Controlling Report Writing - GRR1 and GRR2

Dear Expert,
I am using GRR1 to write report for cost center accounting. The report works fine but now my client want the in columns when user select period then it should displayed as "JAN" & etc.
Actual &1PERIK &1GJAHLJ  then value is displayed in the report as "Actual 01 2012" but client want "Actual JAN 2012"
If any clue or proposal then please let me know
Thanks in Advance,
Prashant Rane

It is not possible with the standard set of date formats in SAP. you have to write a conversion logic for that.
You can change the date format in SU01 for that user.

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    I am using Oracle on windows xp. After google for report writing tool, i think if i am able to get the output by either SQL or PL/SQL; then i think i need not to learn those new report writing tools; i will continue read Oracle PL/SQL and/or SQL. Here it is my required output :
    S.No.  Customer Name & Address                <-------------------Product Sold Description------------------>            Qty               Rate             Amount
    1      Table1.CustomerName                    1.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                  
           Table1.Address1                        2.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
           Table1.Address2    <----Wrapable       3.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
           Table1.Address3                        4.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate     Table3.Net_Amt
    2      Table1.CustomerName                    1.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                  
           Table1.Address1                        2.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
           Table1.Address2    <----Wrapable       3.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
           Table1.Address3                        4.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                  
                                                  5.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                  
                                                  6.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
                                                  7.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
                                                  8.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate     Table3.Net_Amt
    3      Table1.CustomerName                    1.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rat      Table3.Net_Amt
           Table1.Address2    <----Wrapable
    Wrapable Means If product name / Address2 are bigger than 30 characters, then they should be wrapped to next line.If you says me to provide create table and couple of insert statements, i will provide, i am just mentioning the tablename.column name for what i wish to get from SQL, rather than learning the report writing tool and this will at the later stage will definitely a best option in view of 3rd party report writing tool.
    Kindly help me, how do i get above output (if you need create table and/or insert statements) please.

