I have two library folders for my OS.
    The first is in the root directory of my hard disk  [hard_disk]/Library
    The second is under the same hard disk, but is then under /users/[username]/Library
    In both locations, I have a sub folder called /Application Support/ then various application folders are there.
    Am I supposed to have two Library folders, and/or am I supposed to have two /Library/Applications Support folders?   The contents appear to be different in each.
    As a note, when I set up this computer, I copied files and folders over from our previous iMac which was running regular Leopard.

    Actually there are three Library folders, and yes they are supposed to be there.  These folders contain similar items, but operate at the different levels of the OS - the /System/Library folder is for system files, the /Library folder is for items that apply to all users, and the /Users/you/Library folder has stuff that only applies to your user account.

  • Why are there 3 library folders on my MB Pro?

    Why are there 3 library folders on my MB Pro? (1) in the HD folder; (2) in the system folder; (3) in the user folder?

    Your home/Library folder contains support and preference files for you. It includes all your mail, if you use Apple Mail, as well as things like contacts, calendars, Safari bookmarks and caches, and so on. It also includes any fonts which you have installed for your user. 20GB seems a little high, but if you have a lot of mail/attachments, this could explain it.
    The /Library folder contains support files (usually third-party) for all users. Adobe tends to put files in here, for example. It also includes iLife template/loop files, so you'll find GarageBand loops here, for example. Fonts which can be accessed by all users can be found here.
    The /System/Library folder belongs to OS X, and contains support files for the system.
    Don't delete any files from any of the folders unless you know what you're doing...

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    The system is slow.

  • IPhoto '08 has deleted library folders from my iPhoto - help!

    My iphoto '08 has twice deleted library folders and their contents from my iPhoto. I opened iPhoto and saw all the library folders, then the beachball of death popped up and then the folders vanished. Is there any way to get these folders and their contents back?

    Try these in order - from best option on down...
    1. Do you have an up-to-date back up? If so, try copy the library6.iphoto file from the back up to the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) allowing it to overwrite the damaged file.
    2. Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.
    3. If neither of these work then you'll need to create and populate a new library.
    To create and populate a new *iPhoto 08* library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same Events and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, modified versions, books, calendars etc.
    In the iPhoto Preferences -> Events Uncheck the box at 'Imported Items from the Finder'
    Move the iPhoto Library to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual Event Folders to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

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