Contacts seems to be one long list

I'm slowly becoming functional on Mavericks ... Contacts is my next hurdle.
I've made a .abbu file and a vCards.vcf export file on my old iMac 10.6.8 and dragged them to the new Mac.
When I import either one into contacts I simply get one huge list rather than the sub groupings as were in the old Address Book.

Evidently, your groups didn't export and you will need to set them up again.

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    The Audiobooks feature was originally designed for books that have been stitched up into a single file and hasn't been updated to reflect the changes that make multi-track audiobooks easy to work with in iTunes. There are tools for creating iPod-friendly audiobooks for which Aldo on Audiobooks is probably the best reference. Personally I haven't bothered to make the extra effort and just have an "Audiobooks" playlist folder containing sub-folders for each author and within these playlists for each audiobook.

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    See All
    [A picture of the album]
    * Redemption Song (For Haiti Relief) [Live from Oprah] - Single
    * Rihanna
    [A picture of the album]
    * Today Was a Fairytale - Single
    * Taylor Swift
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    Based on the iTunes.exe time stamp it's Oct 28, 2009 8:21PM ET. Funny thing is that the release date I can find on the web is Oct 30, 2009. Is that true?
    Sometimes I see October 29 (Wikipedia for example). So when international date lines figure into things, I reckon you might well have got it on the day it was released (depending on where you are based).
    So that timeframe looks right ... in the first days of the iTunes installer, it contained an AAS 1.0.1 and a QuickTime 7.6.4. Then the Safari 4.0.4 installer (containing an AAS 1.1.0) came out on about 11 November. For a while I *really was* advocating a Safari 4.0.4 install to fix some other Store problems, because it was the only way to get an AAS 1.1.0 on the PC. (People used to look at me funny.) Then on about ... 18 November? QT 7.6.5 came out, and that version of QuickTime and AAS 1.1.0 got included in the iTunes installer from then on.
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    But the important thing is that your Store is displaying properly again. (I'm glad it wasn't malware either ... my heart sank when that 306 code got mentioned.) Glad to have been of some accidental assistance, Alice!

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    Maintenance, hmmm, what was involved in that?
    Do the sites display normally if you reload them and bypass Firefox's cache? You can use Ctrl+Shift+r to do that.
    If this works on both sites, it could indicate that the maintenance program did a partial cleaning of Firefox's cache and the cache might not longer be indexed correctly. It might be best to clear it. Note: this does not erase history.
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Cached Web Content : "Clear Now"
    If you have a large hard drive, this might take a few minutes.

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    PLEASE HELP! I travel between two African countries regurlarly, and every time I do, I have to swap simcards (I do not roam). But, everytime I do, I find a new contact list has been created somehow in my Contacts.
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    You can connect to the BlackBerry Desktop Software on your PC and go to Device > Delete > Select Data > and specifically select which Address Book databases you want to delete.
    I would recommend that your FIRST do a complete backup of your BlackBerry while in the Desktop Software.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
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    You cannot delete an Apple ID, you can just stop using it. If your photos are still on your phone now, then I suggest you do back them up. Transfer them from the phone into your iPhoto Library. iCloud only backs up your Camera Roll automatically. But the Camera Roll only contains new photos that were taken but not yet transferred using iTunes.

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    Her safari is also extremely laggy, which seems to hint at a connection problem, maybe.
    The phone has been reset 3 times. Once, we reset it and restored from backup. No dice. Then, future shop reset it from the phone itself while they had it over night trying to duplicate the issue. Still no dice. Finally, on the advice of a future shop tech, who said they can't do anything unless we can prove a hardware failure of some kind, advised resetting from itunes and NOT restoring from backup. So we did that--the phone was completely reset as "new phone", and nothing has been restored from backup, only contacts from iCloud. Right now the phone has only 2 apps re-downloaded on it, and a few songs, and it did it again earlier today. So, still no luck. (It hopefully goes without saying we have verified all her software updates are done and everything is fully up to date.)
    After the reset, a new issue surfaced--it was vibrating randomly. After troubleshooting, we discovered she was getting vibrate alerts from email, despite the fact that email push notifications are OFF and her email app was closed at the time. She had to turn off vibration and sound for email to get it to stop. Now, maybe that is what she has to do, but my iphone has push notifications off as well--but sound and vibrate still on--but will only beep/vibrate if the mail app is open. Otherwise, I don't get the notification. (Maybe my phone is broken, and hers is doing what it should for once? LOL) The thing is, she never touched that setting the first time she got the phone, and has NEVER received vibrate alerts for email. Why suddenly after a full reset would things be enabled that were never on in the first place?
    So I am stumped. It is a huge inconvenience to keep resetting this stupid thing, and we don't really want to pay the genius bar to look at it, but I can't help but feel like these recurring problems can't be software related when we've had this reset so many times--and it's not "network" issues because she is the only one. We have tried checking the diagnostic record for panic.plist (wishful thinking I guess), read through a ton of posts here, and tried what we could... any further advice/what we can try? Is there any chance this IS hardware, something corrupt in the phone memory/storage? An issue with the receiver? If so, how do we prove it? Can the genius bar scan it somehow?

