Convert 5.1 files to 2012 in Labview

Hello all,
Could someone please convert the attached file's that are in labview 5.1 into a file's that I can open in labview 2012.
Thank you in advance for the help.
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Dynamic Vave Train Testing (Filter).zip ‏78 KB
Valve Train Durability Testing_mag (Filter) ‏52 KB

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AI.LLB ‏682 KB

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    Here you go.
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    Here you go.
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    Certified LabVIEW Developer
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    How are you currently handling the error?  The file you tried to access should be part of the string in the error cluster.
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    The attached zip file contains several VI's to read and write directly to Excel using ActiveX. There are several example VI showing how to use everything. This set is saved in LabVIEW 6.0.2.
    I suggest you unzip these to your user.lib directory so you'll be able to easily access them from the functions palette.
    I have not actually used these, but others that have say they have worked well for them.
    Good Luck
    Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
    Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.
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    Dear Lori,
    promptUser =false, see below.
    Does not work.
    All programs that might disturbe PDF output removed from computer.
    Does not work.
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    Does not work.
    Not yet.
    It will have to...
    best regards,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Workflow xmlns="" title="ZOPtest ORT" description="" majorVersion="1" minorVersion="0">
    <Sources defaultCommand="WorkflowPlaybackSelectFolder">
      <Folder path="/nas02/quinsee$/Fachabteilung/ZOP/Standards/Standards NCH"/>
    <Group label="Unbenannt">
      <Command name="Scan:OPT" pauseBefore="false" promptUser="false">
        <Item name="ApplyMRC" type="boolean" value="false"/>
        <Item name="BkgrRemove" type="integer" value="0"/>
        <Item name="ColorCompression" type="integer" value="4"/>
        <Item name="Descreen" type="boolean" value="false"/>
        <Item name="Deskew" type="boolean" value="false"/>
        <Item name="Format" type="integer" value="1"/>
        <Item name="Language" type="integer" value="-1"/>
        <Item name="MonoCompression" type="integer" value="1"/>
        <Item name="QualityLevel" type="integer" value="1"/>
        <Item name="TextSharpen" type="integer" value="0"/>
        <Item name="doOCR" type="boolean" value="false"/>

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    Go to Solution.

    This will only help you when you have the header file for the DLL, otherwise you will have to create the wrapper manually using the "Call library node" and the DLL api description or write an header file for the DLL yourself based on the api documentation and use the wizard.
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    The XML file can vary from fixed to variable.
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    Umar Javed
    XSD path can be made dynamic as below
    For variable you can even add them to configurations and then pass them from a file using xml configuration option.
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    I'm attaching a Labview example to this answer which does that with the properties of your virtual channels configuration in MAX. Other than that, there isn't any way, at this time, to convert the .daq file to a text file.
    Hope this helps.
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    I was trying to convert a .pdf file into a .png file with imagemagick (here is the sample pdf file: ).
    However, apparently ImageMagick already failed simply opening the file:
    $ convert main.pdf main.png
    Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops
    sfopen: gs_parse_file_name failed.
    ./base/gsicc_manage.c:866: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find lab.icc
    | ./psi/zusparam.c:856: set_lab_icc(): cannot find default lab icc profile
    convert: Postscript delegate failed `main.pdf': No such file or directory @ error/pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/665.
    convert: missing an image filename `main.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3016.
    Any ideas?

    put it this way. if all PDF creator produces only standard PDF, then ghostscript is fine. But most PDF creator don't (except Adobe Acrobat). So a compatible pdf reader need handle non-standard PDFs. It's a long-term boring maintaining job which need much human resource.
    My impression is poppler's community is the most active one which means it has more volunteers to fix bugs.
    I am familiar with all the open sourced PDF engines because I did PDF application for 3 years.
    Last edited by redguardtoo (2012-01-30 06:04:58)

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