Consolidation route error

Dear all,
I am trying to save the target as WTP(Production) in the properties of a request which is in Quality system. I am getting error "WTP is not a consolidation Target". The request is created for SPAU and SPDD clear in the Quality systems. Please help.
Thanks and regards,

I am trying to save the target as WTP(Production) in the properties of a request which is in Quality system. I am getting error "WTP is not a consolidation Target".
This is true. You can not create a WorkBench Request in your quality system for target Prod.
And if you release your WorkBench Request without Traget, it will not create any data & cofiles.
if you need to move any object from QA > Prod, you can use transport request of type Transport of copies.
best regards

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      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
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    In route Error Handler.
    Add If condition and add fn:contains($fault,"BEA-382108") in the if condition, and add your code/logic that you want to implement in case of this error in IF condiiton.
    Let me know if this helps.

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    Best regards,

    Hi Keith,
    please do not mix up transport groups (systems sharing one transport directory) with transport target groups.
    If you have one development system DEV and two QA-Systems QA1 / QA2 then there are 3 options: Transport from DEV to QA1 only, transport from DEV to QA2 only and transport from DEV to both QA1 and QA2. To realize this, you need three consolidation routes starting in DEV. One with transport layer (say) ZQA1 pointing to QA1, one with transport layer (say) ZQA2 pointing to QA2 and on with transport layer (say) ZALL pointing to the transport target group which in turn points to QA1 and QA2. Then you need to create 3 packages (formerly: development classes) poining to one of these three transport layers. For example ZPACKZQA1, ZPACKZQA2, ZPACKZALL. Then when you create a programm you need to specify a package. Depending on the package you choose, the program will be transported to either QA1 only, QA2 only or both QA1 and QA2.
    Best regards

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    Hi Axel,
    You have activate Extended transport route.
    refer this link to helpout for the same
    Reward points if helpful.

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    solman, OU=000XXXXXXX, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE"
    Got absolute PSE path "C:\Users\soladm\sec\local.pse".
    Please enter PIN:
    Please reenter PIN:
    Supplied distinguished name: "CN=solman, OU=000XXXXXXX, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=
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    ERROR in create_PSE: (4352/0x1100) could not flush : "SW-PSE"
    ERROR in modified_PSEFile: (4352/0x1100) could not flush : "SW-PSE"
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    ERROR in aux_OctetString2file: (1283/0x0503) Can't write file : "C:\Users\soladm
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    Yes, there is no specific cryptography software for windows server 2008 and whatever u have chosen is correct.
    Fom the following error message I could see where the issue arises.
    Can't write file : "C:\Users\soladm\sec\local.pse"
    I think you have not set the following ENV variable for the SAPRouter admin user (in your case soladm) and hence the sapgenpse tries to import the certificate in the SOLADM user's document folder.
    Set the following variables for the user SOLADM and then try to import the certificate as mentioned in the [link|].
    SECUDIR = E:\usr\sap\saprouter
    SNC_LIB = E:\usr\sap\saprouter\nt-x86_64\sapcrypto.dll
    Hope this resolves ur issue.
    Varadharajan M

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    Hi, ZeroGravity107.
    This can be a tricky problem to figure out since iTunes doesn't specify what file name is "invalid or too long" and there's no documentation on what determines if a file name is "invalid or too long".
    We had one user report that he was able to use his/her keen eyesight to note the last file that appeared before the error message appeared and it turned out that file was the cause of his/her trouble.
    If your eyesight isn't that keen, I'd suggest concentrating on the file name being too long possibility.
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    Is the directory path leading to your consolidated location much longer than that?
    polydorus has suggested a way to look over your file names: Assuming your music is currently in the default location, make your way there with Windows Explorer and select List in the View menu menu and see if anything stands out as being unusual.

