ConvertDateTime: caching TimeZone: possible JSF bug?

Hi all,
I'm outputing a date field utilizing the timezone attribute of the convertDateTime tag. When I change the viewing timezone, the convertDateTime tag seems to be caching the old timezone value.
Is anyone else encountering this issue? Is it a Bug? Is there a work around?
Thanks all,
Here is some test code I wrote to expose the bug...
public class TimeZoneTest {
    private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(TimeZoneTest.class);
    private TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
    private Date currentTime = new Date();
    private SelectItem[] availableTimeZones;
    public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
        return timeZone;
    public void setTimeZone(String timeZone) {
        this.timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone);
    public Date getCurrentTime() {
        return currentTime;
    public SelectItem[] getAvailableTimeZones() {
        if (null == availableTimeZones) {
            availableTimeZones = new SelectItem[3];
            availableTimeZones[0] = new SelectItem("GMT","GMT");
            availableTimeZones[1] = new SelectItem("PST","PST");
            availableTimeZones[2] = new SelectItem("EST","EST");
        return availableTimeZones;
}The JSP:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="f" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="" %>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"/>
    <html xmlns="">
                <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                    <h:outputText value="TimeZone:"/>
                    <h:outputText value="#{timeZoneTest.timeZone.ID}"/>
                    <h:outputText value="Current Time:"/>
                    <h:outputText value="#{timeZoneTest.currentTime}">
                        <f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss z" timeZone="#{timeZoneTest.timeZone}"/>
                    <h:outputText value="Change Time Zone:"/>
                    <h:selectOneMenu value="#{timeZoneTest.timeZone.ID}"
                        <f:selectItems value="#{timeZoneTest.availableTimeZones}"/>

