Controlling a strobe to automatically capture rotational speed

This is pretty far out there but I figured, if I don't ask, I'll never know if somone has thought about it.
We use an LED strobe to measure rotational spped of a product during testing. Basically, the strobe pulse rate is adjusted until it matches the RPM's of the rotation and due to the effect, the rotation appears [relatively] stationary.
The particular strobe device I am using has some input/output control, for instance, I know I can read the rate on the output and I think I may be able to control the rate on the input.
Assuming I can control the rate, the big question is, are there any [somewhat simple] methods anyone knows of that would allow me to determine when the strobe rate matches the rotational speed of my product.  I would think it would require some type of camera setup that monitors the area of rotation and can automatically 'see' when the apparent rotation 'due to strobe effect' effectively stops.
Don't think I will have a lot of time on current project to implement this (unless it really IS simple) but am wanting to plan for next level and make sure I start feeding the seeds for buy-in down the road.
Any thoughts appreciated
"My only wish is that I am capable of learning each and every day until my last breath."

No mounting?  Hmm.  If the rotational part has "features" (I.E., grooves or parts that stick out) you might be able to use a reflective sensor.  Same idea as a rotary encoder but the light is directed to the part itself and as features pass by you can read the variations in light intensity.  Highly dependant on any features being present and material type.  I will continue to think about it...

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    If you tape was recorded in LP instead of SP (as some cameras do) you will get the strobe effect on digitize even though it looks fine in your camera. If that's the case you will need to dub to another tape at the correct speed. You'll lose a generation, but I believe that's the only solution to this particular problem.
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    Hi Mike,
    This is pretty easily done in LabVIEW with a
    buffered period measurement.  My recommendation would be to start with
    one of our example programs.  A good example to use is called Meas Dig
    Periods-Buffered-Continuous-High Freq 2  This example can be
    found by going to Help » Find Examples in LabVIEW and navigating to
    Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx » Counter Measurements » Period or
    Pulse Width.  There are a few changes that need to be made to change
    this example to a low frequency period measurement using 1 counter.
    1. Adjust the blue enum going into the DAQmx Create to "Low Frequency with 1 Counter".
    2. Delete the "Measurement Time" control on the front panel and delete the broken wire on the block diagram after doing so.
    Adjust the Samples to Read control to something like 10-100.  You can
    also adjust this to -1 if you want to just read all available samples.
    is important to note that these samples will just be the period of the
    gate signal and won't contain timestamp information about when they
    were taken.  However, you can use the order at which you receive the
    data to tell you information about when measurements were taken. 
    Another thing you can do is take a software timestamp prior to starting
    the acquisition.  This would give you a relative means to determine
    when measurements were taken or what the speed was at a specific time.
    I hope this helps,
    Paul C.

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    Thansk for your reply. You are right that measure frequency to get the speed is the best way, but it's hard to get the dirction at the same time. You suggest me that "perform two angle measurements to get the sense of rotation", but I'm not sure I catched what you mean about this. I try to understand your opinion like this: distribute the signals to 2 counters, and start 2 tasks, one for frequency, the other for angle which used for deciding the dirction?
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    RobertoBozzolo 已写:
    To measure the speed from the encoder you can simply follow some of the frequency measurement examples that ship with DAQmx, considering that speed (rpm) is given by frequency (Hz) on one encoder output / 600 (ppr) * 60 (s->min)  = frequency / 10.
    Difficult is to add a sign to this measurement: frequency measurement gives you no information about sense of rotation, so I suppose you could perform two angle measurements to get the sense of rotation and then get the speed as above.

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Prompt the last Purchase Order Price for the Material
    If you want the system to take the price from the last Purchase Order, then do not maintain the conditions in the info record because it has precedence over the last PO. This means that the netprice field in the info record should be left blank.
    In the case when you have already maintained the conditions in the info record (or netprice), try to delete them or make them invalid by changing the validity date.
    Even though no price was maintained, the info record will still keep track of the Order price history.
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    epos and ‏34 KB

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    I have  made a program in Labview for my endwork so i have now one problem ; i read data (torque,temperature,power,speed of an engine with an USB-6009 daq-kaart.) now i want to make a graph of the torque (koppel in dutch) in funtion of rotate speed and also power(vermogen in dutch).  i have used xy graph but  i get nothing  . What do i wrong can some one help me? I send the program also as attachement ; on the y i will torque(=koppel) and x i will rotate speed (toerental)  
    thank you
    Attachments: ‏346 KB

