Contact information disappearing then reappearing

This morning the info for 2 people who I txt w regularly disappeared from my contact list.  Their names, addresses, emails were wiped.  All I saw in the from line in my txt messages were their telephone #s and not their names.  I checked the contact list for them and their records were gone.  A minute later everything magically reappeared.  Has this happened to anyone?

This can happen when contacts being synced with an external source (Yahoo contacts, Google Contacts) are unavailable (no data connection or the service goes down).  Similarly, Notes may be unavailable or calendars. 

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    Try a manual install, as outlined in the link below.
    Basic troubleshooting steps  
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101
     In Memory of Steve Jobs 

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    Define "I cannot transfer songs."  What exactly did you do, and what exactly happened?
    Did you authorized iTunes on your computer and sign into the same iTunes account as your phone (and the one the music was purchased under)?

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    Hi I have had this problem, unfortunatly The fix that was posted is no longer in my archive. I think that it was Dr Smoke who solved the problem. You could try his pages.
    Sorry I can't help further. I have never tested it but I think that it happened when i booted from a clone of my os on a external drive.

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    Kim could solve this problem in another thread as a side effect of fixing a related problem that affected searching in Mail, and has asked me to post the solution here. I don’t frequent this forum, but I’m pretty sure the solution is well known here, maybe just not that it could have a bearing on the weird behavior Kim was observing.
    Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal, type the following command, and press <Return> (you can copy the command here and paste it in Terminal):
    sudo mdutil -E -i on /
    The -E option tells Spotlight to delete any already existing index data (so that it’s rebuilt from scratch all over again). The -i on option ensures that indexing is enabled. Finally, the ‘/’ at the end means "apply this command to the startup disk".
    After entering the previous command in Terminal, you’ll be prompted for your administrator password. Just type it blindly (you won’t see any feedback of the keystrokes while you type it) and then press <Return>.
    For best results, quit Mail and don’t play too much with your disk while Spotlight does its job -- i.e. avoid files being created/modified/deleted, mail being downloaded, etc.

  • Email and contact information disappears

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    Hi sunchuan_joseph,
    Welcome to the support community!
    Could you provide a bit more information please so I can better assist you?
    Are you missing individual contact entries or entire contact lists? If they are contact lists, are you missing multiple contact lists or one only? If they are individual contacts, are they all from the same contact list?
    How were these contacts originally added to your BlackBerry Z10 smartphone?
    Can you please provide more detail on the second issue with your Yahoo! email? Is this the same email account the missing contacts you previously mentioned were associated with?
    Is this same information also missing from your Yahoo! account when you access it from a computer?
    Did you try to re-add your Yahoo! email account? If so, can you tell me what happened when you tried?
    I look forward to your response.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Contact information disappearing

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    This can happen when contacts being synced with an external source (Yahoo contacts, Google Contacts) are unavailable (no data connection or the service goes down).  Similarly, Notes may be unavailable or calendars. 

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    This keeps happening to my phone since I upgraded to IOS 6 also. 
    Here's how I get the calendar to reappear...
    --> Go to your Calendar on your phone
    --> In upper-left corner, tap "Calendars"
    --> You will see all your subscribed calendars listed. Your Google calendar should be there WITHOUT a dot next to it
    --> Tap next to your Google calendar to make the dot reappear
    Boom, all your items should now be back.
    It keeps happening over and over again, though.  It would be great if there was some sort of permanent solution to this issue.

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    Interesting never noticed that before.
    The pins on the images in the film strip are toggled on and off by the menu item Show Place badges, under the gear,
    Why that is toggled on when you select an image, view it and drop back to film strip mode is unknown.  Doesn't seem to be a use for it. If the badges are a problem you can toggle them off by going to this menu. If you need them on before going to view mode you can toggle them on here.
    You could report this to Apple Aperture->Provide Aperture Feedback as a bug.

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    Thanks everyone, I appreciate the time and considerations.

    reset all settings
    settings- general- reset - reset all settings
    now reconnect to wifi
    settings - wifi- click network name - enter password - join
    if issue persists backup info and restore via itunes
    Peace, Clyde

  • Configuration Profiles Disappear then Reappear on Managed Devices

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    Anyone else having this issue?  Any solution to speak of?
    I have reported this as a bug to Apple (Bug ID: 15699250) but true to fasion Apple has only asked for my Profile Manager logs and are now silent on the issue.  All these bugs with Profile manager have renedered it useless to me and can not upgrade any of my clients until Apple does something to fix it.  Profile Manager on Mountain Lion was far more useable than current release.  Are others having the same experience?
    Thank you.

    this was caused by the cert or the way it was exported.. not sure which.
    follow this guide and all is well:

  • My ipad 2 wont start. all i see is the apple and then disappears then reappears but wont load.

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    Is the battery charged?
    Frozen or unresponsive iPad
    Resolve these most common issues:
        •    Display remains black or blank
        •    Touch screen not responding
        •    Application unexpectedly closes or freezes
    iPad Frozen? How to Force Quit an App, Reset or Restart Your iPad tart-your-ipad
    What to Do When Your iPad Won't Turn On t-Turn-On.htm
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    iPad: Basic troubleshooting
     Cheers, Tom

  • I updated iOS 7 and my contacts were ok then they suddenly disappeared a few weeks after updating. I have no idea if it has anything to do with iOS 7 but when I email someone the contacts are there. When I open the app they are gone. What happened?

    I updated iOS 7 and my contacts were ok then they suddenly disappeared a few weeks after updating. I have no idea if it has anything to do with iOS 7 but when I email someone the contacts are there. When I open the app they are gone. What happened?

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.             
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                      

  • Contacts and calendar events disappearing and reappearing

    I have three issues, two of which I think are related.
    My contacts disappear on my iPhone 3G. I am set up with MobileMe to auto sync and I don't know if that is getting screwed up somehow? The contact are on my Mac lap top when I go look (thank goodness), and I force a sync and they transfer to my phone fine. This has happened twice now. I have copied my contacts as vCards and saved that file in the downloads folder just in case they get lost on both my laptop and my iPhone - I also do a regular full laptop backup to my Time Machine - is there anything else I should be doing to back up my contact and calendar data?
    2. (possibly related to 1.)
    When I am looking at my iCal in the weekly view on my laptop, sometimes several of my appointments are not visible. It is only when I try to put an appointment in that is at the same time as the invisible ones that they suddenly reappear.
    3. One of my contacts will not sync from my iPhone to my lap top? It used to be in both places but for some reason it is now only on my iPhone and even when I sync, it doesn't come into my laptop Address Book.
    Help please!!!

    i am having what i think is a very similar problem in that my Exchange (you seem to use only mobileme) contacts partially disappear. i discover this when i check my sms message list and find that many messages show only the phone number when earlier the name was there. a check of the contacts list shows that some have disappeared.
    i restarted the phone and checked immediately but it was still gone but after a few minutes they came back.
    my theory is that something is going on with messy exchange server syncs with my iphone that could be causing the process to break midway but after a while the phone automatically syncs again.
    this issue appears quite rarely for me but enough to be noticed and to be annoying.

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