    user12050217 wrote:
    create table table2
    lineno number(4),
    item_no varchar2(2),
    eno varchar2(4),
    product_id varchar2(7),
    cust_id varchar2(5),
    rate number(6,2),
    qty number(5),
    amount number(10,2),
    remarks varchar2(10),
    bill_amt number(10,2),
    bill_date date,
    bill_no varchar2(10));
    insert into table2 values(1,'1',2145,'2145219','Z0105',17.43,143,2492.49,'no remark',2492.49,sysdate,'RF-K-00412');
    insert into table2 values(2,'2',2145,'2145400','Z0105',8,50,400,'',400,sysdate-1,'RF-K-00378');There's no need to post all the columns in table2; just post the ones that play some role in this problem.
    using SYSDATE in the sample data is asking for trouble. If people from different time zones are trying to help you, or if it takes more than one day to get the problem solved, then it's hard to compare results. In case bill_date matters in this problem, let's use this sample data for table2:
    insert into table2 values(1,'1',2145,'2145219','Z0105',17.43,143,2492.49,'no remark',2492.49,DATE '2011-12-03' ,'RF-K-00412');
    insert into table2 values(2,'2',2145,'2145400','Z0105',8,50,400,'',400,DATE '2011-12-03' -1,'RF-K-00378');
    insert into table2 values(3,'1',2146,'2145100','K3125',10,50,500,'',500,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');
    insert into table2 values(4,'2',2146,'2145112','K3125',6.42,478,3068.76,'',3068.76,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');
    insert into table2 values(5,'3',2146,'2145115','K3125',6.42,478,3068.76,'',3068.76,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');
    insert into table2 values(6,'4',2146,'2145612','K3125',1340,10,13400,'',13400,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');
    insert into table2 values(7,'5',2146,'2145725','K3125',100,1,100,'',100,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');I just replaced SYSDATE with DATE '2011-12-03'.
    And here it is required Output :
    S.No.  Customer Name & Address                <-------------------Product Sold Description------------------>            Qty ...
    2145   Shri My Cust Name2                     1 2145219 Product Name                                                     143   ...
    This is address2                       2 2145400 This may be a long product                                         8   ...
    Address2                                         name which may wrap in
    Address3                                         report
    2146   My My Cust Name1                       1 2145100 Another long name in product, so please                           10   ...
    This is address1                                 take care
    This is long line of address which     2 2145112 Short Name                                                       478       ...
    should be wrap                         3 2145115 Sulphar Mixer                                                    478           ...
    4 2145612 One costly product name, may name not fit                         10     ...
    in the report
    5 2145725 Silver Coating                                                     1              100.00            1502.84
    =======================================================================================================================================================================The above data is just for example and i have created required output manually, so there may be some typo.How would you feel if someone posted a solution full of bugs and said "this solution is just for example ... so there may be some typo."?
    Why is the product description shorter for In, there's room for this much of the descripotion on one line
    One costly product name, may name not fit In, why can't you have:
    This may be a long product name which may Why do you have to start a new line after "product"? Is this one of the typos you mentioned?
    ... I think to get the output, i will need function which will take address or product name as an input paramter and will return 2 or 3 lines in the select statement, but what should be code of that function, how do i call in select statement, etc. i wish to learn all these things.I agree. A function to split the text into lines of the right length would be very handy. Here's a pipelined function to do that:
    TYPE     ww_row     IS RECORD ( r_num     NUMBER
                        , r_txt     VARCHAR2 (4000)
    TYPE     ww_tbl  IS TABLE OF ww_row;
    FUNCTION     wrap
    (     in_txt  IN      VARCHAR2     -- Text to be wrapped
    ,     in_len     IN     PLS_INTEGER     -- Maximum line length
    RETURN  ww_tbl
    END     word_wrap;
    --          **   w r a p   **
    --          wrap splits in_txt into several row2 consisting of r_num (1, 2, 3, ...),
    --          and r_txt, up to in_len characters from in_txt.  if possible, the last
    --          character in r_txt will be a "nonword" character, such as whitespace or
    --          punctuation.  If words are longer than in_len, however, it may have
    --          to break a word in the middle.
    --          Example:
    --              wrap ('I am the monarch or the sea', 10)
    --          returns these 3 rows:
    --              1     I am the
    --              2     monarch
    --              3     of the sea
    --          On rows 1 and 2, r_txt ends with a space.
    --          If we change the last argument to 6:
    --              wrap ('I am the monarch or the sea', 6)
    --          it returns these 6 rows:
    --              1     I am
    --              2     the
    --              3       monarc
    --              4       h of
    --              5     the
    --              6       sea
    FUNCTION     wrap
    (     in_txt  IN      VARCHAR2     -- Text to be wrapped
    ,     in_len     IN     PLS_INTEGER     -- Maximum line length
    RETURN  ww_tbl
        break_pos          PLS_INTEGER;               -- Position of next break character in remaining_txt
        line_len          PLS_INTEGER     := GREATEST ( NVL ( in_len
                                                      , 1
                                      , 1
                                      );     -- Actual max line length (in case a bad in_len was passed)
        remaining_txt     VARCHAR2 (4000) := in_txt;     -- Part of in_txt that hasn't been output yet
        return_row          ww_row;                        -- Row to be returned
        r_num          PLS_INTEGER     := 1;          -- Number of next row
        WHILE  remaining_txt     IS NOT NULL
        AND        r_num          >= 1
        AND        r_num          < 10
            return_row.r_num := r_num;
            IF  remaining_txt          IS NULL
         OR  LENGTH (remaining_txt)     <= line_len
         THEN     -- Everything fits on this row
             return_row.r_txt := remaining_txt;
             remaining_txt := NULL;
         ELSE     -- Not everything fits, so we need to split
             break_pos := REGEXP_INSTR ( SUBSTR (remaining_txt, 1, line_len)
                                         , '\W\w*$'     -- non-word, follewd by any number of word characters, then end
             IF  break_pos = 0
             THEN    --  No good place to break before line_len
                 break_pos := line_len;
             END IF;
             return_row.r_txt := SUBSTR (remaining_txt, 1, break_pos);
             remaining_txt := SUBSTR (remaining_txt, 1 + break_pos);
         END IF;
            PIPE ROW (return_row);
         r_num := r_num + 1;
        END LOOP;
    END     wrap;
    END     word_wrap;
    SHOW ERRORSYou can use the fucntion with your sample data like this:
    SELECT       t3.product_id
    ,       ww.r_txt
    ,       ww.r_num
    FROM          table3     t3
    CROSS JOIN   TABLE ( word_wrap.wrap ( t3.description
                                            , 42
                 )     ww
    ORDER BY  t3.product_id
    ,            ww.r_num
    PRODUCT R_TXT                                         R_NUM
    2145100 Another long name in product, so please           1
    2145100 take care                                         2
    2145112 Short Name                                        1
    2145115 Sulphar Mixer                                     1
    2145219 Product Name                                      1
    2145400 This may be a long product name which may         1
    2145400 wrap in report                                    2
    2145612 One costly product name, may name not fit         1
    2145612 in the report                                     2
    2145725 Silver Coating                                    1For the report you want, I suggest you start with the products. Modify the query above so that it produces something like this:
        1 2145 2145219 Product Name
        2 2145 2145400 This may be a long product name which may
        3 2145         wrap in report
        1 2146 2145100 Another long name in product, so please
        2 2146         take care
        3 2146 2145112 Short Name
        4 2146 2145115 Sulphar Mixer
        5 2146 2145612 One costly product name, may name not fit
        6 2146         in the report
        7 2146 2145725 Silver CoatingNotice the d_num column at the beginning. It starts with 1 for each eno, and numbers each line in order. You can use the analytic ROW_NUMBER fucntion to produce this column. You won't need to display d_num in the final output, but you will need it for the next step in the solution, which is:
    Do something similar for the addresses. Since you have Oracle 11, you can use the SELECT ... UNPIVOT feature to get all the address lines into one column, then use the wrap function to break down the long lines, and number them. Again, use ROW_NUMBER to produce d_num. (You might consider permanently storing the addresses in the unpivoted form, with just one address line per row. Since this will create a one-to-many relationship between customers and addresses, you'll need a separte table for the addresses.)
    Finally, do a full outer join to combine the result sets of the two steps above, using the customer id and d_num to match rows. This is an example of a Prix Fixe Query . The page I refereneced earlier has a more detailed description and example.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Dec 5, 2011 7:04 AM
    Added pacakge spec.

