Content repository query

can anybody tell me if it is possible to have a network drive to store my data through SAP without having KPro in the network drive!

Dear Sujatha,
The above ans is correct if you don't want to use SAP DATABASE as storage system then go for VAULT, vault is a FTP server configuration there you make one or more folder and store required data. If you will go for Content server then its called HTTP server configuration.
If any query related with DMS contact with me
Rajesh Choudahry.

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    use the new keyword when you don't have an instance of that object in memory that you want to use.  For example...
    if you have an object already in memory that is holding a property with a "CamelQuery" object, then you can say 
    var query = myobject.Query;
    however, if you have to write the query, or instantiate the object from nothing, then you need to use the "new" keyword.  A good example is SPSite object...
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    using(SPSite site = new SPSite("url to my site"))
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    SPSite = myWebApp.Sites[0];
    // this gives you site at index 0 of current webApp
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  • How to fetch mpg file from content repository

    Hi All,
    I have uploaded a mpg(video) file in content repositoy. But I am not able to fetch
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    is anybody aware of a right method to do the same?
    Thanks in advance.

    I was thinking there might be a difference in how the browser handles a
    path with a space when typed into the address bar vs. how the browser
    plugin/activex-object handles a path with a space when it gets it from
    the <param> or <embed> tag.
    Otherwise, I'm not sure what's going on. How content displays on
    someone's computer mostly depends on the persons's computer, how it's
    configured, what's installed, etc. If you can get the Node's BinaryValue
    from the WLP server and it has the correct ContentType and the correct
    bytes, then, at that point, WLP is no longer really involved.
    Do PDFs, word docs, audio, shockwave, and other binary media types
    stored in a WLP content repository display correctly with
    <object><embed> tags in your browser?
    Vijay wrote:
    Hi Gregory Smith,
    There is no problem with path at all. The same path if I write in address bar
    of browser it opens a widows media player and plays the video file.
    Pls suggest.
    Vijay B.
    Gregory Smith <[email protected]> wrote:
    See if using a path of
    (note the + between BEA and Repository) changes anything. If so, you
    use the com.bea.content.manager.ContentHelper.pathInfoEncode() method
    URLEncode the node path, e.g.
    or, the <cm:getProperty> tag supports this automatically, e.g:
    name="cm_path" node=<%=node%> conversionType="url"/>//image
    (You might need to double check that code in workshop to make sure it
    Vijay wrote:
    Hi Gregory,
    When I type the repository path //property name in the browser's addressbook,
    It opens a windows media player and plays the video file.
    But when I copy the same path and paste it in embed/object tag it justloads up
    a windows media player. When I see the error details it says "Cannotopen. Please
    verify that the path and filename are correct and try again." Thereis a advanced
    button on error window clicking on that it shows "The specified streamtype is
    not recognized. (Error=C00D07E2)
    Cannot open. Please verify that the path and filename are correctand try again.
    can you give me a solution on this?
    The HTML code that I have written is attached to this query.
    Thanks alot,
    Gregory Smith <[email protected]> wrote:
    First, make sure the BinaryValue of the property of the Node has the
    correct content-type (should be video/mpeg, or similar). This can be
    1 of the following ways:
    1. Look in the BLOB_CONTENT_TYPE column of the CM_PROPERTY table.
    2. Get the Node (e.g. with <cm:getNode>), then get the BinaryValue
    <cm:getProperty>), and call the getContentType() method of the BinaryValue.
    3. Show the ShowBinaryServlet on the Node in the browser and see what
    your browser does. The URL would probably be something like
    http://<server>:<port>/<webapp>/ShowBinary/<path to node>, e.g.
    can bring up the properties for that in IE, or Page Info (Ctrl-I) in
    Mozilla; that should tell you the content type the browser received.
    If it's not something like video/mpeg, then that's why it's not working.
    Make sure you browser has support of mpegs in <embed> by creating a
    simple html file with an <embed> to an mpeg file (don't use the server
    at all). If that works and the content-type of the node is correct,you
    should be to create an html file with an <embed> to the URL in #3 above,
    If that works, make sure your jsp is generating the correct HTML.
    Vijay wrote:
    I am using weblogic 8.1.
    Gregory Smith <[email protected]> wrote:
    What version of WLP are you using?
    Vijay wrote:
    Hi All,
    I have uploaded a mpg(video) file in content repositoy. But I am
    able to fetch
    it and display it using embed tag.
    is anybody aware of a right method to do the same?
    Thanks in advance.
    New Web Application Page

  • How to get SAP to use SSL for Content repository?

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    Hi Ken,
    please have a look at the SAP note [712330|].
    Best regards,

  • Error in Test Connection - Content Repository does not exist

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    In transaction CSADMIN I can see our server's status as running, still it shows yellow icon "customizing missing" in CSADMIN and in transaction OAC0 whenver I click "Test Connection" it gives the message" Content Repository does not exist". CMS 106.
    Kindly help.