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    Helper Class (RNWF MSM Helper Class) Event:
    Wireless Diagnostic Helper Class Event
    For complete information about this session see the Wireless Diagnostic Informational Event.
    Helper Class: Native WiFi MSM
     Initialize status: Success
    Information for connection being diagnosed
     Interface GUID: 0c5fedf8-83c2-45eb-a664-bc2385294b58
     Interface name: Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN
     Interface type: Native WiFi
     Profile: DaveJeremyCameronBen
     SSID: DaveJeremyCameronBen
     SSID length: 20
     Connection mode: Infra
     Security: Yes
     Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
    Result of diagnosis: Problem found
    Root cause:
    The wireless settings for the network adapter on this computer don't match the settings of "DaveJeremyCameronBen"
    The selected data rate is not correct.
    Detailed root cause:
    802.11 connection failed due to status code 18: Association denied due to requesting station not supporting all of the data rates in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter
    Repair option:
    View the wireless network adapter settings on this computer to verify they are compatible with this network
    If you set up or own this network, you might be able to fix the problem by changing the settings on the wireless router or access point to be compatible with the settings on this computer. Contact the network administrator for "DaveJeremyCameronBen" or your hardware manufacturer for further assistance.
    Event Verbosity:0
    Go to Solution.

    I think there is a profile saved on your wireless computer.
    What is the operating system on your computer ?
    Delete the profile on your wireless computer. I think you are using the intel wireless adapter on that computer.
    Open the Intel wireless adapter utility. There you will find the profiles saved on your computer. Delete the wireless network profile that you are trying to connect.
    Now open the setup page of the wireles router. Go to the wireless tab. Check the wireless network name. Click on wireless security tab and check the wireless security settings. Make sure that you have the correct network key/password.
    Now try to connect to the wireless network again.
    If it is windows XP operating system then you can also connect to the wireless network using the windows wireless network utility.

  • Consolidator class error in java code...

    Hi, I have difficult time for testing create publication programically.
    Test step is
    1. create MOBILEADMIN.EMP2 based by SCOTT.EMP
    2. Create Primary Key to MOBILEADMIN.EMP2
    3. Write Test Code
    My test code follows..
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.lite.sync.*;
    public class Publication2
    public static void main(String args[])
    Statement s = null;
    ConsolidatorManager mgr = null;
    Connection con = null;
    try {
    con =getConnection( "MOBILEADMIN", "ADMIN" );
    ResourceManager.openConnection( "MOBILEADMIN", "ADMIN" );
    mgr = new ConsolidatorManager();
    s = con.createStatement();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println("con.createStatement failed: " + e + "\n");
    System.out.println( "####################### OpenConnection ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.OpenConnection( "MOBILEADMIN", "ADMIN" );
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on OpenConnection xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### DeinstantiateSubscription ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.DeinstantiateSubscription( "PUBLISH01", "OTN" );
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on DropSubscription xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    //System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### DropSubscription ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.DropSubscription( "PUBLISH01", "OTN" );
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on DropSubscription xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    //System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### DropPublication ######################" );
    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on DropPublication xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    //System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### DropPublicationItem ######################" );
    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on DropPublicationItem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    //System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### CreatePublication ######################" );
    try {
    //mgr.CreatePublication("PUBLISH01", Consolidator.OKPI_CREATOR_ID, "%s", null );
    mgr.CreatePublication( "PUBLISH01", Consolidator.OKAPI_WIN32, "%s", null );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on CreatePublication xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### CreatePublicationItem ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.CreatePublicationItem( "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "MOBILEADMIN", "emp2", "F", "SELECT * FROM emp2", null, null );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on CreatePublicationItem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### PrimaryKeyHint ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.PrimaryKeyHint( "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "EMPNO", "MOBILEADMIN", "EMP2", "EMPNO" );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on PrimaryKeyHint xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### CreatePublicationItemIndex ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("PK_PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "P", "EMPNO");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "ENAME");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM02", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "JOB");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM03", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "MGR");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM04", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "HIREDATE");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM05", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "SAL");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM06", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "COMM");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM07", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "DEPTNO");
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on CreatePublicationItemIndex xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### AddPublicationItem ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.AddPublicationItem("PUBLISH01", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", null, null, "S", null, null);
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on AddPublicationItem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### CreateSubscription ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.CreateSubscription( "PUBLISH01", "OTN" );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on CreateSubscription xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### InstantiateSubscription ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.InstantiateSubscription( "PUBLISH01", "OTN" );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on InstantiateSubscription xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### Ending1... ######################" );
    try {
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on Ending1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### Ending2... ######################" );
    try {
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on Ending2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    private static Connection getConnection(String user ,String password)
    Connection conn =null;
    catch(Exception e)
    String jdbc_url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sid";
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc_url,user,password);
    catch(Exception e)
    return conn;
    9_;}GO4B ?!7/ 8^=CAv @T4O4Y..
    log9: ####################### AddPublicationItem ######################
    log1: log_main: Will try to get object type for MOBILEADMIN,emp2
    log1: log_main: Will describe emp2
    log1: log_main: Finished describing emp2
    log1: log_main: NCOLS=0
    log1: log_main: PKS Length=0
    log9: oracle.lite.sync.ConsolidatorException:
    CONS-10032: MOBILEADMIN.emp2?! 4kGQ 1b:; E08& C#@; <v >x1b 6'9.?! 5n7O GW8q PUBLISH01_ITEM01@;(8&) 0;=EGR <v >x@=
    (in english, this message shows can't update PUBLISH01_ITEM01 because there's no primary key to MOBILEADMIN.emp2)
    log9: at oracle.lite.sync.Subscription.CreatePublicationMapInQueue(
    log9: at oracle.lite.sync.Subscription.AddPublicationItem(
    log9: at oracle.lite.sync.ConsolidatorManager.AddPublicationItem(
    log9: at Publication2.main(
    log9: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on AddPublicationItem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    I found primary key to MOBILEADMIN.EMP2 when I query user_constraints table.
    What did I wrong? Pls Help me out..
    Thanks in advance..