Thanks for the reply.
It appears the "F" tags are read in once per session. In my real testcase, if I start a new session the dates show in the correct timezone. So I believe this means that any evaluated value bindings for the "F" tags would be stored at the session scope.
IMO - this is a major design flaw. Why allow for dynamic value binding expressions on a component that isn't fully evaluated when the tree is rendered?
The only way around this seems to be a custom tag.
So here is my crude outputDate custom tag - I hope this helps someone.
Disclaimer: I only tested the three attributes I made: not sure if the component is as fully functional as say a h:outputText tag.
Jason V.
The Tag:
public class OutputDateTag extends UIComponentTag {
    private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(OutputDateTag.class);
    private String pattern;
    private String timeZone;
    private String value;
    private static final String TIME_ZONE_ATTRIBUTE = "timeZone";
    private static final String PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE = "pattern";
    private static final String VALUE_ATTRIBUTE = "value";
    public void setPattern(String pattern) {
        this.pattern = pattern;
    public void setTimeZone(String timeZone) {
        this.timeZone = timeZone;
    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;
    public String getRendererType() {
        return null;
    public String getComponentType() {
        return "com.mycompany.presentation.components.UIOutputDate";
     * Sets the 3 expected attributes:
     * <pre>
     * value: should evaluate to a java.util.Date object.
     * timeZone: should evaluate to a java.util.TimeZone object.
     * pattern: should evaluate to a String and be a compatiable form for a SimpleDateFormat object.
     * </pre>
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @param component {@link UIComponent} whose properties are to be overridden
    protected void setProperties(UIComponent component) {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        Application application = context.getApplication();
        Map attributes = component.getAttributes();
        if (isValueReference(pattern)) {
            ValueBinding patternValueBinding = application.createValueBinding(pattern);
            component.setValueBinding(PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE, patternValueBinding);
        } else {
            attributes.put(PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE, pattern);
        //time zone
        if (isValueReference(timeZone)) {
            ValueBinding timeZoneValueBinding = application.createValueBinding(timeZone);
            component.setValueBinding(TIME_ZONE_ATTRIBUTE, timeZoneValueBinding);
        } else {
            attributes.put(TIME_ZONE_ATTRIBUTE, timeZone);
        if (isValueReference(value)) {
            ValueBinding valueBinding = application.createValueBinding(value);
            component.setValueBinding(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, valueBinding);
        } else {
            attributes.put(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, value);
        LOGGER.debug("pattern = " + pattern);
        LOGGER.debug("timeZone = " + timeZone);
        LOGGER.debug("value = " + value);
     * <p>Release any resources allocated during the execution of this
     * tag handler.</p>
    public void release() {
        value = null;
        timeZone = null;
        pattern = null;
}The TagLib:
    </tag>The Component:
public class UIOutputDate extends UIOutput {
    private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(UIOutputDate.class);
    private static final String TIME_ZONE_ATTRIBUTE = "timeZone";
    private static final String PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE = "pattern";
    private static final String VALUE_ATTRIBUTE = "value";
    public UIOutputDate() {
        //we render ourself... thanks.
     * Uses the timeZone and pattern attributes to pass to a  SimpleDateFormat object to get a String
     * representation of the Date value.
     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
    public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
        ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
        Locale locale = context.getViewRoot().getLocale();
        Map attributes = getAttributes();
        Date value = (Date) getValue();
        TimeZone toTimeZone = (TimeZone) attributes.get(TIME_ZONE_ATTRIBUTE);
        String pattern = (String) attributes.get(PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE);
        DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale);
        String dateString = format.format(value);
        writer.writeText(dateString, VALUE_ATTRIBUTE);
}The Test JSP (note: that there are some fixes to my original post)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="f" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="p" uri="" %>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"/>
    <html xmlns="">
                <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                    <h:outputText value="TimeZone:"/>
                    <h:outputText value="#{timeZoneTest.timeZoneId}"/>
                    <h:outputText value="Current Time (Standard JSF):"/>
                    <h:outputText value="#{timeZoneTest.currentTime}">
                        <f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss z" timeZone="#{timeZoneTest.timeZone}"/>
                    <h:outputText value="Current Time (Custom TAG):"/>
                    <p:outputDate value="#{timeZoneTest.currentTime}" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss z" timeZone="#{timeZoneTest.timeZone}"/>
                    <h:outputText value="Change Time Zone:"/>
                    <h:selectOneMenu value="#{timeZoneTest.timeZoneId}" onchange="submit()">
                        <f:selectItems value="#{timeZoneTest.availableTimeZones}"/>
</f:view>The Testing Backing Bean:
public class TimeZoneTestVC {
    private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(TimeZoneTestVC.class);
    private String timeZoneId = "UTC";
    private SelectItem[] availableTimeZones;
    public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
        TimeZone timeZoneByName = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneId);
        return timeZoneByName;
    public String getTimeZoneId() {
        return timeZoneId;
    public void setTimeZoneId(String timeZoneId) {
        this.timeZoneId = timeZoneId;
    public Date getCurrentTime() {
        return new Date();
    public SelectItem[] getAvailableTimeZones() {
        if (null == availableTimeZones) {
            String[] availableIDs = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
            availableTimeZones = new SelectItem[availableIDs.length];
            int i = 0;
            for (String zoneId : availableIDs) {
                availableTimeZones[i] = new SelectItem(zoneId, zoneId);
        return availableTimeZones;

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    # cat /sys/class/net/enp3s0/device/power/wakeup
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    3 0x6b1e0fff in coregraphics (+0x1e0fff) (0x0033f4bc)
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    Dell Inspiron   Other OS  

    There was an even earlier build than the two mentioned.
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    public Set<String> getParameterNames();
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    found : java.lang.Object
    required: java.lang.String
    for (String paramName : col.getParameterNames()) {
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    Vector<InnerTest> inners = new Vector<InnerTest>();
        public class InnerTest {        
           public Set<String> someSet() { return (new HashMap<String,String>()).keySet(); }
        public Test() {
            for (InnerTest it : inners) {
                for (String s : it.someSet()) {        
    }however, the following does not:
    public class Test {
    Vector<InnerTest> inners = new Vector<InnerTest>();
        public class InnerTest<P> {        
           public Set<String> someSet() { return (new HashMap<String,String>()).keySet(); }
        public Test() {
            for (InnerTest it : inners) {
                for (String s : it.someSet()) {        
    }Again, the problem might be with my expectations (I haven't gone through the specifications yet with this in mind), but I can't fathom how or why the unused parameter would make a difference in that method's tpye matching.