    We are using OACO as follows:
    Choose Tools ® Business documents, Environment ® Knowledge Provider® KPro® Content Repositories
    Enter the following fields in the u201CChange Content Repositories : Detailu201D :-
    1) Content Rep. :- ZO (Content Repository Name)
    2) Description :- Content Repository
    3) Storage type :- HTTP content server.
    4) Version no :- 0045
    5) HTTP svr:p :- IP or machine name of application server on which DMS has been deployed : Web port of the application server on which DMS has been deployed.
    1) Program :- sap/sapDocView.jsp
    Save the created Content Repository by clicking on u201CSaveu201D. We are working on SAP 4.7 versionon a SAP development server and the content repository has not been transported after creation. Will not transporting be causing this error ?
    Please reward points

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    step-1 ,T.code:CV01n
    a.     create - DMS Documents
    b.     Oupload Scanned documents in DMS system
    c.     select content repository
    d.     Save Document
    now, in same manner i want to store business documents in SAP ECC R/3 DMS content repository using CRM services trnsaction"CRMD_ORDER". kindly guide me suitably.

    i am explaining your proble
    a.    create - DMS Documents
    b.     Oupload Scanned documents in DMS system
    c.     select content repository
    d.     Save Document
    after saving open to document in cv02n and track status of doc i.e. AR CR & RE
    if RE status is there the it will repositor at server

  • Issue in storing email & attachments in to content repository server.

    Hi  All,
    We have done the following for storing email & attachments in to
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    Transaction - Activity done
    1) OAC0 - Defined the content repository folder RQ
    2) OACT - Created a category( ZSOFFHTTP1) and associated it to RQ
    3) SKPR08 - Associated ZSOFFHTTP1 to SAP OFFICE Class SOFFPHIO
    Also, updated the entry in the table SDOKPHCL against the record having
    Docuclass value as SOFFPHIO and change the category value to ZSOFFHTTP1.
    Now, we went to transaction SBWP and created a test message and sent
    an email to ( recepient address) and recip type as
    interent address.
    But when we cross checked the entry in SOOD table for this email sent
    today, we find that the value in the field is 'K' and not "A".
    We have done all the steps as per the SAP Note 530792 still the issue
    As per the sap note 904711,SOOD-EXTCT Storage <space> directly in table
    K using the KPRO
    A in an archive
    Any help on this , would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

    Thanks for the answer, but my question was whether it is possible to store documents to an external content server using transaction OAOR (Business Document Navigator). Right now it is only possible to store documents to the R3 database with OAOR.
    Thomas Hørlyck

  • Cannot find the Web Content repository in test system under KM Content

    Hi Experts,
    We have implemented Web Page Composer in our development landscape. I have created a web page with the required content in the development and now wish to transport this web page and its content to our test system.
    However when I navigate to Content Administration -> KM Content, inside the root directory I am not able to find the Web Content repository within which all WPC content resides.
    I want to know what configuration has to be done in the test system so that the Web Content repository becomes available within KM Content.
    Thanks and Regards,

    I just want a confirmation on whether I will have to deploy the .SCA file for Web Page Composer in my test and production systems to be able to use the web pages I have created in the development environment.

  • How to Upload Mutilple Images in content repository?

    How to Upload Mutilple Images in content repository?
    I have a html which shd be displayed and it has 3 images which shd be displayed
    in the same page
    Here i am able to display the HTML uploaded in content repository
    but the images are not displayed,since the path is not valid for the images.
    Can any one hint me in this,
    wating for the reply
    Thanks in Adv

    Suresh, your html specifies an image at resources/images/privacy.gif - is that
    image in your repository at the correct relative position to where yout html is?
    Your html and repository structure must match. So if the html you posted is at
    /BEA Repository/foo.html
    then privacy.gif must be at /BEA Repository/resources/images/privacy.gif
    "Suresh" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi James
    Here i have attached my sample html and image
    My Repository Structure is as follows :
    Virtual Content Repository
    BEA Repository
    MainImage type image
    Privacy type i created
    ----File Upload
    My HTML
    <TITLE> New Document </title>
    <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus">
    <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="">
    <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">
    <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td class="norBold"><img src="resources/images/privacy.gif"
    <td class="formHeadBack" height="19"><b> Privacy Policy</b></td>
    one image
    Thanks in Adv
    "James Owen" <> wrote:
    Suresh, how is your content structured and what does your html looklike?
    If you
    could post examples, that would be helpful.
    "suresh" <[email protected]> wrote:
    How to Upload Mutilple Images in content repository?
    I have a html which shd be displayed and it has 3 images which shd
    in the same page
    Here i am able to display the HTML uploaded in content repository
    but the images are not displayed,since the path is not valid for the
    Can any one hint me in this,
    wating for the reply
    Thanks in Adv