    Hi, I have difficult time for testing create publication programically.
    Test step is
    1. create MOBILEADMIN.EMP2 based by SCOTT.EMP
    2. Create Primary Key to MOBILEADMIN.EMP2
    3. Write Test Code
    My test code follows..
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.lite.sync.*;
    public class Publication2
    public static void main(String args[])
    Statement s = null;
    ConsolidatorManager mgr = null;
    Connection con = null;
    try {
    con =getConnection( "MOBILEADMIN", "ADMIN" );
    ResourceManager.openConnection( "MOBILEADMIN", "ADMIN" );
    mgr = new ConsolidatorManager();
    s = con.createStatement();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println("con.createStatement failed: " + e + "\n");
    System.out.println( "####################### OpenConnection ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.OpenConnection( "MOBILEADMIN", "ADMIN" );
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on OpenConnection xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### DeinstantiateSubscription ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.DeinstantiateSubscription( "PUBLISH01", "OTN" );
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on DropSubscription xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    //System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### DropSubscription ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.DropSubscription( "PUBLISH01", "OTN" );
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on DropSubscription xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    //System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### DropPublication ######################" );
    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on DropPublication xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    //System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### DropPublicationItem ######################" );
    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on DropPublicationItem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    //System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### CreatePublication ######################" );
    try {
    //mgr.CreatePublication("PUBLISH01", Consolidator.OKPI_CREATOR_ID, "%s", null );
    mgr.CreatePublication( "PUBLISH01", Consolidator.OKAPI_WIN32, "%s", null );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on CreatePublication xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### CreatePublicationItem ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.CreatePublicationItem( "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "MOBILEADMIN", "emp2", "F", "SELECT * FROM emp2", null, null );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on CreatePublicationItem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### PrimaryKeyHint ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.PrimaryKeyHint( "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "EMPNO", "MOBILEADMIN", "EMP2", "EMPNO" );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on PrimaryKeyHint xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### CreatePublicationItemIndex ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("PK_PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "P", "EMPNO");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "ENAME");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM02", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "JOB");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM03", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "MGR");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM04", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "HIREDATE");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM05", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "SAL");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM06", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "COMM");
    mgr.CreatePublicationItemIndex("ID_PUBLISH01_ITEM07", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", "I", "DEPTNO");
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on CreatePublicationItemIndex xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### AddPublicationItem ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.AddPublicationItem("PUBLISH01", "PUBLISH01_ITEM01", null, null, "S", null, null);
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on AddPublicationItem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### CreateSubscription ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.CreateSubscription( "PUBLISH01", "OTN" );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on CreateSubscription xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### InstantiateSubscription ######################" );
    try {
    mgr.InstantiateSubscription( "PUBLISH01", "OTN" );
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on InstantiateSubscription xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### Ending1... ######################" );
    try {
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on Ending1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    System.out.println( "####################### Ending2... ######################" );
    try {
    } catch( Throwable e ) {
    System.out.println( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on Ending2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );
    System.exit( 0 );
    private static Connection getConnection(String user ,String password)
    Connection conn =null;
    catch(Exception e)
    String jdbc_url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sid";
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc_url,user,password);
    catch(Exception e)
    return conn;
    9_;}GO4B ?!7/ 8^=CAv @T4O4Y..
    log9: ####################### AddPublicationItem ######################
    log1: log_main: Will try to get object type for MOBILEADMIN,emp2
    log1: log_main: Will describe emp2
    log1: log_main: Finished describing emp2
    log1: log_main: NCOLS=0
    log1: log_main: PKS Length=0
    log9: oracle.lite.sync.ConsolidatorException:
    CONS-10032: MOBILEADMIN.emp2?! 4kGQ 1b:; E08& C#@; <v >x1b 6'9.?! 5n7O GW8q PUBLISH01_ITEM01@;(8&) 0;=EGR <v >x@=
    (in english, this message shows can't update PUBLISH01_ITEM01 because there's no primary key to MOBILEADMIN.emp2)
    log9: at oracle.lite.sync.Subscription.CreatePublicationMapInQueue(
    log9: at oracle.lite.sync.Subscription.AddPublicationItem(
    log9: at oracle.lite.sync.ConsolidatorManager.AddPublicationItem(
    log9: at Publication2.main(
    log9: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error on AddPublicationItem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    I found primary key to MOBILEADMIN.EMP2 when I query user_constraints table.
    What did I wrong? Pls Help me out..
    Thanks in advance..

