Control Account Concept

Hi All ,
What is the meaning of Control Account and its Purpose ?
Any Help !
Thanks in Advance

HI Gangadhar ,
This Type of Account in SAP , is to maintain multiple Account in a Single Account called as Control Account.
To maintain the Entire Transaction as well as the peer level transaction .
SAP allow to defines account as a control account. The control accounts are linked to business partners and reflect their activities in the financial reports. Only accounts defined in the Assets and Liabilities drawers can be defined as control accounts. Control accounts appear in the chart of accounts in green.
Hope it helps

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    Hello Expers / Dina,
    Could it be possible to explain the concept behind adding a new features of UBR/UER as Control Accounts in Oracle Projects Billing R12.1.3
    According to Oracle :-
    With Unbilled Revenue or Unearned Revenue (UBR/UER) as control accounts, you can now re-interface rejected invoices or revenues without any discrepancy at the project and transaction levels.
    What does they really mean to say?
    Please help.

    I found the bug which led to this new enhancement. Here is a summary of the issue prior to the latest release:
    "In the current model, UBR/UER calculations are done when revenue or invoice is interfaced. There is a known issue with this model when a interfaced revenue get rejected by GL or a interfaced invoice gets rejected by AR. Tieback
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    Due to this limitation customers were having to do manual GL journals. When they wanted to start using Third party global control accounts it was restricting them from being able to do manual journals, hence we had to fix the root issues before they could continue using control accounts.
    Hope this helps.

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    Please check if the transactions are done for different Control Accounts and both the account balances are included in the Aging Report.
    Also, check that ALL the customers/vendor groups are taken.
    Make sure that you are running the backdated aging with the checkbox as mentioned in the Note 800294.
    If still facing problems may be you can provide with more details as to what the control account balances and what is the Aging, difference.
    PS: Check if there is any manual journal entry is created in the control account?
    Kind Regards,
    SAP Business One Forum Team

  • I made my main account a parental control account and when I accessed the account created as admin, at the Parental Control options I deleted my main account and now I can't get back in it. I need help with this problem.

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         I am facing a problem in one particular GL i.e.Service Tax Control a/c
    error-Entries appearing in Service Tax Control Account due to Error in System
    entries are- Service tax control   a/c   -
    Dr. 21,621.86
                            To Service Tax Control a/c     Cr.      21,621.86
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    Thanks in Advance

    What was the balance before you posted the below entry?
    Also run FBl3N with correct date parameters..

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    This problem is solved in B1 2007A SP01 PL12. To prevent this issue, you upgrade your current B1 version to the PL.
    The existing problem in the db can be solved by SAP Support. Log a message to SAP support to obtain  the solution.
    Prior to uprade and log message, check this note 1463211:
    Incorrect Control Account when duplicating invoice
    Create an AP Invoice for a Business Partner(BP1). Duplicate this invoice to another Business Partner(BP2) who has different control account. The journal entry of the duplicated invoice posts the amount to control account of BP1 instead of BP2.
    Behavior is reproducible for AR Invoice as well.
    Other terms
    Control Account, Payables Control Account, Receivables Control Account, Journal Entry, Incorrect Control Account, Duplicate Invoice, JE, SAP Business One
    Reason and Prerequisites
    Application error
    SAP intends to provide a patch or patches in order to solve the problem described.
    The section Reference to Related Notes below will list the specific patches once they become available.
    The corresponding Info file of the patches in SAP Service Marketplace will also show the SAP Note number.
    Be aware that these references can only be set at patch release date.
    SAP will deliver patches only for selected releases at its own discretion, based on the business impact and the complexity of the implementation.
    In order to detect whether this issue affect your DB, please run the
    following query :
    SELECTt1.BaseRef as 'DocNum', t1.transid, t1.shortname [BP code], t1.account [account.jdt1], t0.debpayacct [BP control acct],
    WHEN t1.transtype = '13' THEN 'A/R Invoice'
    WHEN t1.transtype = '18' THEN 'A/P Invoice'
    WHEN t1.transtype = '14' THEN 'Credit Memo'
    WHEN t1.transtype = '15' THEN 'A/P Credit Memo'
    WHEN t1.transtype = '204' THEN 'A/P Down Payment'
    WHEN t1.transtype = '203' THEN 'A/R Down Payment'
    ELSE 'Others'
    FROM jdt1 t1
    inner join ocrd t0 on t1.shortname = t0.cardcode
    WHERE t1.account <> t1.shortname and t1.account <> t0.debpayacct
    AND TransType in (13, 18, 14, 15, 204, 203)
    If the above query retrieves results, please log a support message
    via the Service Marketplace referring to this note including all
    relevant information.
    Apply the solution of the note to solve your problem.

  • Can't post JE to control account

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    You do need to split the opening balance between the actual debtors. This can also be achieved using the Opening Balances form, and keying the data for each business partner.
    It will make it more difficult when receiving payments against the however, so, we generally import open documents as service based documents with the GL account for "revenue" offsetting to an Opening Balances account. This should all reconcile to nil once all the Gl Opening balances have been entered.