  • An error occurred while accessing the content repository from JDeveloper

    I'm using Jdeveloper Studio Edition Version
    I created Content Repository conection, following:
    RIDC Socket Type: socket
    Server hostname: localhost
    Content Server Listener Port: 4444
    Executing "Teste Connection" result "Success!"
    But, trying connect, I receive:
    oracle.webcenter.content.internal.model.rc.AbstractRepositoryLogic listFolder
    An error occurred while accessing the content repository.
    and when I login to my portal and go to administration page, then I am getting this error
    "Messages for this page are listed below.
    Could not retrieve members from policy store.
    and when I go to services tab then i am getting this error "The Documents service is unavailable.
    Error contacting the content repository."
    Please help me to resolve this problem.
    Thank You,
    Muhammad Nasir

    can anybody help me to resolve this issue please.

  • No content Repository Found in OAOR

    Hello Gurus,
    I am using OAOR transaction for uploading documents in Content Server.
    After I upload the documents, In my program when I try to read the corresponding URL of the document, It could retreive it in my development system.
    But I am having a strange error in my Test system saying that " No Content Found" and its throwing an exception.
    When I tried to debug that  method, I founf that the actual error is " No Content Repository Found".
    Further in my investigation, I found the following:
    In Dev System: When i goto tcode CSADMIN and give the repository abject as "BDS_DB" it is found and i could login in to the server and check the settings.
    In Test System: When i goto tcode CSADMIN and give the repository abject as "BDS_DB" it says that there is no repository object found.
    And while debugging the method, I found that the respository being used is BDS_DB.
    Could you please do tell me where to maintain this Repository Object and how to correct this error as this is working fine in my dev sys and not working in any other system.

    Hello Ravindra,
    Thanks for the reply and it solved a bit.
    As I see that those two configs are already maintained in my test system as it is in DHM but still I am facing the error.
    To be more precise, I am facing the issue while using the method,
    Its throwing the error, "No Storage Repository".
    Is there anything else that I need to maintain for this?

  • How to Upload a file to KM Content repository from a Portal Application

    Hello All
    I have a urgent requirement where i have to upload a file to a KM Content Repository from my Portal Application which is a JSP DynPage Component..
    I am new to the area of Knowledge Management...Can anyone guide me of how to achieve this functionality from my component..
    I will be highly obliged..

    Hello Sundeep,
    Check this:
    One more important doc:
    Sample coding for content creating and retrieval
    String out = new String(“my content”);
    ByteArrayInputStream data = new
    IContent newContent =
    new Content(data, “text/plain”,
    IContent oldContent = resource.getContent();
    Praveen Gudapati
    p.s. Points are always welcome for helpful answers
    Message was edited by:
            Praveen Gudapati

  • Extract & Store pdf SD billing document from archivelink content Repository

    Hello friends,
    Can some one give me a hint on this :
    I have a requirement to create a program which will extract the pdf SD billing document from archivelink content Repository and will save pdf files on application servers's directory.
    We have business Object, Content Repository ID, Document type know for this.

    use FM : ARCHIVOBJECT_GET_TABLE to get the content in bin format..
    then use open dataset, transfer dataset, close dataset to store that in OS level.. task done..
    you can even use GUI_DOWNLOAD if you want to download it to presentation server.

  • Document type to default content repository

    Is it possible to configure the DMS system so that when you create a document using CV01N and check in the original (using a KPro document type) it will enter it into a content repository by default, without using the pop-up box.
    For example a document of type DMO (if DMO it has KPRO checked in it's setup)  - always puts the original document in  DMS_C1_ST?
    Thanks for any advice.

    Dear Arthur,
    if I understood your latest information correctly your request is that
    the files are stored automatically to storage category if
    you add a file of a specific workstation application to a document info record and save it.
    This first setting enables the automatic start of the checkin
    process. But to have a specific storage category choosen for an
    original workstation application, you have to do another setting and
    create a profile in your system in the customizing under
    - Cross Application Components
         - Document Management System
             - General Data
                 - Define profile
    For this profile pleasee add your workstation applications under
    "Determine definitions for applications". Here you can maintain the
    default storage category for this application in field 'Storage cat.'.
    Since this profile is created assign it to all your users directly.
    Then if an user adds a new original file and chooses a workstation
    application the system should take the storage category automatically
    from the profile.
    To achieve an automatic checkin behavior the additional required setting here are the flags
    "Checkin" and "Checkin required" which must be set for the used document status in transaction DC10.
    Another proposal would be to use the BADI DOCUMENT_STORAGE01 which
    shoudl offer also methods to control which storage category should
    be taken for which workstation application.
    I hope that this information could be useful for you. To set up this
    scenario in detail I would recommend you to contact your local
    consulting organisation too which will help you in realising a solution
    that meets all your requirements.
    Best regards,

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