Constructing an ID from a String

Hi all,
I just want to ask for your opinion about a solution:
I have a random size list of unique strings. Out of these strings I have to generate unique numeric IDs. The IDs can be of the type "long".
My Solution (not every if and else... written)
1. Create a char array with size 19 ( a var of type long has 19 characters) and init it with zeros...
2. Get the hashcode of the unique string (type int) and fill it into the first half of the char array
3. Because hashcodes are not unique I will now reverse the unique key (From "ABCD" to "DCBA") and make a second hashcode from it.
4. Put the second hashcode in the second part of the char array.
5. Construct a new long with the char array.
- "More" unique as a simple hashcode (sounds stupid)
- faster as a encryption algorithm...
- not really unique
Any comments or other suggestions?

Thanks for your replies:
Of course, the best way to accomplish this is to do a mapping between unique self-made IDs and the unique Strings in a mapping table, but this is not feasible in my case.
I can't set an numeric ID to the object and make it persistent since the objects come from a legacy system without write back functionality.
In my application I have to integrate those objects with our current datastructure and much of the logic depends on numeric IDs...
Why 19 chars: a variable of type long in decimal form has 19 characters max. ( without -)
I have to store the id in the database, where "bigint" is the required type as well.
I know, that I will never have a real unique ID with this procedure, but since there are some other unique context parameters to differ the objects...
The idea was just: if 2 strings have the same hashcodes the chance to have the same hashcodes backwards should be small enough. Are there any
maths gurus out there ;-)

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    Hi Pablo,
            XmlDocument doc = manager.createDocument();
            XmlValue val = new XmlValue(doc);
            System.out.println(val.getType() == XmlValue.NODE);
            System.out.println(val.asString());Try this. It doesn't create physically (that is in the container) a document. The output of this piece of program:
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    Here's some code I cooked up. I have created an object that processes code so that it can be incorporated directly into a project. There is some redundancy so that the it can be used in more than one way. Depending on your situation you might have to make the condition statement a little more sophisticated to catch stray ">" tags.
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    What is your expected output... The query I posted just removes them, it never replaces them with spaces..your string already has space.. if you want to remove space as well .. try this...
    SELECT TRANSLATE ('TESTING ! ABC 123 #', '-~!@#$%^*/\+:;|<>?_, ', ' ') FROM DUAL;
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         String orderDecider = JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null, "Would you like your numbers to be ordered in   ascending or descending order(A/D)",      "Order decision", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
         if (orderDecider == A)
         loopSwitch = false;
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    Why not just use the String.equals() method to compare a String to a String?
    But if you must, you can use the String.charAt() method to return a char at a particular location in the String.
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    Most likely, nobody needed it, but if anybody in future will need the solution for related problem  - here's solution:
    data: lv_nullchar type xstring value '0'.
    shift lv_xstring right deleting trailing lv_nullchar in byte mode.
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    ARRAY 'Monitor Chart' 2 5
    'Total OverFlow' 'Queued' 'Completed' 'Host Resets' 'Errors'''
    0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
    'Series1' 11.0 0.6 8.6 11.5 6.6
    'Series2' 12.8 6.7 21.6 11.1 30.0Inside the Client i need to get the values out to showed on my textfields
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    Tf1 = 11.0
    Tf2 = 0.6
    Tf3 = 8.6
    Tf4 = 11.5
    Tf5 = 6.6
    Question: How to i get the values out from the String???

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class testing{
         String d1 =     "ARRAY 'Monitor Chart' 1 5";
         String d2 = "'Total OverFlow' 'Queued' 'Completed' 'Host Resets' 'Errors'";
         String d3 = "'' 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 ";
         String d4 = "'Series1' 11.0 0.6 8.6 11.5 6.6 ";
         String d5 = "'Series2' 12.8 6.7 21.6 11.1 30.0 ";
         String data = d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5;     
         public testing(){
              String[] result = data.split("\\s");
              for(int x=0;x<result.length;x++)
         public static void main (String args[])throws IOException{
            testing Application = new testing();
    'Total OverFlow'
    'Host Resets'
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    You need to url-encode the value using the URLEncoder class.
    For example:
    <form name=test action="test.jsp?fname=<%=URLEncoder.encode(name, "ISO-8859-1")%>" method="post">

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    Use the following code to send a Datagram:-
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    // specified host.
    public class UDPSend {
        static final int port = 6010;
        public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
            if (args.length != 2) {
                System.out.println("Usage: java UDPSend <hostname> <message>");
            // Get the internet address of the specified host
            InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]);
            // Convert the message to an array of bytes
            int msglen = args[1].length();
            byte[] message = new byte[msglen];
            args[1].getBytes(0, msglen, message, 0);
            // Initilize the packet with data and address
            DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(message, msglen,
                                   address, port);
            // Create a socket, and send the packet through it.
            DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
    }This uses argments, if you want a string change the code accordingly.

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    index ]..type ()
    This isn't working. First, is this possible using some syntax
    I am unaware of in Flex? I don't want to use a large if or case
    statement if possible.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Thank you very much. Indeed that did solve the one problem. I
    missed the casting as a Display Object. That is awesome!
    I do still however, have to instantiate one of every item I
    want to dynamically create or I get the following error when I try
    to create a dynamic object that I have not instantiated before.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable HBox is not defined.
    at global/flash.utils::getDefinitionByName()
    at MyForm/buildForm()
    at DynamicForm/::onComplete()
    I read that you have no choice but to instantiate one of each
    type to force the linker to link the code for that class into the
    .swf. Unless you know another way to force it.
    This is what I have in my Application mxml to get it to work:
    <mx:Text visible="false"/>
    <mx:TextArea visible="false"/>
    <mx:TextInput visible="false"/>
    <mx:DateField visible="false"/>
    And those are the types I'm using to test with. . . I will
    have to add all the others I want to use as well . . .

  • Retrieve data from a string.

    I want to write a SQL script to retreive data between the third "|" and the forth "|" from a string:
    String = 'H000319|VI|12|20000|20000|4201840007403429,09/2008,442667,,|'
    The result should be 20000.
    String = 'H000319|HK|0|11860|11860||'
    The result should be 11860.
    Many thanks!

    With INSTR you can search for the n'th occurence of a character like this:
    select substr('H000319|HK|0|11860|11860||'
                 , instr('H000319|HK|0|11860|11860||', '|', 1, 3 ) + 1
                 , length('H000319|HK|0|11860|11860||') - instr('H000319|HK|0|11860|11860||', '|', 1, 4 ) - 2
                ) from dual

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    Hi, i'm new at learning java, but have strong experience at C++ and asm. How would i get one character at a certain positon from a string array.
    for example:
    String Phrases[] = {"To be or not to be, that is the question","The Simpsons","The Mole","Terminator three rise of the machines","The matrix"};
    that is my string array above.
    lets say i wanted to get the first character from the first element of the array which is "T", how would i get this

    ok well that didn't work, but i found getChars function can do what i want. One problem, how do i check the contents of char array defined as char Inchar[];

Maybe you are looking for