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    Is there any patch which needs to be applied for this feature to be available? Or pls let me know the latest GL patch set (reqd in which has this feature.

    You need to setup on your own.
    Please read Global Accounting Engine User Guide [Chapter Define Control Accounts].
    That has been referred in GL User Guide too.

  • What is Control Accounts? What is C/A for A/R and A/P?

    I have US COA set up automatically by SBO. So all accounts are already set up there.
    When I go to: Administration > Setup > Financial > G/L Account Determination:
    In Sales (general) tab, I noticed Account Receivable with (...) next to it.
    When I clicked it, it will bring window of Control Accounts for A/R.
    In Purchasing (general) tab, I noticed Account Payable with (...) next to it.
    When I clicked it, it will bring window of Control Accounts for A/P.
    1. What is this Control Accounts?
    Can I leave it blank as it is? If I left it blank, will it affect financial result? If the answer is it is OK to leave it blank then no need to answer my questions below. If I need to fill it out, then I need help with questions # 2  and # 3 below.
    2. Inside this Control Accounts for A/R: (note: we do business Domestic only)
    What will be the correct Account Code for Down Payment Receivable? (My guess it is A/R Domestic)?
    What will be the correct Account Code for Open Debts? (My guess it is A/R Domestic)?
    3. Inside this Control Accounts for A/P: (note: we do business Domestic only)
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    What will be the correct Account Code for Open Debts? (My guess it is A/P Domestic)?
    What will be the correct Account Code for Assets Account? (My guess it is A/P Domestic)?
    Thank you.

    Hi Tom
    You can define a G/L account as a control account.
    A control account links the business partner accounts to the general ledger. You must enter a control account in every business partner master record. Whenever you post a document to a business partner account, the system automatically adds a journal entry to the general ledger, which posts the receivables or payables to this control account.
    Some transactions, such as transactions with bills of exchange, must be posted to special control accounts. Therefore, you can assign these special accounts to predefined transaction types, such as
    Open Debts, Assets Account, Down Payments Receivable/Payable or other (country-dependent).
    You can also enter default control accounts under Administration &#61614; Setup &#61614; Financials &#61614; G/L Account Determination. These accounts appear by default whenever you create a new business partner.
    The system displays the total account balance in the business partner master record. From there you can navigate to the line item display of the account. In the line item display, the system displays the debit values in black and the credit values in green and in parentheses.
    If you are working with several control accounts, the system can display the business partner balances separately for every control account. To activate this, choose Administration &#61614; System Initialization &#61614; General Settings and select the Display Accounts Balance by Control Accounts indicator on the BP tab.
    You must have the proper authorization to view the accounts and balances.
    Hope this helps.

  • In B1 Import of G/L history does not go to Control Account? How then?

    Hi Forum,
    I have tried it myself and read through the forum to know, when we import transactions such as A/R and A/P G/L history, we can not import the renovations to the A/R or A/P Control Account.
    If we make the control account, non-control, then it can not be made Control again after transactions are entered? Call these accounts that contain A/R and A/P history as 1111 and 2222.
    Some customers may have many control accounts for A/R and A/p depending upon their warehouses etc.
    The question is?
    Going forward all current transactions from A/R and A/P will go to a different control account say 1000 and 2000, and all old transactions related to that customer from previous months is in a different account - 1111, 2222.
    How do you handle this situation? What do customers of SAP B1 do? For getting history of Business partner, other statistics etc.
    Thank you for your help.

    Hi Son Tran,
    I tried tried your suggestions the best I could in my setting, but I failed again. The DTW keeps complaining about Control Account can not be used. Here are my Journal Entry import header and lines that work (that is without control account).
    OJDT Header below:
    RecordKey     AutoVAT     DueDate     ReferenceDate     StampTax     UseAutoStorno     VatDate
    RecordKey     AutoVAT     DueDate     ReferenceDate     StampTax     UseAutoStorno     VatDate
    1     tNO     20080402     20080402     tNO     tNO     20080402
    Matching JDT1 Lines
    RecordKey     LineNum     AccountCode     Credit     Debit     DueDate     ControlAccount
    RecordKey     LineNum     AccountCode     Credit     Debit     DueDate     Account
    1     0     12350000     180          20080402     
    1     1     41100000          180     20080402     
    1     2     24100000          0     20080402     
    1     3     13500000          126     20080402     
    1     4     51100000     126          20080402     
    Note: Control account column is not used at all.
    In the above JDT1 Lines all account codes are non control accounts. There is only one A/R account that I want changed to control account. That is 12350000 will be changed to 12110000 (this is a control account).
    When I do the change to control account, the above DTW import fails with the error - 1000415 Cannot perform transaction in controlling type account JDT1 - 1211000 error 65171.
    Look forward to your help.
    I also tried many other combinations and failed.

