Contribute 6.5

I'm a Mac user and have been a user of Contribute for some years. Can someone at Adobe please advise future plans for this product and in particular the timetable for updating Contribute to current OS X. The tech specs for Contribute list it as being compatible up to OS X v10.7.

I'm full aware of their policy! It may well be the decision has already been taken in respect of the Mac community!
Having tried many alternative products, it's software that suits me. A pity if I have to join others, who have already discontinued using Contribute, as they upgrade to OS X 10.10 et al.

Similar Messages

  • What is new in Contribute 4?

    Does anyone have detailed info pointing out what is new in
    Contribute 4? For example, how does it now handle javascript? Where
    is there a detailed tech spec? Thanks in advance.

    binbarn wrote:
    > Does anyone have detailed info pointing out what is new
    in Contribute 4? For example, how does it now handle javascript?
    Where is there a detailed tech spec? Thanks in advance.,
    Go through the quick tour and
    the highlighting points.
    Try and Download the 30 day trial version and check it out.

  • Contribute "low on memory" and Acrobat won't redraw

    I have two issues that I believe may be related.  First here's my system information
    WinXP SP3
    Intel Core2Duo E6550 = (2.33GHz)
    3GB RAM
    GeForce 8600GTS 512 MB Video
    Running two 19" monitors, (at 1440x900 each)
    Creative Suite Premium 2.0 (InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2, IllustratorCS2, Acrobat 7 Professional, BridgeCS2, GoLive CS2Version Cue is disabled.)
    Production Studio Premium 1.0 (Premiere Pro 2, Encore DVD 2, After Effects 7, Audition 2)
    Contribute CS3, (including Bridge CS3, but I don't use it, I use Bridge CS2 for everything).
    First Issue.  Intermittently, in both Adobe Reader 9, and Acrobat 7.0 pdf files that I have open will not display in the window properly, unless I reduce the size of the window to something quite small.  It will show the desktop in behind the window, or if I open a window on top, it shows that window even when I've moved it.
    The second problem is similar, but occurs in Contribute CS3 and is always accompanied by a "Your system is low on memory..." error, until I reduce the size of the Contribute window, at which point, it is so small that it becomes unuseable.
    The only other program that I have open at the time is Outlook 2007, with a couple of messages.
    As this is happening, I open the Task Manager, see that there is plenty of available Physical Memory, and the CPU Usage is very low, under 10%.  I've set my virtual memory paging file to Custom Size of 4591MB.
    The only way to fix it is to reduce the size of windows or close all the programs.  These two problems occur independently of each other.  Sometimes when I'm just trying to open a PDF file.
    3GB should be plenty to run Contribute and Outlook, or Acrobat and Bridge.
    What the heck is going on?

    Thanks for the reply.
    Yes I have tried that, but to no avail.  The crazy thing is that it only really happens after I've been working in Contribute for a while.  Sometimes an hour or more.  Then it just starts doing this.
    The redraw problem also affects other programs, that are not Adobe programs.  For example, when I open a Remote Desktop Connection to the web server where I am publishing, while this problem is occuring, the screen will not "draw" properly either.
    I have a feeling that there is something strange about how Contribute, and Acrobat, and Windows share the memory, either the system memory, or the graphics memory.
    Could this also be a problem caused by having both CS2 and CS3 programs installed?

  • Adobe Contribute CS3 Connection Error

    I am trying to use Adobe Contribute CS3 Version 3.1 to connect our web server.  I can use WS_FTP and WinSCP to connect to it fine.  Our web server is running under CentOS 5.x.  When I try to connect using the connection wizard in Contribute, I receving the following error:
    Contribute cannot verify your connection information. 
    Please  contact your administrator for assistance.
    I have tried both FTP and SFTP.  Again, I can login, navigate to /tmp and upload, download, and delete files fine using WinSCP.  Can someone let me know what Contribute is trying to do to verify the connection?  Is there a log file?  Any help is appreciated.

    When I first tried to connect to our web server, I received a similar error.  What worked for me was getting rid of the folder designation when trying to connect in Contribute (in your case /tmp) and allowing users to have permissions to access all folders on the web server.  I create Contribute roles to limit the users to specific folders.
    I hope that helps.

  • Contribute 4 wont forget index.htm

    Hi, I'm troubleshooting a customer problem (I'm new to
    Contribute, using v4). One of the three sites I am now
    administering was not bringing up the correct home page due to
    there being both an index.htm and an index.html page on the server.
    I have removed the incorrect one (index.htm) from the server and
    cannot get Contribute to forget it. I have tried:
    1. Deleting the connection and creating a new one, browsing
    to the correct home page. Everything is OK until I open the
    connection and I get a page not found error. If I add the
    additional 'l' to index.htm, everything works OK.
    2. Change the order contribute looks for default pages on the
    Web Server settings, moving index.htm below index.html. Contribute
    ignores the order and still looks for index.htm.
    3. Deleted index.htm from the default pages list on the Web
    Server settings. Contribute still looks for index.htm.
    The other two sites were originally set up with index.html
    pages and work fine. There must be a file, cache, or something
    either on the site or on my workstation retaining this setting.
    It's just annoying as I can show the customer how to get round it
    but I'd like to fix it.