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    Sign in or activation errors | CS6, CS5.5 Subscriptions, CS6 Perpetual
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  • Timezone and Birthday bug in Address Book

    I just found a bug related to the Address Book, birthday fields, and timezones in 10.4.6. I had many contacts with filled birthdays. I had my system timezone set to Brazil (GMT-3), but now I moved to Japan, and set the timezone to Japan (GMT+9). When I opened Address Book after that, all birthday fields are showing one day late (for instance, if the birthday was on 1978/02/24, it will now show as 1978/02/25). Consequently, the birthdays in iCal are also showing late.
    I guess this is an internal representation bug, in that the birthdays are stored with the timezone, and when I changed the system timezone the correct date started being recalculated. But as a "timeless" event, birthdays should only display at the set date, without any conversion.
    PowerBook G4 12 Rev. A/iPod with Video 30GB   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    You seem to be right. Here is what I noticed with further experimentation.
    The time difference between Brazil and Japan is 12 hours, that is, in any given day, when it reaches noon (12:00) in Japan, the day is just starting (00:00) in Brazil, and when it reaches noon (12:00) in Brazil, that same day is ending in Japan (23:59). So, during the period 12:00-23:59 in Japan (and 00:00-11:59 in Brazil), both places are under the same day.
    Here is the interesting bit: birthday events added in Brazil during this period (before noon) show with the correct date, when I set the timezone do Japan. Birthday events added in Japan in the afternoon also show the correct date when I set the timezone back to Brazil's. So Address Book is using the field edit date, somehow.
    For now, I have manually reedited all the birthday fields during this "same day" period, and birthdays are showing correctly no matter if I am in Brazil or Japan, but that is definitely a hack.

  • Possible Keyword Bug

    I think I have found a possible bug with keywords, or maybe just an incositancy. It's kind of a messy situation so I'm hoping someone can help me out or maybe point me in the right direction to send this feedback to Apple.
    I had a bunch of jpeg files from my older cameras that had already been tagged with keywords (in the IPTC keyword field I believe). Once I imported all of these into Aperture I stripped the keywords from all the images. That worked fine.
    Before I get into the actual issue let me give a little bit of information on my Aperture library layout: I have folders created by year, then 1 project per month. So I have something like this:
    01 Janurary
    02 Feburary
    01 Janurary
    What's weird is if I create a new smart album at the folder level, the keywords listed in the search box are appropriate (only those actually added to images). However if I click on Library and create a new smart album (so that it searches the whole library) it lists all of my current keywords, plus all of those that I had removed (from the original files).
    Anyone else run across this? Anyone know how to fix it? It's just a minor inconvience, but it does make it a bit of a pain to have a whole ton of keywords to select from in the search box (most of them no longer having any images associated with them).
    Also I have searched for images that match the old keywords and it doesn't find any.

    She suggests..
    "Go to Window > Show Keywords HUD, and see if they are there. If so, you should be able to delete them from there."
    Hopefully, they will then disappear from the Library list.
    if not, it does seem like a bug.
    Message was edited by: notorious

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    †        I booted to Snow Leopard USB external (my back-up OS) drive then run the first    person shooter at I set everything to max, including the display, resolution and graphics setting with fullscreen and v-sync on. I then refreshed it which brought it back to normal (I then tested it's stability with GPUTest 0.7 with Furmark for 15 minutes). * if the display options have been set to max before, bring it back to the default then refresh and then max it again Possibly any games that's has the graphic settings (or more advanced) of Red Eclipse could work (other free ones are Xonotic and Open Arena which are based on Quake 1 or 3s engine I believe).
    Optional but not recommended (have warrantied if that's still available or have it repaired at authorized service centers):
    If that doesn't work, review articles and videos on how to open an Intel iMac and get an iPhone/iPad/another way to get to the 'net ready for research (I opened mine very carefully on the right side with a cutter with blade extended far prying it carefully then I inserted a flat end, sturdy plastic used for mixing epoxy then removed the cutter carefully to let the plastic mixing tool do the prying) to see if the cable connected to the logicboard which is on top of, is connected (mine was detached but I'm not sure if the adjusting and tilting of the screen overtime for 2 & 1/2 years, detached it) then do † above again.
    It could to be a software problem, a possible Apple ATI driver bug that takes overtime to surface (2 1/2 years it resurfaced because this started in my case after upgrading to Lion when Apple coded things mostly from the ground up. Snow Leopard didn't have this problem). 
    Thank you for your time. Have a great upcoming sunday mass/great upcoming weekend. I hope this helps.
    God bless, Rev. 21:4, Matt. 16:18

