Controling flow of method

got a problem with the following code... everytime some one enters something other than an int the code runs on till it finishes, problem is i want it to start at the question it was asking - ie 1, 2, or 3. I can add addition(); in the catch statement but that makes it start from the beginning of the count.. ie question 1. (which is a pain if your doing question 3) can any one help?
import java.util.*;
class Math {
    private void addition() {
     Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
     int sum = 0, num = 0, count = 0, answer = 0;
     for(num = 0; num < 3; num++) {
         System.out.println("Question " + (num + 1));
         System.out.println("What is the sum of these numbers?");
         int randomAddition = new Random().nextInt(6);
         for(count = 0; count < randomAddition; count++) {
          int rand = new Random().nextInt(11);
          System.out.print(rand + " ");
          sum = sum + rand;
         try {
          answer = keyboard.nextInt();
         catch (java.util.InputMismatchException e) {
          System.out.println("Enter a whole number only");
         System.out.println("Your answer is " + answer);
         System.out.println("The correct answer is " + sum);
         if(sum == answer) {
          System.out.println("CORRECT ANSWER");
         else {
          System.out.println("Incorrect, try again");
         sum = 0;
    public static void main(String[] arg) {
     Math start = new Math();

I'm not sure I understand what's going on with the input and the random numbers.
Here's an idea of how you might accomplish this. It's a bit funny with the do/while, but perhaps you can spend the time figuring it out. Use it as a template for thought:
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class IntArrayAdder
   public static final int DEFAULT_ARRAY_LENGTH = 32;
   public static int [] getValues(Scanner scanner, String prompt)
      List values = new ArrayList(DEFAULT_ARRAY_LENGTH);
            int value = scanner.nextInt();
            values.add(new Integer(value));
         } while (scanner.hasNext());
      catch (Exception e)
         System.out.println("end of input");
      int [] valuesAsArray = new int[values.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < valuesAsArray.length; ++i)
         valuesAsArray[i] = ((Integer)values.get(i)).intValue();
      return valuesAsArray;
   public static int sumArray(int [] values)
      int sum = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i)
         sum += values;
return sum;
public static void main(String [] args)
int [] values = getValues(new Scanner(, "input an int: ");
System.out.println("sum: " + sumArray(values));
catch (Exception e)

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    Let me suggest you to use nested switch case to solve the problemHmm, ok, I'll look into that. Would nested ifs suffice?
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    Edited by: StuartS on Oct 24, 2007 8:35 PM

    TimSparq wrote:
    You are correct, it is best practice not to controll flow with exceptions.
    Perhaps your validate message could just return a boolean and you can do something like:
    if (!validateExcelFile(file)) {
    // delete file
    Yeah, I was thinking of it more from a security validation standpoint, but if you simply want to accomplish an action as the result of a bad format, then you're definitely better off having a boolean function.

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             I am trying to run Cash Flow (Direct Method ) Report with T-Code S_ALR_870_12271 but it's showing Output  as following .
         No records were selected          
         Table     Financial Statement Key Figures
         Report name     0SAPRATIO-04
         Report long text     Cash Flow (Direct Method)
         Form     0SAPRATIO-04 Cash Flow (Direct)
         Report type     Form report
               General information          
         A     uthor          SAP
         Created on     06.02.1996
         Last changed by     ABAP1
         Last changed on     25.03.2009
         Last changed at     17:42:09
         Last displayed on     25.03.2009
         Number of times displayed     18
         Basic list     Detail list
               Additional selection conditions     
         C     ompany Code     101     0 HGSL INDIA
         Currency Type     10 Company code currenc
         G/L Account     60000000
         G/L Account     60000000
         Bal.sheet type     1 Standard financial s
               General data selections          
         P     lan./act. ind.          0    Actual
         Fin.Stmt Vers.     INT  Financial Statement
         F     iscal year          
         Fiscal year     2008 2008
               Selected characteristics ( Online sort order )     
         G     /L Account     *     
         Business Area     *
         Company Code     *
         Period     *
               Columns selected for drilldown list     
         F     iscal Yr ;2008          
         Fiscal Yr ;2007     
               Rows selected for drilldown list     
         +      Sales revenues          
         + Incr.dwn pmts rec.     
         - Incr.recvbls f.G&S     
         Sales collections     
         + Material costs     
         - pybls G&S     
         + Incr.dwn pmts made     
         Material disbursmnts     
         + Personnel costs     
         - pens.prov.     
         Personnel disbursmts     
         - Interest expenses     
         - Increase in discnt     
         + Due to prof.trans.     
         + Inc.f.oth.securits     
         Financial collectns     
         + Other     
         - Gns f.retr.sp.itms     
         + Increase in AE/DI     
         + Oth.operat.expnses     
         - Optional add.items     
         - All.sp.itms w.res.     
         - oth.provs     
         + Inc.prpd/defr.itms     
         + other taxes     
         - tax.prov.     
         Income tax     
         = Cash flow (total)     
               Particular sort orders          
         G     /L Account          G/L Account Long name Ascending
         Company Code     Company Code        e Ascending Long name Ascending
    Plese Help me out ...

    Hello Ajay
    It happens due to different settings mostly in FORM e.g. FSV set in the form would be INT where as you have your own FSV.  Similarly you need to check each and every item and change suitably.
    Run the report via above tcode again, then a screen will appear saying u201CNo records were selectedu201D
    In this screen you can see the FSV used in General Data Selection (4th box) which you need to change by pushing u201CFORMu201D push button on the extreme left side, > Go to edit menu>Gen data selection > make changes suitably.
    However do not make changes to the standard report / form, so copy the standard report with your own naming and make the changes where ever required.
    Hope it works!