    After making index.html as default pages list on the Web
    Server settings on Contribute.
    Check in the server below mentioned things,where you are
    creating connection.
    1) Remotely login to the server.
    2) Go to Internet Information Services.
    3) Right click the default website and go to default website
    4) Select the Documents tab.
    5) Here make the default page you want to keep.
    And try the same scenario. Hope this helps you.

  • Contribute changing relative path for server-side include

    I am using Contribute CS3, version 4.1, and my pages crash
    every time a send a draft for review, because Contribute is
    rewriting a relative URL in a server-side include.
    The server-side include (before I send for review) reads:
    <!--#include file="../foo/bar.fileextention"-->
    After I edit other portions of the page and send the draft
    for review, it reads:
    <!--#include file="http:
    Which results in the draft being unreadable.
    Is there any way to tell Contribute not to monkey with this
    URL? I have hunted, read the forums, checked the knowledge base,
    and coming up empy.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!! I really
    appreciate it!

    Answering my own question.
    I researched this complete forum and with taking ideas from
    different posts, I was able to figure this out. I thought I would
    post it for anyone else needing to know the answer in one place:
    Include tags must read:
    <!--#include virtual="includes/fileName.html"-->
    (Include file is NOT a real HTML doc -- no tags in file
    except for CSS, as it would be used if not using Contribute.)
    No reference to .dwt needed nor Template created.
    No Edit instance tags needed anywhere.
    Contribute user navigates to page:
    [Upper right corner] Click Choose...
    [In my structure] User opens includes folder (double clicks)
    User selects THE file (clicks OK)
    User clicks on Edit Page button
    (Text is now editable.)
    User edits text.
    User clicks on Publish button.
    Worked for me several times trying.
    - Janet

  • Contribute to Project Web App

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    Allows a user to edit list items in a Windows SharePoint ProjectSite for a project
    Gary Chefetz, MCITP, MCP, MVP msProjectExperts
    Project and Project ServerFAQs
    Project Server Help BLOG
    site for a project in Project Web App.

  • Contribute CS4 and CS5 file transfer (publish) problem on Windows 7 64 bit

    Have a problem with Contribute CS5 and CS4  on Windows 7 64 bit where upon editing a webiste for example to add a new page (or edit an existing one) and then clicking on "publish" a blank page appears on the website. To explain this further, If i make the required changes to the page and select the option to publish the file later then the file wirtten to the PC appears to be ok and has all the changes, but as soon as I publish it, only a blank page appears on the web server.  ie the upload (ftp) process does happen but the content of the page is being stripped out somewhere during the filt transfer process.
    I have editied the same site with CS4 on windows XP without any problems.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated
    Thank you

    I seem to have solved the issue by downloading this install file
    which installs successfully.

  • I make changes on Contribute that do not show up on my firefox browser. They Do show up on my Safari browser

    I make changes on my website using Contribute . Since I have downloaded the latest Firefox update, my Contribute changes do not show up on my Firefox browser. They Do show up on my Safari browser, so I know that Contribute is working fine.
    Also, I can no longer locate the Refresh icon.

    You may need to reload web page(s) and bypass the cache.
    * Press and hold Shift and left-click the Reload button.
    * Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    * Press "Cmd + Shift + R" (MAC)

  • User has contribute access but he is not able to access the site collection...

    User has contribute access but he is not able to access the site collection...

    What error does he get.
    Can you share fiddler trace(check if any 404 error)
    what error do we see in ULS Logs
    Create disableloopback
    registry on server

  • I have 12 core with Quatro 4000 and 5770, I want to use dual monitor setup, monitors are NEC with Spectraview-II.  How do I connect?  4000 only has 1 Display Port and 1 DVI.  5770 has 2 of each, if I use both 5770 Display Ports, does the 4000 contribute?