  • Finance and Controlling report in combination with Cost center, GL account, Internal Order

    Hi Members,
    Finance and Controlling report in combination with Cost center, GL account, Internal Order.
    Please provide any slandered report in all 3 dimension.
    Dileep Kumar

    Search this query in FI Controlling forum am sure you will get useful results there.
    This kind of reports related to Controlling are usually created using Report Writer tool.
    In fact majority of reports in Controlling component is created using Report Writer only.

  • Source Control 3.1 : History and change reports

    Robo Source Control 3.1 : History and change reports are allways empty. I only see titles on the file report.htm (using IE9 or Google Chrome).

    What I was saying in your other post was not necessarily that it will work differently on a 64 bit machine, simply that there were known issues with a 64 bit machine that are referenced in
    It may be the fix referred to there is simply to make it work the same way as on a 32 bit machine and clearly that is giving you grief. Only way way to find out.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Copy Control between Sales Orders and Deliveries

    Hi Gurus,
    please can you tell me why copy control between Sales Order and Delivery doesn't work?
    At header level, into copy control, we can set 2 requirement routines, one as general requirement for copying (TVCPL-AUBED) and the other one as requirement for grouping orders into deliveries (TVCPL-AUZUS).
    At header level we can also set a routine for data transfer to define how data are passed from Sales Order header to Delivery header (TVCPL-GRUAK).
    Then we can set routines at item level, one as requirement (TVCPL-AUBED) and one as data transfer (TVCPL-GRUAP).
    When delivery is created with VL10A transaction, at header level only the first  general requirement routine is used (FV50B***). Grouping requirement is not used (we also set a break point and the program is not passing into this routine).
    Then it is used the requirement routine at item level (FV50B***).
    Please can you tel me how we camake working the routine for grouping requirement at header level?
    Thank you very much.
    Kind Regards

    Hi, we used standard routine even if to be sure we run also the generation report you mentioned.
    Please any other suggestions?
    Thank you very much.
    Kind Regards

  • Interactive Report Column Headings and Row Height

    I am using the div style="width:350px;" method to control the width of columns in various interactive reports. That works fine except for the following:
    1. When creating filters, the <div...> stuff shows up along with the actual column heading, thus confusing some end users
    2. Even when I uncheck the "Use same text for single row view" checkbox and then provide a simple single row view label, the <div> stuff still shows up on the single row view
    Does anyone have a better solution?
    Also, does anyone know of a way to limit the row height within an interactive report row? I have some columns of data that contain a large amount of HTML data and I'd like to be able to limit the number of rows that show on the report.
    Is Oracle planning to provide some better control over the Interactive Report columns in another version? The Interactive Report is such a huge improvement in usability in APEX - it would be great to take it to another level by providing some better control over column width and row height.
    Edited by: DaleB on Jun 18, 2009 8:54 AM
    Edited by: DaleB on Jun 18, 2009 8:54 AM