    Hey Drayton,
    Please have a look at the attached VI.  
    of the While Loop I created a 2 dimensional array.  Column zero is
    representing the RPM, column 1 the Torque (koppel) and column 2 is the
    Power (vermogen).
    Then I am simulating the measured data of RMP,
    Torque and Power.  As I would like to limit the number of elements in
    the array, I used the "Remainder and Quotient" function to round to a
    nearest lower multiple of 20.  This means you will have steps of 20 RPM
    in your graph.  The lenght of the array is in the case: 4000 RMP max /
    20 = 200 elements.  Of course you can change this but then also your
    array size will become larger (more processor time needed to analyze).
    step is to get the index number in the existing array which equals the
    current measured RPM.    This index is needed to replace the
    corresponding torque and power values in the array.
    If the newest
    torque or power value is greater than the already available value for
    the corresponding RPM,  then this value will overwrite the existing
    value. If not, then the existing torque and power value will be kept.  
    Finally I will extract the complete columns of the array for RPM, torque and power to apply them to the XY graph.
    You can almost copy/paste this into your VI.
    your data is coming from Express VI, the wires contain waveform data
    which also inclused timestamp information.  As you cannot use waveform
    data with arrays and actually don't need it, you have to use the
    function "From DDT". This is also an express VI to convert the Dynamic
    Data Type from the Express VI into a scalar datatype.  You can show to
    analyze only one point at a time of by using an array.
    I have also seen that you have place additional numeric indicators on your front panel beside the meters.
    This is great. You only used an additional object to do so causing also an additional terminal appearing on your block diagram.
    the numeric front panel objects have already an numeric indicator
    related to it.  This way no additional block diagram terminal will show
    You only need to enable it.
    Right click on the object to open
    the shortcut menu ---> Visible Items --> Numeric Display.  There
    is your numeric indicator directly related to the object.
    If you do this for all you front panel objects, your block diagram will look much nicer and easier to read.
    Best regards,
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineering
    Make our forums great:
    If you like the answer, don't forget to "Kudos!".
    "Accept the Solution" if your question is answered!
    Attachments: ‏18 KB

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    Why wasn't it implemented in v.21.0.016 of
    the N95-1 (RM-159) ?
    Will it be implemented in the final version? (i hope)
    Message Edited by semuelt on 03-Apr-2008 06:05 PM
    Nokia N95

    04-Apr-2008 12:08 AM
    psychomania wrote:
    I often wonder if rotate me was actually samir's (the creator of rotateme) idea?
    Did he think it up himself or did he see an N82 prototype in action with ASR?
    Did nokia "borrow" samir's idea and use it in the N82?
    All I can say is that I prefer the built-in ASR.
    Well I don't think any of us like not having automatic screen rotation. Although I'd rather if there was an option to change the way the screen rotates. For example, the screen splashes like water or something that's more interesting than a boring "blink".
    That's right people, I'm back. Where have I been? I have been getting a life, away from this electric madness.

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    So far no problem - combining works fine & all drawings are even landscape.
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    much faster
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    When I manually remove the stamp on this page and insert a new one via Acobe Acrobat (not copy paste) the orientation is ok. Rather amazing.
    Got some more related questions but think 1 step at the time is more convenient.
    As often 50-100 dwg's are involved the copy-paste method (after resizing once) turns out most efficient till now.
    How can I control / avoid the automatic rotation or anticipate on the (obviously) rotating stamps ?
    I will have to move the stamps anyway because I can hardly ever put a stamp at the same position on a drawing.
    [It turns out to be almost impossible to get draughtsman to leave an empty space on each drawing ...]
    Once again thanks in advance for any suggestion !

    Some additional info:
    main issue: how to avoid files to be rotated during combining? The rotating is not the real issue - however when applying the stamp using Ctrl-C => Ctrl-V the apllied stamp seems to track the original position of the file .... Amazing however: when adding  a stamp with Adobe acrobat the "common" way the orientation of the stamp is OK !!
    Also: files to be combined do not always have same original size (A3 - A1 - A0 sometimes also A4 or A2 !!) so I do quite often have to re-size my stamp. Do realize I can probably solve this by printing the "binder"document to a pdf first - with setting A3 paper size. I'll try it first !
    Would be nice to be able to insert a stamp on each sheet of the binder-document with 1 action (Macro ?) and - importatnt - have the stamp located at same position on each page. Would still require a check as draughtsman don't always leave free space available at same location (if any at all )

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    I have an requirement for auto (schedule pick release). But customer wants that only non serial/lot controlled items will be auto picked. But Lot Controlled and Serial Controlled (At Receipt) items will not be picked automatically. How I can achieved that ?
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Sayantan,
    You do have a couple of options depending on what release of the apps you're on and how you set the Inv Org parameter Allocate Serial Numbers.
    From 11.5.10 on, a potential new value can be set for this parameter (available also on 11.5.8 and 9 via backport patch). The parameter governs the way serial numbers are allocated at Pick Release.
    Previously, the values available for this parameter were just a basic “No” (the default value) or “Yes” (whereby Oracle would auto-suggest, in a non-intelligent way, available serial numbers at the time of pick release). The new value available is “Yes – User-defined” which allows some custom logic to be applied to the serial number allocation.
    With the value set to “Yes – User-defined”, Oracle checks for any custom code in the INVSRSTB.pls stub/custom hook when a pick release is launched. (Inv_Detail_Serial_Pub.Get_User_Serial_Numbers)
    P.S. Also take a look at *Auto Pick Confirm Flag Does Not Work For Serial Items If Allocate Serial Number is Set to'Yes User Defeined' [ID 337964.1]* on MOS.

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