Control the visibility from multiples vi's

I need to control the visibility ('visible' property) of 3 controls (one flag and two intergers) from multiples vi's. Does anybody have a pratical example how to do it?
Haroldo - Brasil
LV 7.0
Go to Solution.

Hi Haroldo,
I would suggest to put this info into your signature, so you will never forget to mention this
Best regards,
CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
Kudos are welcome
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                        "INSERT INTO informix.javacourseouttemp " +
                        "( yr, sem, studentid, courseid, section ) " +
                        "VALUES ( :yr, :sem, :studentid, :courseid, :section )");
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              String password,
              Short yr,
              Short sem,
              String studentid,
              String courseid,
              Short section)
              throws SQLException {
              try {
                   modify.setParameter("yr", yr);
                   modify.setParameter("sem", sem);
                   modify.setParameter("studentid", studentid);
                   modify.setParameter("courseid", courseid);
                   modify.setParameter("section", section);
              // Free resources of modify object.
              finally {
         public void execute(
                   Short yr,
                   Short sem,
                   String studentid,
                   String courseid,
                   Short section)
                   throws SQLException {
                   try {
                        modify.setParameter("yr", yr);
                        modify.setParameter("sem", sem);
                        modify.setParameter("studentid", studentid);
                        modify.setParameter("courseid", courseid);
                        modify.setParameter("section", section);
                   // Free resources of modify object.
                   finally {
         * Returns a DBModify reference.
         public DBModify getDBModify() {
              return modify;
    I would like to know that how can I do for autocommit from jsp. For example, the looping is 10 times which mean I will add 10 records to the db. If the last record is failed to add to db, "how can I rollback the perivious records?" or guide me to set the commit function to handle that case. Thanks a lot for take your time to read my question.

    The best method is using a session bean and container managed transactions. Other method is using sessions bean and the user transaction object (JTA-JTS).
    so, JDBC has transaction management too.
    good luck.

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    version 3.0;
    acl "path=my_path_on_HD";
    deny absolute (all)
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    (dns = "*");
    deny absolute (all)
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    I think you've misunderstood what the dns attribute is for. The dns attribute returns the hostname of the client accessing your website, not the hostname of the website that linked to your website.
    For example, when someone using the Comcast ISP goes to a malicious website at that loads images from your website at, the dns attribute will be something like "", not "". ACLs are used for authentication and authorization of clients (not the websites those clients chose to visit), and they don't provide the functionality you're looking for.
    If I understand correctly, you want to prevent websites other than from linking to files in your d:/webserver/imat/pics_upload directory. You can achieve this adding the following lines to your obj.conf configuration file:
    <Object ppath="d:/webserver/imat/pics_upload/*">
    <Client referer="*~*">
    PathCheck fn="deny-existence"


    I have a website
    that I am building.
    In the projects section, if you navigate to Projects >
    Museum > Tower of London. You will see 'more information' link.
    This loads an external Movie clip for the text feild. I would
    like to make the 'more information' dissappear when it is clicked
    and the text appears in the target. The way I thought is best is to
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    How can I control the main timeline from an extrernal movie
    Am i being rediculously long about this operation?

    maybe you didnt understand correctly.
    the 'more information' link loads an external movie clip (the
    text) into the right side of the page.
    At the bottom of this movie clip is a green link 'back to
    images' this button sits within the movie clip. So my problem is
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    In my HCM PF, i have 2 sections - 1) Employee 2) Manager
    Under Manager Section, there is a Mandatory text field 'Comment' , which should be 'Hidden' under Employee Section.
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    I dont want the red border appearing around my comment field in my form, so i am not setting property as User Entered-Required in UI property.
    Can anyone please guide me how to proceed with this funcitonality. I want to keep the field hidden in Emp section, yet it should be mandatory under Manager section.
    Thanks in advance,

    Seriously? Those are some really basic HCM P&F concepts.
    I will try to help.
    First off....why do you have a separate field for "manager comments"? WHy not use the standard comments fields (current/previous) and let the framework handle them?
    Now for showing/hiding sections of form.....several ways to do this. If it were me...
    1. I would have the employee and manager steps in different form scenario steps/stages (personally I would probably have them in different form scenarios all toghether but sharing same form simply for scalability).
    2. Define the standard field for form_scenario_stage in your form scenario fields (look it up in documentation for how to define this....I'm not spoonfeeding you)
    3. Add the form field from #2 onto your form somewhere and make it hidden/invisible.
    4. Use Javascript/Formcalc to reference the "raw value" of that field. Then you can use script in the form to show/hide the section depending on the value in that field (which will be the name of the form scenario step/stage.
    Now.... for making fields mandatory, hidden/visible/invisible, open to edit/read only......that is all done in scripting and is VERY basic. There are TONS of examples on how to do this all over the web with simple Google searches.

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    The likely machine that would be doing the control is an XServe currently running Server 10.3.something.

    You could generate a several hour long movie containing music/slideshows interspersed with the informational videos but the 2 main problems would be lack of looping capability and potentially the 4GB file limit for AppleTV which would mean a length vs quality compromise.
    If you went down the 'movie' route you could also burn a DVD set to loop and use a small cheap DVD player.
    A MacMini would be an alternative small form factor device which could run/shuffle video playlists but you might have to compromise with less than perfect output resolution if the display device is not a computer monitor.
    AppleTV has been modded (Google some relevant keywords) but it's far from straightforward and I do not know if even that would provide the functionality you require.
    The functionality you describe however would be very useful for many companies, you could always send some feedback to :
    Message was edited by: Alley_Cat

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    Yes, Time Machine backs-up your entire system, unless you specifically tell it not to. So that user's stuff is already being backed-up. See #26 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.
    The backups are in the same folder hierarchy, with the same permissions, as on your Mac; so each user is separate, and even an Admin user doesn't have access to a different user's files.
    When you do a full system restore from your backups, everything is copied back, just as it was.
    Via +Setup Assistant+ or +Migration Assistant,+ you can restore selected users and their data to a different Mac, either from your backups or directly from your Mac.

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