    Unfortunately we don't have much we can use to do what you would like. I would have said it's impossible until version 4 but you could actually do something similar to what Roel has done. His trick is in the edit button. He changed the edit button to use an "onload" call to a JavaScript process. You could do the same but call a process that goes across the rows and styles each column. Now because you don't have a way to identify the column (can't use the order because the end user could change it) you'll have to write the code to look at the top row first and then style the appropriate column. As far as I can tell, this would be quite difficult and inefficient. Having said that if you need it that bad and would like some help with it, put up an example application on and provide the workspace/username/password and I'll take a look.
    You can reward this reply by marking it as either Helpful or Correct ;-)

  • Crystal Report 9.0 and Websphere

    hi can any body give me some steps regarding
    integration of crystal report and websphere
    i have already search this forum and i got lot many topics
    regarding this but all were using cyrstal report version 8 and 8.5
    which requires mandatory using IIS server which i dont wont to use
    i want a pure websphere and 9.0 version communication
    i had read the docs whihc states that 9.0 supports but i dont know how?
    can any bosy help regarding this

    here's the report code
    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" %>
    <%@ page session="true"%>
    <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.*"%>
    <%@ page import="java.util.Locale"%>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.text.DateFormat" %>
    <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter"%>
    <%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest" %>
    <%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.HttpSession" %>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <!--Code Starts here ........... -->
    String reportName=(String)request.getAttribute("ReportName");
    String requestNumber=(String)request.getAttribute("RequestNumber");
    String requestNumber="RPT_112";
    ParameterField newParameter = new ParameterField();
    ParameterField newField = null;
    ParameterFieldDiscreteValue newValue = null;
    ReportClientDocument rptClientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();
    /* Change DCWKS0241AB to the name of Machine where RAS is installed for ex like DCWKS0237 */
    /* Change this E:\\Crystal\\Reports\\ to the path where your reports are kept */
    String reportPath="E:\\RAS\\Reports\\Percentages.rpt"; (reportPath, 0);
    System.out.println("After Creating the Client Document on the Report");
    /* folowing Code remove any default value to the report and append the request number in the input parameter*/
    newField = (ParameterField)rptClientDoc.getDataDefinition().getParameterFields().getField(0);
    newValue=new ParameterFieldDiscreteValue();
    /* Just for Testing Purpose
    Values v=newParameter.getCurrentValues();
    IValue iv=v.getValue(0);
    System.out.println("---> "+iv.computeText());
    rptClientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController().modify(newField, newParameter);
    /* Specifying the Format */
    PDFExportFormatOptions PDFExpOpts = new PDFExportFormatOptions();
    //Create the ExportOptions object, set the PDF export options, and set the format type to PDF.
    ExportOptions exOpts = new ExportOptions();
    System.out.println("After Setting the format");
    System.out.println("Before getting source");
    //Create the ReportExportControl object and set the report source to the report that will be exported to PDF.
    ReportExportControl expViewer = new ReportExportControl();
    System.out.println("Before getting source");
    expViewer.setReportSource (rptClientDoc.getReportSource());
    //Set the export options to the ReportExportControl object.
    System.out.println("After Setting the Export Options to the ReportExportControl object.");
    //Set the exported report to display in the browser.
    //The setExportAsAttachment method is set to false by default. If it is set to true the user will be presented with the File Download dialog box to save the exported report to disk.
    //Export and view the report.
    expViewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, (getServletConfig()).getServletContext(),null);
    System.out.println("After Exporting and viewing the report back in the Browser.");
    //Destroy the control.
    catch (Exception e)
    out.write("Error: Open" + e.toString() + "\n");

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    Hi All
    I want to control report direction(Left_To_Right or Right_To_Left) at runtime.
    to make every thing is clear I want to call the report from Form passing parameter ,according the parameter the direction should be directed

    Yes, it work and I was know it, for this reason I emphasis that I created control at "DESIGN time", I want to change the direction of controls that created at design time not creating at runtime with var tf:TLFTextField = new TLFTextField();
    To reproduce the problem create TLFText on your scene with text tool and name it "MyText" then
    var tf:TLFTextField = MyText; // instead new TLFTextField(); of your code
    now you will see that nothing will be change! I struggled many hours but still no success.
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    I would like to seek advice on the relationship of libaries and report group.
    in GRR2 navigation, i can see libary and report but i do not see report group in the navigation structure. So I would like to know what is the purpose of report group?
    From the help it says "A report group is a group of reports and parallel reports from the same library which need to be processed together in one run."
    So my question is, since the report already grouped in a single library, why still need to defined report group?
    Normally we just run by report that we interested in. So what does it mean "A report group is a group of reports and parallel reports from the same library which need to be processed together in one run".
    Possible to have different report group in a library?
    Example library ZA1 has 2 report group ZG1 and ZG2. If can, what is the implication to have more than 1 report group.