    Does an external display also act in a similar manner as the internal one?
    Some earlier Intel-based iMacs had graphic processor card issues; not sure what
    the symptoms of the majority of them were, but some had odd patterns, others
    went black, and some would range from OK to totally unusable. Among others.
    So there is a chance the graphic processor may be going out; or just the circuitry
    that controls the backlight. An inverter may be weak or other circuit to the display
    could be wearing out.
    If you have access to an Apple Store with Genius bar, they can perform some kinds
    of diagnostic tests there even though the computer is out-of-warranty; that may be
    of help to narrow down the cause of the symptoms you've noticed. They may not be
    able to repair it, however, at an Apple Store; as it is rather old by today's standard.
    An Apple Authorized Service Provider could do repairs and testing on older models
    the Apple Store's Genius and other may not be set up to handle due to vintage.
    Find an Apple Authorized Service Provider
    Visit an Apple Retail Store
    There is a country locator page to help find either of the above in regions outside
    of the US & Canada, not sure how the above links would work; and it appears my
    bookmarks to the country locator page may not be accessible now to post here.
    You may be able to get an idea about what kinds of parts support the display
    function by name by looking into an repair guide for your iMac series.
    Hopefully the parts supporting the display are the reason it is dimming down, as
    a graphic processor failure likely would exhibit other behaviors than just dimming.
    PS: I see you've added content to your thread after I'd started working on this
    & the answer likely is a hardware repair; professional testing is worth the time
    and you seem to have at least one other thread on the same topic....
    Good luck & happy computing!
    edited 2x

  • Possible "unlock" bug

    I decided to post this here, as I dont have developer access for bugreporting site.
    Using "The new iPad 3" with latest iOS 7.1.2
    I found a strange bug by accident. I can repeat it, although it doesn't always work out.
    Here it goes: When I turn my iPad on from black screen to start screen and slide unlock
    bar like this (Finnish language set)
    If I stop there (correct spot changes and not always the same) and then flip iPad, so
    screen turns automatically (up and side both works).
    This will result so, that unlock bar is stuck and I can't open iPad anymore. Not without turning
    power off and then back on. This problem came with 7.0+
    Would be intresting to know, if this is known thing and can others repeat this with other
    Thanks for your time.

    I would suggest getting a copy of wireshark and see if the browser is behaving, I have seen
    lots of issues where the server is closing the connection and Safari still tries to send more data, which
    violates the RFC. You would also notice lots of tcp connections being opened possibly as well if the
    site finishes loading. I have been trying to use Safari exclusively for a while, but somehow I always end up in Firefox. Hopefully they will have most of the gotcha's under wraps soon, but until than their is always

  • Possible Liquid Bug: Moving data into e-commerce layout

    Liquid will not seemingly pass any data from outside an e-commerce layout into an e-commerce layouts is intentional or a bug.
    If you create an include place it in a template then try to pass any data ie assign into any ecommerce layout it does not work.
    If you need more help with reproducing this let me know.

    What I have is a this contains liquid that I would like to be used across a site ie url manipulations date manipulations and many many more. This is inside a placed at the very top of the template pages.
    What this means is that the gets rendered first before anything else. You can then run liquid return results and then use it over and over with a simple {{myResult}} tag almost anywhere on a site. It works great, it is simple, fast to implement and has many applications. I can even create a library of .inc liquid files and can place their include's at will in and then access variables across a site to add and remove functionality. (Of course this is dependant on what you want to do and if it really needs to be global of course.)
    I get that it is dependant on the way BC loads but if that is the reason then the ecommerce must render before the page template. Maybe it does, maybe there is another reason. If it is possible then it would be great to have working.
    Is there other ways to get the result I want yes. But is it as simple, as fast and as easy to implement, add and remove no. If there is a better way I am all ears.