  • How to create an object like "Control Account" in JE? u5982u4F55u7F16u5199u63A7u5236u79D1u76EEu63A7u4EF6

    I want to create a user screen like Journal Entry. How could I create an object like "Control Account" in JE?
    Edited by: An Ping Zhang on Sep 15, 2009 4:57 AM

    Dear An Ping Zhang,
    The "Control Account" column in JE is used ChooseFromList.
    You could refer to SDK sample
    SDK\Samples\COM UI\VB.NET\17.ChooseFromList.
    BTW: you could post your question in Chinese into SAP Business One 中文论坛
    /community [original link is broken]
    Best Regards
    Jane Jing
    SAP Business One Forums team

  • Acct X for trans./event key BSX is a K control account.

    Dear Experts:
    I am not so familiar with FI and one question need your help:
    When I was trying to post a goods receipt against one purchase order I created earlier, I got an error message: "Account 199999 for trans./event key BSX is a K control account'
    For account 199999, the account group is Recon. account and acct type is Vendors.
    Can anybody let me know the solution to this issue? Thank you all in advance!
    Best Regards!

    Hi Eli:
    Thanks for your reply. But if I delete the account in OBYC, I will get another error message: "Account determination for entry TDCC BSX 0001 ___ ZZXX not possible". If I maintain the entry: "0001     ZZXX     19999" in BSX in OBYC, I will get the error above.
    Do you know how to resolve that?

  • How to reconcile customer balances with control accounts

    Sanjay Here,
    1. how to reconcile the customer balances  pl. explain in details.
    2. how to reconcile the customer balance with control accounts
    3. how to do the automatic clearing through T code f.13. pl. give us the screen shots if available.
    4. how to reset the T-code f.32 clearing documents, if wrongly showing in customer balance.

    1. how to reconcile the customer balances pl. explain in details &
    2. how to reconcile the customer balance with control accounts
    Ans:- Thru report painter T-code FGI4 (Form) & Report FGI1 using cutomer summary table we can define report, which shall give the desired requirement. It give customer wise & controll account wise balances.
    3. how to do the automatic clearing through T code f.13. pl. give us the screen shots if available
    Ans. F.13 is used for GL automatic clearing basing on the required config for GL . Like GR/IR clearing is there in automatic posting we have to define COA, GL & creteria1, creteria2 ..... Incase of GR/IR field name can be VBUND (Purchase order). When configure this in F.13 when we check the check box GR/IR and GL system shall look for setting for automatic clearing based on creteria it shall automatically clear.
    4. how to reset the T-code f.32 clearing documents, if wrongly showing in customer balance
    Ans. To reset a claerinf document Tcode is FBRA. Reset the clearing doc first and reverse the doc Tcode FB08.
    Colin Thomas

  • Down Payment Receivable control account?

    Hi All,
    I was hoping someone could help clarify account determination for me.
    Currently I have assigned a 'Down payments received clearing account' as a liability account. Is this correct?
    Then If I click the accounts recevable "..." I am presented with the control account selection for "Open Debts" and "Down Payment receivables". I have selected this as "Trade Creditors Domestic".
    When taking DP invoice payments I can see that the DP payments received liability account is posted to correctly. When the DP Invoice payment gets applied to the AR invoice, the account is cleared as expected. I think this is correct.
    I am however confused as to the control account determination. I dont see any postings made during this process. What should I see?
    Many thanks.
    Edited by: Jantzman on Jul 26, 2010 4:06 AM
    Sorry... I clicked post before I as ready .. oops.

    Hello John...
    I am not sure what the Accounting Standards are where you are located, but generally a payment is not defined in the Liability Drawer, but in the Asset Drawer (because you are bringing in an asset of Cash - the so-called above posting).  Of course, the company has to really define is only a temporary holding account from "Down Payments Received" to permanent "Cash" account ...
    I would suggest that you speak directly with the Finance folks of the company you are working with.  Folks in the forum will give you the correct answer as they understand it, but in financial postings the "correct answer" can vary so widely.  The only people who know how their individual books and related transactions work are the accounting/financial folks.  And some times they even have some differing opinions.  During the Blue Print Phase of Implementation I always sit in on the discussions to explain how SAP B1 works and we use the old school T accounts to walk through each scenario.   But the accountants/financial personnel are the ones who have the final say, because they are the ones who will be living with it for years to come.

  • Revaluation -Reconcile AP control account with GL

    Hi ,
    In oracle , currency revaluation is done in GL. All the AP invoices accounting entries in foreign currency are posted to GL .
    When we revalue foreign currency journals in GL the control account value (AP Liability a/c) chances.
    Then how to reconcile the AP value against GL to get the accurate respresentation of the balances ?

    I see so many people asking on this topics in various words , does anyone have answer to the query.
    After revaluation how do we tie back the AP aged balances to GL balances ?
    Inputs greatly appreciated. Kindly also mention what is the exact account heads the journal entry get created when we revalue ?

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