    report group is used to identify the reports belongs to which functional part.
    FI Standard Report
    CO Standard Report  etc..,

  • Report Viewer 2012 and IE11 Height

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    static value of 500px. 
    In all other browsers, including IE10, it works as expected (the report is 500px in height and I see a scollbar on the right).  In IE11, it's as if I didn't set the height at all. 
    I've placed this report into a blank .ASPX page (to eliminate the possibility of some conflicting CSS from my master page).  I've tried changing the values for AsynchRendering and SizeToReportContent as suggested but it does not help.  I'm running
    the latest version of the reportviewer distributable.  Has anyone else had this issue?
    FYI, If I use the IE Developer tools I can find a deeply nested DIV (inside of the DIV that has my 500px height) whose height is set to 100%.  If I change that manually (using the dev tools) it makes the report behave as expected.  I
    could override the height of that div using CSS but the div's name (generated by the reportviewer control) is generated dynamically and this solution would fail eventually.
    Viewing the page in Compatibility View fixes the height issue, but is not a viable solution for the site in which the control needs to reside.

    Hello, do you have find a fix because I've the same problem for my users
    We had upgrated from IE9 to IE11 and we are problems with scroll.....

  • Printing/report writing

    Could anyone recommend any good printing/report writing tools that can be
    integrated with Forte? I have found these capabilities to be less than
    satisfactory from within Forte itself.
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    Hi Matt,
    We have a enterprise strength report writing product (Report Workshop
    for Forte) built in Forte having native support for Integrating with
    Forte Applications. You can visit our website for further information. This product is
    now available for evaluation and sale.
    Report Workshop For Forte:
    Report Workshop for Fort&eacute;TM is an enterprise strength, distributed,
    report development and management environment. Report Workshop is a user
    friendly, adaptable, scaleable and versatile environment to develop and
    distribute reports. It has the capability to scale with increasing load
    and makes optimal use of resources owing to its server-centric,
    multi-tiered architecture. It supports multiple report formats, multiple
    RDBMS and even non-relational data.
    Fort&eacute; is ingrained in Report Workshop, providing seamless integration
    with Fort&eacute; applications. Report Workshop also leverages Fort&eacute;'s
    capability of providing a scaleable architecture for distributed
    business applications.
    Report Workshop Capabilities
    WYSIWYG Report Development Environment
    *Browse distributed database schema in easy graphical way
    *Jump start with default report formats
    *Override report formats to suit specific needs with point and click
    *Preview reports with actual data
    *Iterate above steps until perfection is reached
    Sever Based Enterprise Strength Reporting
    *N-tiered scaleable application
    *Share the report objects
    *Execute once and share the reports among end users
    *Optimizes database connections
    *Minimal network traffic with capability of shipping one report page at
    a time
    Distribute reports with state-of-the-art distribution channels
    *Publish HTML on Web
    *Network printing
    *View it with viewer
    *Save in Excel format for further analysis
    Schedule Management
    *Create schedules for periodic execution and distribution
    *Customize schedules to suit your organization's holiday plan
    *View history of schedule runs
    Version Management
    *Retain report results for future use
    *Define purge policy
    *View/Print/E-mail versioned reports
    Native Fort&eacute; Application Program Interface
    *Integrate your Fort&eacute; application with Report Workshop
    Rich Features
    Support for multiple report formats
    Support for multiple data sources
    *SQL (Oracle, Sybase, ODBC, DB2, Ingres and Rdb Databases)
    *External Data Source ( Forte Applications)
    .CORBA Objects
    Client and server based printing (on NT servers)
    For additional information about Report Workshop for Fort&eacute;, please feel
    free to contact us. 
    An evaluation copy of Report Workshop is available and can be downloaded
    from the Internet.
    Indus Consultancy Services
    140, E.Ridgewood Ave.
    Paramus, NJ 07661
    Phone: 201-261-3100
    - Pradnesh Dange
    From: Matt Luce[SMTP:[email protected]]
    Reply To: Matt Luce
    Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 3:33 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: printing/report writing
    Could anyone recommend any good printing/report writing tools that can
    integrated with Forte? I have found these capabilities to be less
    satisfactory from within Forte itself.
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  • Reports from Java and Oracle database