    If you have an Apple Store in town, setup a genius bar appointment.  The genius bar tech should look at the phone and try to diagnose the problem free of charge.  They may not want to fix it free of charge, but they should perform their diagnosis and tell you what they find for free.
    It sounds to me like her iPhone is losing its connection to the Apple iMessage servers.  You might try actually turning off iMessage snd signing out of iCloud on her iPhone, then after a restart of the iPhone sign back into iCloud, then turn iMessage back on.  There is no guarnatee that this will resolve her problems, but it might help.  If her iPhone is not connected to external power, and it has been more than 10-15 minutes since she last used it, it has probably turned off the wifi radio, and will be depending upon cellular data for the iMessage traffic to flow.  This could easily account for the delays she is seeing, and even it dropping back to SMS, especially if you have poor cellular data coverage.  If this is the case, then getting something like a Mophie Juice Pack Air for her iPhone might help, as it would allow her iPhone to be connected to external power (the Juice Pack) thus keepig the wifi radio on more.

  • I have a long list of bookmarks. They are not sorted. They do not appear anywhere in the "organize bookmarks" window. Where are they? I want to delete a bunch of them but can't find a way.

    This is Firefox 3.6.8 and Mac OS 10.5.8.
    Right clicking on a bookmark does nothing. I don't know if that is a Firefox version issue or a mouse issue, but the mouse can right click on the Mac OS desktop and get the usual menus.
    It is possible for me to delete bookmarks which still point to an active web page because there I can use the star to edit the bookmark. That is way too cumbersome a process for the long list I have. Some are old and no longer point to an active page. The star comes up empty in those cases anyway and I can do nothing about the bookmark.
    Bottom line is that I just need a way to see the whole list and choose the ones to delete.
    I thought they should all show up in the unsorted bookmarks folder but it is empty. That may be the crux of the problem.

    Update - I discovered that the entire list of bookmarks can be accessed in the Organize Bookmarks window by clicking on the icon for Bookmarks Menu.
    This seem like odd interface behaviour to me.
    All the other software I use follows the pattern that an icon with a triangle to the left, which you click on to expand the menu tree downwards, shows the entire contents of the category when you click on the triangle. In other words, you don't get a different response by clicking on the icon from what you get by clicking on the triangle.
    It also seems odd to me that when an unsorted bookmarks folder is automatically provided that unsorted bookmarks would not be placed there by default.
    Anyway, by getting the list of bookmarks displayed this way I was able to simply right-click on items in the list and delete them, as I thought I should be able to do. Problem solved. Organize Bookmarks interface found to be somewhat unintuitive.

  • How can I change the view in Show Page Source from one long line to a more readable view

    When using Develop --> Show Page Source in Safari 6.0.1 I get a view of the html that is just one long line. I can scroll along to the right but it is not very easy to use.
    It seems to me that when I first used this feature I had a formatted view, that is the text was broken into separate lines and was easier to read.
    But I think I clicked on something and it change to one line. I can't find a way to change it back.
    Is anyone familiar with this? Or can point me to more information about Show Page Source formatting?

    Oh, I see the problem.
    The one long line view only occurs when I'm viewing a page locally on my own computer. (When I choose Show Page Source for any page on the internet the display is formatted normally.)
    So obviously if I want to see the code in my own files I can just go open them in the text editor. I used to use View Page Source (previous version of Safari) as a shortcut for a quick peek. If there is a solution to this formatting thing for local files I'd love to know it, otherwise I'll just put it on the you-can't-do-that-anymore list.

  • Windows Restore no longer list newer backup sets after restoring an older backup set ???