  • Programatically calling control flows from java code

    Hi all,
    I have a bounded taskFlow that uses pageFragments. This flow is a region in a page(.jspx).
    In my page fragment, I have a inputComboboxListOfValues with a ValueChangeListener code in a java bean.
    I want when a value is changed, to programatically call "controll flow" (this one has: "From Activity Id" -the page fragment with that inputComboboxListOfValues, and "To Activity Id" - the default Activity on this task Flow).
    So when the value change, practically I want to restart the flow programatically and pass the selected value as input parameter.
    Since the inputComboboxListOfValues is not like a button where in the "Action" property you can set the Control Flow and navigate somewhere, the only option I have is to programatically cause navigation from java code (example: the value change listener code).
    Can this be achieved?
    Any advice is helpfull.

    Absolutely, you can do it using the NavigationHandler. Try the following in you value change listener:
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getcurrentInstance();
    NavigationHandler handler = context.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
    handler.handleNavigation(context, null, outcome);
    // Render the response after that phase, the button actions should not be called
    // Add the following line if you want to prevent further value change listeners to be called
    // throw new AbortProcessingException();Regards,
    ~ Simon

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    So I am really stumped here.... Thanks in advance!

    Hi there:
    In your case, the adfc-config.xml has the control flow case between shell pages. And the task-flow-N.xml or your-task-flow.xml for each page fragment by default doesn't inherit control flow case from their containing shell page. In your case, in the page fragment task-flow.xml, you should add a "Parent Action" to flow to shell page2 for example. The outcome of "Parent Action" would be "toShell2" if calling from ShellPage1 page fragment.
    Is this 'Correct' or 'Helpful' for you? Please mark it as so if it does.
    Good luck,

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    Where i can know from?
    if some one wish to explain you can here also.

    makpandian wrote:
    No it s not broken.
    As per your experience,tell me some links.Per my experience I don't need links. I could build the VM both from the general level and the specific levels by referring only to the VM spec.
    And I read the book I suggested, first edition, years ago. Although with many other books.
    Conversely if I wanted to find a link now then I would use google.

  • Cash flow indirect method drill down report

    I have developed the report for cash flow indirect method ( FSI6) where i have given the selection parameter as year, but users are asking for from period/year to to period/year.
    In FSI3, I am not able to change variable which was already defined as Fiscal year.
    How can change?

    Hi Dan,
    Very interesting! Though, I didn't get the answer. Think it would be very favorable for everybody, if you explain in more details.
    AFAIK, data is stored in BCS periodically. So, do you imply that it's possible to create cash flow for any set of data in the system (because of periodicity)?
    Talk about ttypes and breakdown categories are also not very clear for me.
    Anyway, I'd like to talk functional, not SAP (or some other IT) language.
    Here we go.
    Did you say that you used to create the cash flow report on the fly, by using some calculations in BEx?
    And the same for eliminations in cash flow?
    Did you do eliminations in CF?
    If yes, then I would suggest that you were lucky, having local and group currency the same, USD?
    As BCS consultant knows, the indirect cash flow report consists of 3 parts: net cash flows from operating activities, finance and investing ones.
    NCF from operating activities is usually calculated as net profit (before or after taxes) with some corrections that are calculated as differences in reported-beginning balances on some accounts. Would you calculate them in local or group currency? Taking into account that there might be no real movement in cash (local currency), but currency rate has changed?
    Financial & investing activities MUST BE PROVIDED in direct sense, like: dividends received, interests paid for credits and loans etc. There is, usually, no such information, only some netted activities. You need to get them additionally. How did you get them?
    So, the main question is:
    how would you calculate the CONSOLIDATED INDIRECT cash flow report
    having different local currencies (and a different group currency), with some intergroup activities?
    Everybody will appreciate your input on this subject.

  • Why do we want use 'Data Flow Task' to 'Data Flow Tast' in Control Flow?

    I found an example in my company's SSIS package folders. In Control Flow, it has one data flow connected to the other. Both of them are importing data from flat file and then exported to database. I think these two are kind of at the same level and cannot
    see any reasons to conncect them together.
    Thanks & Happy Thxgiving,

    Hi Gavin,
    Just as Arthur said, if there is no relationship between those two data flow tasks, we don’t have to connect them together. If they connect together, maybe there are some relationship between them.
    According to your description, both of the data flow tasks are importing data from flat file and then exported to database. It seems that there is no direct relationship between them. Another possibility is that there is a precedence constraint between them.
    The precedence constraint can be based on a combination of the first execution results and the evaluation of expressions. We can check the issue by double-check the connection string between them.
    The following screenshot is for your reference:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Ssis data flow item and ssis control flow item tab missing in choose toolbox item from ssdt 2010

    ssis data flow item and ssis control flow item  tab missing in choose toolbox item from ssdt 2010

    I have the same problem.
     When i click on tools -> choose tools Items dialog box, Control Flow and Data Flow Tab are missing.
    I've just worked with SQL Server Data Tools and SQL Server 2012 and these tabs are not missing.
    i think this is a problem installing SQL Server.
    I've not yet  found a solution.

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    What do you mean by 'the navigation doesn't work'? Do you get an error?
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