    I just bought a 12 core with Quatro 4000 and 5770, I want to use dual monitor setup, monitors are NEC with Spectraview-II.  How do I connect?  4000 only has 1 Display Port and 1 DVI.  5770 has 2 of each, if I use both 5770 Display Ports, does the 4000 contribute any work at all?  I read where on a PC they would work together, but on a MAC they do not.
    I read that Display Port has higher band width than DVI, NEC monitors for best performance they recommend using DIsplay Port.
    When I was setting this up I looked at a Nvidia Quadro 4000, unfortunately it was for PC, it had 2 Display Ports, in the Mac version they reduce it to one.  I did not think there could be a difference.
    Mainly want to use it for CS6 and LR4.
    How to proceed??? 
    I do not want to use the Quadro 4000 for both, that would not optimize both monitors, one DP and 1 DVI.  Using just the 5770 would work but I do not think the 4000 would be doing anything, and the 5770 has been replaced by the 5870.more bandwidth.
    Any ideas, I am a Mac newbie, have not ever tried a Mac Pro, just bought off ebay and now I have these problems.
    As a last resort I could sell both and get a 5870.  That would work, I'm sure of that, it's just that I wanted the better graphics card.

    The Hatter,
    I am a novice at Mac so I read all I can.  From what I understand the NEC monitors I bought require Display Port for their maximum performance.  The GTX 680 only has DVI outputs.  Difference from what I understand is larger bandwidth with the DP.
    You said I have the 4000 for CUDA.  I am not all that familiar with CUDA and when I do read about it I do not understand it. 
    A concern I have is, that if I connect the 2 high end NEC monitors via the 5770, using it's 2 Display Ports I would have nothing connected to the 4000.  Is the 4000 doing anything with nothing connected?  I read where in a PC system the 2 cards would interact but in a Mac system they do not.
    Bottom line, as I see it, the 4000 will not be useful at all to me, since I want a dual monitor set-up.
    So far the 5870 seems the best choice, higher band width than the 5770, and it has 2 Display Ports to optimize the NEC monitors.
    I'm not sure how fine I am splitting hairs, nor do I know how important those hairs are.  I am just trying to set up a really fast reliable system that will mainly be used for CS6 and LR4.  Those NEC monitors are supposed to be top notch.

  • Please help with Contribute issue- Adobe or anyone!

    My issues are many- I don't know where to start. First, as a long-time Adobe customer, I can not believe how support has declined- I really miss my "support package" from the early 90's when I spoke with a person who really knew how to address my problems and/or questions. I am so tired of being outsourced to someone who has no idea how to address my problem- only to send me to "Document #8932023912 03" off of the Adobe website. I want to talk to someone who KNOWS and APPRECIATES this product, and who understands its internal behavior (like what I get when I call MAC SUPPORT). I will pay for it! I have invested thousands of dollars on Adobe software and am now at an unacceptable standstill.
    My small business relies on the Adobe Creative Suite 4 and the Contribute program. Up until now, I have never had a complaint, especially after moving to Mac a few years ago. Troubles started after two things (still not sure what the culprit was) - installing Snow Leopard and installing a Wacom Bamboo tablet (on the same day- my bad). Well, Illustrator, Photoshop work just fine as well as my other non-Adobe programs. But I can't even open InDesign (will post this on the proper post) or Contribute. So Apple had me deduce that I needed to create a new User and try things there. I eventually migrated to this new user but still, I cannot use Contribute.
    I have set permissions with the program and contents of the folder- in addition to my Contribute keys to no avail. I can't even open it. Nor can I open it in my Root user which at least lets me run In Design. I am at a total loss and I need to update a website for my client. PLEASE someone, I would so greatly appreciate any advice or instruction as to how to run Contribute on my new user. Or in my Root user. I just need to get it to open! Reinstall did nothing PLEASE HELP.
    A special note to anyone from Adobe: I want to talk to someone via a support package-- NOT outsourced. Does this fee-based option exist? It doesn't seem to from the main support number. If someone can help direct me, I would appreciate the proper instruction to do so. I need to get my InDesign running again and I have already invested multiple hours, days with Adobe support with NO solution at all. This is unacceptable in my mind, especially for the moneys invested.
    Thank you in advance... Aimee M.

    I totally share your views on Adobe period. I loved Macromedia., they also answered all my questions, then Adobe had to buy them out! I called them today (sales Dept., that's where they answer rather quickly., of course), they explained the following: You can pay for a live person, but the prices differ  in that they come in packages. In other words, you can pay a flat rate per hour for one-on-one OR pay for one-on-one tech support 5 times per month, and the amount of times per month vary from that point on., and so does the price!  I'm baffled! They are HORRIBLE!! . Like yourself, am on a standstill ever since I've been stuck with not being able to publish my site with current edits and it gives me a message whereas my own company name is "currently editing the page," so it keeps kicking out. I've tried everything, including but not limited to the following: going to the library and checking out books to troubleshoot; going on Adobe pages for support as well the Help features on the software program., etc...I'm exhausted!  ADOBE you guys need to reassess your Customer Care Support and your outsourcing business as well!!! YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR CUSTOMERS RATHER QUICKLY!!