    I need to generate couple of reports from my application, with Java as front end and oracle  database . Reports are  having very simple select statements, using the criteria users enter from GUI. we don't need to execute a  direct select statement from Java, with the where clauses . I did some research and found out about Pipelined functions. I tested for a small set of records and it worked fine. Will this work for large data set? any drawbacks of using this method?  Any other methods for this requirement?
    Thanks in advance

    Pipeline table functions do not sound like the appropriate approach. It is designed to primarily deal with data transformations. Using it as a rendering engine for report writing? There are fundamental problems with such an approach.
    As Dave and Andre commented - the CORRECT means for PL/SQL to pass "data" to Java (or other client languages) is via reference cursors (pointers that the client can use for referencing SQL cursor programs on the server). And Java as a report writer does not really compare with the ease and flexibility that Oracle Apex (Application Express) provides as a reporting framework.

  • Crystal Reports 8.5 and Pervasive SQL 8

    Post Author: manza
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    I have configured a report in CR 8.5 Prof with the direct access to Data Files for Pervasive 8.
    If I execute the report, everything works fine.
    If I try Verify Database, CR tells me: "Choose Database File". Then I select the .ddf (FILE.DDF) and the answer is:
    Betrieve &#91;4&#93;: key value not foundPlease give location of Info View or dictionary used to create this report
    I have tested that the necesary dll's are loaded: p2bbtrv.dll, p2ctbtrv.dll, s2dtconv.dll, wbtrv32.dll, sbtrvd32.dll
    The problem is that I have created a VB .NET program that execute a Report with parameters and export it to pdf format, and it gives me the following error:
    "Excepción no controlada: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.DataSourceException: No es posible cargar la información de la base de datos."
    ... I think the translation will be:
    "Not controlled exceptiom: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.DataSourceException: It is not possible to load the information from the data base."
    I supose that if I solve the problem with "Verify Database" I will correct the problem with the program.
    Thanks in advance.

    There is a document for Crystal Reports in Citrix environment written for exporting error, but I think it could be applicable for your situation.
    I quote it here:
    "... errors occur because Citrix Server and Terminal Server use the User Path Variable rather than the System Path Variable for clients.
    This solution has been written for Crystal Reports 8.5. The directory path to the Crystal folder may be different in other versions. For example, in Crystal Reports 9, copy files from c:\program files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin to winnt\crystal.
    By default, the Crystal Reports export drivers (DLLs) are installed to the %systemroot%\Crystal directory (generally C:\Winnt\Crystal), which is not included in the User Path Variable. Each user will have a specific User Path Variable making it difficult to update each one.
    Steps to Resolve:
    Therefore, to resolve these issues, copy files from the Crystal directory to the Citrix Serveru2019s or Terminal Serveru2019s System directory.
    1. Copy the files from the following directory:
    Do not delete the %systemroot\Crystal directory. Other Business Objects products may require this directory.
    2. Paste the files to the System directory. For example, in Terminal Server, the System directory is generally:
    Verify the correct directory location in your environment.
    With the DLLs in the System directory, the User Path Variable will be able to locate them. The error messages should be resolved and exporting should be successful."

  • Report Writing Project - steps to take

    Post Author: sammymark
    CA Forum: General
    This is a general question on doing a report writing project.
    When I begin the project, is it better to gather the user requirements first or to learn the data structures first ?  I am on my first Crystal project and am not sure which step should come first.
    Thank You

    Good question... I have found that getting the user requirements first most helpful and then it gives me a starting point for learning about the data. Otherwise you may spend time learning about/looking at data that you will never use for a report.
    Hope this helps,

  • Report Writing

    Can anyone tell me what is the meaning of Report Writing in BW3.5??
    Thanks in advance

    Reporting helps you to analyse data...for this we use Bex.
    (Business Explorer) is the reporting tool used to work with data in the BW database. BEx has a Web-based user interface and is made up of two components, the BEx browser and the BEx analyzer.
    The BEx browser provides an organized interface where a user can access and work with any type of document assigned to them in the Business Information Warehouse, such as workbooks, links, and BW Web reports. The BW database itself is segmented into discrete data areas called InfoCubes that are made up of data and associated metadata. The BEx analyzer allows the user to examine segmented data in a variety of useful combinations, for example when comparing financial data for different fiscal years.
    Assign points if this answer is of some help

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