  • "No Fiscal Year Variant assinged to consolidation unit" error for 3EC_CS_1A

    I'm getting following extraction error using RSA3 for datasource 3EC_CS_1A in R3 (4.7) system. Could someone shed some ideas on how to fix it.
    No fiscal year variant assigned to consolidation unit 0000000000000000XX.
    same error is coming for all consolidation units.
    I checked ECMCT table and it has records in it.
    I went to "Consolidation unit change" using CX1N and found out that above consolidation unit has our customer defined "standard fiscal year variant assigned" for the corresponding ledger listed in ECMCT.
    What else might be missing & how to fix it. same error in both DEV & QAS. Appreciate any inputs
    Hari Immadi
    SEM BW Analyst

    thanks for your post.
    I checked T009 and see that fiscal year variants are maintained. K4 as well as "customer defined standard fiscal year variant". what else might be missing.
    Hari Immadi
    SEM BW Analyst

  • Dynamic Routing error

    Has anyone had any success with Dynamic Routing on SoaSuite Either through a mediator or through a BPEL Phase activity?
    This has been posted previously but I haven't seen a solution yet
    The error I get is
    Non Recoverable Business Fault :
    Fact not found in the rule engine working memory, rule session execution failed. The rule session 210165 failed because an instance of the fact oracle.tip.mediator.rules.model.DynamicRouting could not be found in the working memory of the rule session. This is most likely a rule modeling error. The decision service interaction expects the fact instance to exist in the working memory of the rule session. Check the rule actions in rule designer and make sure that a fact of the expected type is being asserted. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services. 210165
    The FMW Guide references a sample called BPELPhaseActivity but I can't find this sample

    As Hisaak mentioned, try routing option if you want to set URI dynamically. To use the dynamic route action, you need the fully qualified name of the service in Oracle Service Bus as described in

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Technical Routing
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>No receiver agreement found for sender -BS_POC_TEMP_Sender to receiver -POC_DB_Temp_Receiver_Channel,</SAP:Stack>

    Check the URL you have provided the sender system for HTTP.then check if you have configured receiver agreement/receiver determination for that combination of sender and receiver
    The messages which is coming in sxmb_moni is unable to find any receiver side configuration for the sender attributes( like sender party/service or sender interface name).

Maybe you are looking for

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