  • After upgrading to mountain lion, contribute cs4 did not open

    After upgrading to Mountain Lion, I found that Contribute CS4 did not open.  In searching for an answer I found the following on the Adobe forum:
    "Earlier versions of Adobe Photoshop (CS3 and CS4) software were also tested with Mountain Lion and there are currently no known issues."
    So continuing to search, two days of frustration ensued as I "chatted" with 2 unhelpful Adobe customer support reps, searched unhelpful Apple and Adobe websites and posted my question in various places.  Finally I found that the above statement was completely wrong when I received the following from an Adobe staffer:
    Mountain LION is not a supported platform for Adobe Contribute CS4. The supported versions are Latest Adobe Contribute 6.5 and Adobe Contribute CS5.X.
    And now I have to spend hundreds in order to maintain my website after upgrading to Mountain Lion.  I don't even know to whom I should take my complaint, Apple or Adobe.  Does this mean I have to research every piece of software I use before upgrading my Mac?  At the very least, Mac owners should be forwarned of platform support failures for major 3rd party producers. I'm doing my bit here.   How about you taking some responsibility?

    I just baught a new imac from the apple store and loaded mountain lion when I got home due to the time it would take there.  I then used migration assitant to load CS4 from my mac pro that is using snow lepord.  This worked flawlessly. CS4 and Bridge work great.  I then downloaded the mountain lion upgrade to my wifes mac pro that was also using snow lepord and once mountain lion was instaled it disabled CS4 compleatly.  I will repost the results tomorrow. I believe that I can reinstall CS4 to her mac pro now that she has mountain lion installed using migration assistant from my mac pro since it worked this way with the new imac.  I hope this works because I want to upgrade my mac pro to mountain lion but can't afford to lose CS4. 

  • How can I allow Contribute Users to save documents somewhere other than "docs"?

    Our website was rebuilt by an outside company, who took my file structure and dumped it into the new site (I use Dreamweaver and our staff uses Contribute for their little niche of the web). We have a large site with multiple folders within the site. Those folders have several folders below them to sub-divide the tons of info we have to keep straight. However when I set up the parameters for the Contribute users, I only seemed to have one option to save documents (the "docs" folder).
    I need for Contribute users to be able to save documents/files deeper in the file structure. How can I do that?
    Thanks for any assistance! I hope this made sense.

    The answer depends on how "good" your Contribute users actually are. By default, Contribute always places documents in the same folder as the page in a "documents" folder. I see two potential options: (1) the user(s) needs to go to the where the document needs to live and place the link at that level or (2) you can show your user the "Publish File From My Computer" (under file, in the third section) which would allow them to place the document in the correct location and then link to it from whatever page is appropriate. Personally, that would be a last choice.

  • How do i remove incontext editing to allow contribute to work

    Hi, I am hoping someone maybe able to help...
    A while ago I put a site together at applied incontext editing regions. After being notified that it will no longer work in May this year, I decided to purchase contribute and went through the labourious task of removing all incontext editable regions and replacing them with normal editable regions.
    I have launched the site in contribute to test that everything works and it keeps coming up with 'You can't edit this page in Contribute because it has "Adobe InContext Editing" region(s).
    This is on almost every page on the site but two which it allows me to edit. I have gone back to the Dreamweaver file and checked through the code, I am certainly no code expertI have compared it to sites which didnt have the InContext applied to it... I am baffled
    Can anyone shed any light on the situation?
    Much appreciated

    For anyone that has a similar problem....
    I have now sorted the problem - my dreamweaver was not updating the server copy. I used FETCH as a secondary option by dragging and dropping the files. It updated the files and its now working! YAY!
    I had to make sure all incontext code was removed at the top of the code there was a line as well as along side each editable region. I even took out the editable regions and replaced them with normal editing regions (not Incontext).

  • User Contributed Tips in The MacBook 13-inch Aluminum (Late 2008) Display

    *The following User Contributed Tips are located in the MacBook 13-inch Aluminum (Late 2008) > The MacBook 13-inch Aluminum (Late 2008) Display forum:*
    *The following related tips are located in other areas of Apple Discussions:*
    a brody - I need Firewire for Camcorders, yet the MacBook and MacBook Air lack it
    Publish date: April 4, 2009
    a brody - Using a second Mac as a display for a first
    Publish date: July 7, 2008
    See also User Tips Library

    But according to OWC it will support 8gb of RAM. ml
    and also
    Check the Boot ROM Version in your System Profiler at this link:                       
    MacBooks with a Model ID of MacBook5,1 should have  a Boot ROM version of MB51.007D.B03.
    If your Boot ROM version does not match the numbers above, download the appropriate
    For MacBooks (MacBook5,1)
                MacBook EFI Firmware Update 1.4 ( Download)
    Once you have ensured that the Boot ROM is the correct version,
    make sure your Operating System is updated to Mac OS X v10.6.6.
    You must be running Snow Leopard to address 8GB on these systems.

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