    I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 x64. I run Windows backup every night and grandfather the backup disks every month. I start each month (and tape) with a full backup, then do incremental backups for the rest on the month.
    I accidently destroyed my RAID 5  by disconnecting a couple disks while sucking the dusk out of the machine.  I remove dust at least twice a year.  This time I had to recreate my Intel Rapid Storage Technology that is a feature on my motherboard. 
    After which, I successfully restored the array from the latest backup.
    While dusting my UPS, I accidently cut power to my server.  This clumsy accident ended up corrupting the data in the array.  The array itself was intact, but there was unrecoverable corruption of my Server 2012 R2.  I had to repeat the windows
    server restore again, but the newest backups including the one I already recovered earlier, are no longer listed.
    QUESTION:  How can I get Windows Server R2 Restore to recognize the newest backup I restored hours earlier?
    - Michael Faklis
    - Michael Faklis

    Hi Michael,
    I assume you are using GUI to do the recovery so please test "wbadmin get versions" to see if the needed restore versions are listed.
    If so, try "wbadmin start recovery" to see if it will work. 
    Meanwhile if it will still not work, which restore point is the newest available one? It could be caused if incremental backup are corrupted cause of VSS metadata corrupted - so only a newest full backup will work in this moment. 
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and un-mark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • My Apple TV no longer lists the ITunes store, netflix and many other options.  This just started happening last night.  I've tried unplugging and nothing changes.  Any ideas?

    Just recently my Apple TV quit listing the ITunes in the option bar and no longer lists Netflix and other many other options in the other option bar.  I tried to unplug the device, but nothing helps. Any ideas?

    Glad to hear I am not the only one with these issues. Seems as though this is an Apple issue. I have an ATV 1st gen.  Can not purchase or preview music via iTunes on my  ATV. Can not listen to Internet radio on the ATV nor on iTunes on my MAC. for whatever reason videos can be previewed on my ATV but none can be purchased. I have had the purchase problem for awhile but now the Internet radio is new as of 2/26.

  • I am trying to do a full Time Machine Backup to a new external disk. The backup starts, and it says "Time remaining about 4 days." That seems like a very long time, but the real problem is that the computer "logs off" after a few hours, and the b.u. stops

    I am trying to do a full Time Machine Backup to a new external disk. The backup starts, and it says "Time remaining about 4 days." That seems like a very long time, but the real problem is that the computer "logs off" after a few hours, and the backup stops. The system preferences are set to "Never" for Computer sleep and Display sleep. The computer does not ordinarily log off automatically, but it has done this twice since I started the Time Machine backup.

    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Enter the word "Starting" (without the quotes) in the String Matching text field. You should now see log messages with the words "Starting * backup," where * represents any of the words "automatic," "manual," or "standard." Note the timestamp of the last such message. Clear the text field and scroll back in the log to that time. Select the messages timestamped from then until the end of the backup, or the end of the log if that's not clear. Copy them (command-C) to the Clipboard. Paste (command-V) into a reply to this message.
    If all you see are messages that contain the word "Starting," you didn't clear the search box.
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don't post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Some personal information, such as the names of your files, may be included — anonymize before posting.

  • Scroll through long list (Photo and iPod)

    I'm the new guy here so be gentle...
    Any way to scroll through a long list in iPod or Photo, as you can with Contacts (by dragging up/down on the leters at left)?
    I know you can tap and view a single photo then scroll through at the bottom.
    When viewing all photos, there is a scroll bar on the right but can't drag it.
    Same in iPod.
    Drag and flick work but if there is more than a page or two, it's a pain.

    +I was hoping maybe there's a three finger, double tap, right swipe, followed by a half clockwise circle to get the bottom/top+
    Well, yes there is but then I would have to show you the secret hand shake and swear you to secrecy.
    +It's got the slider on the right side but it's just for looks. You can't grab it and slide it+
    I still haven't figured the point of that, maybe a future enhancement?
    There has been a lot of grumbling about the unfriendly nature of Photos for people with a lot of images. Maybe Apple is listening and will do something about it. I keep hoping one of the iOS upgrades will include folders/albums from within Photos instead of relying on syncing.
    Also note that you can not delete images from Photos that have been added by syncing through iTunes...have to delete them back in iTunes.
    But still, the iPad is a terrific photo display device due to its size.

Maybe you are looking for