  • Possible Flash bug? Won't work correctly on windows7, explorer11

    I have a problem with Adobe Flash. It seems to fail or to work correctly and am trying to debug the problem to see if it an Adobe bug or something else.
    I have two laptops old and new side by side to troubleshoot, both use same version of windows 7 home, internet explorer 11, adobe flash, directx 11, nortons, etc..
    But the newer faster i5 laptop Adobe Flash keeps craping out on.
    - I have checked (compared) all explorer security settings between computer all seem the same.
    - Flash is Enabled in internet explorer 11, add-ons
    - latest flash version has been installed and has been reinstalled (even a saved copy to disk and run offline from disk).
    - flushed out explorer 11 cache
    - flushed out adobe cache
    - active x filtering is off
    - reboots done of computer.
    I find this a tad frustrating as what is causing flash to malfunction, anyone got any ideas to try?.
    it indicates that i have the latest version installed
    on the Adobe - Flash Player : Settings Manager - Global Privacy Settings Panel
    none of the panels will display
    but on the
    it does not display the small version information window saying you have x.x.x.x installed nor does the red bouncing adobe box display like on my older laptop. but when you click on the gobal settings menu it indates that you have the latest version installed..
    example: playing an online flash game, the game loads asks to log in, and then you hear some sounds and and then seems to not load, proceed any further, or locks up. There are a 170,000 daily players using this flash game.

    First, confirm that ActiveX Filtering is configured to allow Flash content:
    Internet Explorer 11 introduces a number of changes both to how the browser identifies itself to remote web servers, and to how it processes JavaScript intended to target behaviors specific to Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, this means that content on some sites will be broken until the content provider changes their site to conform to the new development approach required by modern versions of IE.
    You can try to work around these issues by using Compatibility View:
    If that is too inconvenient, using Google Chrome may be a preferable alternative.

  • Is this dynamic caching scenario possible with reverse proxy?

    I'm considering using the Sun System Java Web Server as a reverse proxy in front of other SSJWS's running a java webapp. I'm creating a dynamic site where most of the pages change only occasionally. I'm wondering if the follow "dream compression/caching" scenario is possible:
    - Origin web servers have a set of high traffic dynamic pages that change only occasionally. Other pages (could be partition in subdirs) should not be cached.
    - These dynamic pages set cache and expires headers allowing browser and proxies to cache the content--say for hours or days. It's ok if users see a slightly stale page within this expiration period.
    - Reverse proxy caches these pages as if they were static files. They also create gzipped versions on the fly and cache those. When requests comes in for these specific pages, they are served straight from proxy cache (either compressed or uncompressed depending on request header.)
    - When the expiration date is reached, reverse proxy requests fresh pages from the origin server, creates a compressed version, and only servies these pages from cache.
    - A certain set of pages shouldn't be cached and will have appropriate headers. They will probably also be in different subdirectories.
    Is it possible to use the reverse proxy as a self-updating cache this way? (And it it possible to proactively invalidate the cache. Let's say I change a page on the origin and I want the proxy to refresh that cached page right away.)
    Thank you,

    I see. Thank you, this is very helpful.
    I've take taken a look at Web Proxy 4. It seems it can do much of what I'd like. One downside I see is that it seems to be quite a big tool with all of the forward proxying features that I don't need. I just need a transparent reverse proxy/cache, so it would have been nice if the reverse proxy provided by Sun Web Server offered some of the caching features of Web Proxy 4.
    Does Web Proxy 4 share code with Web Server? I haven't any seen any buzz, blogs, etc about it as I have with Sun Web Server. I see it now has a "modern HTTP core" and such but is performance on par with Web Server? (There are no trumpeted world records, and I don't see any architecture details, such as the ability to leverage event ports on Solaris...)
    It looks like Web Proxy 4 can be configured as a reverse proxy to do sticky load balancing, caching with interval checks, and on the fly gzip compression. Can it: cache both a compressed and uncompressed version of the content? Run other filters on the content before caching, such as the sed content trip filter? I haven't really seen anything out there that can do all that. If this is possible, then Web Proxy 4 deserves more buzz!
    If anyone has any good or bad experience using Web Proxy as a reverse proxy, I'd love to hear it!

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